Conference CAM [M/F] [cheat] [oral] [female pov]

(This story was originally written for a woman, and as such is POV from her point of view. You may see this story published in other places under the pseudonym “Liam Carmichael”. Rest assured that Liam is my pen name, and I am the original author and owner of this work and anything else I post. Rick is Liam. Liam is Rick. If you enjoy this story and are a woman (sorry guys, but I only create custom content for women), feel free to send a request for a scenario you would like to experience via written words. I will do my best to bring it to life for you. Enjoy!

“So how many people are they going to have you talk to today honey?” you ask the question while sitting on the living room sofa as you unwrap a piece of spearmint gum and pop it into your mouth. The flavor is powerful as it hits your taste buds and your mouth begins to water.

“I think they said four.” Luke nervously answers as he continues to walk back and forth between his bedroom and the living room attempting to get dressed. He has just gotten out of the shower, and is in his Joe Cool boxer shorts, tee shirt, and socks. You think he looks sexy as usual, as you stare at his strong biceps showing through his tight tee shirt.

You and Luke have been dating for nearly a year now, and have many things in common. He really likes to make you laugh, and you are extremely happy that the two of you were able to find each other. And the sex….the sex is great.

“I can’t believe they are having you do this remotely.” You voice your opinion as you adjust yourself on the couch and cross your legs right over left.

You can feel the cool air of the apartment hitting your bare legs, which brings slight goose bumps along your inner thighs. It seems like you are always cold in this place. “Why do I always wear fucking skirts when I come over here?” you think to yourself as you shiver just a bit.

“Well sweetheart,” Luke stops running around for just a second to smile while he talks, “they sure as hell aren’t going to fly me to London just so they can interview me for a starting position, are they?” The face he makes while he points out this obvious question to you makes you laugh out loud.

“I guess not!” you chuckle lightly, as he looks at you with a grin on his face.

You and Luke are both in your senior year of college, and will be graduating in a little over 2 months. You are still working on finding the job of your dreams, but you have a few decent prospects.

Luke on the other hand, has had a much tougher time finding something that interests him. He really wants to land a job at an investment firm someplace, but it has been difficult getting noticed among so many other finance majors. When he first began interviewing with The Royal Bank of Scotland at the beginning of January on campus, he seemed excited. Now that it has reached the final stages of the hiring process, he is a worried mess.

“Have you checked the connection to make sure that thing works?” you uncross your legs and slowly re-cross them right over left, as you continue to chew on your gum. You have a bunch of homework you could be doing right now, but thought that Luke could use some mental support before his big conference interview.

“About fifty times!” you hear his response coming from his room as he is now back inside opening and closing drawers. “What the fuck should I wear for this thing?” you hear him mutter.

“Just wear a nice suit, hun!” you supportively answer loudly from the living room so that he can hear you from his room. “I don’t think they are going to be worrying about your clothes,”

Luke pokes his head out of his bedroom doorway wearing a dress shirt and tie, but still has his boxers covering the lower part of his body.

“How does THIS look? Do you really think I need to wear pants?” he makes a funny face, and you erupt in laughter.

“Hahahaha! That looks great hun! Just be sure not to stand up during the interview!” he laughs back at your comment and notices that your eyes are now fixated on the bulge that is beneath his underwear. It has been three days since the two of you have had sex, and you are really ready to feel him inside you.

He quickly approaches the couch as you uncross your legs and lean forward towards his face. The two of your mouths meet for a passionate kiss as you feel wetness growing between your legs. You bring your right hand up and lightly brush against his large bulge.

“Not now you nympho, I have to get ready!” He laughingly says, as he turns around quickly and walks back towards his bedroom. You stare at his ass as he disappears into the bedroom, and you re-cross your legs and lean back on the couch. You can feel your nipples getting harder beneath your blouse.

You hear the latch of the front door, and look up to see it opening. It is Luke’s roommate Rick. He smiles at you cordially as he quickly passes, and approaches his bedroom. You cannot help but glance at Rick’s tight ass beneath his form fitting jeans. Rick is in great shape.

“Hey whorebag,” he jokingly mutters to you as you uncross your legs and re-cross them. You can still feel the wetness between your legs and your nipples are still hard. Your face must still look flush.

“Hey douchebag, what’s going on?” you laughingly reply as Rick enters his bedroom and quickly closes the door.

Ever since you and Luke have been dating, the two of them have been roommates. You rarely ever see Rick in the apartment, however, since he is usually pretty busy with sports and other extracurricular activities around campus. You have thought about what it might be like for the two of you to get together. You would never do that to Luke though. You are so happy being with him.

Rick’s door swings open, and he exits wearing sweat pants and a tight black compression shirt. You cannot help but notice the bulge beneath his sweats as he passes you headed to the bathroom. You notice him glance briefly at your long, crossed legs as he moves without talking and enters the bathroom. You hear the water turn on, and the sound of Rick brushing his teeth.

While the water in the bathroom continues to run, you can hear Luke going through his closet trying to figure out what to wear for his interview. The wetness between your legs is growing as you uncontrollably begin to picture the large bulge beneath Rick’s sweat pants inside your head.

“This isn’t right,” you scold yourself silently as you chew your gum. “Luke is my guy, not Rick.”

The water in the bathroom stops running, and Rick is back inside the living room walking towards Luke’s bedroom. He seems to glance again at your crossed legs as you teasingly shake your hanging foot slightly in his direction.

“I am so fucking bad,” you think to yourself as you see his eyes meet your shaking foot for just an instant. “A little teasing never hurt anyone,” you think to yourself with a small smile.

“What are you up to today, Rick?” you say as he has now reached the entrance to Luke’s bedroom. He turns towards you, and succinctly replies, “Basketball game”.

“Why the fuck did you have to brush your teeth for basketball?” you laughingly ask as you uncross your legs and slowly and erotically re-cross them. When you see Rick’s eyes follow your legs closely, the wetness between your legs seems to increase. You can also feel your neck getting flush. “This isn’t right, I am Luke’s girl.” You scold yourself silently with a small smile on your face.

Rick shrugs his shoulders at your question, which makes you laugh out loud. You don’t get to see him often, but when you do, the two of you seem to have good chemistry together. Just like Luke often does, Rick makes you laugh whenever you are around him. You can feel how hard your nipples have now gotten beneath your bra as you smile at Rick.

“What is happening to me?” you think to yourself as you sneak another quick peek at Rick’s bulge beneath his sweats. It looks to you like it has grown just a little…

Rick enters Luke’s room and you can hear him wish Luke good luck with his interview. As they then begin to discuss some boring apartment expense details, you remain sitting on the couch patiently with your legs crossed. You think about going back to your room on campus, but remember that your roommate’s parents are now visiting her. You really don’t feel like having her father leer at you again while pretending to make small talk.

He really is a pervert. “I will hang out here for a while,” you decide as Rick exits Luke’s room carrying a basketball.

“See you later whore,” he jokingly says as he makes his way towards the front door. You uncross your legs, and slowly and erotically re-cross them as he passes you, and you smile slightly when you see his eyes glance at you from his peripheral vision. As he walks towards the door, you can’t help but look at his tight ass against his form fitting sweat pants.

“Don’t hurt yourself on the court dumb ass.” You reply with a smile as he exits and the door shuts behind him.

You lean back on the couch and close your eyes. Your body is now feeling warm all over, and your face is flush. You need some sort of release soon. You begin to picture Rick devouring your neck as his hands cup your ass beneath your skirt. His right hand is making its way closer towards the top of your panty line. His soft hand is slowly moving beneath your cotton garment and you can feel it now against your tender ass massaging you slightly. His other hand begins to explore inside your blouse. Your nipples are so hard now. “Oh god Rick, yes Rick!”

“How does this look?” Luke interrupts your fantasy, and you immediately open your eyes. He is now standing in front of his bedroom door wearing a dark suit, white button down shirt, red tie, and leather shoes. He looks like a financial executive.

“That looks great!” you compliment him with a smile as he returns the gesture.

“Are you tired or something?” he jokingly asks as you begin to nervously shake your hanging foot from your leg.

“A little bit,” you fib as you embarrassingly look towards the wall. You hope Luke doesn’t notice how sexually excited you now look from your thoughts about Rick.

“Well thanks for hanging out while I do this. This shouldn’t take too long, probably about a half hour, and then we can get some food okay?”

“Sounds good sweetie!’ you say with a smile as he approaches your sitting body once more, and brings his face down to meet yours. The wetness between your legs is dripping down your right thigh as your lips meet for a quick kiss. You think about touching the bulge beneath his pants with your hand again, but decide that Luke shouldn’t have to worry about other distractions during his interview. He needs to do well today.

“Is everything alright?” he says as you complete your kiss and he steps back. Your heart drops into your stomach. He notices that something is different.

“Yea I’m fine. You just look super hot in that suit I guess!” you say with a smile as he heads back to his room.

“They will be calling in any second, so I better get in there. I will leave the door opened, but try not to make any noise okay? I want this to be as professional as possible.”

“No problem sweetie,” you answer with a smile. As he enters his bedroom, you again close your eyes and immediately think about Rick.

“Where was I?” you laugh to yourself as you picture Rick on top of you now and you are begging him to fuck you. “Please Rick, fuck me Rick, fuck me!”

You hear the computer in the bedroom make a beeping sound, and Luke quickly answers it and begins to talk to what sounds like three other people on the other side of the conference call. You are now picturing Rick’s cock slowly beginning to penetrate you. The wetness between your legs is now dripping down to your knee.

“I am such a little whore,” you laughingly think to yourself with your eyes closed.

You hear the front door latch once again opening, and when you hear the door opening, you immediately open your eyes. Rick approaches with the ball in his hands and starts to say something wise, when you bring your finger up to your lips to signify the conference call in the other room and his need for silence. He nods his head understandingly, and sits down in the chair facing you. You shake your hanging foot slightly as you stare at each other for several seconds.

“What happened to the game?” you whisper and teasingly uncross your legs and slowly and erotically re-cross them. You don’t exactly know why you are teasing Rick with your legs, but it makes you feel sexy when you do it, and you don’t think Rick minds in the least.

“I got the fucking time wrong!” he returns the whisper as he continues to sneak peeks of your beautiful crossed legs in his peripheral vision. “I have an hour, so I figured I would come back here. “What are you up to?”

Your nipples are now rock hard beneath your blouse and your womanhood is throbbing. The teasing that you have been doing to Rick, and the thoughts of him you were having with your eyes closed, are beginning to overpower you.

“This is so wrong,” you think to yourself. “I cannot do this.”

“Nothing much, just sitting here waiting” you answer softly as you hear Luke continuing his interview in the other room. From what you can hear, it seems to be going well so far.

Rick twirls the basketball on his finger as he shows off his skill to you, while you look at him with a smile. You uncross your legs, let them linger slightly open for a brief second, and then slowly and erotically re-cross them.

“I am such a fucking tease!” you think to yourself as you notice Rick glance once again at your crossed legs.

He loses control of the ball on his finger and it careens off his hand and on to the coffee table between the two of you.

“CRASSSSHHHH”, the ball hits and continues to spin beneath your feet as you quickly look up to Luke’s door. The conversations are continuing normally, so the sound hasn’t disturbed his interview.

You look at Rick’s surprised face and it makes you laugh out loud. He smiles at you, and shrugs his shoulders.

“Ooops!” he laughs slightly as you look down towards the ball. It is now directly below your feet.

“You fucking retard!” you jokingly whisper as you chuckle slightly. You uncross your legs and put your right foot on the top of the ball pushing it slightly towards his sitting body.

“Aren’t you going to pick it up, Rick?” you smile and whisper towards him as you extend your leg with the ball being held beneath your right foot. He reaches down to retrieve it, and you teasingly pull it back towards you.

“I shouldn’t be playing with him like this.” You scold yourself silently, as you feel your face go completely flush. You haven’t been this sexually excited in a very long time.

Rick looks at you with a devious smile on his face, and slowly gets up from his chair. He approaches the ball and leans over to pick it up, when you quickly move it away from him with your foot. You lose control of it, and it rolls slightly under the coffee table in front of you.

“You fucking bitch!” Rick laughingly says as he gets down on his hands and knees and begins to reach beneath the table in front of you. His body is now 2 feet from your sitting frame and your slightly open legs. You can feel the wetness seeping through your panties and down your right leg.

“This isn’t right. I shouldn’t be doing this. What if Luke finds out?” you think to yourself with a coy smile.

Rick is now extending his arms beneath the table trying to retrieve the ball still on his hands and knees. You can see his formed ass beneath his sweat pants as he strains his arms and torso to reach the ball beneath the table. Without thinking about it too much, you extend your right foot and make a pushing motion against Rick’s mid-section. You laugh out loud when he loses his balance and bumps his head against the table.

“I am being such a brat to him.” You think to yourself with a smile.

Rick is now lying flat on the floor laughing loudly.

“You are such a fucking little bitch!” he whispers as he turns his body to face your legs.

His face is now very close to your uncrossed legs. You slowly and erotically cross your legs and slightly shake your hanging foot so that it is directly in front of his face. He looks at you confusingly with a smile as he stares close up at your beautiful crossed legs.
Your breasts are now begging to be released from behind your bra, and your nipples are so sensitive that they nearly hurt. You continue to hear voices from Luke’s room as the conference interview continues.

“This is so wrong?” you think to yourself as your body begins to yearn for Rick’s touch. “I shouldn’t be doing this.”

Rick is beginning to steady himself, and you feel him begin to attempt to stand up in front of you when you quickly uncross your legs and push his midsection once again with your extended foot. He again loses his balance, but instead of falling to the floor reaches out and grabs your left foot in his hand. You attempt to pull away playfully, but his hand holds your foot firmly in front of him. The feel of his hand against your foot tickles slightly, and you feel your breathing beginning to pick up.

Your leg remains extended, and your foot remains in Rick’s hands for several seconds, when you begin to slowly lean back on the couch and open your legs slightly. Rick’s face is now inches from being between your legs, and your thighs are extending open to invite a peek. You are getting fully flush in your face, and you are breathing heavily in and out. The voices continue to question Luke from the bedroom.

“This is so wrong.” You think to yourself.

Rick’s hand releases the tight grip upon your foot and you bring it quickly back towards the couch. He looks up at you from the floor with a confusing smile on his face, and you smile back at him while spreading your legs further apart. You are inviting more than a peek now.

As Rick remains sitting on the floor, his face begins moving closer towards your sitting frame. You gasp out loud as you feel him extend his soft tongue, and lightly touch the inside of your right thigh. You lean further back on the couch and bite your lip slightly. You can feel goose bumps growing up and down both arms and legs.

“This isn’t right….” You silently think as you open your legs fully. The voices continue to emanate from the open bedroom door as you hear Luke discussing his home life with the interviewers.

Rick’s tongue is now slowly moving between your open legs and towards your soaked panties. You can feel him taste the sticky wetness that has dripped down your leg and he gently flicks his tongue as it gets closer to your throbbing womanhood. You are breathing very heavily now, but keeping silent.

“My boyfriend is in the other room for god’s sake.” You think to yourself silently with your eyes closed.

Rick’s hands are now firmly placed between your open thighs as he holds you spread open for his invited tongue. His face is now beneath your flowing skirt, and so close to the now soaked material covering your throbbing pussy. Your breathing is much faster now, and your eyes remain tightly closed as you bite your lip.

You nearly scream out when you first feel his tongue glance directly against your throbbing patch still covered by the panties between your legs. As Rick’s tongue begins to slowly make its way up and down your covered slit, you press your hips outwards to meet his tongue. You are breathing much heavier now as you feel the tongue flicking itself up and down against your pleasure zone.

“Oh god yes Rick, that’s it”, you think to yourself in silence as you enjoy his tongue tasting your womanhood over your panties. The voices from Luke’s room are laughing and joking now. His interview seems to be going quite well.


Rick’s tongue continues to lick at your wet patch as you feel increasing liquid being produced between your legs. Your breathing is now erratic, and you lift your arms above your head. His tongue continues to lick masterfully as your sensitive nipples beg to be caressed.

“This isn’t right. I shouldn’t be doing this.” You think to yourself silently as you begin to softly pant.

Rick’s tongue has now moved your panties to the side and away from your soaked hole. You can feel his soft member beginning to lightly flick directly against your hairless mound as you begin to moan softly between deep breaths. Your hips are fully thrust outwards, and his arms are holding your legs open for his working tongue, as he continues to lick your wetness up and down. It feels so fucking good.

“Oh god yes Rick” you say in your mind, “Right there honey…don’t stop.”


“Oh god, oh my fucking god!” you whimper lightly as you uncontrollably begin to whisper between breaths. You can still hear the voices coming from Luke’s room, and he is being told what the “next” step will be in his interview process. It sounds to you like the interview is being wrapped up. “I shouldn’t be doing this. I must stop!” you think briefly before pushing your torso closer towards Rick’s working tongue. You are so close now.

“Don’t stop honey”, you beg silently to yourself, “fuck me with your tongue Rick!”


Faster and faster Rick licks and laps against your now throbbing pussy. His tongue begins to dart up and down quickly and forcefully against your button as you softly begin to groan. Luke sounds like he is saying his goodbyes to the interviewers now.

“I really should stop this before he finds out,” you think to yourself briefly as you feel your body begin to softly shiver uncontrollably. “OH FUCKING GOD….OH DON’T STOP RICK,” you think to yourself as you feel the tongue continuing to pleasure your womanhood.


“This is so wrong,” goes through your head again and again as you bite down on your lip harder.

You can feel goose-bumps forming on your arms and legs, and you are panting softly as your body gets closer to release. Your pussy is beginning to squirt juice from between your legs into Rick’s working mouth, and you are moaning softly. The pressure is squeezing deep inside your body. You are so close now.


Rick’s tongue picks up its speed as you begin to shiver and shake while continuing to hyperventilate in silence.

“Oh YES, Oh God YES.” You silently scream again and again. You are so fucking close now as you push your hips upward towards the working tongue. You are so close….

The interviewers have ended the call, and you hear Luke talking to one remaining company official as he explains that he feels Luke fits in well with the company, and hopefully will have a long and fruitful career with them.


Suddenly it happens… Your body rocks into a violent spasm and wave upon wave of pleasure hits you like a rocket. You nearly scream out, but catch yourself as you shake upon his still working tongue.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD!” you gasp to yourself as your body explodes with pleasure and continues to shiver and shake uncontrollably.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!” you scream to yourself as another explosion hits your young body and you push your hips forcefully against Rick’s face. His tongue continues to lick and lap your wetness as you squirt fluid from between your legs and on to his face.

You continue to spasm and shake against his flicking tongue until he senses that you have completed your orgasms and your body begins to rest. It is only then that Rick’s tongue stops it movement, and he removes his head from between your legs. He reaches for the basketball under the table, retrieves it, and quickly stands with a smile. As Rick walks towards his bedroom carrying the ball, you quickly pull down your skirt, adjust yourself, and cross your legs right over left. The call has ended, and Luke is getting up from his desk.

When you see Luke standing in the entranceway of his bedroom, you do your best to sound nonchalant with your questioning.

“How did it go?” your breathing is still erratic, and you have trouble speaking, but you think it comes out fairly naturally as you look at him with a smile.

“I think it went AWESOME! They told me that the next step is for them to fly me out to London to see the offices and meet in person! This sounds like the best fucking job in the world!”

You can still feel the remnants of your juices, mixed with Rick’s saliva between your legs, and up and down the inside of your thighs, as you quickly uncross your legs and stand up.

“I will be right back, Luke. I want to freshen myself up, before we go to dinner ok?” you say with a smile as you walk by him and you stop briefly to give him a quick kiss on the lips.

“Sound good. Don’t make me wait too long though. I am really hungry after the excitement of my interview. And not just for food!”

As you saunter towards the bathroom, you can feel Luke’s eyes watching your ass as you shake it back and forth teasingly. You momentarily feel badly about your encounter with Rick, but as you enter the bathroom and look into the mirror you have a huge smile on your face.

“I wouldn’t change what happened for anything”. You say with a smirk as you begin to “freshen up” for your dinner with your boyfriend. “I wouldn’t change it for anything.”
