[MF] What happened during my trip to Florida… (Part 4)

Click here for [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8bcyvq/mf_what_happened_during_my_trip_to_florida/) and [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8dk1m8/mf_what_happened_during_my_trip_to_florida_part_2/) and [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8evhgt/mf_what_happened_during_my_trip_to_florida_part_3/).

This story is lengthy, so I marked where the sex begins. And for those who are now joining us…

>*I am white with black hair, a thick beard, and blue eyes behind a pair of black-framed glasses. I am 6 feet tall and 220 pounds. My cock is 5 ¾ inches hard and thicker than most, or so I have been told. I am 24 years old at the time of this story.*

>*Paige looks like [this photo of Krysten Ritter](http://www.short-haircut.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Female-Short-Blunt-Haircuts-with-Bangs.jpg), but with teal highlights. She is slightly over 5 ½ feet tall and has an average build. She has B-cup breasts, a nice ass, and has her nipples, clit, and labia pierced. She is also 25 years old at the time of this story.*

Also, I feel that a disclaimer is needed for this story. It does contain a rape fetish, so if that is not your cup of tea, then you may want to stop reading right about now.


It was almost 11AM when I woke up on Sunday. Paige was still in bed, so I quietly got dressed and went into the living room. We still had some leftover breakfast from yesterday, so I just wrapped some biscuits up in aluminum foil and tossed them in the oven. While they were warming up, I snuck back into my room and placed a Gatorade on the nightstand because I knew she was going to wake up with a hangover. While I waited for the food, I started up *Super Smash Bros* and practiced against the hardest AI possible.

After the first match, I got my biscuit and ate some of it. As I was eating, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was my friend’s younger brother. He wanted to know if we were up because he wanted to play *Super Smash Bros* with us. I told him his sister was still asleep but I would play him. As we were playing, I asked him how *Ocarina of Time* was, with him saying he was enjoying it. I then told him that I played the original back when it was on the N64, which proceeded to me talking about all of the other games I played when I was his age.

Into our 3rd or 4th match, I hear my door open. I turn around and see Paige walk out, with the Gatorade in her hand and wearing one of my shirts. She sits down between the two of us and watches us play. She keeps nudging me and causes me to lose focus, which results in me losing the match. She jokes about me losing to her little brother, but I bring up how I won against her last night. She mentions that I only won because she was drunk and I stopped drinking during that challenge. I then mention that there was no rule saying I had to drink during that challenge, and the drinking game was only for the previous games.

That argument goes on for about 10 minutes, while all 3 of us were playing, until the phone rings. My friend gets up and answers it. After a few minutes, she calls out to me and hands me the phone. It is her dad and he is asking a similar favor to what he asked yesterday, with us looking after his son while him and his wife got to have some alone time. I told him me and his daughter had plans to go to the mall, so we could bring him along with us. He asks when we were leaving and I said it was going to be a few hours before the dinner tonight. That was too late for his liking so I told him we could keep him over at our house for a few hours until we had to go, since we were all playing games anyway. He thanked me and hung up.

It was a little past noon and I said we should order us some food. We all decided on pizza again, but we chose to order from a local place this time. Paige and her brother got themselves a large pepperoni pizza and some breadsticks while I got myself a Hawaiian calzone. We continue playing against each other up until the food arrives 45 minutes later. While taking bites of food in-between deaths, we continued playing the game.

At around 2PM, we decided to get ready to go to the mall. My friend went and took a shower while I asked her brother if he wanted to come with us. He said he didn’t, so I continued playing with him. Once she was out of the shower, I decided to go take one as well. As I got up, I whispered to her to call her parents to see if they were finished. She playfully slapped me, saying that she already checked and that they were. After my shower, I got dressed and we all played a few more matches before deciding it was time to leave.

To spare you the boring details of dress shopping. We spent about 3 hours at the mall shopping for dresses and went to over 5 stores. Within the last 30 minutes, she had decided on about 4 dresses from 3 different stores. She decided on getting a black sleeveless dress, which was knee-length and had a slit running up the front. It only cost me about 75 dollars. As boring as the shopping was, it wasn’t all that bad since I got to see Paige try on all of the dresses in the dressing room.

We got back to our house at around 7PM. My friend called her parents and asked when we were leaving, and they told her in about an hour. That gave her plenty of time to wash and dry her new dress. Once we were both changed, we went over next door and carpooled to the steakhouse. At first, I did not know where we were eating. I was assuming it was a fancy place since they had a reservation. It was a Texas Roadhouse.

Thankfully, the wait wasn’t as long as the seafood place. We sat in the exact same seating arrangement also. Given that it was a steakhouse, we all ordered roughly the same thing. As for myself, I ordered a New York Strip, medium rare, with a baked potato and a salad. I do not remember exactly what steaks everyone else got, but I do remember the brother ordered himself a burger instead. We got our orders and started eating. There was very little small talk that night, but Paige’s mom did compliment her new dress. Once we were done eating, we left a tip and headed back to our houses. I was completely exhausted, so once I made it inside our house, I just stripped down and crawled into bed.

When I woke up Monday morning, it was roughly 8AM and my friend was asleep next to me. I nudged her lightly to see if it would wake her, but she was fully asleep. I heated up what was left of my calzone from yesterday and finished it for breakfast. I then changed into some fresh clothes and washed everything else of mine that was dirty, since we were leaving Florida tomorrow. Once I was finished, I watched some TV.

Apparently, I passed out on the couch because I woke up to my friend talking on the phone. I looked on the TV and saw it was almost noon. I stretched back on the couch and tried to go back to sleep because I was too comfortable but then Paige came and sat on my stomach and handed me the phone. It was her mom and she asked if I had any plans today. I told her I didn’t really and then she asked if it was okay if her son came over for a few hours. I said it was okay and we ended the call.

Within a few minutes, there was a knock on the door and it was the brother. We let him in and we all started playing *Super Smash Bros* like the previous few days. I only played a few matches before I decided to go back to sleep. When I woke up again, it was a little bit after 2PM and they were still playing *Super Smash Bros*. I went to see if there was anything to eat and they she told me they were hungry too. I grabbed myself a drink and joined in their next match while we all talked about places we could eat. It only took us one match to decide on Mexican food.

We look up what places are near by on Paige’s phone and we see a local place is a few miles down the road. We hopped in the car and headed in that direction. While there, I also noticed a movie theater was along the way. When we got to the place, we got a table and waited for our order. I then asked if they wanted to go see a movie while we were out. *The Dark Knight Rises* had just came out two weeks ago, and I wanted to see it. My friend did not see it yet but her brother already did, and he said he wouldn’t mind seeing it again.

We got our orders and we started eating. I ordered myself a burrito, while they got themselves tacos. They were pretty great for the price. Once we finished eating, we made our way to the movie theater. We looked and saw the next screen time for *The Dark Knight Rises* was in about 15 minutes. We got our tickets and then got ourselves drinks for the movie. Once we entered the theater, it was empty. My friend and I sat in the back row while her brother sat somewhere in the middle. As the previews started playing, another couple came in and sat a few rows in front of us. The movie started and it was just the five of us.

Very early on, Paige was already bored with the movie. During most of the movie, she just rested her head on my shoulder and ran her hand up and down my leg. She then whispered that she wanted to try something. In the past, we talked about fetishes or things we would like to do. One of ours was sex in public. Since her brother was with us and she was still sore from the night before, we decided to try something milder.

I slid down a bit into my seat and unzipped my jeans. I then looked over at her as I pulled out my cock, which was half erect from her rubbing near it. We both looked at each other for a few seconds, and she spit into her hand and started to slowly stroke me. I then placed my right hand on her leg and started rubbing her inner thigh as she did.

As I was getting closer to cumming, I gave her thigh a squeeze, and whispered that she should get ready for a mouthful of cum. Paige then glared at me and gave my dick a really hard squeeze before continuing stroking it. After a few minutes, I gave her thigh another squeeze and told her I was cumming. She then looked at me and leaned her head down into my lap, with her starting to suck on the head of my cock. I filled her mouth with my cum and instead of swallowing my load, she took a napkin out of her purse and spit into it. She then disposed the napkin into her empty popcorn bag.

Once the movie was over, we headed back to the houses. It was around 7PM and my friend decided to wash her clothes as well. As she was doing so, there was a knock on our door. It was her dad and he was asking if we had already had anything to eat. I told them we had Mexican a few hours ago but was bound to get hungry before I went to bed. He then said they were waiting for us to get back so we could go out to eat again at a buffet. I told my friend what her father told me and we went with them after changing our clothes.

We end up going to a Chinese restaurant. Since I rarely eat Chinese, I just got a small bit of everything and went back for seconds of whatever I liked. While we were eating, I decided to press my luck. I asked them where they planned on going once they left tomorrow. I already knew, but wanted to act like I didn’t just in case they did not want me to come along with them. The dad tells me that they planned on going to Savannah for 2 days and then go to D.C. for the rest of the vacation. I then told them that Savannah was southeast of where I live, so if they did not mind, I could come along with them.

There was no hesitation and he said he didn’t mind at all, with his wife also having no issue with it. I was really glad because I had a plan formulating in my head. I knew there was a fetish that Paige always wanted to do and it would have been the perfect send off. After about 30 minutes of eating, we finish up and head back to the houses. During the car ride back, I ask what time they plan on leaving tomorrow. They told me no later than noon. Once we get back to the houses, I tell them good night. Once inside our house, I double check to make sure all of my stuff is packed and relax for the night, by watching TV, playing *Super Smash Bros*, and light drinking. After a few hours of that, I stripped down to my boxers and went to bed, with my friend joining me as well.

It was now around 7AM on a Tuesday. I woke up to an empty bed, but I heard my shower running. I had some morning wood and after stretching a bit, I got myself out of bed and went into the bathroom. As I suspected, she was taking a shower. I asked if I could join her, to which she nodded yes. I removed my boxers and stepped into the shower. We stayed in there for about 30 minutes, playing with each other, before deciding it was time to get to work.

I really didn’t have much to do, minus washing the clothes I wore last night and pack them up. However, I did realize that we had stuff in the fridge. I went to check and we had plenty of leftover food and drinks still. I asked Paige what she wanted to eat for breakfast and she said anything, so I just reheated the leftover pizza and biscuits. After we ate, I saw we still had a good bit of leftovers remaining, so I decided to make a quick run to Wal-Mart to get a small cooler and other supplies. When I got back, I saw her parents starting to load up their SUV. When I got out, they told me they planned on leaving at 10AM, which was in about 45 minutes.

I went inside and filled up the cooler with our food and drinks and started loading up my car as well, along with helping my friend load up her stuff. As we were doing that, her brother came by and unhooked the Gamecube from the TV and packed that with his stuff. After doing a quick sweep of the house to make sure we got everything, we loaded up in the cars and headed towards Savannah.

During the trip, Paige rides with me as I follow her parents. We make a few stops along the way. One of them is us stopping for lunch at Arbys. The rest is just us getting gas or just stopping to stretch our legs. After an 8 hour trip, we finally arrive in Savannah. We stayed at a major hotel chain, with our rooms being poolside. Once we got our rooms, I set some of my stuff on the table and just collapsed on the bed. My friend did the same but on the separate bed. After about a half hour, my friend went through her stuff and took out her black and teal bikini. She said she was going to go for a swim in the pool.

As I said I would join her, she started stripping off her clothes and putting her bikini on. I give her ass a slap as I go into my clothes, grab a pair of swim trunks and a tank top, and throw them on. The first thing she does is jump off the diving board. All I do is sit in a lounge chair and watch her. A few minutes later, her parents come out and join us. We spend about an hour out there before another group shows up.

Once we got back into our room, Paige proceeded to strip out of her bikini the moment I closed the door behind us. Before she could put anything else on, I locked the door and grabbed her from behind. I guided her over towards the bed, turned her around, and pushed her down onto the bed. As I leaned down into her breasts, she whispered for me to stop because her parents were right next door. I gave each of her breasts a kiss before stopping, telling her that if I hear her parents fucking tonight, then all bets are off.

The rest of the night is pretty uneventful. We go grab McDonalds for dinner and just stay in our rooms and watch TV. At around 10PM, there is a knock on the door. It is the little brother and he asks if he could sleep in our room tonight because he wanted to play *Ocarina of Time* and his parents were about to go to sleep. We told him it was no problem and we continued watching TV. At around midnight, the little brother was asleep and we decided to go to bed as well. We both crawl into a bed together, with us stripping off our clothes underneath the covers, and fall asleep.

It is 6AM when I wake up Wednesday. Paige is still passed out in my arms and her younger brother is still asleep in the other bed. I decide to try to go back to sleep since it was way too early to be up. I wake up again at around 8AM. Everyone is still asleep, but I decide to get up and get dressed. I also wake up my friend, telling her we should get dressed before her brother wakes up. We both quietly get out our bed and scurry into the bathroom to change clothes. When we both get out, we turn on the TV, which wakes up her brother. He then gets up and starts playing on his 3DS some more.

An hour later, there is a knock on our door. I get up and open it and it is their dad. He asked if any of us were hungry. My friend and her brother said they were so he told us to get dressed. I really wasn’t that hungry but I had a feeling that by the time we got to where we were going I would have been, so I went with them. Turns out, I was right because they decided to eat at the Cracker Barrel, which was at least 20 minutes away from our hotel.

Thankfully, we were seated immediately and our orders were placed about 5 minutes later. I cannot recall what her parents and brother ordered, but I went my usual: country fried steak with eggs over easy, grits, and fried apples. Paige ordered the same thing as me, but she ordered her eggs scrambled and got the hashbrowns instead of the fried apples. After about 45 minutes of eating and talking about the plans for the day, we leave a tip and head back to our hotel. As for plans, there weren’t any. The weather was still cloudy so the beach was not going to happen unless it clears out. They did have plans to go out to eat later that night at some local place.

Once we got back to the hotel, we all went to our rooms and just did our own thing. My friend and I started drinking the last of our alcohol and decided to just hang out at the pool for a few hours. Once it started to rain, we went back indoors, drank some more, and watched TV. Since this was my last night with my best friend, I started thinking of how I can get her alone for the night. Thankfully, the stars were aligned in my favor.

It was around 6PM. The family had planned to leave for dinner around 6:45PM that night. I had already taken a shower and Paige hopped in a few minutes after mine. I was still in my regular clothes when there was a knock on our door. I answered it and it was her dad again, asking if we were ready yet. I told him that we decided not to go. He asked if everything was okay and I told him that his daughter wasn’t feeling too well, with my stomach acting a bit upset as well. I then said I really did want to go, but I did not want to leave his daughter here alone. I told them to enjoy their dinner and they left without us. I now had roughly 2 hours of alone time with my best friend.


I am just going to add a bit of backstory about this particular situation. Paige is my best friend for a reason. We enjoy maybe 90% of the same stuff. We were also friends with benefits and still are to this day, even though it is just sexting due to long distance. The closer we got, the more we got to know about our fetishes and fantasies. One of hers involved rape while another involved her being tied up and dominated by a stranger. I decided that the last night I spend with her should be a combination of those two. And for those people who may frown upon this, I will go on and say that while I did tell her our last night together was going to be memorable, I didn’t exactly say what it was going to involve, even though I did hint at it one night after we had sex. Besides, we still talk about it regularly and refer to it as our “honeymoon” when we do.


As I was waiting a few minutes to make sure her family left, I go ahead with my plan. I open up my back pack and take out a small roll of duct tape and some zip ties. For those curious as to where I got those, they were in my tool box in the trunk of my car. I placed them in my back pack when I loaded up for the trip to Savannah. I placed the zip ties in my pocket and tore off a strip of duct tape, sticking it on a table right next to the bathroom. I then removed my shirt and entered the bathroom to brush my teeth. Paige was still taking her shower and I told her that her parents wanted to leave early, so she needed to hurry up. She then quickly rinsed herself off and grabbed a towel, drying herself off.

I followed her as she left the bathroom. I grabbed the strip of tape and covered it over her mouth from behind. I then pushed her down on the bed and pinned her arms behind her back, tying her wrists together. As I was doing this, I told her that her family went to dinner without us because I said we were both sick and not joining them. I then followed that up with me telling her she was going to be my fuck-toy until her family returned.

I pulled Paige up and sat her at the edge of the bed. Her eyes were lit up. She was ecstatic that one of her fantasies was happening. I then told her I would remove the tape, but only if she didn’t scream. I told her to nod if she understood, and she did. Once the tape was removed, she started to scream. I then put the tape back over her mouth and pushed her down on the bed before rolling her back onto her stomach.

I was already fully erect while all of this was happening and just by looking at her pussy, she was already dripping wet. I removed my belt from my pants and spanked her with it. All I heard was a muffled scream. After giving her a few more spanks, I took the belt and slipped it around her neck. I pulled on the belt as I slowly guided my cock deep inside her.

For fifteen minutes, it was just me fucking Paige from behind. When I was thrusting myself into her hard and fast, I was slapping her ass to the point to where her pale white ass was now red. When I needed to pace myself to prevent cumming too early, I pulled harder on the belt and slowed down on the thrusts while still giving it to her hard. I eventually gave in and came inside her.

After I pulled my cock out of her, I rolled her over on her back and removed the tape from her mouth. I gave her time to catch her breath as I kept her legs spread, watching my cum drip out of her. She still had that look in her eyes from before, letting me know that she was enjoying every moment of this. She then started to talk, but before she could finish her sentence, I told her to shut up. When she didn’t stop, I pulled her down onto the floor.

I pulled Paige up to her knees and placed her between me and the bed, with me pressing my cock against her face. I told her to lick it clean and she did so. As she did, I occasionally tugged on my belt, letting it choke her. After she licked all of our cum off my cock, I placed both my hands on her head and started fucking her mouth.

After about a minute or two of that, I pulled my cock out of her mouth and made her lick her saliva off it. Once she cleaned it, I went back to face fucking her. Another minute and I made her clean it again before fucking her throat some more. At around the tenth face fuck, I was ready to cum and unloaded all over her face and breasts. I then told her to suck on my balls as I let her catch her breath. I then lifted her up on the bed and placed her on her back.

I positioned myself at Paige’s side and ran my fingers up and down her pussy, teasing her while my other hand covered her mouth.. As she squirmed, her muffled moans were getting louder. I then slipped two of my fingers inside her, taking them in knuckle deep and curling them before pulling them out. I continued fingering her for a few minutes, until she came all over my hand. I placed my cum covered fingers into her mouth while I stroked my cock. I told her to lick them clean, and she did.

Once I was fully erect, I guided myself inside her started thrusting slow and deep. I was already exhausted but I felt like I could make us cum one last time before I could go no more. As I was fucking her slowly, I grabbed onto her tits and played with them, but a bit more rough than usual. I would squeeze and slap them and pull hard on her nipples. As I started going faster, she started moaning louder. I grabbed the piece of tape from earlier and slapped it back over her mouth. For ten minutes, I continued fucking her hard and fast. I was already spent so I came in her pussy without telling her. I could tell she was really close to orgasm as well so I just teased her clit while I left myself inside her. She climaxed moments later.

Once I pulled myself out of her, I then got up to get the pocket knife out of my backpack. I cut the tie from her wrists and removed the tape from her mouth before collapsing on the bed next to Paige. We both held each other tight and talked about what just happened for a few minutes before I got up and tossed a do not disturb sign on the door. On the way back, I turned off all the lamps and got back into bed. The last thing I wanted was a knock on the door to ruin the rest of our night.


We ended up falling asleep after we continued talking for what had to be an hour. Paige woke me up at around 2AM, saying that she was going to shower to clean herself off. I joined her and while in there together, we decided to go eat at the Waffle House. We got dressed and headed there. I got my usual: cheeseburger with my hashbrowns scattered, smothered, and covered. She ended up ordering the same thing, minus the smothered. Once we got back to our room, we got back in bed and went to sleep.

We both woke up at 9AM because her father mentioned that they had to check out before noon that day. We fooled around in bed for about 30 minutes, with her giving me a goodbye blowjob before we got up and started packing. We said our goodbyes and I headed back home. After I got everything settled, I wrote an email to my girlfriend, breaking up with her. I did not tell her about any of this.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8iar67/mf_what_happened_during_my_trip_to_florida_part_4

1 comment

  1. Hope you enjoyed it. This is going to be the last story I write until I have time next month.

    If you want to read about my other experiences that I have written about so far, here they are in chronological order.

    [Zoe, or how I lost my virginity.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8a42oe/mf_what_happened_in_the_computer_storage_room/)

    [Naomi, or how I ended up sleeping with my boss.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/866h0u/mf_what_happened_when_i_helped_my_boss_with_an/)

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