I had sex with my step-dad’s best friend this past weekend. [MFF]

Y’aaaallllllll I have to get this out because I can’t tell anyone else.

TL;DR I have sex with my step dad’s best friend whom I’ve been crushing on for quite sometime. It was very hot and now I’m confused.

Sex starts at paragraph 6 if you don’t care about the events leading up.

This guy, we’ll call him “John”, has been in my life since I was about 7 or 8. I’m 23 now and he’s 38. He taught me how to do a backflip under water, he taught me how to drive stick, he never told my parents any of my secrets, even the REALLY big ones. He cried when he held my baby for the first time.

He’s always been solid, and I’ll admit I’ve had a baby crush on him for a few years. He’s never ever crossed a line with me, but every now and then after I turned 17 or so, he would get a few drinks in at family events and spend the night dancing with me and just generally being around me. The weirdest event was one time when I was around 18, I was telling my parents about a guy I was talking to. My step dad was ranting about the guy’s hippie appearance and I said, “You guys just want me to be with some good old country boy”. And my mom said, “That’s not true, John isn’t like that”. I asked her to clarify and she made me drop it. It was very strange.

Fast forward to Friday before last: I meet my parents for dinner and John is with them. We sit by each other and banter a bit while we watch our kids play. Something is different between us. I can’t put my finger on what it is. Our legs are pressed together, we’re giggling at each other’s jokes. It’s nice and intimate. My parents are getting a little uncomfortable so we pull back a little. I feel like we are equals now. Just a small shift in the dynamic, but a shift nonetheless.

This past Friday I went out with my coworkers after we got off. Guess who shows up with some friends? Yep, John. He hugs me hello and sits with his group. I catch him stealing glances back at my table at me. We’ve never been around each other in any sort of non-family event, especially a bar. Is he seeing me differently now? I work up some courage and text him that he should meet me at another bar later. A boundary crossed. A huge one. I expect him to firmly say no, but he surprises me. He says he doesn’t know how long he will be with his current group but he’ll let me know. We part ways and I end up at a friend’s house swimming and drinking. He texts me at around midnight to let me know he’s too tired to drive all the way to the bar I suggested. I tell him that I’m actually still in town and invite him to swim with my friends and I. I even send him a flirty selfie from the pool. Another line crossed. Again, I expect a quick no. He asks for the address. I’m in shock.

He shows up and neither of us know how to greet each other when I let him in. I’m wrapped in a towel I warn him that my friends and I are topless and he says he’s fine with that. I offered him a drink and he declined, so I made myself one. I led him outside and introduced him to my friends. Two girls and a guy. They exchanged pleasantries and left the two of us alone. We immediately hashed out the last few years. Like we both had been dying to get it out. No preamble, just straight to the meat and potatoes. We talked about events and our perceptions of them. We talked about the fact that something has changed. He said he’s known me since I was a child and it’s weird for him to see me live life as an adult.


We are facing each other in the shallow end when someone calls out from the hot tub that bottoms are coming off too. John and I oblige at the same time and we are fully nude in front of each other. I feel surprisingly at ease. He doesn’t react to my nakedness and we continue to talk. At some point during the conversation, I go from facing him to straddling him. I gently press my pussy against him and he is immediately hard. We both stop talking and stare at each other. “Please don’t do this to me”., he whispers. It’s barely audible and I can see the agony in his eyes. I don’t stop. I start grinding softly against his hardness and he wraps his arms around me and presses his face to my neck. He says, “I can’t.”, over and over again. We stay like this for a while until he suddenly cups my face and starts kissing me. Hard. Our tongues are in a power struggle and we’re biting each other’s lips. He pulls away, grabs my hips, and impales me without a word. Oh my god when I say he is thick, I mean THICK. I almost could take him.

He’s fucking me hard and I am barely aware of my friends on the other end of the pool. I glance over and see one girl and the guy kissing. The other girl is swimming around them and sort of playing with them. I think the guy fingered them both at some point. The unattached girl swims over to where John and I are fucking and drunkenly tries to insert her fingers in my ass. I get off John’s cock and turn to face her, when John pulls be back onto him from behind. I start kissing her while John rams me. It’s so fucking hot. John is obviously enjoying what he sees, so I kick it up a notch and instruct the girl to lay back and float on her back. I pull her legs over my shoulders and eat the fuck out of her pussy. I’m only eating her for a few seconds when John drags me off of her and turns me back around. I understand now. I am his.

He finally unloads inside of me while passionately kissing me. It’s incredible. We’re both breathless and gazing at each other when he abruptly pushes me off and says he has to leave. He quickly throws his clothes on while I watch in a daze from the pool. Did this really just happen? He leaves without a word.

He texts me the following day to tell me he left his watch there. I grab it from my friend and we agree to quickly meet later that evening so I can give him the watch back. I was an anxious mess all day waiting for the meet up. The time came to leave and I put on a flirty little short dress and let my hair go wild and curly. I pulled into our meeting place and he’s already there waiting. We get out of our cars and he starts right away. “Please god please don’t say a word to your parents”, he pleads. I assure him that I would never. He tells me he made a mistake and that it won’t happen again, but doesn’t regret what happens. I’m confused my this statement but I’m too taken aback to ask him to clarify. He says he loves me but that he can’t see me that way. We part with a big bear hug. He doesn’t let me go for a long time. I consider pushing my luck with a kiss but he already seemed so anguished that I decided against it. He tells me to be safe and drives away. We have not spoken since.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8i7ouv/i_had_sex_with_my_stepdads_best_friend_this_past


  1. What I like about younger, uninhibited women.I would have done the same, but with less thought about what I wasdoing

  2. Great story, really enjoyed reading it and you got me going all the way to the end. Fantastic!

  3. Maybe feel out your parents a little. Ask what they would think of you and a older man being together. See if someone like John would make them feel better about your choice in men, without saying it’s him. Maybe they wouldn’t mind. Either way it’s your decision, and his of course.

  4. I got off to this. He sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I mean, it’s hot, but i would’ve stopped if i were you. It was pretty clear that he didn’t want to, even though he really wanted to. IDK, i’m really big on obvious consent, but if someone said “Please don’t do this to me” i’d hit the breaks right there.

  6. My guess is that he has healthy respect for your shared past, but as you physically matured and he felt biologically attracted to you, he’s been whipping himself with guilt over the internal conflict: the newfound sexual attraction butting up against the longstanding platonic affection. Leading up to it, it’s likely that a sizable fantasy built up in his mind; a balloon of sexual tension that allowed his mind to support any justifications he may have had for feeling attracted to you. However, with the release of that fantastical tension that came with actually acting on it, it’s entirely possible that now he’s mostly left with the reality of what happened, and a sizable amount of guilt. Tread lightly, you may have opened up a particularly nasty can of worms here…

  7. You might want to clarify that you’re a woman at the start of the of story, especially since your tag starts with “M.”

  8. Wow.

    I’m somewhat in the same boat except he WAS my youth pastor when I was in my early teens and now he’s in his mid 40s and divorced and I’m 30 and old enough to know what I want.

    At the end of the day, in our situation, it’s hot but awkward for perhaps those around us.

  9. HA PLOT TWIST. He called me a few hours ago to inform me that “everyone at church knows”.

  10. My boss’s daughter overheard me telling a coworker about what happened. I never said his name, but she knew he was at the same bar we were at earlier in the night and filled in the blanks.

    It’s a disaster man. We’ve been on the phone all night trying to figure out how to damage control.

  11. You are both adults. IF you both have feelings for each other then explore them. Again, you are both adults and make up your own minds. There is no reason not to go and do adult things together. If you two can be 100% honest with each other about everything and communicate openly about everything in your lives then there is no reason not to explore it further. The age gap? Who cares, you are both adults. You both need to come to terms with your feelings about each other and what happened and where you go from there. I’m not saying go to vegas and get married, I’m saying go talk, it happened, you can’t change it. Now what do you want to do? That decision has to come from you two and NO ONE else. Good luck.

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