[MF] Me and my husband have sex on the Caledonian sleeper train.

I love erotic stories, they are much hotter than video porn for me. I like true stores the best, and I’ve always wanted to try writing some of my own. So I figured, why not take advantage of my new anonymous account, and go for it.

This is the story of what me and my husband did on a sleeper train to Scotland, and of probably the best orgasm I have ever, ever had. This happened about 6 years ago. We were both 22, newly married, and on our way to Scotland for a summer camping holiday.

The overnight trains from London to Scotland are called the Caledonian Sleeper. You can book a normal seat or, for a bit more money, a little private cabin with a bed.

The cabins have two narrow bunk beds, one above the other. If you are travelling alone you might have to share with a stranger, but if you book as a couple you can both go in the same cabin. They are really small; they have two beds, and just space for one person to stand and get dressed alongside them. They have a counter top and a little sink, with a window above.

My husband and I boarded the train at London Euston. It has a ‘lounge car’ where you can sit and have a drink and some dinner, and we sat there for a couple of hours, planning our holiday and enjoying a few drinks.

By the time we walked along the narrow corridor to our cabin, the sun had set outside, and the train was rattling along through dark fields and countryside on its way up north.

We went into our cabin and locked the door. The two bunks are already made up, with crisp white sheets. The window has a blind, which is down when we go in. I open it – it’s dark outside, but I don’t like the feeling of being shut in. Occasional lights of houses and factories flash past in the darkness, as we pass through the outskirts of some town or other.

‘Top or bottom,’ says my husband.

‘I’ll take bottom,’ I say, sitting down on the bottom bunk. There is just about space to sit on it without my head touching the bunk above.

I bend to remove my shoes while my husband uses the sink to wash his face and brush his teeth. Then I watch as he undresses, admiring his body, his hard toned abs and the rippling muscles of his back.

He strips to his boxers, then climbs up the ladder onto his bunk. I watch his legs as they go past, muscly and beautiful.

I stand in the small space and do my own teeth, then undress, stripping off completely and standing naked in front of the sink, wondering if anyone watching the train go by will notice the naked girl at the window.

My husband lies on the top bunk, reading his Rough Guide to Scotland. ‘Are you flashing the railway workers?’ he asks, glancing up from his book.

‘Yep,’ I say, smiling.

I unpack a nightshirt from my bag and drop in over my head, then lie down on my bunk and pick up my book.

We both read for a while, lying on our bunks, one above the other. After 20 minutes or so, my husband leans over the side of his to look down at me. ‘I think I’m going to get some sleep,’ he says.

‘Mmm ok, me too,’ I say. He reaches his hand down towards me, and I join my fingers briefly through his, and sit up slightly to kiss his hand. ‘Night night, darling.’

‘Night night,’ he replies.

The light switches are above the lower bunk. I reach up and turn them off, the main light and then the blue nightlight, leaving the cabin in darkness. Lights outside shine briefly in, making flashes of brightness as the train goes past.

I lie there in the dark, enjoying the motion of the train, the soothing regular sound of the wheels on the rails. It’s warm in the cabin, and I push the covers off my body and lie in just my nightdress. It reaches to just below my waist, leaving my legs naked, and I slide my hand over the top of my thigh, feeling it’s smoothness, shaved that morning. I think about my husband touching the same place, and how soon we’ll be in a hotel room, his hands moving up my thighs.

I think about his body, lying just feet above me. His hard muscles, and his firm bum. I move my tongue as I think about his cock, how it feels inside my mouth. I lie there fantasising, one hand resting on my breast, gently stroking my nipple through my night dress. I can feel my body coming to life, the familiar pressure of arousal spreading outward from my clit, my nipples suddenly demanding to be touched.

My nightdress has buttons. I undo the top two or three, and slide my hand inside, feeling the curve of my breasts with my fingertips, stroking gently over my nipples.

My other hand drifts down, through the soft curls of my pubic hair, and slides into the wetness between my lips. I slip my fingers into my vagina to make them wet, then slide them over my clit, breathing in sharply at the pleasure of my touch.

I wonder if my husband can hear my breath. He may be asleep, or the sound of the train may be drowning out my breathless sounds. I finger myself for another minute or two, rocking my hips gently against my fingers, teasing my nipples with the other hand. I’m breathing harder now but my husband doesn’t stir.

I reach under my pillow for my phone. Knees up, I spread my legs and hold the phone down between my knees, pointing the camera at my pussy, and take a photo. The camera flash seems bright in the dark of the room, but sill there is no sound from the bunk above.

It takes two or three attempts to get a good photo, my wetness clearly visible, glistening in the light of the flash. I fully undo my nightdress and take another shot at arms length, showing my tits, my nipples erect.

I send him both photos in one message. Above me I hear his phone vibrate, then a rustle of sheets as he pulls it from under his pillow. I knew he’d check his messages – he’s addicted to his phone.

I lie there naked, legs apart, listening as he makes a soft ‘hmm’. The sheets rustle, and his head appears over the side of the bunk. Outside we are passing through a town, with orange lights by the railway, and by their light he can see me, naked and flushed, one finger still stroking my clit.

‘God you look sexy,’ he says, still staring.

‘Are you just going to stare, or are you going to get down here and help a girl out?’ I say.

He doesn’t need to be asked twice. His head disappears and I watch as his beautiful legs come down the ladder. His cock is already erect, sticking out the front of his boxers as he steps onto the floor, then kneels down and leans in over me.

His hand slides straight to my breast as he leans in to kiss me. I turn and move towards him, my lips meeting his. His mouth is soft and warm, the tip of his wet tongue flicking against mine.

He slides his hand down between my legs, and strokes my clit as we kiss, deep and loving and so incredibly sexy. I gasp in pleasure through the kiss as he alternates between stroking my clit and sliding his fingers inside me, curling forward to stroke my g-spot.

I reach for his bum and try to pull him onto the bunk, wanting him inside me. But the bunk is short and narrow, there’s no space for his arms, not enough height, nowhere for his legs to go.

I sit up, making space for him to sit beside me. ‘Sit here,’ I say. ‘I’ll straddle you.’

He stands to quickly remove his boxer shorts, then sits on the bunk. I stand in front of him, intending to straddle him, but he slides his hands round onto my bum and pulls me towards him, still standing, my pussy level with his mouth.

I step toward him, as he pulls me close. The top bunk is at my shoulder level, blocking my view downward as I stand close up against it.

He parts my legs with his hands. I move them apart, standing with my feet spread either side of his. I feel his breath hot against my vagina, then moan in pleasure as his wet tongue pushes between my lips and straight onto my clit.

He holds my bum with one hand, and moves the other up between my legs, pushing two fingers inside me.

I rest my head on the top bunk as he licks me, his tongue the perfect combination of firm and soft against my clit, his fingers curling forward against my G-spot.

The bunk between me and him, and the window to my left, the world still rolling past outside, makes the experience almost impersonal. It’s a strange and sexy mixture of intimate and remote, intensely private and strangely public. The result is powerfully erotic, and I rest my head on the bunk, watching the world go past as the incredible waves of sexual pleasure roll up through my body.

He keeps a steady rhythm, his hand against my bum holding me in place, his mouth tight against my pussy. I think of stopping him before I come, of wrapping my legs around his torso, sliding him inside me, letting him share the pleasure.

But even thinking about that makes the act impossible, my body refusing to move away, and then it’s too late, my orgasm starts to build and I couldn’t step away even if I wanted to. The pleasure is so powerful, all I can do it ride it, involuntarily thrusting my hips towards him, grateful for his skill in keeping his tongue against the right place, flicking fast and hard against my clit as I come.

I grab the pillow from his bunk and bury my face in it, just in time to stifle my scream of pleasure. The orgasm is fantastic. Hard, powerful and all consuming, the contractions pulse and pulse, pumping unbelievable exquisite pleasure outwards from my clit to every part of my body.

At its peak, my head still buried in the pillow, I reach behind me for his hand on my bum, and squeeze it, trying to convey the bliss he’s giving me with sheer pressure.

He holds his tongue still against my clit, his fingers still inside me, as the orgasm passes and I’m left leaning on the bunk, floppy like spaghetti, relaxed and euphoric from the enormous rush of endorphins.

I drop to my knees, taking his hands as I do, looking up at his beautiful face. He smiles at me, his lips glistening with my wetness.

On my knees now between his legs, his cock is right in front of my face, sticking up hard and inviting, it’s purple top glistening slightly. I put it straight into my mouth, and proceed to give him the best blowjob I can possibly muster, using my lips and my tongue and my hands to try and give him just part of the incredible pleasure he just gave me.

It doesn’t take long. After just a few minutes I can tell from his taste and from the sounds he makes that he’s going to come. I lift my mouth away from his cock.

‘Where do you want to come?’, I ask.

‘Inside you,’ he says, ‘I want to finish inside you.’

‘Mmm ok.’

I stand up, and notice that the train is breaking, starting to slow down. Holding the top bunk, I kneel on the lower bunk, my knees either side of his legs. There’s not enough height for my head to fit under the top bunk, and so he slides and leans forward, his bum perched on the edge, his hands on my back holding my upright.

The train is moving very slowly now, railway sidings and train sheds moving past. I lift myself up on my knees and guide his cock inside me with one hand, sliding him quickly deep into my pussy. He moans softly in pleasure.

His hands still on my back, he brings his mouth forward to my nipples and flicks his tongue against them. I rock my hips gently feeling him slide inside me, hard as steel.

Outside the window, we are moving alongside a station platform. We come to a stop, and there are people outside; passengers, station staff. The lights of the station shine in through out window and light up our naked bodies.

‘Helen, there are people, they can see!’ says my husband. There are certainly people just by the window, but none of them are looking in.

‘It’s ok,’ I say, ‘it’s really dark in here and bright out there, they can’t see anything, even if they look, they’ll just see their own reflection.’

I’m 90% sure this is true, but in all honestly I’m not appalled by the idea of someone seeing me fucking my husband. He seems happy that nobody can see, and as the people walk away from our window he starts moving his hips, thrusting slowly inside me.

I move my hips with his, sliding myself up and down his cock, and bend to kiss him. His hands are still holding me up, and we fuck like that, moving faster as the train starts to move away.

I lean back and rock harder against him, and I can feel his breath hot against my tits as he starts to moan, the short grunting moans, so very hot, which mean he is about to come.

I squeeze him with my pelvic floor and rock against him, and he moans with pleasure as he comes inside me.

We hold still for a few minutes, before I stand, moving my knees off the bunk. The train is moving fast again now, the i window dark, and I can barely see his shadow as he stands up beside me.

We kiss, and I feel his cum running down my leg as he gently strokes my back.

‘Can I go back to sleep now please,’ he says, smiling through the kiss.

‘Yes of course. Night night my love.’

We go back to our respective bunks and I lie there, naked and happy, the motion of the train rocking me to sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8heehf/mf_me_and_my_husband_have_sex_on_the_caledonian


  1. Thank you Helen. That was incredibly well written and so very, very sexy. Your husband is a lucky man

  2. This story was amazing and so well written. Is lovely to hear a story about two people so in love. I hope you continue to write more :)

  3. Great story! I love that you let him cum inside you. As a guy, I know that desperate desire when he said he wanted to finish inside you.

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