A roman slave owner’s testimony (Bi) (BDSM) (Fetish)

I’ll be honest: My life is easy. But I earned it. I spend much of my day on the sofabed, totally naked, being pampered by my comfort slaves. Many other harem owners prefer to be clothed while the slaves wear nothing, but I do the opposite. My servants are clothed (granted, the slave “clothing” is really just a large piece of thin cloth draped around their bodies) and my guests and I are naked. I find nudity more relaxing and the dressings to be an obvious marking of servitude. The only exception to this rule is my closest slave and “husband,” Finn. But he is a special servant, so we’ll discuss him later. But even Finn, along with all the other servants, had to be marked when he first arrived. New slave arrivals are tied to a table and branded with a hot iron in the buttocks. The brand a simple letter “S” for servant, or slave depending on who asks. Every new slave lets out a blood curdling scream when they are branded, so I imagine it is very painful. Fortunately, though the pain does not seem to last longer than a few days.

The duties of my servants are often times very domestic. Obviously, all of my servants are subject to any and all sexual duty I assign to them. This includes sex in all forms, touching, kissing, but also more barbaric, fetishistic activities such as hitting, cutting, or even choking. On one occasion, I very nearly killed one of my male servants by asphyxiation. However, there are still many tasks to be attended to around the palace. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, maintenance, domestic administration, those tasks are all performed by the servants. I have, however, outsourced security to a mercenary band. I would and will never trust any of my servants with weapons. My slaves are also responsible for tending to any guests that come to the palace, and giving them the same treatment I receive all the time.

Most guests to the palace are personal friends of mine. Any business, political, or legal meetings I have are almost always off the grounds. Therefore, visitors are informed in advance that they are expected to be naked for the duration of their stay. They are seldom reluctant, however, as they are generally excited to visit my famed harem. I receive guests in my chambers, when I am naked. We spend much of our time together in my own chambers, though if they are staying overnight we have guest accommodations. In my chambers, we can socialize and enjoy ourselves. I tend to stay in my bed when guests are over, but they may sit in chairs or in the small pool in the center of the room. I order my slaves, when guests are around, to treat the guests better than myself. They serve them food, help them relax, and, of course, have sex with them. Personally, I never have sex with guests, as most of my guests are nobles with whom an affair with would be scandalous. The guests may use any of my servants except for Finn.

Compared the rest of the harem, Finn is an exception. For starters, Finn is a transgender male. His chest is bound so aside from his genitals he very much looks like a cis male, even when he is clean shaven. He has a similar skinny-fat build to me. It was about a year ago when I first purchased and marked him, but he was much more loyal to me than any other slaves. As time went on, I learned that he was genuinely in love with me. My relationship with him grew far more casual than with the other servants. I already knew he was beautiful, but more prominently I eventually fell for his charm, his wit, and sense of humour. We married about four months ago, but he is still technically my property. So he agreed to continue be my slave under a few conditions. He would be exempt from all non-sexual labour. He would remain naked at all times and no longer wear the servant’s garment. He would be the only slave who could touch me without express consent. He would not need guarding and would be the only slave allowed to be alone with me. We also mutually agreed that we could both continue using the servants, but that our relationship would be special. His only drawback is that he must, unless washing or in a few other cases, be chained to my bed by a strap around his torso. The chain is small and flexible and the strap does not impede his movement or cover any major body parts. It is a symbol that he is still my property, but also a precaution to ensure he doesn’t escape at night or when we are alone. In theory he is still my slave, but in reality I try to treat him very well. We engage in a lot of non-sexual, romantic activities and he is as pampered as I am. Despite his privileges, though, many of the general servant rules apply to him as well.

A considerable amount of rules for my servants are in regard to uniform and appearance. When on duty, the slaves must wear the standard garment unless otherwise directed. During breaks and sleep, they may be taken off but nothing else may be put on. Slaves are required to clean shaven below the neck. Men must keep their hair above the top of their shoulders. Women must keep their hair above their elbows with their arms straight down. Both sexes may tie their hair up into a bun but must be prepared to undo it when necessary. All slaves are expected to keep very good hygiene. No tattoos, dyes, or other body markings are allowed. Most non-uniform rules are generally straightforward. Follow all orders from, in order of seniority, myself, guards, guests, and Finn. Do not be intentionally rough during sex unless told otherwise. Follow schedule. Do not leave the palace without accompaniment and/or instruction. Warnings and punishments are given out conservatively, but are occasionally necessary. Most punishments include torture, solitary confinement, and/or forced labour.

I built, and continue to build my fortune on mining. My owned land and mineral rights span a vast copper reserve. I rely almost solely on slave labour to mine the copper. Punishment in the form of forced labour always happens in the mines, but in practise most of my pleasure slaves are too weak or inexperienced to be effective miners. The work is mostly symbolic. Most of the actual production comes from the permanent mining slaves. They are slaves in my possession that either were not suitable for concubinage or former pleasure slaves who were too rebellious or defiant. I seldom visit the mines personally but I do occasionally to check on production or revisit former harem members for some fun. One of the female miners, Aurelia, used to be one of my favourite sex servants, but she attempted escape twice. The second time, I sent her to the mines forever. Recently I visited the mine to inspect the guard staff, and upon seeing Aurelia for the first time in months, I threw her on the floor and had sex with her in full view of all the servants.

Rules are technically the same between pleasure and mining slaves, except for uniforms. Miners are given a small strip of cloth to wear around the waist to prevent infection. In practise, though, this rule is poorly enforced and around half of the miners do not wear uniform. I do not value the miners as much as the concubines and therefore I feel no compulsion to crack down on uniform policy in the mines. The miners are, however, more inclined to attempt escape which is why the mines are generally heavily guarded. All mining implements are kept under lock and key and guards are posted on both ends of the mine shaft. Daily quotas for individual miners are high.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/8gd3xm/a_roman_slave_owners_testimony_bi_bdsm_fetish

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