The Assault: Part 3, Her Side [FM][Cheating][Rape Fantasy

Part 3

Her Story: This was told from her perspective, I did not change anything, and her story is written as she puts it, “what she could remember given the circumstances.”

[Part 1](
[Part 2](

Unchartered Territory:

“It’s going to hurt, and I won’t be nice or gentle. You are mine”

She felt compelled to reassure him, “even if I scream, don’t stop”

If someone else said those words to her, she would have run away haunted, broke it off immediately. She certainly would not have provided the approval to proceed, as she had with him.  But with Steve, Diana trusted him completely. Only with him could this work, only with him it was possible….only with him did she want it.  

The excitement was building all day and she couldn’t help but smile and as she bolted out of work early. Diana passed her boss on her way out, he knew she had the next two days off and could see her excitement in her eyes and wide smile but assumed it was her mini vacation as the reason she was looking so happy.  He yelled out, “have fun!”  Little did he or anyone know she was leaving early to secretly experience unchartered territory with her lover.  

Diana raced home….once in her place, 13th floor penthouse, she had to move efficiently to get it set up correctly.

Pull new fresh sheets out, make the bed.  

Change clothes. 

She tried on 5 different thongs before she picked the one she felt most sexy in but didn’t mind losing.  She wanted to be sure to get her thong soaked in her pussy juices for him. He was the only one that made her feel beautiful for her womanly vaginal discharge and she loved him for that. 

Pull out the garage door opener.

Send a few texts to let everyone know she was off limits until later in the evening. 

By that time, he text  “3mins away”…

She threw on her only Cami top she owned, it reminded her of him but Diana figured he is used to seeing camaflouge, that Steve may not even notice it. 

She grabbed the opener and went downstairs in the elevator….her heart was racing.  She waited for his car to arrive and while waiting she watched the world just moving along….no one knew what was about to happen to her….and she didn’t really either. 

She saw him and purposely didn’t try to smile or touch him, she met him at the car while he was still in traffic, he rolled the window down, she dropped off what he needed and turned back around.  It was great to see him, he looked amazing but she didn’t want to focus on that….she wanted to pretend the exchange didn’t even happen. 

Back up in the apartment in her bedroom walk in closet, she took off her jeans and top, removed her bra and slipped into the sheer red floral summer dress with spaghetti straps that she hadn’t worn for years….she really hoped he liked it. 

She went out, turned on her music playlist specific for the night, poured Titos on the rocks in her favorite glass and went back into the bedroom…..her heart was beating fast.  She thought she heard something but wasn’t sure. Her heart pounding even more. She didn’t want to come out too early and have him enter while she was in the living room. 

She decided to go out and open the blinds….first window open, she took a look at a tall regal monument, second window open, she faced the majestic historical building.

She turned around, didn’t see anything.  Decided to return to the bedroom where her drink was.  She wanted this so badly and knew he did too.  He was the only one bold enough to make this happen.

She went into the bathroom where she left her drink on the sink counter where it wouldn’t spill during their event, took a sip of her drink….looked in the mirror, and started to turn back into the bedroom when he came forcefully towards her. 

In his 6’5” muscular frame he looked like a giant, and she screamed, his arms reaching out to grab her….Diana said to herself, “this is really happening”….she turned away and crouched down, but he grabbed her, covered her mouth, dragged her out into the bedroom. 

They were officially on unchartered territory…..she was excited and terrified at the same time.

The Assault:

He pulled her out to the bedroom, bent her over the dresser. She tried to get away, but he was too strong for her to muscle out of it. As she struggled, she felt his hard penis through his pants. She couldn’t help but feel sexy for being able to get his dick hard. He slapped her and it stung, she screamed again. He gagged her. 

He dragged her out to the sunlit room. She didn’t want to look into his eyes for fear that what she always saw in his beautiful green eyes was and wasn’t there. She didn’t want to see the love because it would break the mood of being assaulted by a vicious stranger, equally she didn’t want to see a man possessed, hollow of feeling that would haunt her memories of him.  

He squeezed her nipples hard, and slapped her again to put her in an obedient state.  He bent her over the granite kitchen island. It was cold on her breasts. He pulled her hands behind her and tied them.  Now he could drag her around at his will.  He was looking for the ideal spot to restrain her by hanging her up, gagged and tied but wasn’t successful.

He brought her back to the island and spanked her pussy some more. It really hurt, she was hoping he would stop but realized the only way he would is if she complied. So she did.  At some point, the dress came off, he ripped off her thong and she was naked, in his full control. 

He dragged her around the apartment, fully naked and exposed. She felt vulnerable and that is a true turn on for her. He was looking for something in his bag of tools.  She squirmed to get away and he slapped her again.  He seemed to be frustrated with her so he dragged her back to the counter after a few nipple pinches and slapped her into submission again. 

She tried to run but his strength overpowered her, he grabbed her off her feet with one arm, whirled her around and slammed her back on the counter.  She hit her head on the cold granite. She was surprised he was going that far, but she wanted to experience this intensity so she acted like it didn’t happen.

He punished her for running away and slapped her pussy several times, he called her a slut, cunt, bitch. He inserted his finger into her wet pussy, he expressed pleasure in what he found.  She was wet for him. She enjoyed how much he appreciated how wet she was, it was a reaction to his brute strength over her. She couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with his physical strength, it made her feel wanted by someone who could finally handle her assertively.

He pulled her up from the island by grabbing her hair, her tits flopped about and then with his other hand, stuck his finger so far up her pussy that he picked her up with just his fingers. Diana knew she was completely at his mercy. He could take whatever he wanted of her. He bent her over the island and began to violate her some more.

At some point she stepped outside herself and wondered “what if this was real?”….”how would I react?”….Diana knew she would scream more, kick, bite, punch ….but at some point she would have to give in and just take it. 

For this moment, she wanted to fight back but only enough to still get a good fuck out of it.

Almost on cue, he whipped her around, dragged her to the bedroom. Threw her on the bed, stomach down, hands still tied behind her back. He penetrated her with his hard dick, he fucked her deep and forcefully until he came inside her. 

All she could do was lay there, give in and take it. If she had to admit only to herself, she wanted the intruder to fuck her. She thoroughly enjoyed the animalistic feelings a deep fuck brings out in her and him. To feel a hard big dick hit up against her pussy walls over and over again while her legs are spread open for the pussy to engulf the dick over and over again, it is intense and feels so natural like she was born to fucking take it, her pussy was born to fuck.

With her hands tied, she didn’t have to do anything. He was in control. She didn’t have to think, all she had to do was feel. When he came in her, she felt in control. Her pussy was the vessel he used to make himself feel an intense orgasm and she couldn’t help feel good about it. A rape or an assault should not feel that way but this wasn’t that kind of situation. It was an agreement of epic proportion.

As if he had an urgent matter to attend, he quickly unceremoniously left the apartment. He left her there feeling paralyzed for a moment. When Diana came out of the shock she tried to free her hands from being tied up but couldn’t.

In that moment, Steve, her lover, rushes in and says comfortingly “It’s OK, I’m here”
