[M]y [F]irst time (Cheating) with a Former Employee

As the title says, I cheated on my wife with a former work mate. I could say that I’m not proud of that fact, but here I am telling the story, without any guilt. If you want to judge, feel free to skip over this and move on to the next one. To tell the story, Ill give you some background information.

I’m fifty two years old and have been married for twenty three years. I’ve been fortunate to have been retired for over four years. The company that I worked for (I started working there right after high school) was acquired by a much larger competitor. Since the ownership group liked me and my work, I was able to purchase a minority stake in the business years earlier. When the sale was completed, I found myself suddenly retired at forty eight and wondering what to do with the rest of my life. I’d made enough on the sale that I never have to work again.I decided to spend the time on self improvement;quit drinking except for social occasions, improved my diet, and became obsessed with exercise. I can honestly say that I’m in the best shape of my life. I’ve lost over 80 pounds. It was more but I had a great winter (too much food and drink) and gained back 10 pounds.

My wife, who is five years younger, hasn’t embraced fitness. She has continued in our old habits and continues to gain weight. That is not surprising since her daily activities are going for lunch with the gals and shopping. Her weight gain has killed her libido to the point that while our bedroom isn’t dead, it is on life support and I expect a priest to show up and perform last rites.

Shortly after the sale we moved away to a new city. Bigger/better social scene,with so much more to do. We also have family and lots of friends in this city.

I was out golfing (and enjoying a cigar one of the reasons why I love golf) with a former business associate. He’s become a friend and we’ve gone on holidays with he and his wife. It was a perfect Fall day and at the end of the round he tells me that he’s heading out to my former city and I should tag along to see old employees and customers. Knowing that nothing exciting is happening at home, I eagerly agree.

Although I’ve been gone for four years, I’ve kept in contact with several employees. One in particular, let’s call her Ashley (not her name) and I continued to text or email each other.

I’ve always had a soft spot and a hardon for Ashley. I hired her years ago and watched her grow from a punk-rock kid in her twenties to a beautiful woman in her thirties. Ashley has the most amazing eyes. The color and depth of them sweep you away. If eyes are the windows to the soul, I feel like I’ve seen her’s. Add to that a gorgeous face with ever changing hair, both style and colour, (although she was her natural colour when this took place). She has sneaky big breasts (which surprised the hell out of me) and a large firm ass, which after her eyes, is her best feature. I used to sneak a look at it whenever I could. I’m sure I wasn’t as sneaky as I thought I was.

Ash knew that I was coming to town with Bruce and was looking forward to seeing us. Once we got there Bruce met with the new manager while I visited with my old staff. All of my former employees were surprised by my weight lose.

Bruce was always good at inviting the staff out for drinks after work. Ashley had already called ahead and reserved a table at the bar in the hotel we were staying at. After getting checked into my room I met Bruce in the bar. We had a couple of drinks and chatted as we waited for everyone.
Thankfully Ashley was the first one to arrive, with another staff member that I had hired. We had a big round table and Ash sat across from me. Soon everyone else was there and due to the size of the group and noise level, she and I started to text. It was easier than trying to yell at each other.

As the drinks flowed, the texts got flirty. Ash knows my wife and our situation and I knew hers. She had recently broken up with another one of her fixer uppers. Ashley always fell for the wrong guy who would break her heart. The combination of drinks and dirty talk/texts was getting to her. Her cheeks had a lovely glow, which I’m sure the alcohol added to. She’s always had an extremely high sex drive and was single. I knew that the time was right so I typed out,”I have to fuck you”, not subtle or smooth, but than again neither am I. She looked up at me, flashing her million dollar smile and nodded yes.

I may have been thinking with my little head, but I knew that there was no way we could walk out together without someone noticing. I told her that I’d leave first, claiming that my alcohol tolerance is not what it used to be, even though I had been nursing my drinks over the last couple of hours. Bruce was surprised that I leaving, but with several drinks in front of him, he didn’t care. The rest of the group were in various stages of drunkeness and I don’t know if any of them even knew I left. On the way to my room I sent Ash the number and said get here as soon as you can get away from the crowd. I was sitting in the room with just the desk light on low, sipping a drink patiently waiting. I’m not patient but there’s been over ten years leading up to this so what’s a few more minutes?
There was a soft knock on the door and both my heart and cocked jumped! As soon as I opened the door, Ashley smashed her lips into mine. Our tongues instantly greeting each other’s. I’m fifty two years old and all of a sudden I felt like a teenager, nervous and unsure of myself.

We momentarily separated and Ashley pulled her shirt up over her head. That snapped me back into place and I was ready to worship this goddess to the best of my abilities. I reached out and brought her in for a kiss. As I was kissing her, like my life depended on it, I managed to unhook her bra, I don’t know why I struggle with those things, too much excitement I suppose.

As I mentioned earlier, her tits are larger than they look in clothes. I was surprised by both the size and shape of her awesome tits. Her nipples were rock hard and are a wonderful pinky brown color that looked great with her faded tan lines. I couldn’t get my mouth on them fast enough. She let out a moan that encouraged me to lick, suck and nibble faster and firmer.

We stumbled over and onto the bed. She reached down and lifted my shirt off as I was trying to undo her jeans. I had to stop briefly as my shirt went over my head, but was back fumbling with her jeans in a split second. She giggled and reached down to assist me, as I couldn’t get my fingers to work. As I pealed her jeans down over her hips I got my first view of her panties, a gorgeous black thong. They were anything but basic. Lovely lace at the top and silky satin covering Her pussy. It was my turn to groan. Ashley lying on top of the bed with her jeans down to her knees is one of the best things I’ve ever witnessed.
With my typing skills or lack of, this has taken a long time so I’m going to stop for now. If there’s interest I’ll continue, if not I’ll just relive it in my head.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8g63tm/my_first_time_cheating_with_a_former_employee


  1. Dude you suck, but only for leaving us hanging! Look forward to seeing the rest soon.

  2. *Updoot for the good bit of the story!*

    You sound like the erotic equivalent of EA.

    Fuck that. A down vote from me for being a shitty OP with a stupid bait and switch at the end.

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