Kylie’s Adventure – Part 4. [fm][oral][NIS]

By popular demand I continue the saga. I’ll link the other three parts later. Long gap between entries because I needed inspiration and I didn’t want to write crap for the sake of writing crap. Anyhoo, here goes. Kylie’s Adventure part four:


After Sarah left things went back to normal at Auburn Middle School. Kids came naked when it was their turn, and classes continued as normal. They all missed their friend, but they were all happy in the memory of her epic defiance. Kylie kept a selfie they had taken together during Sarah’s nude week in her three ring binder. She liked looking at it. Sarah, naked, with one arm around Kylie’s shoulders and the other arm extended to take the photo. Both of them with wide smiles.

A few weeks after Sarah’s departure Kylie received her notification in first period. By now the novelty had worn off and she didn’t get more than a few extra glances as the kids packed up to go to their next class.

Kylie’s heart beat against her ribs. She’d been expecting this. Between Sarah and the other girls who had already taken their turn she’d gotten used to nudity, but to *be* nude was entirely different. Now she knew when it would happen, and the reality was imminent.

The notification was a simple piece of paper. It said:

Kylie Henderson:

“This is to inform you that your scheduled Naked In School Program week will begin on the following Monday, October 1st. As a reminder you may not wear any clothing or jewelry or accessories of any kind aside from regular shoes and socks. Your body must be entirely bare. While at school you may not use your hands, hair, or backpack to cover any part of your body. A special roller backpack will be issued to you. If you arrive clothed you may undress in Vice Principal Mccutcheon’s office and turn your clothes in to him for retrieval at the end of the day.

Please, enjoy this! Look forward to it! Experiment and explore, be free and glad in your nudity. This may be mandatory but we hope that you consider this a positive opportunity rather than a requirement.

If there is a significant reason for a deferral, please tell your first period teacher.

-Auburn School Office.”

Kylie did not tell her friends that she was going to be naked the following week. They didn’t need to know. They’d find out with everyone else. Them knowing would only make the wait worse.

Kylie did not tell her parents either. Thus far they had avoided the topic of the NISP. She’d been a little more comfortable walking around the house in her underwear but she didn’t mention anything that had gone on at school or between herself, Sarah, and Mikey.

As the week dragged on Kylie tried to prepare herself as best she could. She was delighted to discover fuzz around her private parts had begun to grow, and even happier to notice that her breasts had started to bulge out from her chest. Looking at her naked body in the mirror she still saw a child’s body, but neither was she prepubescent any more.

On the Sunday before her week began Kylie came down to breakfast naked.

Her father dropped his toast.

“Honey, you’re, uh…” He said.

Her mom made a cooing noise. “Look at you, you’re growing up.”

Kylie blushed bright red. “Pass the orange juice.” She said.

Her dad couldn’t eat his breakfast. Apparently having his twelve year old daughter naked at the table was too awkward. His eyes darted around the room, never alighting on her for longer than a second. After a few vain attempts to eat he eventually got up and went to his man cave in the basement.

“Maybe he needs a naked at work program.” Her Mom said disapprovingly.

Kylie laughed.

Kylie went back to her room naked and laid on the bed. She texted Mikey.

>I’m naked right now. WBU?

>Lol. Send pic ;)


>nothing I haven’t seen before.

Kylie giggled. She took a selfie on her phone that ended just above her nipples. A deliberate tease. She sent it to him. He replied:

>I’m looking forward to your naked week.

>Won’t have to wait long.

>For real? When?


> :)

>Can you get to school early? I want you to be the first one to see me.

> Of course. Kylie’s Adventure is about to begin! I kinda wish mine was this week. If you’d have told me I might have gotten a switch.

>I was too shy. Besides you can get naked whenever you want.

>tempted. I’ll see you, all of you, tomorrow.

When the day came Kylie wore her least favorite clothes to school. Her Mom didn’t know it was her week. She’d be happy about it, but for some reason Kylie wanted to keep this to herself. It was her body, her life, her week. She always got to school early because her mom dropped her off on the way to work.

Mikey was waiting for her on the front lawn. He was wearing Gym shorts and a tank top.

“Special K’s special day!” He said by way of greeting.

“Shut your face hole.” She said.

“How rude. Maybe I won’t go in with you.”

She scoffed. “You wouldn’t miss an excuse to see me naked.”

“Right you are. Inside we go.” He said. He took her by the hand, a surprisingly tender gesture that made her feel better.

In Vice Principal Mccutcheon’s office Mikey announced that Kylie had arrived to begin her naked week.

“Michael is here to support me.” Kylie added.

“A boy?” The Vice Principal asked.

“Yep.” She said. He grinned at them both and motioned for her to continue.

Mikey seized the initiative and started undoing her shoes while Kylie peeled off her shirt. Her naked torso broke out in goosebumps.

Mikey took her shoes off and then put them in the cubby along with her shirt. Kylie pulled off her pants.

“I want you to do the last part.” She said to Mikey.

She closed her eyes and braced herself. She remembered Sarah’s courage and that gave her the strength not to run away when Mikey’s gentle hands peeled her underwear off, leaving her fully nude.

“Well done.” Mccutcheon said.

While she put her shoes back on Mikey transferred her belongings from her backpack to the roller variety procured from the office closet. His kindness and consideration touched her.

He took her by the hand again and led her out of the office. Kylie stepped out into the school quad.

It was worse than she could have imagined. Everyone in the world was surely looking at her. She was *naked*. Her private parts exposed for all the world. She covered herself with her hands. This was fundamentally wrong, School wasn’t any kind if place to be naked, what was she doing?

Mikey gently pulled her hands away, and gave them a gentle squeeze. Her heart was pounding but his presence made it that much easier.

Kylie’s friends were amazed when they arrived a few minutes later to see Kylie had begun her naked week. Jaime and Keanna both told her that she was very pretty, which made her feel a little better. A boy catcalled at her as he passed. She covered herself again.

“Don’t listen to them. Or if you do, be flattered that he likes your naked body.” Jaime suggested. Kylie uncovered herself.

As the school quad filled up in the minutes leading to first period she endured more lewd comments from boys and girls alike. She was cold, it was fall after all.

She didn’t know any of the other NISPers. Looking at them she couldn’t help but compare herself to them. Her labia were larger and thicker than average with a very visible slit, while other girls barely had any. Two of the girls she saw already had significant bushes of hair, while a few were still completely hairless. Most were like her with some fuzz. The boys were even shyer than the girls. Some of them had erections while others had penises that could be mistaken for a baby’s. She thought the way their scrotums wiggled and bounced as they walked was cute.

Kylie went about her day in the nude. First period English, second period math, third period gym (it was actually kinda fun exercising naked), fourth period history, and then lunch.

At lunch Keanna told her that she’d seen a NISP girl using her mouth on a NISP boy’s private parts. This made Kylie blush crimson.

“The boy was loving it. I asked my Health teacher about it and he said that it’s called oral sex and it’s completely normal and it’s supposed to feel good.”

Kylie tried to imagine putting a boy’s penis in her mouth. It was icky, gross, and oddly appealing. She loved playing with Mikey’s penis, and using her mouth would be better somehow.

At fifth period health she sat besides Mikey. It was the only class they had together. She was getting used to being naked.

The topic of health class was nothing relevant, but too Kylie’s eternal gratitude a student raised their hand towards the end.

“What is oral sex?” She asked to gales of giggles.

“Why do you ask?” Miss Granger asked.

“Some kids were talking about it.”

“I am aware that two NISPers were seen doing it, and now half the school has questions about it. This is good, and I suppose I should do an overview.” She said.

Kylie was seized by a moment of insanity. She raised her hand.

“Yes?” Miss Granger asked.

“Can I show the class?” She said before her mind could catch up with her mouth. The class erupted into a riot of laughter. They were sternly silenced by the teacher.

“You certainly can, if you can get a volunteer partner. Otherwise I suppose the two of us can demonstrate female to female oral sex.” Miss Granger said.

“I want Mikey.” She said. Mikey responded by turning bright red and averting his eyes.

Kylie leaned over and whispered in his ear “I want to repay you for being so kind to me.”

“Mikey? Are you interested?” The teacher asked.

He looked over at Kylie and saw the smile on her face and in her eyes, and nodded.

“Alright, center of the room you two.” Miss Granger said.

This time it was Kylie who led Mikey by the hand. He was bright red. Miss Granger fetched the exercise mat out of the closet and placed it at their feet.

“I’m not going to tell you what to do, I want the two of you to experiment.” She said to them.

Kylie knelt on the mat and put her hand on Mikey’s groin. The class was watching with rapt attention. She felt an erection forming through his gym shorts. She pulled his shorts down, then his boxer shorts.

His penis was as beautiful as she remembered. His smooth, pink scrotum beneath. He had a thin, fuzzy layer of pubic hair. He gasped as his member was exposed to the class. Kylie held both of his hands in hers to prevent him from covering himself. She was naked as the day she was born, and kneeling in front of her best friend, about to reward him for his friendship.

She licked her lips. She leaned in and kissed the end of Mikey’s penis. He moaned. She grabbed it in her left hand and cupped his testicles with the right. She leaned in and kissed the spot where the scrotum met the penis. She was going by imagination and instinct alone, she had never seen this done before. His member was throbbing in her hand.

She licked his scrotum and penis in one long pass with her tongue. Mikey was breathing quickly, he moaned in pleasure.

“I love you.” She said. After saying this she put his penis completely into her mouth. He almost screamed.

She sucked on it and rubbed her tongue over the glans within her mouth. Her hand rubbed his testicles, while the other held him by the hand. After working her mouth over his penis for about thirty seconds, he was finished. Mikey gasped and his whole body convulsed. His throbbing penis exploded in her mouth. Kylie tasted his semen and enjoyed it. She pulled his deflating penis out and swallowed. The class erupted into cheers and applause.

Mikey’s face was sweating, but he was smiling. Kylie lovingly pulled his underwear and shorts back up.

“Well done Kylie! You’re a natural.” Miss Granger said.

“Kylie, that was, that was… I love you.” He said.

“Now, Mikey, if Kylie wants you to you should do her. It’s bad manners not to reciprocate if asked.” Miss Granger said.

“If you want to.” Kylie said.

“Of course I do.” He said.

Kylie, having no need to undress,lay down on the mat and spread her legs. The whole class was watching. She would ha e been embarrassed by her exposed position but she was too excited for what was about to happen.

Mikey knelt and then slowly lowered his face to her groin. Her heart was beating as rapidly as when she had first entered the quad. He began by tentatively kissing her labia. Encouraged by her moan of pleasure he licked her slit, his tongue passing over her vagina and clitoris. She convulsed and let out a squeaky affirmation.

He ran his tongue liberally over her private parts. He seemed to be enjoying himself. She certainly was. It took her longer than it did him, but eventually she reached the top and let out a scream of joy. The class again broke into applause.

“Thank you you two.” Miss Granger said as they returned to their seats. Both of them were smiling their fools heads off, sweaty and happy.

Miss Granger gave them both breath mints, put the mat away, and wrapped up the class session as usual.

Kylie did not dress after school. She and Mikey waited for her mom together. Jaime took a picture of them standing arm in arm with Kylie’s phone. It would become another addition to her collection. When her mom came Kylie boldly got into the car. Her mom was surprised and delighted to see it was her week. As they drove away Kylie decided this NISP program was all right after all.
