Seducing My Mother in Law – The Continuing Adventure [MF] Part 1

Okay, I’m going to be updating everything that happens with my MIL and posting it in parts as this adventure continues. You all are right here at the very beginning and along with me for the ride, whichever way it may go. I’m looking forward to comments, suggestions, and any replies that may be beneficial.

A bit of backstory: My mother in law is 60 and extremely hot to be that age. She has short brown hair, 36DD tits, and a thick backside. To be clear, I don’t have a fetish for older women, grannies, etc…. but there’s something about her specifically that must have created this desire. I’ve waited around a year and three months since her husband passed, as to not come onto her too soon or seem too aggressive. My thought process leans towards the need to be a bit gentle and never too straight forward. As for my wife, our relationship is fine but everything has become pretty much boring at this point for the both of us, it’s just kinda like going through the motions day after day.

Up to this point there has only been a handful of significant instances. With each visit I try to progress a little further. Whenever we go over to visit with her, there’s always a “hello hug” and a “goodbye hug”. They aren’t those weird “pat you on the back” hugs, our chests usually touch and squeeze into each other for a couple seconds.

The first couple visits I would graze my hand down her lower back and as the hug was ending, let my fingers trickle down her butt. She never seemed to mind and there hasn’t been a sudden shortage of hugs.

On the next visit she was sitting on her couch when we entered and I gave her a standard hug and hadn’t planned out what to do if she was sitting. So we hang out for a while and I do a few guy things that she couldn’t necessarily do around the house anymore, and as it was time to leave, my wife carried our youngest out first and I was alone with her. She was still sitting with her legs crossed, so the right side of her butt was elevated off the couch a bit. I leaned in for a hug and slid my hand under her right ass cheek as she kissed me on the side of the face, I think inferring a “thanks for the help” type kiss, and I instinctively responded with a kiss on her neck that left my lips on her for around two seconds or so. I didn’t even mean to, it just kinda happened. Then I casually left. I immediately began wondering if she knew my intentions and felt more comfortable with the situation if my wife wasn’t around, which I still haven’t been able to test thoroughly.

On what we’ll call the fourth visit, she was sitting on the couch still in her pajamas with a blanket over her. I sat beside her and my wife sat in the chair across from her, because they usually do most of the chatting and I assume that it’s easier when sitting across from one another, similar to when you’re eating at a restaurant. As the conversations continue the blanket is more sitting on top of her as opposed to being wrapped in it, and her little dog is sitting on my ride side between the two of us. I start petting the dog and notice my knuckles are grazing the side of her leg. I’m not sure if she noticed at first, but she propped her legs on the leg rest that was sitting in front of both of us. Being that she didn’t shy away immediately I started petting the dog on the head again and began letting my fingers graze across her leg, several inches above her knee. The blanket was rather bunched up and seemed to be blocking what was happening from my wife’s view. She continued carrying on several conversation topics with my wife as I continued stroking her leg with my fingertips. I was trying to make it obvious without making it obvious, if that makes sense. She never adjusted her seated position or found a reason to get up for a sec. For what it’s worth I took it as a good sign. I eventually had to get up to gather the kid’s belongings and prepare to leave. She went to the kitchen to make another cup of coffee as it was time to say goodbye again. As always I wanted to press further with each visit. When the goodbye hug began I immediately slid my hand down her backside until her entire ass cheek was in my hand. It was a gentle grab, I didn’t squeeze or grip or anything. I realized quickly that she must have been naked under her long pajamas as I didn’t feel any panty lines and when her breasts pushed into my chest I could literally feel her nipples pressing into me. Those couple of seconds were so incredibly intense.

So that’s pretty much where I’m at right now. We’re supposed to be going back over to get some end tables today and I’m trying to plan my next “move”. Here are some things I’m wondering… Is she aware of my intentions? Does she think it’s just a series of coincidences or has she even noticed? Or, since she hasn’t said anything to my wife, does she know and is enjoying it? Talking directly about this to her I feel would be the end of it. I think maybe it could go further and further as long as it isn’t addressed and made into a “situation”.

Let me know what you think and if you have any advice! I’ll be updating and responding regularly until the end, wherever that may take us.



  1. I dunno….why even bother going down this road unless you want a divorce?

  2. All seems pretty one sided so far. The ass grab is pretty bold, even if light.

    Maybe try some compliments on how great she looks in those pants, that top, etc and gauge her reaction.

  3. You are just a massive cunt aren’t you. Your dick’s pointless whims are worth fucking up your wife’s life like that? She’d lose a husband and a mother in one if you get your way (she’s better off without you both if it does happen, but still) and you have kids… what the actual fuck.

  4. This is an insight into how the minds of people like trump and Weinstein work. Not even a dislike of his wife, just bored so he’ll start groping her mother. Damn man that’s sad

  5. What do you do to turn things on at home with your wife? Her poor mom lost her husband and is probably still in mourning and has to deal with her son in law coming over and groping and pawing at her in front of her daughter?

    I hope this is just a made up story and you’re not actually doing this in real life.

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