In the city with friends [FF]

Last March (2017) I had a rather sexy experience with my wife’s friend Beth where I caught her in our bathroom indulging her curiosity in my wife’s panties. If you’re so inclined you can check out the story [here] ( I really thought that’d probably be the first and last thing I’d get to share here, but fresh off a week in NYC for spring break where our families traveled together I’m rather excited to say there’s been ‘developments.’ I can report and enjoy reliving in the writing of this.

We actually only hung out with our friends a couple times during the whole trip, mostly because we were each ferrying our families around, doing the tourist thing. On the one night we did hang (w/o kids), we met out for dinner before going to a Broadway show. When I first saw Beth (my wife’s friend) wearing a backless cocktail dress and her 4” heels I muttered, “damn” under my breath. Beth is tiny…a curly haired brunette, just under 5’, and built like a gymnast (which she was, along with a cheerleader in her college days). While I’ve never discussed the panty-incident with Lynne, it’s a bit of a running joke that Beth is into her. Women tend to be drawn to Lynne anyway and I think she kind of digs it but she will laugh it off if its pointed out (my wife is a curvy but fit 5’8” blonde beauty…kind of a boss in her life).

The affection was nonstop that night. The double date at dinner was practically a formality because it was clear Beth was feeling pretty uninhibited. Joe (her husband) wasn’t drinking (and smoking) the way we were and was a bit of a lump. Beth’s hands lingered on Lynne’s and she had this “I want to take a bite out of you” look in her eye. Lynne and I glanced at each other, smiling a few times. The vibe continued to the show with both ladies sitting next to each other. The two were rapt in conversation before the curtain and at intermission, Beth’s hands were finding their way to Lynne’s bare legs. My wife seemed to be perfectly at home with the attention being shown her despite the fact she always keeps a pretty stoic front. We laugh now looking back at the pictures of the trip and refer to this night as her and Beth’s prom night because it’s one after the other of Beth on Lynne’s arm or stuck to her waist.

We made the short walk back to our hotel. Joe and Beth were only a few doors down from us, kids all asleep in an adjacent room. We had plans to have one more puff of something before calling it a night, which Joe wasn’t interested in so Beth followed us into our room. In typical fashion Lynne asked me to unzip her dress, which I did before going to get the smoking materials from my bathroom bag. I was only in there a moment before I heard Beth say something like, “Oh a fancy bra,” and Lynne laughing a bit. Coming around the corner I found Beth creeped up behind Lynne, sliding her hands up her back and over her shoulders. The dress fell forward from Lynne’s torso and slipped down catching on her thighs. Lynne’s eyes turned into saucers and she laughed in surprise as her figure was exposed, including much of her black thong (which wonderfully matched the bra). She glanced at me for a split second if only to say “Can you believe this?” In reaction to Beth’s forwardness Lynne stepped back to close the distance pushing up against Beth, except that Beth was damn near against the wall as it was. It seemed Lynne felt this and laughing, pushed a bit more. Lynne’s hands attempted to catch her dress from falling further but it was a moot point. Beth was now giggling, pinned against the wall and Lynne was holding the top of her dress at her mid thighs.

Beth’s arms encircled my wife’s waist as Lynne backside smooshed her against the wall. “You two are hilarious,” I found myself saying, not wanting to get in the way of whatever was happening. They were laughing nonstop but Beth was not letting go.

“Your cheeks are cold,” Beth said giggling wriggling her tummy against Lynne’s near-bare ass.

I saw that look in Lynne’s eyes where it’s funny but all the sudden she wanted to reassert herself. She let go of the dress and grabbed Beth’s hands on her waist. Beth was trying to not let her unclasp them but it wasn’t much of a contest. Lynne grabbed a wrist in each of her hands and pried them off. She forced one arm into the air and spun around like a dance move. Now they were facing each other and were playfully wrestling for control of Beth’s arms. Again, not much of a problem for Lynne, who now laughing with determination pressed her arms against the wall. Beth was trying to move her body free, but Lynne closed the distance again, pressing her body against her mini friend. The laughing never stopped but each of their faces were flush and Beth was pretty well stuck at this point.

“Is this what you planned for?” Lynne joked.

Beth had been struggling but then seemed to relax a bit in her helplessness. Lynne’s breasts were smashed right under her chin and her hips and stomach were fully incapacitating any hopes for Beth to get free. Their faces were only an inch or two from each other and Beth looked up at Lynne. Dear lord what a sight this was. Beth with these big doe eyes looking up at my wife as she was pinned against the wall. Then I heard it…

“I guess you can do whatever you want with me,” Beth said with a mischievous smile on her face.

Lynne held her still, looking down into her eyes, “Maybe I’ll just keep you here,” smiling back.

Their eyes stayed locked onto one another, neither blinking. Beth tilted her head and kissed Lynne. It was cute. They were still very playful but when her head moved back I saw a change in their faces. Their lips met again but it was Lynne kissing her this time. Eyes closed, Beth’s mouth began to part, and Lynne’s met it with energy. This was no small thing…I’d never seen my wife kiss another person before, much less another woman but she knew me well enough to know that I had no problem with what was happening.

The giggling had certainly stopped and the two were deeply making out. As they were getting more lost in the moment I could see Beth moving her arms again, trying to slide them down and get free. Lynne smiled in the middle of their kiss and shook her head, “Mnn nnn,” indicating she had no plans of letting her friend free. The kissing continued and Beth was beginning to writhe against Lynne’s body. Lynne brought Beth’s hands above her head on the wall. Pinning one wrist with her forearm she grabbed the other wrist with the same hand. Beth shimmied and strained but her hands were firmly pressed above her head. Lynne’s free hand passed down Beth’s face and grasped the back of her neck. She craned Beth’s lips into her own as her tongue penetrated deeply in her mouth. Beth was melting and had no options but to let Lynne lead the way.

Lynne’s hand continued down, caressing over her collarbone and over the shining fabric of her dress. Cupping her breast, she massaged the mound of flesh beneath. Beth let out a guttural moan into Lynne’s mouth. Not that she needed any more indication or permission from her friend at that point but Lynne’s hands lingered on her breast. I could tell how much Lynne was truly enjoying this as she kept exploring Beth’s mouth. Her hand moved down Beth’s waist and found her hip. She slid Beth’s knee-length fabric up her thighs. Though their right side wasn’t visible to me I could tell Lynne’s hand had slid under the dress to Beth’s ass because she was pulling her pelvis into her own now. Beth let out a soft noise as my wife maneuvered her friend’s petite center against her own upper thigh. Still pinned at the hands, Beth’s hips rocked into Lynne as their tongues furiously worked against each other. It was only moments until Beth was whimpering as she was melting into Lynne’s bare leg and stomach. I would have been self-conscious about watching this unfold except that I could tell they were completely in their own world.

The rhythm of their movements continued for several minutes. Their kiss finally broke long enough for Beth to inhale and mutter “oh my God,” as she grinded into Lynne. My wife’s hand moved from behind around to her front. It was gloriously obvious when it found its home as Beth arched her back and her hips shoved against Lynne’s arm. Beneath the fabric of bunched up dress I could only imagine how Lynne’s fingers were rubbing into the warm sex between Beth. I could only see Lynne’s arm firmly, slowly motioning as the two undulated together. Beth’s breathing was getting more staccato between moans that started soft but were getting more desperate the longer they moved, until she suddenly inhaled a cry and arched her chin. Her body became rigid for a second and then exhaled in a shudder, hips thrusting and pulsing on their own.

When Beth opened her eyes, the two were nose to nose. She immediately pressed her mouth into Lynne’s. My wife released the grip on her friend’s hands and cradled Beth head to meet her. The lock lasted a few moments more before Beth’s hands started reaching for Lynne’s body. Breaking away from Beth she smiled, stepped out of the pool of dress around her ankles and took her by the hand. It was clear Beth was on board for anything at this point and seemed dying to return the favor to her friend. Lynne stepped away, holding her hand and walked her to the door. They moved past me like they were the only ones in the room.

“That was fun,” Lynne said, standing in heels and underwear. Beth looked at her bewildered but closed her eyes when Lynne moved in to kiss her again. It was a sweet kiss.

Lynne opened the door and just said, “See you in the morning?” Beth’s mouth dropped open, clearly not knowing what to say but you could see her questioning, “But? But?” Still at a loss, Beth stepped out to the hall and they released their hands.

“Good night…” she smiled coyly at the brunette.

…I can only say that I was…and still am, totally blown away by my wife.



  1. It must have been amazing watching Lynne control Beth. What happened between you and Lynne after Beth left?

  2. Jesus, I think *I’m* in love with your wife at this point. No wonder Beth is so smitten.

    What was the aftermath of all this? How did Beth end up taking the abrupt finish?

  3. Wonderfully written, intensely hot. But, yeah, what did you and your wife do when Beth was gone?

  4. I would like to hear about Beth/Lynne when Beth gets her head between Lynne’s legs. It’s bound to happen sooner or later

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