[F] Didn’t think I would end up naked (pics inside)

Hello, this is the first story I’ve ever written. We’ve had a bout of nice weather and this scenario recently happened to me, so I wanted to share it. I’ve only ever (almost) been a lurker, but I decided to just go for this one. Sorry about the quality of the pictures from a “proper photographer”, they were sent to me on Whatsapp. Also occasionally sorry about the English. It is not my first language. If you have any tips on how I can improve my writing, please let me know. Thanks!


Luca was a great photographer. I spent hours on his instagram just taking in the scenery he was able to capture mainly in Switzerland, but also all over Europe and some parts of Southeast Asia.

We had been in the same class growing up and had been in the same circle of friends. Since it was a big group of about 8 close friends with the occasional drifters, we didn’t really get much 1 on 1 time. When I did get to talk to him briefly, I could tell that photography was a passion of his and I can tell you, there’s nothing quite like listening to someone talk about their passion. It made me appreciate his photos even more, knowing how he felt about them. After our Matur (equivalent to A-Levels) he went off to join the army and I started something equivalent to a high school. Our friend group got together roughly once every 3 months (or when someone could be bothered to organise it) and it was still fun, but somehow also felt less close. It’s what happens when everyone gets so embroiled in their own things that they forget to keep in touch. I myself am very bad at keeping in touch, but Luca’s Instagram remained a constant.

It also just so happened that when I was able to make it to a meet up, that he wouldn’t be there and the same went for the other way around. Like I said, we had never been really close, but I was starting to miss him. I thought about messaging him, but couldn’t really bring myself to make the first move. On the one hand it was stupid of me to be stuck in this mentality that the boy always has to make the first move. On the other hand I knew that he wasn’t really that well-versed in talking to girls. I had seen him try and fail to talk to the occasional girl in a bar or club with the conversation drifting away from him once it came time to make a move. Like many boys his age he was shy and reluctant to overstep a boundary that was probably mostly in his own head. I empathised with him and decided to have a “what the hell” moment. I opened up Whatsapp and wrote my first ever message (that wasn’t in our group chat) to him.

*“Hey Luca. How are you? I can’t believe we haven’t seen each other for so long. I hope everything is good with you. Love (for lack of a better word), Celine”*

It didn’t take long for him to reply, which made me happy and eased my nerves.

*“Hey Celine! It’s so nice to hear from you. I’ve recently started my own photography service and with the weather we’re having I am outside almost all the time. How have you been?”*

*“That’s great to hear! I’ve been following you on Instagram and I always knew you’d be a great photographer. What have you been photographing most?”*

*“Mainly lakes and mountains, since they are so abundant in our lovely country! You should come to the Greifensee with me. That’s where I’m going to be shooting next.”*

*“Sounds great! Give me a time and a meeting spot.”*

It didn’t take long for us to arrange a date and a spot. Whilst getting ready, picking out my bikini and preparing my legs, I realised that this would be our first ever 1 on 1 meeting. It made me feel funny in my stomach. Weird questions also started to pop up in my head. “Can I wear this? Is it too revealing? What will he think of me?”. Here in Switzerland in the summer we hang out at the lakes a lot. It was very unusual for all these questions to pop up suddenly. I dismissed them, picked out a new top I had recently bought and my favorite bottoms and got on my bike to cycle to the lake.

When I got there he was crouched in the weeds taking photos of the other coast of the lake. He got up, came over to me and gave me a sweet hug, followed by the customary 3 kisses on the cheek. Why was it a sweet hug? What made a hug sweet? He seemed to press his whole body into mine without being overbearing. I also managed to get a smell of his cologne or deodorant. Whatever it was, it made him smell great. To describe him a bit, he is about 189 cm (6 feet 2 inches) with longish brown wavy hair. He’s not overly fit, by which I mean that he was slim but still firm. He never really talked about or hinted at working out, so I think he just watched what he ate and didn’t overindulge.

We got to an open spot on the edge of the lake and laid a picnic blanket down. I took off my tank top and shorts to reveal my bikini underneath. I saw him sneak a glance when I bent over to put the folded clothes on my bag. I took the opportunity and grabbed my sunscreen, immediately asking him if he’d do my back. With my 168cm (5 feet 5 inches) I luckily had enough space on the blanket.

*“How are you so brown already?”* he asked, smiling. *“We’ve only had this nice weather for a few days.”*

*“I guess I used those days to the maximum”* I said, smiling and squinting up at him from the blanket.

*“You look great by the way”* were his next words. They caught me a bit off guard, since I hadn’t known him to be so straightforward.

*“Thanks”* I replied. Thinking on my feet – and kicking myself with said feet afterwards – I said: *“Maybe you can photograph me some time.”* I was trying to be cute and coy, but I just sounded self-centred and foolish.

*“I would definitely be up for that!”* he exclaimed excitedly. I still couldn’t believe I had said that.

After he applied sunscreen to my back I thanked him and returned the favour. When we were all lathered up we headed into the water, not before Luca checked that his equipment was securely locked and attached to his bike and mine. We got in the water and dove in as fast as possible, so as to not linger too long in the limbo that is up-to-my-thighs-is-fine-and-I-will-just-stay-like-this. The water was still cold and combined with the wind, this meant goosebumps all over my whole body. What I didn’t predict is that this meant that my nipples would get hard. I mean…of course I knew that would happen, but I wasn’t prepared for my bikini to not be sufficiently padded. I guess they don’t include that information in the online description of the item. I tried to shrug it off, but just in that moment I saw that millisecond of a flicker of Luca’s eyes. He’d seen. My heart started pounding, because I had always been careful about these sort of things. I ducked down, submerging my torso and we continued talking. I suggested going for a swim out to a buoy (mainly so we wouldn’t just sit in the shallow part with me submerged), but Luca suggested we swim to a floating platform about 50 metres (160 feet) out. I knew this would mean that I would have to get out of the water completely, but I naively thought that maybe my nipples would have returned to normal by then. Another thought that flashed through my mind was that he’d seen already, so why bother getting hung up on this? This surprised me and made my heart skip a few more beats.

The platform was a bunch of wooden planks hammered together to make a surface with oil drums strapped underneath. On either side of the platform there were ladders. He was a gentleman and motioned for me to exit the water first. It was nice to just lie down on the floating platform in the warm sun. There was an older couple on the other side and a bunch of kids doing bombs into the water, but this didn’t hinder our conversation. Luca was talking about photographing the far off mountains and how they created a perfect shot when I looked up at him and realised that he really was great. The beads of water reflected in the sunlight gave him a kind of glow. Taking this, his fixation and passion for photography into account, I couldn’t help but feel like I wanted something to happen. Not just in the near future, but today. Now.

We were both sitting on the edge of the platform with our feet in the water. I took a chance and pulled my legs up to dangle them over his thighs, so that we were kind of in a T-position. This way I could lie on my back and close my eyes and he could get eyefuls of me if he wanted. Of course I occasionally checked and sure enough he was looking down at me. I fake-adjusted my bikini top to check if my nipples were still hard, but the bikini was doing its job for now, which was a bit disappointing. I decided to overly adjust my bottoms to see if he would look, but either he wasn’t interested or was too much of a gentleman. I suggested we swim back and lie on our blanket. He agreed and added that he could get his photos whilst I tanned.

Arriving at the shore, Luca was in front of me. He was already standing up, had adjusted his board shorts and was traipsing across the stoney bank to the grass. I thought I was safe, so I pulled on my bikini strap to lift the fabric so that I could caress my nipple. I guess I wanted to make them hard so that Luca could catch a glimpse? I get so dumb sometimes. When I had done it with the left nipple I was about to do it with the right one when Luca turned around. He raised his eyebrows in a kind of “why is your left hand cupping your right boob” sort of way. It was mortifying even though he didn’t really see anything (which is absurd if you think about it, since him seeing something was the whole point of it). I mustered a lazy grin and a shrug, before muttering something about the stupid bikini.

*“I think it’s a great bikini. I really like the colours”* he said. He had gone to the grassy area to get my slippers for me, so that I wouldn’t hurt my feet on the stones.

*“That’s nice of you to say”* I replied, blushing.

Being extremely embarrassed about my inadequacy I laid face down on the blanket, undid my bikini straps and just soaked up the sun. Luca went off with his camera to photograph the lake and the surrounding mountains. After a while he came back and was standing in front of me.

*“Have you tanned enough, or do you want to stay a bit longer?”* he asked.

I lifted myself, folded my arms underneath myself and looked up at him. This meant that he could see my boobs. He couldn’t not. The excitement shot through my entire body when I saw the look on his face.

*“Do you maybe want to take some more photos….of me?”* I added, a bit more confidently than the first time.

It seemed like hours passed. This sweet and charming boy stood there, mouth open just staring. It was exhilarating. I had made sure no one else could see and since we were further away from the lake, he really got to take in the sights.

*“Maybe we could go to your place and you could show me some photos you’ve taken?”* I continued, after what seemed like days.

*“Yeah…sure. That’s…let me just get my stuff.”*

We got dressed and cycled to his place. He lived with 2 other guys in an apartment block, but both of them were on a hiking trip in Flims. When we got to his place I asked if there was anywhere I could hang my wet top and bottoms. He led me to the bathroom and we hung our stuff on the heater in there. I had brought a bra, but spontaneously decided against wearing it. I was only wearing a thin white t-shirt and black shorts with nothing underneath. How silly of me to hope for a cold breeze again.

*“So what do you want to see? Landscape pictures, macro photography or modeling?”* he asked when I had freshened up.

*“You do modeling shots? I’ve never seen those on your page.”*

*“Yeah I don’t really like to put those up, since it’s mostly between the person and me. It feels more intimate and with permissions and so on, it’s just easier not to.”*

*“What do you get them to do? Stand in front of scenery, or…”* I trailed off.

*“Why don’t I show you?”* he quickly said.

After he had showed me a quarter of an album, I was blown away.

*“I want to try this! Do you have a place we could shoot?”* I almost shouted.

*“Yeah let me just grab my gear and some outfits. You should go grab your stuff as well.”*

We walked about 5 minutes and got to this abandoned house near his place. He immediately started taking pictures of me whilst I was getting ready. I didn’t know what to do and he just kept clicking away. He gave me this [white vest](https://i.imgur.com/NHBeKho.jpg) to put on and underneath I wore my [bra and my black shorts](https://i.imgur.com/hjDmdVP.jpg) with some boots he had brought. They were a bit loose, but fit well enough. After warming up a bit to the camera he asked me if there was anything I liked about myself. Even though it is non-existent when compared to some of the girls on reddit, I had always liked my butt. I put some effort into making it somewhat shapely and enjoyed the look of it. I told him I liked my butt and he told me to pull my [shorts up a bit and pose](https://i.imgur.com/xWRPxDd.jpg). He was constantly complimenting me and [taking photos](https://i.imgur.com/q6diKEp.jpg) from [all angles](https://i.imgur.com/bHs9k7Z.jpg). He [got me to take the vest off](https://i.imgur.com/CiFGNjH.jpg) and pose in just [my bra and panties](https://i.imgur.com/2PSOUrz.jpg). This whole situation turned me on a lot. The way Luca was in control, commanding me around and telling me what to do, it just gave me a sort of confidence and made me feel free. I’m pretty sure I would have done almost anything for him. And to him. I decided to let my newfound freedom shine through and took off my bra and panties while Luca was busy getting a blanket and some pillows ready. When he turned around and I was standing there naked. His mouth fell open once again. That familiar look of his I had seen at the lake once before had burned itself into my memory and I cherished it. He [adjusted something on his camera](https://i.imgur.com/hFc7r2j.jpg) and got me to position myself on [the blanket](https://i.imgur.com/FgZpH0X.jpg). He told me to hide my face since these were nude shots and he wanted me to be able to trust him, [so I did](https://i.imgur.com/4qUiG1r.jpg). Him being respectful and not overstepping the line made me want him even more. He wasn’t professional, but just normal, nice, charming and complimenting me all the time. I told him I want him to photograph me nude and that I don’t care if my face is in the photos. His face lit up like he had an idea. “Wait here.” He went around the corner and came back with some string. It was half string half cord and it was red. He told me to [wrap it around myself](https://i.imgur.com/HoNcgbu.jpg) which wasn’t as easy as it looked and resulted in my [favourite picture of the day](https://i.imgur.com/7sGIaIo.jpg). That smile was just for him. I also enjoyed [this picture](https://i.imgur.com/V18sPvB.jpg) because it makes me feel close to Luca. It’s hard to describe.

We took [a few more](https://i.imgur.com/PXK7WoS.jpg) pictures and decided to call it a day, because it was getting late. I had almost closed the hook of my bra when I took it off again. I walked up behind Luca, who was putting his gear and the props away and he spun around. Standing there completely naked, I tiptoed and kissed him. We both pulled away and smiled. I gently took his hand and placed it on my breast. He massaged both of my breasts with his hands and we kissed again, making out for a good while. We both pulled away, smiled again and continued packing up. At least we both knew where we stood now.

I unlocked my bike from the railing and told Luca how much I had enjoyed the day. He gave me a passionate kiss and grabbed a handful of my butt. As I rode away I was thinking this was going to be a brilliant summer.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8f7t1o/f_didnt_think_i_would_end_up_naked_pics_inside


  1. That was the best story I have read!
    The bonus imagery pushed it over the top!
    I can’t wait to read more from you!

  2. Loved this story! Wish I wasn’t on mobile so I could click all the links and see ya!

    Hope to see more of you ❤️

  3. You are stunning and this is such a hot story. Hope to hear back from you about how you fucked his brains out!

  4. One of the best writing styles I’ve seen here but.. I expected more of his photos… They’re mediocre at best

  5. As a hobby photographer who’s also located in Switzerland I’d love to shoot with you… and afterwards maybe show you my biggest lens? ;)

  6. such a hot story, I’ve dabbled in photography in the past and it was always a fantasy to take pictures of girls……but I’ve really only done mountains  and scenery. also you look so hot, and that isn’t just the camera work. amazing body, you really take care of your self!

  7. Excellent! So well told. I hope there is more to come—stories AND photos!

  8. Hot story and hot pictures, especially that last one! Keep us updated on where things go next

  9. Is it just me or am I the only one able to see the last pic and none of the others. Great story btw

  10. You more or less confirmed what I believe is the main driver for any girl to pose for my camera: you want to experience somebody taking the time and effort to make you feel beautiful and admired.
    If you keep writing like this, please don’t change your style. Well written, not going over the top and his photos are just showing enough to keep us entertained and interested for more.
    Please come back with more!

  11. This is a good post, but the combination of your story and visuals made this post great! Making it more realistic. I felt the emotions you described as I was reading, it was very exciting! And also you are a good subject for modeling! I felt some pics were a bit too dark or distorted to give a fair critique, but still good and fun pics. :)

    I hope this won’t be your last post Celine!

  12. Very well done! It was enjoyable reading the story and feeling the anticipation along with you. And thank you so much for being brave enough to show the pictures of yourself.

    You’re quite blessed with your beauty and I hope you have a great summer with more adventures!

  13. Well hopefully you can help him make his portrait photography get as good as your stories :)

  14. Honestly there is a lot of fun to be had here, and the photos were more a means for flirting – like an adventurous first date. I love it!

  15. I enjoyed reading this. Sexy and innocent at the same time! Hope things go well between you two :)

  16. Great story, I thought it was well written. I loved the mix of photos in it too, you make a fantastic model and what a body!
    Hope to read more about you and your developing relationship.

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