[MF] The second time I saw 50 shades in a cinema – Part 1

About two weeks after the first time I saw the movie I get a message from Ashley, Ashley was an ex of mine, we’d broke up as, besides the sex, we had little in common. This was about 3 months ago and barring a few friendly messages here and there we hadn’t really talked. Looks wise Ashley was short (5’3/5’4) and a little chubby, dyed red hair, glasses, shy, sweet, I’d only been the second guy she’d been with (she was 23 when we dated, 24 now). She lacked any confidence with guys and I’d helped build that back up, she was a lovely girl and when she made even a little effort could turn into quite a good looking girl, most of the times though, she barely made an effort, hoody and baggy jeans were her trademark along with a slightly gothic makeup style.

Anyhow, the message was short and sweet, “hey, we haven’t caught up in ages, still fancy taking me to see 50 shades?” I’d promised I would when we were dating. I sent her a message back saying I wouldn’t mind it as long as she knew it was just as friends. She agreed, we arranged it and that was that. A few days later I met her outside the cinema, as she walked towards me I appraised her, she had a little more confidence, was wearing a still relatively modest skirt but a skirt none the less, tights and unfortunately, a baggy hoody. Well, small miracles, she’d straightened her hair, lightened up on the makeup a bit and looked pretty good. We exchanged small talk, got popcorn and tickets and headed for the screen. It was clear that as it had been out for a couple weeks was going to be quiet. In fact, in a 200 seat screen there ended up being three other couples. We spread out across the cinema with us having the middle seats right at the back. Everything here was civil, normal, not even a hint of flirting, in fact, nothing happened at all besides a little laughter about how bad some of the scenes were and how good some of ours had been. So, it was out of the blue when, at a quiet plot point in the film (“plot point” seems like too strong words) she whispered in to me, “I sucked another cock last week”. Wait what, I did a double take, looking over, “he was my friends younger brother, 20, a virgin, we’d been awkwardly flirting, he’s a massive geek, a bit like you” I frowned, she smirked, “I don’t really remember how but after we kissed I could feel it. I just took it out, sucked him, he lasted like a few minutes”. I still didn’t quite get why she was telling me this. “It made me realise just how much I need to get fucked” this was very different from her, she was usually demure, quiet, she was innocent. At least until turned on. I still didn’t get it, which apparently amused her. “I don’t want feelings, a relationship, I can handle it if you can” taking my hand she places it on her side, under her hoody, moving it up in the darkness.

The sneaky girl wasn’t wearing a bra, or a t shirt, which my hand was now confirming and my brain was catching up as she looked at me expectantly. “I can if you can” I said, letting my hand slide up as she leaned into me. My hand roamed, pinching, kneading, tugging and rolling her nipples right up until the brink of pain just as she liked. We watched the rest of the movie like that, with me tugging and teasing her, her squirming, stroking my cock through my jeans then under them. My hand snuck to her skirt, finding the wet panties, stroking them, her through them. “I thought you could rip them off later” she whispered, “oh, your cock seemed to like that”. This was definitely a different Ashley. I couldn’t let that go unpunished though, “don’t make a sound” I whispered, pushing her head into my shoulders. My fingers slid under her panties and, though a somewhat awkward angle I slide into her finding her about as wet as I ever had. My fingers manage to get just a little in, hook up, drag over her clit, roll it, faster, faster. “You’re a wanton slut” I whispered, “but you’ll get what you want” she couldn’t speak with her head in my shoulder, just whimper. My fingers moved faster, firmer, circling it quickly in the exact motion I knew she preferred. Soon she was pressing hard, whimpering even through my shoulder, squirming, then I withdrew my fingers and smirked, licking them clean. “Just not yet” I taunt, “Bastard” she replied, “that’s Bastard Sir to you”. I ran my fingers through her hair and tugged her head down, “you can suck for the remainder of the movie” I knew it wasn’t long and I’ve usually got a good amount of control. For the next 10 minutes she did everything she could to try to get me to cum, every trick in her playbook, every time I even felt a tingle I’d tug her head up by her hair and stop her causing her extreme frustration.

The movie finishes and I tug her up, putting my cock away and trying to adjust, “back to mine” I ask, “yes please” she replies. In the car back she’s nervous, when we get out we head to mine, casual, relaxed, the door closes and she looks at me. “Don’t hold back” she whispers, I raise a brow, “rough, I need it rough” she looks at me and I nod, “that I can do, you know the drill, Red, Orange, Green”. As soon as she nods I smile, grab her hair and tug her towards me, “you’re going to be used like a slut”.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8emrwj/mf_the_second_time_i_saw_50_shades_in_a_cinema

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