Freshman year beach trip with friends [M][F]

This is the first story I’ve written so it’s probably going to be a little longer than it ought to be. If there are more stories down the road I’ll probably try to skip some of the details, but I remember this weekend so fondly that I can’t spare any details. If it gets too long I’ll complete it in parts.

This story took place about a month and a half into my freshman year of college, early to mid 2000s. My girlfriend, Kathryn, and I had gone to high school together and started dating about six months before we graduated. I stayed in town and went to the state university in the town where we grew up and she went to a private college out of state, fairly far away. Timing worked out that we were able to take a long weekend with a couple we were friends with, Adam and Mari. Adam and I had been best friends since we were 9 years old and Mari was friends with Kathryn (not best friends, but pretty close). Adam went away to a different out of state school and Mari stayed in town and went to the same school as me. They had been dating about three months longer than us. Our trip was planned to include a Friday and the following Monday and we were going to Mari’s parents’ beach house on the gulf coast of Florida to stay in their guest house. Nobody else was going to be there, but she and her siblings only had access to the guest house when her parents weren’t there. They were quite well off and I’d heard that the beach house was beautiful.

I wasn’t particularly close to Mari but we were friendly and we planned to make the four and a half hour drive down together. Our classes on Thursday finished before noon and we were able to leave in time to get there well before sunset. Kathryn and Adam had checked on flights that evening but they were outrageously expensive, so they were scheduled to arrive on the same connecting flight Friday morning.

I drove Mari’s car and she gave me directions how to get there. She flipped through radio stations to keep us entertained. As I said before, we weren’t particularly close so we didn’t have a whole lot to talk about. She made a pretty good effort at making small talk and I definitely felt myself opening up as the trip progressed.

When we were about halfway there she said, “I really can’t wait to see Adam, this is the longest we’ve ever gone without seeing each other.” I told her I knew how she felt and that the same was true for Kathryn and me. There was a little bit of a prolonged pause and then she said that she felt like she was dying because it had been so long since they’d had sex. Again I told her I knew that feeling all too well. There was another prolonged pause and then she said, “I can’t believe I’m telling you this, but I’ve masturbated every day this week knowing this trip was coming up….what about you?”

I said, “It sounds like I should have bought stock in Duracell.”

“Oh, I don’t need batteries,” she replied. “Fingers are good enough for me.”

I could feel my heart beating a little faster and felt like my skin was flushing.

“What about you?” she asked again.

“Not quite that often, but I take matters into my own hands every other day or so,” I replied.

That was the end of that line of discussion and we just made small talk the rest of the way there. When we got to the beach house I was blown away. It was a large house across the main road from the beach and it backed up to a bay. Mari unlocked the gate to the side of the main house and it led to a walled in, screened in courtyard with a swimming pool. The small guest house was on the far side of the pool. I carried our bags to the front door and she opened the door to let me in.

When I walked in I realized something about the situation seemed strange and it took me a moment to figure out what it was: there was no privacy in the guest house. It was configured like an incomplete studio apartment. To the left when you came in was a small countertop with a coffee maker on top and two refrigerators underneath as well as an ice maker. To the right was the bathroom but it wasn’t a room, more of an area within the studio. There was a shower with completely clear glass doors in the corner, a single vanity next to that, and then the door to the toilet on the other side of the vanity. In the middle of the right sided wall there was a king sized bed and on the other side of that was a sofa that she said unfolded to a bed for two. Beyond the futon was a sliding glass door that opened to a patio overlooking the bay. I set our bags down and she helped me get the sofa bed pulled out. There was still an hour and a half or so of sunlight left and Mari said she wanted to go to the beach and I told her I’d go along with her.

I started going through my bag to find my swim trunks, a t-shirt, flip flops, and sunscreen. By the time I’d found half of my items she had already pulled everything she needed out and laid it on the bed. We hadn’t been talking while we were getting our things out but once she had hers out she started talking again, nothing of substance, just enough it seemed to get my attention. And then she started changing…

I should probably describe each of us at this point. Mari was fairly tall, probably 5’8, with straight blond hair between her shoulder blades. She was fairly athletic and wasn’t skinny, but wasn’t overweight; she was fit. I’d always thought she had pretty decent breasts but honestly hadn’t paid that much attention. I was (and still am) just shy of six feet tall. I weighed in about 175. I had decent muscle mass and a flat stomach but had enough fat left on me to just keep from showing my abs. I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and a fairly average penis that is six inches when I’m erect but hangs nicely when I’m flaccid.

So Mari started changing. She started by taking off her spaghetti strap tank top and she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. I tried not to keep looking in her direction but she just kept talking and the awkwardness of avoiding eye contact overwhelmed the awkwardness of looking at her standing there topless. When I finally looked in her direction I realized she had a spectacular pair of D cup breasts. They were as perky as D cups could be expected to be, but there was just a little bit of hang to them. She had half dollar sized areolas and her nipples were just barely apparent, they weren’t erect. I turned back to find the last of what I needed out of my bag and out of the corner of my eye saw her slide her shorts and panties down in one motion before stepping out of them. She kept talking while facing me directly and the next time I looked at her I noticed that she was completely clean shaven below. She was standing with her legs together so I couldn’t make out much more than that, but it was really exhilarating nonetheless.

She started applying sunscreen and I turned away as I took my shirt off. I started applying sunscreen to my upper half, hoping that by the time I was ready to take off my shorts she would be dressed and would step outside. But she took her time and by the time I’d rubbed the sunscreen into my arms and torso she was just finishing her whole body sunscreen application.

“Why are you being so shy? Nobody is going to have very much privacy here the next few days. That modesty can’t last very long. You might as well turn around.”

I had already realized the inevitability of the situation and, still facing away from Mari, pulled my shorts and underwear down in one motion. I then removed my socks, took a deep breath, and turned around to face her. She was mid-sentence when I turned around but as I turned she stopped talking. I looked at her face and saw her eyes fixated on my flaccid penis.

“I’m sure Kathryn has been missing that,” she said.

“You know she does,” I responded as I reached for my swim trunks, stepped into them and pulled them up before my penis started becoming engorged with blood. I turned back around and put on my t-shirt and slipped on my flip flops before heading out the back door to sit and look out at the bay as she finished getting dressed. A few minutes later she stepped out in a spectacular black string bikini that accentuated her cleavage and a pair of rainbow flip flops and said she was ready to head to the beach. She put on a sheer white coverup before we headed out the front and then through the courtyard before crossing the street to go to the beach.

We mostly sat on our towels. She read. I dozed off briefly. We never got in the water. Just before sunset we decided we’d head to the restaurant a couple hundred yards down the beach to get dinner. The small talk continued through dinner, nothing out of the ordinary or particularly memorable was said. After dinner we walked back to the house and when we got there she pulled a couple beers out of the refrigerator. Her legal age sister had been down there a couple weeks before and was nice enough to leave the place well stocked since she knew we wouldn’t be able to buy alcohol.

She suggested we drink our beers in the hot tub. I didn’t protest. We kept chatting about nothing of any consequence. The only suggestive statement was when she said that more often than not when she had been in that hot tub she had been naked. We finished our beers and I went back inside to get us each one more. After that we were both pretty tired from the ride down and the sun and the beer so we headed back inside to go to bed. I slipped off my shirt and flip flops and pulled a pair of gym shorts out of my bag before heading to the enclosed toilet to take a leak and change. In that time she had stripped completely naked again and gotten in the shower.

When I came out I went straight to bed. I laid facing her with my eyes cracked just the slightest. I watched her wash her hair, lather up her body, spending more time than necessary on her breasts and vulva, and shave her pubic area. I closed my eyes completely when she turned the water off. I stayed facing that direction and although I was very excited, eventually that died down and I fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night and it was practically pitch black in the room. The only light was the slightest reflection of the moonlight off the bay. But I heard something. I heard the sound of sheets rustling, heavy breathing trying to hide, and the occasional sound of skin in contact with a moist mucous membrane. I didn’t move a muscle. I did everything I could to make sure it wasn’t obvious I’d woken up. I tried to keep my breathing slow. It was obvious she was masturbating. I could see the bed, but other than the faintest suggestion of motion I couldn’t make out what was happening. I heard her speed up, heard her breathing quicken, and end in a soft moan several times over the course of the next ten minutes. I assume each one of those was an orgasm. After the third or fourth of those all that I could hear was her quickened breathing which was quickly normalizing. I’m fairly certain she fell asleep right after that. I was rock hard by then but I didn’t dare take the chance to try to do anything about it. When I thought she was asleep for sure I rolled over and it took me another ten or fifteen minutes to calm down enough to fall asleep.

It took longer than I expected to write that much. I’ll leave that as all for now. If anyone wants me to write anymore I’ll pick up where we left off. I hope you enjoyed.



  1. Love to read a long story with build up. Comment first before reading. Keep it up

  2. >> “It sounds like I should have bought stock in Duracell.”

    My man! That’s what I would have thought too

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