[MF] I’m meeting up with my ex tomorrow and a memory from a while back came to mind

(Sorry this is so long and unedited- just wrote it)

Three summers ago (Northern Hemisphere) when I was 20 and she was 19 an ex and I had driven quite a long way in one day to a big city from the small town I was visiting her in for a couple weeks to go sightseeing and get away from her mom. We promptly checked in to our hotel and after unpacking I said that I wanted a shower. I hopped in and after about a couple of minutes she pulled back the curtain and joined me. It might bear to mention that I’m a pretty fit white dude with brown hair and blue eyes. She’s a sorta fit rather curvy brown girl with blue-black hair and extraordinary brown eyes. I must have been about six inches taller than her at 5’10. It was mostly non-sexual- we washed each other’s hair and massages each other’s heads while exchanging the occasional sexual touch and lightly kissing. We finished our shower and went back to the room, drying each other off. Then I said that I didn’t want to put on clothes and asked her to lie on the bed with me. I turned up the heat and we lay there for a few minutes talking about the day. I laughed at something I can’t even remember and she said I was cute and kissed me.

The kisses got more passionate and we started making out and after maybe a minute she pushed me on to my back and straddled me. We continued making out and ran our hands on the others’ body for a while until I was able to feel her wetness against me. I broke off the kiss and commented on it, laughing. She blushed a little and looked down. She came back at me with the fact that I was hard. I came back at the fact that it was kissing and touching her beauty was what made me that way. She seemed to appreciate it and gave my dick the littlest kiss. I flexed it in response and she was a little surprised by its jump. She took my head into her mouth and began sucking me with this intense pressure. I lay back and was enraptured by these sensations. When I opened my eyes a short while after composing myself I was looking at our bedside table- which had the small bag I brought with us. I reached over and grabbed it when she took notice.

She asked me what I was getting. I said that she should wait and see. I told her, in a rather stern tone, to get back to what she was doing and to close her eyes. She laughed and said, “Yes sir” in a cheeky tone, but complied. I opened our bag to see a few implements which I thought might be helpful for what we were about to get up to. I took out a small, special warm not hot massage candle and a generic lighter. I put the rest of the bag back on the table, leaving a couple things I thought might come in handy for later dangling out. I struck the lighter to light the candle and when she heard the noise she twitched in response. She took me deep one more time then raised her head, with her eyes closed, and asked me what that sound was. I asked her if she wanted a massage and instructed her to lay down with her face pressed into a pillow and that I would get off the bed to allow her to lie down without opening her eyes. She did and that trust was an incredible turn-on.

I kneeled beside her on the side of the bed with the candle on the table to my right. I kissed her neck and asked if she remembered when we talked about waxplay. She said that she did excitedly. I told her that I’ve wanted for a while to do this and she bummed happily. I got up, grabbed a saucer and put the candle on it, then put that on the bed. I told her that I was going to straddle her lying down and begin. I picked up the candle and dropped a single drop on the back of her neck. Her hands that were resting on the pillow grasped it sharply. I laughed and continued, knowing the wax wasn’t that hot. I tested it on my arm and my worries about it being too hot evaporated. I drizzled a slow-burning line down her spine. Then set the candle aside and massaged it in. She asked me to do her upper back and shoulders. I took up the candle again and poured the accumulated wax over her upper back. She sighed and I massaged her back and shoulders for what must have been fifteen minutes, with the appropriate re-application of wax. I kissed her neck while waiting for more wax to burn and she asked if I would massage her front. I said of course and got offer her so she could turn over. She rolled up on to her knees and leaned over to me to make out with me a little bit and thank me. After she reached down and grabbed my dick, pulling it up and down slowly. I knocked her hand away saying that I had yet to massage her front. She gave me an are-you-serious look and I I said that I was, lightly pushing her back. She allowed her body to fall back and rolled her eyes. We got in missionary position, with her knees up and me kneeling in between. She closed her eyes, put her hands up and waited so I took the candle and, while kissing her, poured the accumulated wax down her sternum. She gasped into my mouth and arched her back a slight bit but wow was that hot. I put the candle aside and began massaging the wax into her skin all up and down her front. As I made my way down I had an idea. I pushed her legs open and kissed her inner thigh while holding the candle. Wherever I kissed I promptly breathed a stream of cool air and after, a drop of wax. After doing this ten or so times on each thigh the melting wax was dripping towards her more sensitive areas and I couldn’t have that. So I blew the candle out and put it aside. I massaged the wax into her thighs and began to realize just how wet she was with the wax mixing with her juices as I was finishing. I stopped.

Then asked if she liked that. She had her eyes closed and nodded while making an uh-huh sound. I asked her if she was up for something kinky. She opened her eyes, looking down at her waxy, oily, wet and beautiful self. After a quick titter at her state she asked me what I had in mind. I reached over and grabbed the black ball gag in my hand by the strap, leaving it dangling for her to see. Her mouth had opened unconsciously at the time and I made a wise crack- saying that she must have really wanted this. She coyly smiled and said that now would be a good time to give that another use. I told her to get up on her knees and face away from me so I could put it on. She did and I asked her to hold her hair up and open her mouth to put it in. She did so I brought it up over her head and put it in her mouth. I fastened it loosely so she could take it off as she had requested and let her know that it was fastened. I asked her to take it off, to show that she could. After a few second of fiddling with her now-fallen hair she managed to unfasten it it. I saw that she had done it and told her to keep it in her mouth while I fastened it again. The gag was in and I asked her to turn around. She was radiant but somehow only had eyes for me.

I asked her what she wanted. She shook her head. I asked her what position she wanted and began to list them off, telling her to nod when she liked something. She shook her head through the more than twenty positons I named. I was stumped. Sure, se likes to challenge me but this one was new. I got an idea and asked her if she wanted to hear what I wanted. She nodded and smiled as best she could. That smile did it for me. An attempted smile with a black ball gag in her mouth that was making her salivate made me want to go hard. I told her as much. I told her that I wanted her facing the wall with her hands against it, as high as she could reach them, and before I could finish my sentence she was there. I shook my head and told her that’s only where I wanted her first. She looked over at me questioningly and I told her that I wanted her on her back so I could see her face after I had finished going hard in the position she was in. She nodded with this eagerness that I had only seen a few times before and I moved behind her. I put on a condom and teased her a bit, licking her and tickling her g-spot while she moaned through her gag. We went over our non-verbal safewords with the impatience of a young couple who just wanted to fuck and just when she finished demonstrating our ‘yellow’ I entered her pretty much at peak hardness and we both moaned. I stayed still inside her for a quick second, trying to savour the situation. She groaned, annoyed, and pushed back against me. Just fucking daring me. I reached up to pull the hair at the nape of her next down, hard. She arched her back and looked at me with the eyes of my babe who had just realized that I was dictating what were we’re doing from now on. I told her to do what I said and waited for a response. She tried to nod but couldn’t as I was holding her hair too tightly. I laughed, with not the kindest tint to my voice. I said good and we began. I let her hair up and told her to show me what she wanted. She began to move up and down on my length slowly, but with the ferocity of slowly rising off of me and suddenly plunging herself down. This was good I told her, but I said it wasn’t enough and to try harder. She picked up the pace. I waited maybe ten seconds and sighed loudly. I said that if she didn’t want to please me she might as well stop. She shook her head and continued, harder than before. There are only a handful of times with this girl when the sex was this good and I knew what I had to do to push it to the next level. I physically stopped her with my hands on her waist. She moaned in disappointment. I said that if she wasn’t up to it I would have to get things started. She nodded excitedly.

I started. I repositioned myself and bore down on her- you know when you’re fucking her from behind as hard and as fast as you possibly can and your hand are pushing down on her waist so hard all the movement you have to do it forward and backwards? If not I goddamn feel bad for you because fuck was that great. I learned later that I was pushing her down at just the correct angle so that I was hitting near or at her g-spot the whole time. Fuck was it exhilarating. My body got entirely caught up in the act of just pumping in and out as fast and as hard as I could. My mind sort of wandered- it was like I was seeing myself from the third person. I thought that wow was I lucky to be in the place I was. Wow we looked hot. Wow her moving when I’m fucking her like this is incredibly attractive. Wow we’re sweaty and I forgot to turn the heat back down. Wow-and then I snapped out of it because something changed. She was cumming and cumming hard.

I pulled out of her, and got on my knees to lick and kiss her. She barely noticed, so shook by pleasure she was. I was on my knees drinking her for maybe a minute when she stopped and reached down to play with my hair. I stopped and asked if that was good for her. I guess I wanted to bait her a bit because she pulled the gag out of her mouth and kissed me passionately. I pushed her off of me asking who let her take the gag off and she panicked a little and quickly put it back in. I smiled (hopefully menacingly) and told her to get on her back with her legs open. I had softened at this point so I took off and threw away the condom. I moved between her legs and slowly stroked myself back to hardness with her eyes on my cock. I reached over her for another condom, ripped it open and slid it on. I slowly slid into her with her eyes on my cock every inch of the way with them finally closing as I was fully seated in. I stopped and moved my hands- my left one beside her head and the other hovering her throat. I asked if she was ok with this and she thrust her neck upwards in response. I grabbed her neck and pushed it back down. I said don’t think I’ve forgotten.

I took my hand off her neck and slapped her lightly on the side of her right breast, which juggled pleasantly. I used the same hand to backhand her across her face. She recoiled and I said that this is what happens to you when you disobey. I put my hand lightly around her throat and lowered my head beside her ear. I asked if she was cool with that and to kiss me on the cheek if she was. She kissed me and my heart as well as probably my dick leaped. I tightened my grip around her neck and leaned back and began to fuck her. She goes crazy for a number of short quick strokes and then a number of long deep thrusts so I decided to count to 50. 1 short thrust and 1 deep thrust. 2 short thrusts and 2 deep thrusts. I continued until I reached 5, when I hit her breast. I continued until 10 where I paused for a short time, took my hand off her throat and let her catch her breath. I hit her across the face, roughly grabbed her neck and began again. She came during 11. She came during 25. She came at the border of 30 and 31. I hit her across the breasts for the sixth time at 45. She came for the final time at 48 when I took my hand off her throat. And of course I had to hit her a sixth time across the face, this time rather hard, at 50 to cap things off.

I kneeled there, listening to her breathing and letting her catch her breath and get her composure back. She was fine and when she took her first big breath I quickly grabbed her throat for the last time, before raising her head up, taking off the gag, putting it on the bedside table, sliding out of her, and taking off the condom to lie beside and snuggle up to her. We lay side-to-side facing each other with our legs entwined and our hands roaming over each other. After talking for a short bit it seemed to me that she was a bit in need of aftercare so I asked her to roll over so I could put my arms around her and spoon her. She did and we lay there talking about nothing for a bit. After her breathing normalized I asked if she was 100% good with everything we did and if she had anything to say about it. She responded that she really enjoyed it. She didn’t think I would have understood what she wanted at the start by her refusing to tell me what she wanted and was happy that I did. She also said that the pleasure, pain and my hand on her throat were a bit much for her in the early thirties but when she signalled the ‘yellow’ that I took it back it but and that was good. She also said that she sorta got lost in it after forty which made me proud because she had a bit of a tough time about that. She asked if it was good for me and I said that it was fantastic. Controlling her like that and her letting me control her was exhilarating and bloody hot. I asked her how many times she came and I felt happy that I was
able to do that. She asked me and I admitted that I hadn’t. To my surprise she turned around and was a bit annoyed with me. I was taken aback when she said that I was supposed to do what I wanted, for me. I was a bit taken a back and asked her to give me a second. I pulled her in and put her head on my chest. She was cool with it and gave me a minute or two before asking again. I was ready with an answer, saying that what turned me on and made me happy was getting the reactions I wanted out of her and being in almost complete ecstasy the whole time. She immediately followed up with well why didn’t you cum? I said that I wanted to ride the pleasure and having self-control helped me do that and get what I wanted about her. She lightly began to stroke my dick and asked what she should do, right now, to get me to come for her.

I’ll admit, that after that it didn’t take me long to get hard. But I lay there, kissing her and felling the sensation of her hand. I thought about it. I really thought. Her breasts were there in front of me as I looked down and I thought about a tit fuck, but thought about it some more and decided against it. I thought about cumming on her, face or body while her back was arched. Then with that stream of thought I got it. I stopped kissing her and pushed her hand away and she looked at me expectantly. I said that I wanted her to suck my dick and she started moving down my body. I grabbed the outside of her arms and said not like that. She looked quizzical so I explained. I said that I wanted to stand off the bed, and that I wanted her to lean backwards with back down and her head off the bed. Then she would suck my dick. She seemed bemused and wondered if that would work. I said why don’t we try? So we tried.

I kissed her and ran my fingers through her lips, collecting some of the wetness that remained and put my fingers in her mouth. She licked them clean and I took my first two fingers out of her mouth and put my thumb in, which she bit. I started to get up and she wouldn’t let my thumb out of her mouth for a second so I was jerked back to the bed. She let me go and laughed. She lay back off the bed and said like this? With the most innocent look on her face I told her she looked the best she’s ever looked with our combined saliva, cum, wax and sweat giving her this beautiful glow. She pulled me by one hand and said get over here so I did. Who would I be to refuse such a creature?
We got into position and she shuffled back a bit off the bed to get the perfect angle. She took me in her mouth and from that moment on I was in heaven. I don’t know if it was the angle, or the previous horniness and scenario but what I was feeling was fantastic. She started slow, getting used to the position but taking me deep. As she got used to it, she leaned back a bit more and put her hands on my ass, pulling me into her. Then she really began. She broke out her tricks, her suction, her tongue, her pace, her hands, her jerking me while caressing my balls, literally everything I had ever thought of. This must have gone on for fifteen minutes when she made eye contact and slid me out of her mouth. While gently touching herself she asked me to come and what she could do to make that happen. I told her that I wanted to fuck her face and come on her body. It was the most interesting angle, with her splayed off the bed like that. Her breasts looked magnificent and I wanted to come on them, however odd that may sound. I wanted the come run down her body towards her head. She gave me this devilish look and said you better. She told me to thrust however I wanted and took me in her mouth and put her hands on my ass, pulling me into her. I started off slow until she slid my cock out of her mouth to rest on her face, covering a good portion of it, and said that I should knock it off with that weak considerate shit. So I fucked her face. I leaned over and played with her breasts and somehow still-wet pussy. Then I diverted myself from that and just concentrated on cumming. It didn’t take long when I was focussed. I was about to come when I gave her the heads up and she hummed hmm-hmmm on my dick until I came. The first shot must have gone down her throat, but I pulled out and came on her neck with the next shot and on her breasts with the next two. As I came down from my orgasm high she was kneeling on the bed in front of me with my cum all over her front. I almost came again right there.

I pulled her in for a kiss and we collapsed back into the bed. My cum sunk into the sheets and it’s existence resulted in more than a few initiated sessions for the rest of the trip. That night we just passed out from exhaustion in each other’s arms and had a great shower remembering everything we did the next morning.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/86a169/mf_im_meeting_up_with_my_ex_tomorrow_and_a_memory