[MF] fucking my young tinder friend in the rain(cheating)

This is the story of my friend Linda. The buildup is kind of long, but I needed to put in here to set up the ending. If you want to skip ahead to were the real fun starts, start reading the paragraph with the date as the first sentence.

So, about three years ago I was really into the online dating scene. I was on POF, OKC, and of course, tinder. I was making up for lost time I had spent with my ex. We started a family young and finally called it quits in our late 30’s. I was too busy with my kids and work to start anything serious, so making new friends and hookups was the extent of my love life.

One fateful day I fired up the tinder app. Just check for messages and new matches. It was midweek and I wasn’t looking to go out, just bored. I would always match with the first few swipes. That’s the way it was set up in those days. Also, if you had someone that was further away than your settings you knew it was a match. I had my settings at 5 miles. Linda was 6 miles away.

My first message to Linda was generic. Probably my copy and paste ice breaker I used on most of the girls I thought I had no shot with. Linda was 23, and I was twice her age. Not usually my type. I was dating/fucking mostly single moms. Linda was young, attractive, fit, and from what I could tell from her pics, a bit of a good ball. I was intrigued to say the least.

She almost immediately responded to my first message. We joked and flirted and with in an hour we exchanged numbers. I got to know plenty about Linda that first night we talked. She was in a relationship, but wanted out. She was on tinder mostly to kill boredom, but had gone on a few dates while her boyfriend was out of town. She told me she was just waiting for her lease to end so she move out and end it with her boyfriend.

We talked here and there for a while. I never thought anything would come of it. It was just fun talking to a young pretty girl. I was totally honest with her. I knew she was in a loveless relationship. It’s almost like she was living vicariously through my slutty stories. She was always impressed with the amount of women I was hooking up with. I always texted Linda to tell her about my latest conquest. It was such a turn on for me, and I’m pretty sure for her as well.

After a few months of my story telling I happened to be doing some work in the city where she worked. I texted Linda and asked if she working that day. She said she was. I sarcastically told her I was going to come browse at the boutique she worked in. To my surprise she told me to come by. I gave her a rough time I would be there. She said ok and it was finally happening. We were actually going to meet.

I pulled my work van down the street her store was on. To my surprise I found parking right across the street from the store. Everything seemed to be working out. I texted to tell her I was there, and walked across the street. I was starting to get nervous.

I walked in the store and there she was. So cute in a little green dress and a denim jacket. I was so out of place. This store barely sold anything for men. I was in my work boots and jeans. I would never shop there. I grabbed an ugly men’s shoe and walked up to her. At this point she was watching me. I asked her some questions about shoes and smiled. Within seconds I think everyone shopping and her coworkers knew I wasn’t there for shoes, I was there for Linda. I tried my best not to flirt too much, and after about 5 minutes I thanked Linda for her help and left.

I walked back across the street and pulled out my phone. I was about to text Linda when I got a text from her. “Wait, don’t leave” I turned around to see Linda running out of the store. I was standing on the sidewalk and she ran right up to me. We were with inches of each other. My heart started to race.

I said to her “hey that was fun. Never thought I’d do that” Linda said “yeah it was, and you are pretty hot. You definitely don’t look 38” I said back “you are pretty hot yourself, and you definitely look 23”
She smiled and for whatever reason I just went in for a kiss. She was ready for it. Almost like she knew it was coming. And what a kiss it was. Extremely passionate. The build up of the months of talking were all out now. I finally broke away when I realized I was making out with a girl I just met on a busy sidewalk in broad daylight. She said to me “my boyfriend has band practice tonight. You want to get some drinks?” Without hesitation I agreed. We made plans to meet at a place near her work, and said goodbye. I was so high over the kiss. I couldn’t wait to get back to her.

I rushed back to my office to finish up work. I parked my work van and jumped into my pickup truck. I had no time to go home and shower and change. I had to head right back into the city. Plus I knew I wasn’t going home her, and she wasn’t coming with me. Just getting some drinks with a friend after work. I found a place I could legally park overnight less than a mile from her store. I texted my main fuck buddy to make sure I had a backup plan. I knew I could crash her place, and she was only a few train stops from Linda’s store.

I chose the closest dive bar to Linda’s store and sent her the address. She walked in a few minutes after me. We drank cheap beer and talked. Played each other our favorite classic rock songs on the jukebox. We went outside to smoke cigarettes together. We were having a great time. Best date I had been on in months.

After a few hours she had to leave. I told her I was going to meet friends at another bar. I texted my other friend and planned on meeting up. We cut through a public park on our way to the train station. It was dark and no one was around. I grabbed her and went in for another kiss. We made out feverishly. I grabbed her hand and we walked over to a park bench. We sat down and started going at it. Groping and clawing at each other. One hand sensually rubbing her perky tits over her bra while my other hand was grabbing her ass and trying rub her clit through the fabric of her booty shorts she was forced to wear because of how short her dress was. We were at the point of no return. But we had to stop. I wasn’t going to fuck her on a park bench and then send her home to her boyfriend. I stopped kissing her and stood up. I grabbed her by the hand and pull her up. We walked hand in hand to the train station. Not a word was said. Just smiles until we got on the train and arrived at her station. We said goodbye like nothing happened. It was so hot.

I met my other friend a short time later. We went to her apartment and had some of our most intense sex ever. She knew I was all charged up. After the first or second time we fucked that night I confessed about my date. She seemed surprised but not mad which was cool. (If this part of the story intrigues you, you can check out my previous post about my favorite fuck buddy)

After all that Linda and I went back to the way we were. Just texting a few times a week. She was still with her boyfriend, I was still dating. I knew there was still some sexual tension, but I was ok with just out one meeting. It was too perfect and I had plenty of other girls to occupy my time. I really liked having Linda to talk to. It just worked that way.

August 22nd, 2015 was a day to remember. It was a Saturday. That weekend I didn’t have my kids. I hadn’t made any plans. I had hooked up with a new girl the night before. I figured I’d try to catch up with my friends or just lay low and watch some tv. It was supposed to be an uneventful day.

As I tended to do when I was bored I got on tinder. New message from a girl I was talking to earlier in the week. I responded and she wrote back right away. I wasn’t up for the texting back and forth all day, so I just asked if she wanted to hang out. She said she did. She said she had some weed, and I could grab some beer and we could see what happens. I agreed to go by her house.

The going to a strangers house to meet them for the first time was always weird. It also almost always means you are going to fuck. I pulled up at the new girls house. She walked out to meet me. I couldn’t believe what this girl was wearing. She was wearing a pink nighty that was practically see through in the sunlight. She was a little overweight, but her huge tits and big ass made her look like she was built to fuck. I was getting hard right away.

We got into her apartment and I put the beers in her fridge. We each opened a beer and she packed a bowl. I took sips of my beer while we passed the bowl. We were sitting on a love seat touching each other. Before we could finish the beer and weed we were going at it. We barely kissed. I pulled her thong off from under her nighty and went down on her. I didn’t have to do much before she was begging for my dick. I stood up and took my shirt off. I let her unbuckle my belt and pull my pants down. I could tell she was really impressed with my dick. She put it in her mouth, but I pulled it back out. I needed to fuck. I pulled a condom out of my pocket and got on top of her. Somehow we found the right angle on the loveseat and I started pounding away. She came almost immediately. She was so wet and I wasn’t trying to make her feel loved. I fucked as hard and fast as I could until I came. It was a good fuck. I got up off her to throw away the condom. I looked down at her with a real sense of satisfaction.

I grabbed my beer and headed outside for a smoke. She followed just to hang with me. We sat on her patio. Then things got awkward. We had just acted like two sex fiends. It’s almost like we felt mutual guilt. I made an excuse to leave. She didn’t fuss about me leaving. I was there all of 15 minutes.

I killed the rest of the afternoon watching sports and fucking around online. Nothing special. As the night wore on I found myself bored. Then I got an idea. I’ll text Linda and tell her my story. One of the sluttiest things I had ever done. I was sure she would be in awe.

I texted the normal “hey, what you doing?” Her response caught me off guard. She said she was out at a club with her sister and friends. I knew the club well. I would go there often in my younger days. It was your typical rock club. Nothing fancy. She said it was 90’s alternative night. I laughed because that was my scene when I grew up going there. She told me to come out. I politely declined. Not my thing anymore. Then she changed my mind. She said “please, I want to dance with you”

I told her I’d be there. I took a quick shower and headed out. I got there pretty quick. Then the hardest part of the night started. I had to be the old guy, by himself, standing in line to get into a club I had outgrown years ago. I texted Linda to let her know I was outside. I finally got through the embarrassing line and bouncers to see Linda at a table right inside the door. As I walked in she jumped up to meet me. She gave me a big hug. I could tell she was a little tipsy. She said to me “my sister and friends want to leave, will you help me get home?” I said “of course” with that she walked over to her sister, said something quietly, and walked back to me. I watched her sister give me such a sinister glare. Linda grabbed my hand, gave a cunty little goodbye wave, and drag me to the dance floor.

Once on the dance floor I could tell Linda was horny. She immediately started grinding on me. She would turn around and rub her great ass on my dick. At some points her little sundress rode up. It was beyond sexy. Sweat glistened off her cleavage. The old air conditioning of the old run down club was no match to the humid August night. I was so hot. We were putting on a show on the dancfloor. She was seducing me, and it was so hedonistic.

After a few songs I couldn’t keep any longer. I yelled over the music to ask her to come get a drink with me. She agreed and we walked to the back bar. Everything started to hit me. She was still all over me. I was the old guy at the club with the young hot girl. My confidence was overflowing. As soon as we got our beers I suggested that we leave. She agreed. We left before we finished our beers.

When we got outside we headed up to the main drag. I think she assumed we would hail a cab or call an Uber. But I had driven my pick up truck. She seemed extra excited about this. Like the city girl had never been in a pick up before. We got in and started to drive.

I headed towards a building I had done work at before. It had a back parking lot that was very secluded. She asked where were going. I told her it was a surprise. We got to the parking lot and I turned off the truck. She asked “what are we doing here?” I kissed her and told her “this is where we are going to fuck”.She said back “too bad you don’t have a condom, or I’d totally would”. I said “I do”.

She sat in silence for what seemed like minutes, until she finally said “fine”

We immediately started ripping each other’s clothes off. I pulled her panties off and pushed up he dress. I pulled my T-shirt off as she helped pull my pants off. My rock hard dick bounced right out of my boxers. I had sent her dick pics before, but she seemed surprised by my size. I got the condom on and got ready to push myself into her. We made eye contact as I lined the head of my cock on the lips of her pussy. I could tell she was wet enough to take it all right away. With one strong thrust I was in. The look in her eyes was unforgettable. As if she was feeling this for the first time. She let out a gasp when got all the way in. This was going to be worth the months of waiting.

I’m kind of tall so it was hard finding a comfortable position on the bench seat of my truck. Finally we got into a rhythm that felt good. My feet were pushed against the door and I was able to get good force behind each thrust. I had her perky tits out above her bra and dress. I bit down hard on her nipples from time. I continued to make eye contact with her. It seemed like she couldn’t concentrate on me. Seeing her eyes roll into the back of her head just made me fuck harder. I reared back for what I thought would be my last few extremely rough thrusts. I slammed into her so hard she slid across the seat and hit her head on the door. I had to stop.

Before I even asked if she was ok I was outside the truck running around to her door. I opened it and picked her up. I put her back on the seat while I held on to both of her thighs. I asked if she was ok, and if she wanted to keep going. She said yes. I stood outside the door while I held on to her. I got back inside her and it felt even better than before. My first few slow thrusts were enough for me to know I couldn’t hold out much longer. And then something happened we both weren’t expecting. It started to rain.

I was getting drenched as I continued to fuck her. I thought that she should experience this, so I dragged her out of the truck. I turned her around and she grabbed the door handle. I lifted the back of her dress up and got the view of her great ass. She was the right height for me, and I was able to get real deep inside her. I started to fuck her in an animalistic way. Each thrust harder and harder. After every time I slammed my torso into her she screamed “fuck me!” louder and louder. How I was holding out at this point is beyond me. The passenger door was swaying to the point of breaking. Finally she let go and slammed her palms on the pavement. It was a deafening slap with all the water on the ground. I couldn’t take it any more. I exploded inside her. Thank god she was so turned on and wet, or that condom had no chance of withstanding that hard of a fucking.

We quickly realized a house overlooking the parking lot had a light on that wasn’t on when we first got there. We jumped in the truck and drove off. Some how her panties had fallen outside. So, I was sending her home pantiless and soaking wet to her boyfriend. I dropped her off a block away from her house and headed home.

Linda and I stayed in touch. She eventually moved out and broke up with her boyfriend. She started telling me about her stories of being single. Her experiences of open relationships, being a sex slave, orgies, and all types of deviant behavior. I like to think I helped bring out her inner slut. Lord knows she helped bring out mine that night.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8594ka/mf_fucking_my_young_tinder_friend_in_the


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