What Lies Beneath ~ Part 1 (an ongoing, community driven story)

**18+ seeking 18+ for fantasy**

*The storm came out of nowhere, weather reports had predicted a safe return for the crew and passengers of the cruise ship Harmony. Now rain pounded the ship’s deck as waves crashed into its side, many of the passengers cower in their rooms or other areas of the ship while the crew does its best to keep everyone afloat.*

*Suddenly, everything is quiet. The rain is calm and the water is still. Several crew members peak outside, it appears that the ship has drifted into something like the eye of a hurricane. The storm is still raging on, but the ship floats on untouched in this solitary patch of ocean.*

*The silence is broken as a shriek cracks through the salty air. The inhuman cry shakes those who hear it to their core, but they’re more unsettled when more cries are emitted. All around the ship things scream, unseen as they lurk beneath the surface.*

*Then something new is heard, a low, bellowing groan. Off in the distance from [behind a wall of fog](https://imgur.com/B1D0FRT), something rises out of the sea. Something gargantuan, though it’s far away now it seems to be turning its attention towards the ship.*

*Another scream is heard, this one human as one of the crew is seen being dragged off the side of the ship. A thud hits the deck, followed by another, and another. The remaining crew watches in horror as their vessel is boarded by various humanoid creatures. They do their best to keep them out of general quarters, but are quickly overpowered as some of the creatures disperse among the passengers.*


/u/Kaylasp F4F –

I cower in my room as I listen to the horror outside. The storm was frightening enough with the roaring waves, but these new sounds were simply terrifying. It sounded like something was… alive, all around us. I couldn’t tell if it was angry or frightened or what, but I could tell that the sounds were getting louder. Or closer.

I send another text, worried out of my mind for my boyfriend. He left his room when we exited the storm and I hadn’t heard from him since.

I flinch as an ear piercing shriek echos down the hall. Down the hall… *one of them was inside*. No, more than one, I could hear stomping outside the door, then slamming.

They were breaking into the other passenger’s rooms, the screams and pleas for mercy confirmed my suspicion. I heard footsteps stop outside of my room as my heart pounded in my chest.

It was as if my door wasn’t even there, the hinges popped off without resistance as light flooded into my now vulnerable room along with the smell of saltwater, and other things. My terrified eyes stared into the doorway as I finally got a good look at our invaders.

They were pale, tale and muscular. Large black eyes pierced my own as [one of them](https://imgur.com/HdvKisG) blocked the light from the hallway and stared at me. I could see several more behind it as they quickly moved down the hall, breaking into as many rooms as they could. What they were doing to my fellow passengers… that I couldn’t see.

The creature took a step inside and my heart nearly stopped, then a hand slowly grasped its shoulder. Something just out of sight had stopped it. The creature looked back and uttered a low grunt, whatever it was talking to responded with a higher pitched chortling sound. The creature stepped away and moved on as the new one stepped forward.

[This one](https://imgur.com/oHfmcPg) seemed more feminine, it’s features told me as much. As I looked at it something emanated from her hands, before I could make much sense of it a wave of euphoria hit me. I could feel much of my fear drain away as she stepped forward, a light clicking sound emanating from her throat as she closed in on me.

I awkwardly stumbled away, much of my resistance gone as she placed her wet hands on either side of my head and pressed her cold, smooth lips onto mine.


/u/MishaLark F4M –

My husband and I had wandered onto the deck once the storm passed, we thought it was safe. When the shrieking started we assumed that some people may have fallen overboard and moved closer towards the ships edge to see for sure. That was when they boarded, dozens of those things swarmed the deck and knocked us to the ground.

We grasped for each other, doing our best not to let them tear us apart, but to no avail. They hit and beat my husband as they dragged him away before turning their attention to me, seemingly just becoming aware of my presence.

They made a sound, not hostile, almost as if they were humored. Then they fell onto me, I’m not sure how many. They tore away my clothes, leaving what little remained in shreds as my husband watched from a distance, screaming for them to stop.

They had me pinned down on my knees, the side of my face pressed onto the deck as I faced my husband, my ass exposed to the salty air as their slimy hands groped every bit of me.

I heard a loud grunt that seemed so silence the rest, then something grabbed my hips. My husband’s eyes went wide in horror and I pleaded with him to tell me what was happening, it wasn’t until I felt it press into me that I realized.

It was big, and cold, and wet. It slid into me easily, it’s grip on my hips tightening as I moan out in pain. At least, that’s how it started. Pain, which slowly morphed into something else as it slid in and out of me, over and over.


/u/N__I__C__K M4A –

When the shrieking started one of the crew members pulled me inside the bridge of the ship. They locked it behind me, looks of horror on their faces as they scrambled with various pieces of equipment that didn’t seem to be working.

I looked out of the window, seeing something massive off in the distance. It looked like the top of a giant, but it was still too far away to see.

Suddenly glass was shattering all around us, the creatures scent flooded the bridge as they swarmed inside. My phone slid away as on of them grabbed me, I could feel them pulling and tearing at my clothes as the rest of the crew screamed behind me.

I couldn’t see what was happening until I was forced into a sitting position, my arms pinned behind me as my now bare ass was pressed onto the floor. I shivered, now completely naked as I looked at the chaos around me. Much of the crew was dragged away, for what I couldn’t tell, and the remainder were being swarmed by the creatures. I couldn’t tell if they were killing them or hurting them, but it didn’t sound pleasant.

My phone buzzed just out of my reach and my heart ached, I hoped that my girlfriend would remain safe in our room and be spared whatever fate was about to fall on me.

Two of the creatures stepped in front of me and looked down, staring into my eyes. They seemed to be male and female, perhaps a couple if these creatures were capable of romantic pairings.

I noticed something as they continued staring, the male’s crotch was shifting as something started to poke out of it, I had a fairly good idea what it was. This only worsened my confusion, could these things be getting off on all of this.

The female dropped to her knees in between my legs, I let out a surprised cry but before I could stop anything she bent forward and took my flaccid penis into her mouth. I screamed, half expecting her to bite it off. Then I felt her tongue wrap around me as the began sucking. I let out a shaky breath, not sure what to do in this situation as I looked back up at the male. What was unmistakably his cock was now massive as he looked down at us, I tried asking what was going on as he wrapped a hand around it and began stroking.

Looking around I also realized that much of the screaming from the crew had been replaced with moaning, but my sight was disrupted as my head was forced back to the front. The male had placed his ass directly in front of my face, before I could comprehend this whatever was behind me shoved my face between his cheeks, resulting in a very pleasurable cry from the male as my own cock grew larger in the females mouth.


**There are no limits to where this story can go, if you would like to be a part of the next installment message the poster for details. Anyone and anything is welcome.**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/84zpod/what_lies_beneath_part_1_an_ongoing_community