The Gagging Teacher and The Athletic Cumslut [pt. 1/2] [long] [MF]

This is my first post. I would like to start writing on a regular basis. This is part One of a Two part story about a three day span, during which I had sex five times, in three days, with two separate woman. I’m not going to write about every single time – just the best ones. Hope you enjoy!!

————————————–The Gagging Teacher and The Athletic Cumslut————————————-

Quick disclosure, I am currently single and about to move halfway across the country in three months for Grad school. I’ve never had multiple partners in a rotation before, but I have found myself in an amazing situation where two very attractive women both want to fuck me knowing full well it will never lead anywhere. This let’s us keep things casual, yet extremely passionate and hot.

I met both these girls on a dating app. The athletic cumslut, we’ll call her Cindy, I had zero connection to before meeting her. The gagging teacher, we’ll call her Sarah, went to the same camp as me (a year below me in school), and even though we never met as kids, that detail is important.

The app’s mascot makes honey. If you know how said app works, you will know that if a match is about to expire, you can extend it twenty-four hours. So, one day Sarah showed up in my queue. Her face was familiar. With a quick Facebook stalk I was able to determine my hunch was correct and we had gone to camp together. I remembered her vaguely – maybe thinking she was cute in passing. But now…whoa. She still had that volleyball body from college athletics. Tight little butt, thigh gap, her brown hair sat just above her shoulders, she has two dimples when she smiles, and tan skin. But I digress, the match was expiring and still, no message from Sarah. So, I went out on a limb and extended it. I’ve never had this work before. This time, however, was different.

A message from Sarah popped up on my lock screen: *Didn’t we go to camp together??*

I smiled. I don’t know why, but I knew we were going sleep together.

Fast forward through two “getting-to-know-you” dates, I decided I needed to do something unique to get this girl’s attention and have sex with her. From the second I met her, I couldn’t get her out of mind. Her voice was a little raspy. It gave her this kind-of badass sultry, powerful voice. It tickled me; it made me imagine her screaming my name with my hands around her throat. Her light green eyes catch the light in a dark bar. She doesn’t wear a lot of makeup. She was kind I could tell by the way she talked about her students. And for some reason, knowing how sweet she was made me think about her having a wild side.

For the third date I planned for us to go to cooking class and drinks. I prefer interacting with someone rather than sitting side-by-side in silence at a movie. I really had fun with this girl. The class was a blast.We teased each other throughout.

Once the class was over we decided we wanted another drink. We went across the street to a bar with a band. Drinks in hand, we hit the dance floor. It was a decent cover band. The floor wasn’t too crowded. We started off a little apart. I took one of her hands and twirled her and she laughed. So I pulled her towards me. She tripped a little; I don’t think she was expecting it. I caught her. But now her legs were around mine and her pussy was pressing into my cock. When we both realized what was happening, I grabbed her lower back and kept her close to me.

As we moved I could feel her pelvis moving forward and back – rubbing her clit against my hardening cock. Her hand moved lightly onto my neck, and then my ear. As she played with it, I moved my hand up her back and grabbed a handful of her hair. Her face was next to mine and I felt her let out a sharp breath. Her breath is kind of musty. It isn’t sexy or gross, but it is so uniquely her, that when I smell it, it makes me crave her taste. I can’t explain it, but its intoxicating. (Side note: I’m interested to see how many others find their partners scent intoxicating.) I turn her head towards mine and we meet in an intense yet gentle kiss. She has a velvety soft mouth; uses the perfect amount and pressure of tongue. Then she pulled away, smiled, and twirled back around so her ass was grinding my cock.

I hadn’t danced like that maybe since college. I don’t really do a ton of clubbing. I prefer bars. I forgot how intense and sexual it can be. Her hands reached back and through my hair. I pulled her hair to one side so my mouth rested on her neck. I could feel her warmth on my lips. She tilted her head so more of her neck was exposed. I kissed it. With my hands I grabbed her inner thighs closer to her knees and dragged my finger tips up her thigh – squeezing tight. When I got close to her pussy she grabbed my hands and forced them and her ass backwards and up against my cock. This drove me wild. I felt primal. My hand moved up around her throat and I tilted her head back. She turned towards me and kissed me full-on. The power dynamic and the intensity of that kiss put me over the edge. I felt precum drip out of my cock.

I moved her head back. “We need to go.” I breathed into her lips.

Sarah smiled, “I know.”

Back at mine no times was wasted. I tossed her up onto my bed. She was wearing a dark red, light top. It dove down the neck line and I followed that neck line down and kissed her chest. She arched her stomach up to meet my body. I pulled her to a seated position and pulled her shirt up over her head. Her bra came off in a hurry. I pushed her back down and kissed down her stomach to her jean button. Opening it, I felt the warmth of her pussy on my lips.

I rolled her pants down off her legs. Starting at the calf of her left leg, I kissed back up, eyes locked on her shinning pussy. She was wet; I had seen her come on her underwear as they came off with her jeans. As I neared her lips I was greeted, again, by her warmth. I let out a long, directed breath towards her slit. She moved her hips towards the sky: beckoning. I wrapped my arms around her hips and dove in.

I still don’t know if I’ve seen a prettier pussy. Don’t get me wrong, I love all pussy. When I’m eating out a pussy with long lips I suck, and pull, and tease them all around my mouth. But Sarah’s was perfectly proportioned. Her inner lips were tucked inside: light pink and glistening. When she bent her legs up at the knees the bottom of her pussy opened just a little – enticing me with its warm depths. I worked up a mouthful of spit, widened my tongue, and plunged it between her lips. Her back arched again; her hands flew to my hair; and she let out a muffled moan.

Her taste met my tongue and washed over it: salty, earthy, sweet, a little metallic. I moved it in circles over the opening of her vagina. Sarah’s juices streamed into my mouth. I turned my head to the right so both sets of lips on that side sat between my lips; I sucked in and moved my mouth from the bottom of her pussy to the top. Her hands twisted my hair. I moved two of my fingers on either side of her clit and pulled back her hood. I could see her clit fully exposed and blew on it. She sucked in. I smiled; I was going to make her cum.
I got more spit in my mouth and planted my full mouth around her clit. I wanted it completely covered so she would be overcome with sensation. I moved my tongue is a long, firm swirl over her clit. She gasped. I could feel her legs press down into the mattress.

“Fuck,” she breathed.

I pulled my tongue back and with only the tip started flicking her clit directly. She began to move back and forth – dragging her clit across my tongue. Her inner thighs began to shake. I pressed down with my tongue. She drew in a breath and held it. As she let it out her whole body shook. A moan started deep in her stomach.


She unclenched her fingers from my hair. Her stomach relaxed. I looked up over her mound and smiled at her.
Grabbing my cheeks, she brought me towards her face. Our mouths met, and her pussy’s taste mixed her breath and spit. I wanted as much of it as I could get.

I felt a hand grab my dick. Sarah began working the tip of my dick around her opening. Her legs wrapped around my waste and she pressed me into her pussy. She was tight. I could feel all her ridges. They popped over my mushroom. Her blue eyes looked up at me: in an instant both innocent and devious.

“I want to feel your dick deep inside me. Fuck me hard. Let me cum on your cock.”

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t ready for this. No on had been that filthy in bed with me before. But it gripped that primal side of me and yanked it out.

“I’m gonna fuck you til you cum on my dick. Tell me how bad you want it.”

She batted her eyelids.

“I wanna cum on your dick.” She stuck her finger in my mouth and I sucked.

I put her legs over my shoulder and propped myself up, arms extended. This way, I could tease her opening with the tip of my cock. I would bounce a couple times and then come down with all my weight. As my dick hovered over the opening of her pussy, her breathes were shallow. When I thrust, she let out a moan, and rolled her eyes back.

I sat back and brought her right leg over the top of her left. Now her lower half was twisted and I could get a hand on her ass and pussy.

“Oh,” she said.

“This ok?”

“Yeah, I’ve just never done it before.”

I smiled and thrust into her. She moaned and curled into the fetal position. I felt so powerful in that moment. Here was this otherwise innocent, sweet teacher whimpering into my mattress about how bad she wanted to cum on my dick – all because of how I was making her feel. I move the thumb of my left hand over her butthole.
To my surprise it slid right in. She wasn’t loose; she just welcomed it. My right thumb reached over and under her right leg and started flicking her clit. She gasped hard and her nails gripped my wrist.

“Holyfuckingshit!” The words tumbled out of her.

Her pussy clamped down on my cock. Her asshole cinched around my finger. I kept thrusting. Her pussy got wetter. My fingers worked the front and back.

Her whole body shuddered. I watched the orgasm roll through her.

I kept thrusting – gradually slowing. She was panting. I leaned down and kissed her deeply.

She smiled up at me. “I want you to come.”

“Can you suck me off?”


I laid down on my back. She jumped between my legs. In one movement, she had swallowed my whole cock. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. About a half inch above the bottom she bottomed out. I thought she was done, but she pressed down harder, and I felt her throat stretch around my dick.

She gagged and came up for air.

I grabbed her chin and tilted her head up to meet my eyes. Hers were watery. I smiled; she smiled back, and dove back in.

Every time her head left my cock, spit drifted from her lips to the tip. She would spit and rub. Deepthroat. Swirl her tongue around the tip. Suck on my balls. Repeat, randomly.

She started jerking my shaft and sucking my balls.

“God damn, I’m gonna come.”

I couldn’t hold back any longer. My body curved up. Her hand moved faster. I could feel her thumb rub my frenulum. With each pass I could feel the cum building inside my dick waiting to be ejected.

It was too much. The warmth moved up from my balls and I shot roped that reached the pillow next to me.

My muscles tensed. Relaxed. Tensed. Settled.

Sarah’s hand slowed to a stop. She kissed up my body, gave me a peck on the nose, and curled into my arm. I wiped off and kissed the top of her head. We fell asleep.

After Sarah left the next day, as I was getting ready to shower, my phone buzzed.

Cindy: *I’m excited for tonight!! :)*
I read it. Looked at my dick which still smelled like Sarah.

*Me too!!*


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