Post-Shower sex with (now)wife [MF]

No means yes

This happened about a year before me(29) and my wife(30) were married, about 4 years ago. I’ve known she was the one for a long time, but the bedroom has been…boring. This moment we have both tried to recreate since. It’s been good, but hasn’t quite lived up to the first time…

We shower often together on our days off, and sometimes it leads to sex, sometimes it doesn’t. That’s totally fine. I’m not one to force it but definitely one to push.

This particular day she knew it’d been a few days since we had sex last, and she didn’t seem to mind. I’m poking her in the bellybutton with my hard-on while we are in the shower and she was unresponsive. Playful as always, don’t get me wrong, but not interested in taking it further.

We got out of the shower and sat for awhile before we dried off completely. This 2-3-minute window is where I sensed that maybe she might be down for a little bit more. My intentions became more pointed and she coolly played me off as if I was just some random hornyboi.

We were both wrapped in bath towels, mine lower and hers higher to cover her petite breasts. I hugged her tightly, and she embraced me wholly. I picked her up at this time and carried her to the bed. I leaned back and laid on the bed, dropping her on top of me.

“I don’t want to have sex, maybe later” she said as she accepted lying on top of me, both of us naked besides bath towels. I did not protest. She likes to play this weird game where she says no but is still open to more play. No means yes?

I hugged and caressed her mostly naked back and shoulders while she lay on top of me. I may or may not have slowly been hiking up our bath towels for more contact. She didn’t seem to notice though because she was definitely enjoying the backrub.

Then the one move that made my intent obvious (as if it wasn’t already). My feet had previously been on the floor, but I moved them abruptly to the bedframe. This put my legs about 18” higher and thrust my hips (and erection) directly towards her wet pussy. My throbbing erection lie now right at her entrance. It was all in her hands at this point.

Before I continue, I must say that my wife and I are terrible at sex.
We are each other’s firsts and have nothing better to compare. Sure, I’ve been watching porn for 15 yrs and her 0, but it doesn’t matter because we are both terribly uncoordinated.

I knew by moving my legs up that it’d be all in her hands. And in a rare reversal of fate, she played along. She slowly slid down to accept me. Normally sex has that weird/awkward phase of asking if lube is required, condom or not, or weirdness while trying to stuff it in without either. This was the latter but without any weirdness. She moved down a little bit and my dick penetrated her without any trouble.

As she slid down my dick, my brain was still trying to catch up. What the fuck was going on?? It’s 10am, we’re both freshly cleaned and not ready to make a mess. We were talking 10 minutes ago about going to the local zoo for a short walk (the animals there suck but we like to contribute) and then lunch. Sex was off the table until 3 seconds ago.

This fact helped me last longer because god knows this position was too sexy to allow me to last long.

—-Beginning of sexy part—-

At this point we are lying on the bed, my ass hanging off and legs on the bedframe for leverage, her on top of me grinding me, and I’m using the leverage my from my legs to pound her as hard as I can. She is bouncing, her petite breasts moving along with the cute little rolls the position forced her stomach into. I’m trying my hardest not to let my feet slip off the bedframe and kill our rhythm.

This is embarrassing to say but I did not last long in the scenario. I was so turned on by the spontaneity that I completely lost myself in the moment and didn’t readjust or pause or anything. I doubt she would’ve wanted that anyway as she was thoroughly enjoying the spontaneity as well, however brief.

I told her I was close. “um hmmh.. unh hunh..mmm. mmhmm” she continued. She had complete control at this point and kept going. Within 10 seconds I was well past the edge and shot my load deep inside her as she continue riding me. This was only the 4 or 5th time she let me cream her so I was in absolute euphoria. She must’ve liked it too as she moaned loudly and collapsed on my chest.

No words were necessary. We both lie for a second on our afterglow. My limp dick slowly slipping out of her and bringing with it a gush of fresh fertile seed.



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