Sixteen (Ch 3) Sorry for the delay!

Don’t miss the prologue and Chapters 1 and 2!

Chapter 3

The First Night

Sixteen is jerked awake by the sound of the door closing. She opens her eyes, ‘Did I fall asleep waiting?’ She is unsure what to do, so she lays still, her eyes drawn to his boots. But he isn’t wearing boots. He doesn’t have on shoes or pants. A feeling stirs within her abdomen. The same fluttering she felt when she saw her former master touching his girls so tenderly.

Her breasts rise and fall with her breath. Eternity seems to pass as he crosses the floor towards her. The chill of the night air washes over her naked body.


He notices her stir as he approaches. Her form is still except for her even breathing. He wonders how well she takes direction. ‘What does she even know?’ He is dying to get a taste of the warmth between her legs. That scent had been tormenting him all day.

A sly smile spreads across his lips as he considers a way he could accomplish both things, and test her resolve as well. First things first however.

“When I speak to you I want you to answer me, understand?” He waits and she nods her reply.

“I can’t hear you.” He says, hearing his own agitation.

“Yes, Master.” Comes her reply, her voice is soft, and oh, so innocent. He frowns at her second word. ‘Master.’ Master just doesn’t do it for him. He will have to come up with something else.

“What’s your name?” he asks, the agitation gone.

“Sixteen.” is her reply. ‘Sixteen? Really? A number? Is that her age? No, all the girls are of legal age.’ The invoice he had received stated her stats. Hair color, eye color, height and weight. Bust and hip measurements. No age. He shakes his head, a question for another time. ‘For now, I just need something to call her.’

“For now” He says, “Your name is … Baby. And i want you to call me….. call me Daddy. Understand?”

He smiles with appreciation as she promptly replies: “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl,” he croons, “Now, I want you to stand over here” He points to a spot beside the bed. “Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and bend straight over and hold your ankles. Don’t move from that position until I tell you to.”

She does her best to answer him properly as he speaks to her. She can’t remember being asked to ever speak so much at once before. Finally, she receives her first instruction. She slips off the bed and bends her body into the position he asks for, hoping she has done it to his liking.

She knows this position is supposed to make her more visible to her master, she had done it before during exams. ‘He wants to make sure I am healthy.’ she tells herself. She stands like this for a moment, then suddenly feels his hot breath on her warm wetness she is exposing to him. Her heart flutters, and she finds herself gasping as she feels him touch her. Something warm and wet pressing around in her folds, and finding a rather sensitive spot within them. Small prickles against her inner thigh. A sound escapes her as she feels him circle that sensitive spot, sending odd feelings shooting through her.

She bites her lip to keep herself from making another sound, and stands as still as possible, wanting to obey her Master’s orders.


He licks his lips as she bends over, gifting him with the first look at her virgin pinkness. He moves to kneel behind her, taking a deep whiff of her sweet musky scent. His breath blows out against her as his tongue darts between his lips, delving into her already damp folds. The taste of her starts to muddle his thoughts as his tongue instinctively works its way towards her clit, tracing slow circles around it. He moans softly against her, then pulls himself back, savoring the taste of her on his mouth. She remains in the position he asked of her, her only response to him had been a small surprised sound when his tongue contacted her most sensitive spot.

As good as she is being, he resigns himself to treat her accordingly. Surely it will pay off in the long run. He nips at her inner thigh very lightly. “Baby, I am going to show you what pleasure is, so that you can help me feel this way too. Do you want to do that?”


She feels him pull away, and she catches her breath. ‘What was that? It felt so… overwhelming… but so nice.’ She bites her lip harder as she feels a nip on her thigh, another feeling shooting through her and up to where he had just been touching her. Her wetness twitches, missing the touch already, hoping for more of the same. And then he speaks to her. ‘Pleasure? This is pleasure?’

“Yes, Daddy! I want to give you pleasure!” She calls up to him. Surely if she can make him feel this way he will be very pleased with her. She braces herself, looking forward to the lesson he was about to give her.


He grins at her willingness, delving his tongue into her folds once more. He starts out slow, as before, making wide circles. He can feel her wetness growing, her thighs beginning to tremble softly. Soft noises echoing against the floor as he works her up.

He is dying to feel her tightness around him, his throbbing member aching for him to hurry this up. He slices into her tight opening with his tongue, darting around to feel her walls. ‘Oh gods, her taste is intoxicating.’ He thrusts into her a few times before turning his attention back to her partially swollen nub.

His pace is faster this time. It grows out of hand with each passing moment, her noises and his own aching driving him on.


She gasps as she feels him against her again, what she now recognizes as his tongue. She feels embarrassed for him. That he would do such a thing just to teach her. A warmth spreads through her as she considers how much he must care for her knowledge. She can’t help but make small noises as these new feeling rush over her; warming her in her deepest reaches and muddling her thoughts. Just when she thinks she has gotten a grasp on these feelings she feels his tongue move, and press quickly inside her. Another noise is released as she feels the pressure it brings. This is different than before, not as overwhelming, but slightly achy. The feeling is fleeting, as a few movements later he returns to his previous position.

He moves faster this time. Her breath seems difficult to catch, and she finds it impossible to get ahead of the feeling. It amazes her that something so overwhelming can feel so nice. She trembles, nothing to focus on but the moment. It becomes increasingly difficult to do. She shakes her head, trying to clear her thoughts, her blonde locks dancing across the deep brown floor.

It does no good, as she feels a sudden wave of sharp feelings crash over her. Her brain is so muddled she is unsure if it is her own voice she is hearing as she cries out.


It doesn’t take very long at all for his rapid movements to send her over the edge. He sees it coming from a mile away. Her pussy starts to contract against him, dripping sweet fluid onto his tongue, her thighs tremble, her cries become higher pitched. He growls primally as he hears her cry out, her pleasure scream music to his ears.

He flattens his tongue against her, letting her ride it out. He graces her with a painfully slow lick up the length of her slit as he pulls away, her orgasm now passed.

A lustful smile on his face, he rises to a standing position behind her, his towel dropping to the floor.


Just when she thinks it is over, her thoughts still fuzzy, she feels his tongue move slowly over her. It sends a shock shooting through her and brings her back to consciousness with a sharp intake of air.

A strong arm reaches around her waist, lifting her up. “Come, baby.” he says.

She releases her ankles, and wavers. The room spins. She is thankful for the strong arm around her, surely she would fall if he weren’t holding her now. She feels herself lifted onto the bed, and situated on his lap. The natural turn of her eyes are suddenly assaulted by the view of his throbbing manhood her thoughts suddenly clear. Before she can look away, she feels a strong finger on her chin.


He lifts her to the bed himself, convinced there is no way she could stand on those shaky legs under her own volition. He sits back against the pillows, placing her on his lap, his lust at attention between them.

Her vision once again, is focused downward. He growls inwardly at himself, and reaches out, pulling her face up to meet his. What he is met with is her innocent face, her features small and soft. Her big brown eyes dart away from his, towards the wall behind him.

“Look at me, Baby.” he rumbles at her, his voice low but gentle.


Her doe eyes slowly work their way back to his, as per his request.

For the first time she takes in his face. Rugged, but handsome, no scars. His hair is still damp from his shower, hanging in strands against his temple. One rogue strand lays across his forehead. His steel grey eyes are piercing, looking straight inside her it seems. Her heart melts looking at him, the fluttering in her chest returning as the first time she had looked at his leather boots. ‘This is my master. This is the man I am sworn to obey, the one I belong to. And he wants me to look at him.’


He is caught off guard by her big brown eyes, so soft and innocent, peering up into his visage. He can feel himself soften looking into them, searching for the words he was going to say. His tongue moves inside his mouth, the taste of her still fresh upon it.

“Baby,” He starts, feeling so different in this moment than he had anticipated. Her doe eyes seem to plead with him. He swallows before he continues, changing gears. “I want you to look at me, into my eyes. Don’t ever avert your eyes around me.” She nodded her head as he continues, seeming enraptured by him. “There is another thing too. I like the sounds you were making. When we are together I want you to make noise, I want you to talk to me and tell me what you are feeling. Tell me how much you like it. Do you understand?”


“Yes Daddy.” she hears herself answer him. ‘He wants me to look at him, and talk to him?’ She stared into his steely eyes. This is nothing like she had ever imagined. She finds herself more drawn to please him than she had even been taught. This wasn’t just obeying. This was more. She felt a burning in her heart, aching to show him how much she wanted to fulfill him.

It didn’t take her long to get the opportunity.


“Ok, baby, it’s your turn to pleasure me now, do you understand?” She responds to him promptly, with a bit more excitement than he expected. He looks down at his throbbing member, its head already wet with excitement. He wraps a hand around it, finally giving it contact it has been aching for, so close now to what he actually craved.

“Lean back and support yourself with your hands, and scoot away from me just a bit.” He watches as she obliges, and ensures she is positioned with the tip of his penis just outside her warm opening. He moves it against her, mixing his natural lubricant with hers. His girth makes her little opening appear that much smaller against him.

He shudders as he imagines how tight her walls are going to be against him. His tongue runs across his lips in anticipation. Finally, he looks away from her tantalizing pussy and back up to her face, those brown eyes making him want to melt.

“Now, this is how I get pleasure. I want you to push towards me, until I am fully inside you. It’s ok to go slow, it might take a minute for you to get used to me. Can you do that for me baby?”


The girl leans back on her hands, sitting upon his lap she is exposed to him once more. She bites her lip as she feels the air against her wetness, and moves back until he stops her, eagerly awaiting her instruction.

She feels him move against her wetness, brushing across her most sensitive place again. She shudders, wondering if she is about to get more of the same. The movement stops, she feels his flesh pressing against her opening. The pressure of it sends a chill up her.

After her instructions are given she nods at him, her eyes gleaming, ready to give him pleasure as he had given her. “Yes, Daddy. I want to give you pleasure!” She bites her lip and looks down at where he meets her, pushing against him with a bit too much gusto.

She gasps as the pressure increases causing a burning sensation, but she bites her lip harder and presses on. Slower this time. He said this would give him pleasure, and it was her job to give that to him. After the way he made her feel, she wanted to.


He held his thick member with one hand to steady it, but gripped the sheets with his other as she pressed herself against him. He could hear her gasp,as his head slipped quickly inside her. He was busy struggling with his inner beast, wanting so badly to grab her by the hip and force his full length into her tight walls. Nevertheless, he relented to letting her set the pace.

What good would it do him if his engorged lust ripped into her. It would certainly take the joy away from the beast, lying in wait for its turn. ‘Later. Later.’ he told himself. ‘She is so eager, so innocent.’ He finally calms himself enough to bring his thoughts back to her wellbeing. “How are you feeling there Baby? It’s ok, go slow. It will get better I promise,” He pants out, his excitement growing.


She winces as she presses on, his flesh causing burning fire within her. His rumbling voice coaxes her to continue.

“I’m ok Daddy, I want to give you pleasure.” She announces as she presses on, moving against him until she feels she can’t take anymore. She pauses there, unsure what to do. ‘How could anymore fit inside me? I feel so full.’ The pressure of him inside her was sending lines of heat and pain through her sensitive area.

“Does it feel good yet daddy?” She calls up to him, looking for approval, any sign that she is doing it right. She gasps as she is met with both of his hands on her hips, pulling her forcefully the rest of the way against him. She hears herself cry out as she feels him knock against her back wall, threatening to stretch it back further.

She scrunches her eyes shut, opening them again to look down and see a small bulge in her tummy above her hips.


His patience is wearing thin the further into her he sinks. Her tightness grips his head, and the feeling is overpowering. None of the loose women he had been with had even come close to giving the feeling he was getting right now. Even as large as he was, they could never hold a candle to the pussy of this doe eyed girl. ‘His doe eyed girl. HIS.’

The thought sent his patience out the window, his lust taking over and clouding his thoughts. He didn’t remember letting go of the sheets and moving his hands to her hips. He did feel the sudden jerk, and hear her cry out as his full length plunged into her with reckless abandon. He revels in the feel of her around him fully now, her warmth covering every inch of him in an almost strangling hug.

‘Yes. Yes this feels good’ his mind answers her. He opens his eyes to look at the source of his pleasure and is met with those doe eyes, wet with tears that are threatening to fall down her cheeks. The sight sends him careening back down to earth.

“Shhhh Shhh Shhh, it’s ok baby. You are doing so good. “ he reassures her. He pauses there within her for a long few moments until he is sure she is ok. He brings a thumb back to her sensitive nub, gliding over it slowly, gently. He hears her breath start getting shaky and her walls twitch against him. He grinds softly against her, moving himself inside her walls without withdrawing.


She can feel the heat rise up in her as she tries to wrap her head around the sudden jolt of pressure within her. She looks up at him, her eyes full of trust. She knows he would never do anything to purposefully hurt her. ‘Master always knows best. This is best. I have to trust him. I want him to feel good.’

She relaxes a bit upon hearing him praising her. ‘He thinks I am doing good?’ It is hard to see him through the wetness in her eyes, but she nods at him, her voice caught in her throat. She feels him release his hard grip on her hip with one hand, his fingers trailing down to where their bodies meet. His thumb finds her sensitive spot again with no problem, sending those familiar good feelings careening through her body. Why is he giving her pleasure again, when it is her that is supposed to be pleasing him?

She succumbs to the gentle rotations of his thumb, the pain disappearing from her mind, replaced only with the pressure of feeling him inside her, and the shoots of pleasure blossoming from that place. She is unsure if she had started moving against him, or he had against her. No matter now, because the sweet sounds of him saying “Good girl” echo in her ears as she closes her eyes and allows the pleasure to surround her like a warm blanket.


He breathes a sigh of relief as she starts to move herself naturally against his touch, soft sounds once again escaping her lips.

“Good girl” he coos down at her, enjoying the feeling of their bodies moving together, aching for more. He keeps up his motions until he can once again feel her dripping with wetness, allowing him to move inside her more easily. Her tight walls hug against him, but seem to be allowing him free passage within them.

He looks back up at her, her eyes are still glued on him, but having trouble wanting to stay open. He grins at her, his heart thumping wildly. “Are you ready for more, baby girl?”


She ponders at the thought. ‘More? More than this?’ Nevertheless she responds to her master obediently.

“Yes Daddy, please show me more. I want to make you feel good. Please help me give you pleasure!” Her response is met with a smile, which is more than enough to drive her on, and follow his instructions as he removes himself from her and positions her on her hands and knees.

He kneels behind her and she feels him press against her opening once again.

“Yes Daddy, I will make you feel good!” She responds after he gives her instructions. She was to press against him again, until he was fully inside her, and then move away and come back again. ‘Over and over and over.’ She feels him tilt her hips up towards him, and guide her with one hand until she was moving on her own.

There is still a lot of pressure as she moves against him, but he was right, it was getting better with time. She feels so full in a way she never imagined she would. She looks back at him for approval as she moves slowly against him, letting out a soft sound every time she felt him against the very back of her.

“Does that feel good Daddy? Am I making you feel good?” She asks.


He fights his urges as she pushes back, feeling himself enter her luscious tightness once more. Heaven couldn’t feel like this. He wonders if she could possibly always be this tight. He smirks at that thought as he watches himself enter her over and over again, not making any movements himself. ‘Always. Every single day. Everyday those big brown eyes looking back at me, pleading with me to give me pleasure. Those big brown eyes.’

He realizes he is looking into those big brown pleading eyes, gazing back at him as she asks him if he feels good. He gives her the gift of a smile, and leans his head back, moving his hand to caress the curves of her ass and she moves against him. He looks back to her. “Oh yes Baby. You are doing so good. How does it feel?” He asks as he finally starts to move with her, picking up the pace.


She searches for the words to answer his question, a bit breathless from her actions.
“Mmm, It’s ok Daddy. You make me feel so full. You make me feel so good, I want to make you feel good daddy”

Her breath skips as he moves inside her, faster than her previous movements. She drops her head, focusing on keeping up with him. The increased speed elicits more noises from her throat, as she struggles to catch her breath. Her full breasts swing with the new tempo, a new feeling shooting through her as her sensitive nipples brush against the fabric of the blankets beneath her. She starts to tremble with the different sparks of pleasure her body is experiencing.


Her responses and cries are making it difficult to hold himself back, and he growls inwardly to himself. He looks down to where they are joined, and watches as he moves in and out of her, her walls are gripping his cock so tightly with each withdrawal, threatening to leave her body with him.

He feels the pleasure starting to well up within him now, so close to exploding. He growls again as he feels himself lose the fight, gripping her hips again as he drives himself into her to the hilt. A soft ripple shoots across her ass with the force of the impact, and he hears the girl cry out, but it only serves to drive him on. Harder and harder he thrusts himself into her until he cries out himself, feeling his hot seed shoot out to add to her already full pussy. He presses her hard against him as he shudders against her.

The moment finally passes and he withdraws himself from her slowly, sitting back against the headboard. He licks his lips as he watches her gaping pussy convulse and contract, spilling his seed down her thigh.

“Good girl.” he pants out.

