My high school biology teacher pt1. First time giving head..[FM]

Lurked for a while but came here to post this experience, the first of many experiences I had during a long summer sleeping with my ex biology teacher. Embellished slightly for artistic license but all actions, events and conversations are real. I’ll get right to it…

I wanted him pretty much from the moment I reached puberty. He was my fantasy then, and even now I have a thing for intellectual, authoritative men. He was also funny and gentle, a firm favourite among all the girls in my girls only high school. He first taught me for biology when I was 14, lets call him Mr B.

Over the years being taught by him I developed a deep infatuation that reached its peak when I was 16-18 years old and attending the 6th form college that joined onto my high school. Occasionally I would learn a little about his private life, he had been married once but was divorced, he had no children, he never told me how old he was but he always seemed very young to me- late thirties early forties at a push. The more I glimpsed into his life outside school, the more I fantasied about being with him.

Although I took biology for A level, he didn’t teach 6th form students, but I would see him around school and always stopped to talk to him. I had been a good little student and I flirted with him, I could tell he knew I liked him, all the girls had at least a slight crush on him. He was tallish (about 5”11) with thick light brown hair that flicked over his forehead, his skin was flawless, he looked like he could be in his 20s although he was much older. He was breath-takingly handsome when he smiled, thinking about his laugh still makes me wet to this day. I decided I just had to fuck him before I left school that summer.

The build up to our sexual encounter began on a night out in the town, I had had an argument with my dick boyfriend and I was standing outside a pub with my head in my hands. It was cold and dark. A familiar voice asked if I was ok, it was Mr. B, It wasn’t unusual for us to see teachers on nights out.. I instantly forgot my boyfriend, he offered to walk me back to my friend’s house where I was staying for the night, she was waiting there for me. Mr. B’s tone was serious and concerned, I accepted his company and we began walking together. All the way there I studied him carefully, he talked about biology exams and how I shouldn’t have separated from my friends that night, he was a little drunk, his step was slightly uneven. This turned me on as he was always so composed and confident standing at the front of the classroom. When we reached my friend’s house in the secluded cul de sac I made a split decision to act on him. I quickly took hold of the back of his neck and pulled his head towards mine, as our lips touched I remember thinking ‘oh god I’m kissing my fucking teacher’ but it felt too wonderful to stop. I prised his lips apart with my tongue and gently flicked it around his mouth, my pussy was on fire and I wanted to put my hands on every inch of him. I realised he hadn’t pushed me away, then I felt his hand on my back and his tongue slowly enter my mouth. I couldn’t believe this was happening, he was kissing me back. I moaned and squeezed his neck, his smell was intoxicating. He pulled away shyly, it was late, and he had better be heading home…

All the next week at school he avoided contact with me, he smiled at me awkwardly if our paths crossed. I needed to gauge what was going on between us, so on the Friday I visited him in his small office when I knew He would be alone.

“Mr B?”

“Oh Rebecca,, come in what can I do for you?”

His tone seemed the same as always, I felt it likely that he was trying to forget the kiss ever happened.

“Sir, I think I need to apologise for what happened last Saturday night, I wasn’t thinking, I was drunk, I’d had an argument with my boyf…”

“Please…” he interrupted softly,

“I know its a stressful time preparing for exams, I’m willing to say no more about it, just make sure you stick with your friends in town in future”

His voice was deliberate and serious, but he couldn’t look me in the eyes, I suddenly felt very in control..

“Did you like it Sir?” I asked quietly.

I can’t remember just how the conversation went from there, but he panicked. He mumbled that he could get into a lot of trouble, even lose his job. I was a wonderful student and he didn’t want to take advantage of me and any signs he had given were completely unintentional. I remember he began to annoy me, he was talking to me like a child, and I told him so. We were interrupted when the head of department knocked on his door, he panicked again and breathlessly ushered me out of the room, whispering that we would talk properly after my last exam on Wednesday as he pushed a piece of paper into my hands. I was angry, I looked at the paper- his address was scrawled on it…

Wednesday came, it was only after my exam that my heart began pounding, had he really intended for me to just come to his house? I was taking no chances, if he did want me I would be ready for him. I wore a black lace push up bra I had bought for the ‘occasion’ and black lace panties that framed my ass perfectly, my pussy was totally bare, I felt so mature. Little did I know I was about to be taught a real lesson, in practical biology.
I walked nervously through the leafy streets to his house, it was large and well hidden by trees, I checked no one saw me walk up to the front door and ring the bell. My heart raced as I heard footsteps inside. He opened the door, I exhaled.

“hello” he said, almost gravely. “come in”

“hello Sir , thank you for seeing me.”

As I walked through the threshold into his house, I wondered maybe if he had called me over here just to talk. He seemed almost angry, was I in trouble?

“ You just had your last exam?” he asked, gesturing to his large sofa. “sit down, would you like a coffee?”

“Yes, just what ever you are having, thank you”.

He walked to the kitchen, I followed him.

“Your house is beautiful, thank you for inviting me”

He flicked on the kettle.

“ It was no bother, I’m glad you found it alright…I’m sorry our conversation was cut short on Friday, I…I have to be careful.”

There was tension between us, I stared at him, my mouth was dry.

“You never actually answered my question Sir”.
He sighed deeply.

“Look” he started, turning towards me with his head hanging,

“You are a beautiful girl, a fantastic student, you are turning into a bright young woman”

“I’m a full grown woman now, I’m not a child, I’m eighteen for
Christ’s sake” I hissed.

“You’re very young”

“How old are you Sir?”

“forty two” his head still hung.

I took hold of his hands.

“I want you” I said. He raised his head and met my gaze.

“This is ridiculous” he murmured, “You’re still a pupil at the school.

“You kissed me back!”

“I was an idiot..”

“You wanted me as well!”

He pulled his hands free and took hold of my shoulders.

“I have to show some restraint!!” he yelled, “I’m the adult here!”

Oh fuck this. I had to show him I wasn’t a little girl.
I reached up for his neck again with both hands, grabbed it and pulled him towards me. I could tell he knew what was coming, he had time to stiffen and stop me, but his body was weak and supple. Our mouths met, I greeted his tongue with mine, rolling it around his mouth, he reciprocated instantly. His kiss was intensely passionate, and became domineering as I clenched two fistfuls of his hair. His hands wrapped around my waist and our bodies fully connected, I pushed my breasts up against him hard, now he moaned and delved deeper into my mouth, gripping my body tightly. My knees became weak and I melted into him. Our mouths were locked together for quite a while , his hands found their natural resting place on my ass and he alternated squeezing and stroking. Eventually he pulled away abruptly, he was breathless.

“Darling…” he panted.

My panties were soaked… ‘Darling’?! Oh fuck, I really had him now.

“Darling, we have to talk about this before it happens, I’m still your teacher.”

He still held on tightly to my ass, my arms hung around his neck.

“After this we can’t see each other again, this must strictly be a one time event, to satisfy a lust, nothing more”.

Fine by me, I didn’t care; all I wanted in that moment was him inside me.

“You can be as strict as you like” I whispered.

He couldn’t stifle a breathless laugh, God his laugh drove me crazy, I reached down for his belt buckle.

“Not here baby” he took my hand and led me back to his living room, He closed the curtains.. and removed his shirt.

I felt giddy; the room was spinning and my body felt tight with anticipation. I tired to stay calm but my flirtatious confidence was waning. Was I in too deep here? I was trying to hide my inexperience desperately, I wondered if he could see though it.

When he joined me on the sofa I decided to try and stay in control, I sunk to the floor, settled next to his lap and went to work on his belt buckle again. He sighed contentedly and let his head fall slowly backwards onto the sofa cushion behind him. I knew what he expected, but I had never done it before… I could follow my instincts, I badly wanted his cock in my mouth, surely that would be enough to guide me. His fingertips traced around my back, up to my neck, I still fumbled with his pants zip. He impatiently wriggled out of them and pulled them down to his knees, I rested my head on his lap and stroked a hand up his inner thigh, working my way up to the rim of his boxer shorts. When I reached my destination, I tucked my fingers inside and gave a slight pull, springing him free from his shorts. We both gave a sigh.

His dick was perfect. Thick and velvety with a glistening head, and hard as a rock. All of a sudden I knew exactly what to do to please him… slowly but firmly I grasped hold of his shaft, and gently guided him towards my open mouth. I greeted his tip with my tongue first, pressing myself against his most sensitive area, just under the head. My flat wet tongue went to work, licking up and down his head and tip, while my hand softly took care of his shaft, which I realised was becoming bigger in my hand with every stroke. At this time I also noticed Mr. B’s breathing, it was shallow and shaky, his eyes were tight shut and his hands clenched onto the sofa edge. The sight of him utterly helpless to the pleasure I could give him made me gush, the excitement and feeling of total power that I had over this man who had had authority over me in the classroom for years was overwhelming. I opened my mouth wide, lowered myself over his manhood, tightened my lips around his shaft, and pulled up towards his tip, savouring all his inches till I reached the top, whilst swirling my tongue around wildly.

“Oh fuck..” he whispered

I lowered my mouth again, this time keeping my lips tight around him, his cock belonged to me, I never wanted to release him.

“Oh fuck… oh, baby. Oh fuck”

I found my rhythm, teasing his smooth head up and down with my mouth, while my hand worked on his hardening base. He moaned, his voice was almost pained and desperate. He was at my mercy. I felt his hand rest on the back of my neck, his palm was hot and sticky with sweat.

His cries became louder, he was holding his breath for long periods and moaning deeply on every exhale. His hands were now grasping tightly onto my neck and the sofa, his body shaking. I glanced up at him; he had never looked sexier to me, his youthful face was glowing with perspiration and his thick hair was drenched and floppy over his wet forehead. I kept pounding him with my mouth and hand, the larger he became, the more my jaw ached. He was thrusting upwards ever so slightly into my mouth now; wetness spilled from between my lips and trickled onto my fist, with the added lubrication, my grip slid down his manhood even faster.

“Oohhh.. baaby giirrl” he moaned, “I’m…I’m… so.. close” “m..move… awaaay”

I did not. He was in no position to give me an order.

He gasped, and yelled… and my mouth filled with a warm gush of salty fluid, and another, and another… he cried with ecstasy, his body shook. My eyes were shut tightly but I opened them when I felt his hand move away from my neck. My mouth withdrew from his dick, and it fell, now quite limp, I had taken everything he had.

“God… Rebecca, I’m so sorry, I didn’t warn you early enough’ he gasped. He was exhausted and panting.

I just looked at him, my mouth still full of cum. I just couldn’t force myself to swallow it.

He reached over and retrieved two tissues from the box on his coffee table. He held them in front of my mouth, putting his arm around my back and holding me. I felt so safe in his embrace, the care and concern on his face made me want to devour him, I swallowed.

Pt2 coming shortly, hope you enjoyed pt.1 <3



  1. Wow. Very nice. You write extremely well; better than most on this sub.

  2. Damn, very hot and nicely written indeed!! I can’t wait for part two!

  3. Being British myself, British stories are always the best and this is both incredibly well written and so hot!

  4. Best story I’ve read on this sub, such great writing! Can’t wait for part two!

  5. You should consider writing erotica. You have an undeniable talent with your words!

  6. Little did I know I was about to be taught a real lesson, in practical biology.

    Lol. I can tell you had fun writing this

  7. shit story. what pissed me off is she claims its one hundred percent true.

    yeah ofc its REAL. everyone remembers the exact dialogues happened yeaaars ago and can recall them perfectly.

  8. Great story so far, it was pretty hot and well written. Can’t wait for the next parts!

  9. Painfully lucky guy. You did well with your responses to his signals

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