Boxing story

I stood across from her in my tank top and gym shorts, my blue everlast 16 oz gloves wrapped around my hands. She stood at the opposite corner of the small bedroom, wearing a blue sports bra and a loose pair of purple short shorts and black 14 oz UFC gloves wrapped around her hands. Her eyes were moving up and down looking me over, but out of excitement or out of pity I couldn’t tell. She had finally agreed to this because she knew how much I wanted this, how much I had dreamed of this for many years and only she could bring it to life, I could only wish she was half as excited as i was for our match.

We would box until one of us would relent and drop to one knee, not aiming for a knockout, just until one of us was out done by the other. After a drop down a piece of clothing was removed, simple as that. I could only go for body blows and not use all my strength aiming to tire her out rather than cause great pain, I did love this women after all. She however could go all out and hit as hard and wherever she wanted, staying above the belt, I had a major size and reach advantage.

My excitement was building even before leather met skin, she noticed my excitement building and a smile appeared across her face, that was a good sign, I thought. Her gloves went up and she stepped toward me, I raised mine in return and approached. I meant to let her go into the offensive first as I didn’t want to take her out of the moment with the first punch, but to my surprise she held off just circling me watching me and waiting. I did the same and stared into her blue eyes as the tension built, slowly stepping to my right dragging my left foot across the carpet. We circled three times with our eyes never leaving each others gaze, when we circled the fourth time my sight dropped down to take her beauty in, I felt her glove strike me straight in the mouth. She hadd waited patiently for the inevitable to come and she pounced, following up with a nasty right square into my unprotected stomach sucking the wind right of me. Her assault quickly backing me into the corner, a left hook across my face sent me down to a knee.

My bearings regained I stood and removed my tank top revealing my bare chest, across the room a smirk came across my opponents face. She knew me well and took full advantage. I raised my blue gloves and approached.

I sent a few soft jabs, quickly bouncing my gloves off of her soft midsection, following up with a stiff right hook to her side and an uppercut deep into her stomach quickly dropping her to a knee. After she regained her breath she stood and wrestled her sports bra off to reveal her beautiful bust that I loved so much. She knew not to take me lightly now.

With her chest now on full display I would need to concentrate if I wanted to see more of her tonight. She met me in the middle with in the a stern look on her face, maybe I hit a little to hard with that last punch. She jabbed for my head but leant back using my height to avoid it, she stepped forward following through with a right hook that glanced off my gloves. I was faster than her but she hasn’t realized that, so I held my hands. Each of her punches exhausting her more. Staying close to I let her gloves feel contact, but nothing that could hurt me hoping to entice her to keep coming. After a little bit I backed away dancing away from her beginning to use my reach to exhaust her, but I felt the wall press against my back. Shit. I forgot how small this room was! She lunged at me, I side stepped. I stepped right into the corner…..I looked back and she gained a second wind and punished me. I covered up my head, I felt punch after punch into my midsection, painting my torso with punch after punch turning my skin red from the contact of her leather glove.

I was beginning to lean over from the onslaught. I finally had to drop. She had gotten the better of me. The stinging went away, I stood and dropped my shorts, I stood there naked in front of her and a proud look crept across her face. She had punched me naked and I was happy that it had happened. My excitement wasn’t hidden anymore.

I raised my gloves and stepped forward, I wasn’t finished. She looked at me with surprise but smiled and readied herself. She had an advantage and she wanted to exploit it, she wanted to dominate me I could see. I jabbed at her torso finding success. She hit a few stinging punches but I didn’t back down. I stuffed a deep punch into her stomach and she leaped forward holding me tight pressing her curves into my bare skin. I can’t push her off, my gloves didn’t allow me any leverage, her head tight against my neck. She pushed against me to drive me into the corner of the room, but I planted myself. I felt her trying to use her advantage, trying to distract me but I wanted her naked, I wanted to see her beauty in full with nothing but a pair of boxing gloves on. I got my gloves between us and pushed her off and put the pressure on, landing punch after punch backing her up with each successful hit. I guided her to the corner just like she did to me. She touched the wall and she quickly dropped to a knee. Damn her.

She stood and removed her shorts giving me my wish. I stood back and took all of her in. Every curve and line of her beauty, wearing only some boxing gloves

She lunged at me planting a punch directly on my chest catching me off guard. I peppered back connecting with jabs of my own but she kept pushing forward. Striking me again and again she was pushing me back against the wall but before my back pressed against the wall she threw a wild punch. I ducked under it, forcing her to fly directly against the wall.

I pressed her against the wall not letting her move. Her bare body pressing against mine. I felt every curve of her, she felt my excitement in full against stomach. I leaned in and kissed her neck, she exhaled deep in my ear turned her head and met my lips, I kissed her deeply. I felt her arms wrap around me holding me tight. Our kiss grew deeper with each passing moment. Her sweaty body had been engulfed in passion and so had mine. We grinded against each other out lust boiling over. I hooked my arms beneath her thighs and lifted her, I buried my face in her bust and slid my erection into her. I moaned deeply as she enveloped my erection sending shockwaves of ecstasy throughout my body. I started to hump her faster and deeper with each stoke building my rhythm, she moaned louder and louder in my ear with approval. I pulled my head back and feeling my pressure build, I wished it away wanting more of this passion to continue, trying to stretch heaven out longer but I glimpsed her beauty there in front of me, and full of love, lust and excitement I cummed and deep inside my love. She wailed in ecstasy with each burst out of me, in that moment time froze.

9 months later my first son was born.
