[MF] Ending “Pushing boundaries” The fire has been lit

….I’m tied up, blindfolded. Have I?… no, it’s not a question. It’s true… I have completely surrender to her. She has bound me not only with my arms and sight, but I fear even my heart, maybe my soul… how did I get here? Why has me, all of me surrendered…

Another lick… then my manhood gets gripped, ever so softly. I feel fingers. I feel a thumb, A a hand? Up and down it starts…. then just while my eyes are in pure darkness letting my mind wonder freely… like reading a book… my imagination starts to put pictures together.
Something soft comes on the tip of my cock… smooth and wet.. it locks and sucks the tip… wtf is going on? This adrenaline that pretends to aide me but in truth it’s lust… it’s takes over me, the darkness and being helpless speak to me… “how is that so far babe?”… who said that?
Is it her… is it… the darkness? Some warm sensation starts to cover my tip and slowly starts to get hotter… I feel like my manhood is being slowly dipped in a mix of warm melted honey… her lips… I can feel them… induced I have no words… just the pleasure… down more I feel my cock getting dipped in that melted honey… so warm now covers me completely! Slowly but this is killing me… what is she doing?
My restraints prevent me from breaking free, not because physical imprisonment only, the wetness of her mouth have left me paralyzed.
Up and down she goes, the friction creating imaginary smoke flowing from my cock… I can’t see… what are her eyes saying right now? She moves. Doesn’t touch me… I wonder… then she completely engulfs my cock in her mouth and starts stroking me with her mouth, her lips and her throat…
someone please help! What is this that I have surrendered too!?

Up and down, juices flowing from her mouth and with slurps and slobbering she tries to contain them.
But some escape! Dripping to my hot balls making sounds like a sizzling hot pan. I start to protest with my body. My hard rock cock escapes her mouth and i whisper: I’m gonna cum! She says “NO, just one more minute”
Her words echo to my body, my balls and my cock and they repeat: just one more minute… but I’m already in darkness, she has already taken over me. I’ve have already surrender to her, in vain, like an ocean tittle wave after an tsunami…I start to cum. I’m tied down blind folded and helpless, I have no chance to warn her!
I let out a loud scream, moan, shout and a hola all at the same time as I see her cheeks swell and fill her mouth! Her eyes wide with surprise, a surprise she got for taking me to that dark place….

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/81bgq0/mf_ending_pushing_boundaries_the_fire_has_been_lit

1 comment

  1. Enjoyed this final chapter. One piece of feedback – you describe seeing things at the end. Blindfold removed, imagination or just an oversight? Looking forward to your next post.

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