[MF] Pushing the boundaries!

So I’m new here. So plz help and advice

A little about me, for the sake of the post: I’m more into science, mostly phycology and how the human mind works. But I can put up a good argument in any science field and life in general.
My passion is to understand women… and with each experience it adds to my understanding.
I’ve been told I’m a good writer, and I should write. But I’ve only don’t it for fun or want to impress a girl.
So to let u know, as more of a math person than literature, I’m not the greatest with gramma, so I rely on the skills of autocorrect lol!

So I’m a freak. I think I’ve been since I was born. Something about a women that cultivates me, but I know my boundaries.
This is a story about one hot experience that helped me push my boundaries as a sexual being.

I met her online…
She said hi, and when I checked her profile, she was a church girl. Now I’ve been down that road. Religion and such. But my hearts desires contradict that life style… so I replied to her that she’s a good girl and she shouldn’t talk to me because I would just end up corrupting her.
Reason was because I just wanted to have fun. Coming out of a short 5 year marriage in young twenties, I figured maybe monogamy life wasn’t for me. So back to the player I was.

The reason I changed after is because I realized life is boring when you feel in prisoned to one person. There is so much to life, and I accepted that life wasn’t for me.
So when I meet girls I tell them straight up… my intentions are not about having 75th wedding anniversary.


We talk and had a couple of dates. Her being a church girl, even with my warnings she still pursued with her curiosity.
Now I’m a good seducer. I’ve had experience and daily work on sharpening those skills.
I’ve been told I’m really cute and know how to talk and verrry funny.
Little do they know I’ve worked on these skills for years….
So after couple of dates I convinced her to come over.
I was playing mr nice guy… no not that type. U get nowhere with that. I’d say more passive aggressive type. But not forcefully what’s so ever. Basically mind control. Lol.
I was playing like I was the one wanting to wait, wanting to take things slow till she was comfortable. But my words on the phone and text, were borderline “I wanna fuck you”

If this story is liked
I’ll right about the first time we fucked. And a shit load of experiences!

Anyways so this day she rang on my door bell unannounced, shocked I open and she’s there. In my head I’m like “fuck fuck fuck” because I wasn’t expecting anyone and I hate surprises.
I played it off and came back to reality and we talked. Chatted and explained it was fine she’s here.
So we cuddled on the couch and talked and of course my mind had one thing on it: Fuck Her!
Although wasn’t my intention, it was what my mind concluded. So I started to make moves, and she says to me “NO! Nothing is happening”. I was like what?
“I didn’t come here for that” I was like what?
But knowing my horny side after smoking a J, I was yeah ok. So I played it off…
Plan B: seduction
So I starting kissing her, which was fine but she played it off about not wanting more than that. Plus she showed me she came prepared by having 3 layers on the bottom( panties, shorts and jeans)
So I seduced her by kisses and her weak spots on her neck and tried so much but she resisted. She said your not getting in today.

Now I’m not one to give up without a challenge. Plus like I said with my experience, I sensed she was on the borderline of” I came here not for sex, but if it happens”
So I still tried… used my skills with the shirt and bra… she fought me… giggling and laughing at my attempts. She was moaning at times till she stopped herself and pushed me and said NO!
Now, I’m not a rapist and never will be(due to morals and the amount of jail time and pain it causes…)
So this was a point where I wasn’t sure if NO was a NO or just a…no…

So I continued. My lips were all over her weak spots. Plus she was
Kissing me back here and there till she comes back to her senses like I was hypnotizing her, and trust me I was! But she never stood up and walked away. Never made a threat or seemed uncomfortable.
So I kept going. I starting attacking the pants and shorts. Damn that was a battle. I actually made a comment like “how do guys even rape girls” cause it was so fucking hard. She was fighting back the whole time.
I’m not violent and never would hit a girl like I was a coward. This seemed like a play fight.
So things I was doing was like kissing her WHILE trying to unbutton her pants and pulled down sorts. Kissing her neck with distraction and I got closer to my goal. But every time she snapped
out of my seduction and come back to reality. I was back a step…
Still THIS WHOLE TIME was a new experience for me. I love seducing women but that line of NO is shady even when you have experience.
I guess my mind did the math and because she was still there saying NO and never left and she’s now
Braw and no pants and I’m still working on the rest of the security she put in place.

So I continued and one point she was so into fighting and kissing and moaning she realized and asked me how the fuck I got her shorts off lol
Now she’s in her panties. Legs shut tight. I try and try to pry them apart so I can get just ONE finger a least touching her pussy. But she was tough. So the seduction of kissing and weak spots helped me out and boom! I got it. I had to hold those legs open as I started playing with her pussy.

You ever played video games where you almost beat the boss but you loose and you gata start again? Yeah…

So finally I got it… and when I touched her pussy……
Wow…. her, she, her panties, her legs were dripping soaking fucking wet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No exaggeration!!!
I was fucking shocked!
This whole time she wanted it, and I pushed her to a new level and the whole time I wasn’t even too sure. Just went with experience and pushed my boundaries a lil.
She finally gave in TOTALY and that day was one great fucking hot fucking sex!

P.S I’m new so I told the story like a story. If this is liked I’ll get into real details about other stories!

Fuck this is long but hope it helps me get started to the real me! Thanks!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/812jur/mf_pushing_the_boundaries

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