[FM] Stepson helps me with my bruised butt… and other things

Hi Y’all,

Well the week could have been better but it’s ended well. This past week we had a little bit of ice and snow Wednesday night causing for a not so fun Thursday morning of getting the kids off to school and driving for Uber.

My bad Thursday morning started off as I was driving home after dropping the kids at school and hit an ice patch on a downhill road. The car in front of me hit their brakes as soon as they hit the ice and they started sliding, I hit my brakes too and joined in the uncontrolled slide. There are few worse feelings than sliding where brakes provide no help and your car is on it’s own ride no matter what you do. Before I knew it I was slamming into a curb which I’ll admit was much better than the car in front of me. Boom I stopped. Hmm is everything okay with the car?

I got out of the car and my lack of short term memory struck because I totally forgot about the ice as I was walking around the front of the car. My leg slipped out from under me and I was doing the splits, which I’m normally not capable of doing. Ouch I hit the ground hard and could tell immediately I’d pulled something. I struggled to stand up and my hamstring was yelling out… you dummy, did you not see that ice patch? To make things worse once I got back in my car and was able to drive off I immediately noticed I had to turn the steering wheel a little to the left just to make the car go straight. Ugh not something I have any money to fix right now and I certainly don’t want to tell USAA so my rates go up. Pity party for Jen I know. Help a mother out :)

I tried to drive Thursday and Friday for Uber however my butt was killing me from the fall and it was nothing but irritating to steer left just to make the care go straight. So i took the days off even though I could use the money even more now to get the car fixed. My elderly neighbor is telling me I likely bent a tie rod, whatever that means. Maybe I can find a local mechanic to barter with (hint, hint). Anyone in Tacoma interested?

What is nice is that my stepson, who is in the Marines, got leave for the weekend and came home for my husbands birthday tomorrow. My stepson and I spent last night watching Olympics, my leg propped up, ice pack on it every few hours. I was dressed in my robe and panties with no bra. Max comfort. I thought of even sans-panties but figured I better be careful what I flash.

My husband is still up in Alaska doing some Air Force thing until tonight and I was lucky to my kids arranged sleepover at friends so I wasn’t having to bath and get them to bed.

Where I am lucky is that my stepson, even though his job in the Marines is Infantry stuff, he’s taking classes in physical therapy and may even switchover to the Navy when his enlistment is done so he can attend PT school.

As we’re watching the tv my stepson offered to take a look at my leg as I was complaining about how bad it still hurt.

He told me to roll over and lay down, face first, across a large ottoman we have and onto the couch. Studying my leg he got onto the couch next to me and said, “It’s definitely strained, there’s some bruising and swelling but I don’t think you tore anything,” then ran his fingers along the front of my leg and said, “There’s some tightness in your quadriceps. After this is over I’ll show you some new ways to stretch.”

My stepson has always been a gym type of guy and loves to preach to me the values of stretching and lifting weights.

Then he placed his hands on my butt.

I jerked; his hands flew off my rear.

“Sorry Mom (I love that he calls me that, even though I’m his stepmom), shoulda asked, my mistake, it’s just that weak glutes can contribute to a hamstring pull. I wanted to check, but…”

“No, sorry I overreacted, I was surprised. Go ahead.”

He placed his hands on my butt and I, at his request, tightened my rump.

“Not an issue for you, you’re real strong here.”

Returning to my thigh, he massaged every knot and fiber; then, when done, he stood and excused himself, said he’d be right back. When I reached down to straighten my robe I found that its hem lay across my waist; I hadn’t realized how far it had crept up my body during the massage. Pulling my robe back in place I sat up as my stepson returned, handed me a glass of water and two muscle relaxers he’d had left over from when he’d played football before joining the Marines.

He was being so sweet.

He said a longer massage would likely help and I thanked him telling him that would be wonderful. He was working the top of my leg, the base of my butt. The muscle relaxer having taken the edge off my anxiety, I was absorbing his touch, luxuriating in the sensation.

“How ya’ doin’?”, he asked.

I said, “Wonderfully,” heard the sexual undertone to my voice.

He moved further up my butt, drove his thumbs into its sides. The walls of my pussy spasmed, a moan escaped my lips.

He did it again; I purred more than said, “Aaaahhhhhh.”

He worked my backside, small low moans leaked out of me. I knew I should ask him to stop, but it felt so good, and his hands were heaven.

But when he finished he moved to the foot of the ottoman, said, “Mom, I’d like to do your leg again,” and massaged my feet, all ten toes, then my calves. There was a fragrant lust simmering between my legs. Then he started on my thighs, someone added Tabasco to the stew; he moved higher, cayenne pepper and file were introduced to the mix.

“Mom, roll over.”

Draping my arm over my chest to obscure my erect nipples, I did. He moved between my legs, massaged my quadriceps. My pussy was quivering, I was ready to eat.

His fingers reached the top of my leg, passed over my sex, landed just above my pubic bone, massaged the muscles there. My clit, wet and throbbing, swirled in its hood. Juice dripped from me.

I wanted those fingers between my legs.

I should say: “Sorry son, we need to end the massage.”

And if he asked me why, I would just tell him the truth: “There’s nothing wrong dear, in fact it’s wonderful, beyond wonderful. That’s the problem. You turn me on, your hands turn me on. Your stepmom’s a pervert, her stepson makes her hot.”

This reverie was interrupted by a voice, insistent, but calm and imperturbable, as if no objection was conceivable. He said, “Mom, focus on how you feel,” then covered my panties with the palm of his hand, moved the hand in a circle.

Euphoria spread through me like high tide and my, “Uuunnnhhhhhhhhh,” making clear how aroused I was.

He slipped his thumb and index finger inside my panties to caress my aching pussy lips; the sentence of protest that had formed in my mind dissolved. Instead what I said was a sentence that was born between my legs and sent directly to my mouth, bypassing my brain: “Uuunnhhh, feels so good, honey, feels so good.”

He covered my clit, rubbed in a circular motion, increased the pressure, cradled it between thumb and index finger, palpitated the blood thickened flesh. Pleasure rolled up and down its short length, I let out a long moan.

He kept at it; my clit and pussy merged. I was wallowing in a pleasure and joy which grew and became more intense until I no longer wallow in it, but instead needed it and craved it, and it continued growing, and soon the pressure became overwhelming, threatening to tear me apart, until there was an explosion and the volcano inside me went off and the orgasm burned through me, growing and deepening until it was a great canyon that surrounded and protected me.

And through it all my stepson worked my sex, intensifying and prolonging my orgasm, then bringing me down in tiny steps until I was inert and content. I kissed him, his tongue – wet and strong and sweet – was in my mouth and his erection was on my leg, and I imagined our bodies joined together. I started to reach for it, but was so tired and I needed a second, just a second. I closed my eyes.

* * * * *

I woke up a little later, very groggy but also now aware I was in my bed and my stepson was spooning me. I could feel his hard cock through his shorts against me and his strong hand massaging my now exposed ass. He pushed me over so I was on my stomach and started the leg and ass massage again. It felt amazing and so relaxing.

He was not yet high enough so I’d feel the effect rippling through my sex, but it didn’t matter, I was already wet.

He moved up until my pussy lips slid on each other. Making no effort to hide the sexual lift in my voice I said, “That feels nice.”

He kept going, massaged my lower back, my spine, my upper back, shoulders, and neck, then said, “It’s time to roll over.” When I did I saw the appreciation in his eyes.

And now that he’d seen all of me, I wanted to see all of him.

“Honey, would you take your clothes off?”

He did, and while I pretended to be interested in other things, there was one thing I wanted to see. When he pulled off his shorts it sprang free. It was a man’s instrument, potent and powerful, long and curved and thick, the shaft an almost too pretty pink, the head a dark pinker, near brown, and even on his sizable tool the cock-head seemed overlarge.

“It’s beautiful son (I said in my most taboo voice).”

With a little half push-up he moved atop me, kissed my mouth, my neck, shoulders, collarbone, then looked down my body to the swell of my tits, the curve of my hips, my stomach, the place between my legs, and in a tone reverent, as if speaking of a work of art or a magical sunset, said, “You are so beautiful.”

He moved down my body, took a long whiff of my sex, said, “Sweet and delicate, strong and so very feminine,” then put his middle finger in his mouth, wet it, probed the face of my pussy, spread my juice, opened me with two fingers, and said, “Your pussy lips are so beautiful, big, fat and pink, they glow.”

“Eat me son.”

He dipped his head between my thighs, nibbled, tongued the crease between leg and pussy; kissed my sex from clit to the bottom of my slit with little butterfly kisses. He licked every fold, every crevice, every curve; my pussy was slick and glossy with saliva and cunt juice, the scent of our arousal filled the room. I slid my fingers into his hair and bucked my hips; his tongue parted my pussy lips, speared inside.

“Oh yeah, baby, just like that. Kiss me, just like that. Eat me baby, eat my pussy.”

He flicked my clit, tall and red and shiny, with the tip of his tongue, light fast insistent, then sucked it into his mouth, rolled it between his lips. My big pussy flaps sucked stretched long and engulfed into his mouth. What a sight.

“Oh fuck, oh yes.” I screamed

My pussy and I were in free fall and when we hit bottom I came again, and hit bottom again and came again and then again and again. I felt numb, I felt alive, my heart pounded, my legs shook, and I laughed and I smiled and I was weirdly happily proud as his talents to make me cum.

And through it all I heard my voice: “Don’t stop baby. Don’t stop, don’t stop eating me, just like that, don’t stop, never stop, never ever stop.”

When it was over I looked at him. My juice was on his chin and cheeks and mouth and lips, a smile was in his eyes. He straddled me and took a nipple between his lips.

I reached for his dick, placed it on my vagina, and said, “Fuck me. There’s no reason to worry.” He moved inside me and when he was all the way inside me he fucked me, at first with little movements, testing and exploring, noting how I responded, but soon, very soon, he was fucking me deep and hard, thrusts that rattled my bones, and I said, “Ohhhhh fuck. Ohhhhhh, so good,” and rammed my hips into him, and we fucked and I loved him so much.

He said, “Oh Mom, I’ve wanted this for so long,” and I spread my legs, opening myself to him, and said, “Yes, that’s what I want. Fuck me, fuck me, good, hard, forever.”

He took hold of my arms, pinned them to the mattress, shoved his dick inside me, rolled his body forward, crushed my clit with his pubic bone, did it again, again.

I was proud of my body, the way my muscles absorbed the frenzied libidinous incestual assault of a lover well over half my age, and drove back into him, giving as good as I got.

We fucked and we fucked and we fucked; his cock was hard and long and fat. His boiling balls slapped against my backside.

He fucked me with months, years, of pent-up desire. Fucked me like fucking me was the most important thing in his universe.

“Oh yes, give it to me. Give me everything you’ve got, everything.”

And soon he’d come inside me, fill me with his seed.

“Give me your cum, spill it inside me, fill me up. Give it to me!”

He fucked me with his beautiful cock and his big heavy balls; his fat cock-head hitting my g-spot every time he thrust into me and each time he pulled out.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me with your big cock. Fuck me and come inside me. Fill me up and keep fucking me and keep filling me up and keep fucking me. Oooohhh god. OOOOhhhhhhh, fuck me.”

I bucked my pelvis, clawed his ass, told him to come, told him I wanted it, needed it. Lifting himself on his arms he looked at me and intoxicated by the sight of his stepmom writhing on his big dick he howled and he bayed and he pumped thick white seed into me, coating my pussy and filling my womb. I clawed his back and I came and I kept clawing and I kept coming and I screamed his name and my joy and he kept coming and then neither of us were making any sound at all.

We continued the night kissing, fucking and sleeping. He pumped two more glorious loads into me and I swallowed down another and I enjoyed sucking his beautiful cock.

I was a jizz filled mommy by morning and slept in until the sleep over parents called me asking when they could drop off my youngsters.

The day has continued with wicked smiles, touching and hidden kisses.

Bad decisions?

Kisses, Jen

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/809psy/fm_stepson_helps_me_with_my_bruised_butt_and


  1. Great story thank you for sharing. I interesting in seeing those beautiful lips of yours

  2. I’m curious, why was written in the narrative that you’d never fucked him before? (At least is how it reads) But I can recall at least two other stories that you’ve fucked him in…idk, just doesn’t read as a continuation of your playtime with your stepson.

  3. Lots of snow across the border too. Bent tie rod isn’t too big of an issue, could be a couple other things that will result in knocking your alignment out though. Best to have the car inspected before it’s driven much more, excessive tire wear or complete steering failure (broken tie rod or ball joint) is possible. Also, depending on how hard you hit you may have damaged the wheel bearing which might not be evident right away but will result in a humming noise from that side of the car while rolling that will progress to full on grinding if left un-repaired.

    You’ll need a shop with an alignment rack to do the job. If your car is newer it might be best to take it to the dealer as they will most likely have the fastest access to replacement parts. Once you have a quote then decide if it’s more cost effective to go through insurance or handle the matter privately.

  4. Your story got me SOOOO horny that I’m contemplating leaving work for the day to go home and Jack off lol

  5. Stumbled upon this story. From one aspiring hotwife to a full fledged member, hi from Everett.

  6. lol you are still around? I busted you for being fake and you deleted it.

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