[MF] Tender [sensual][LONG]

*This is my first attempt at a longer and more sensual erotic story. Criticism is allowed.*

**”Interesting” part begins at the — mark. If you skip there is a TL;DR provided there.**

The sun is burning on my fingers as I am gripping the steering wheel, trying to hold a straight line as the powerful engine is dragging me with almost 180 km/h across the almost empty highway lanes. The loud roar of the gasoline-hungry chunk of metal, chugging away about a meter away from my foot, is almost silenced by the hot august air gushing through the open window next to me. Some kind of melody, coming through the stereo, is trying to join the chaotic symphony of loudness.

“Just a few more kilometers” I tell myself as I glance to the blue line on the GPS screen which is taking a satisfying turn off the melting highway tarmac into the colder hug of the clean and chill mountain air.

As the indicator is clicking away and the roar of the tired, old Opel engine gets less agonistic, I am thinking of the place that I am going to. A fresh-air mountain resort. During the winter this place never sleeps. But in the summer it turns into a quiet, barely populated village. Perfect for a runaway holiday in the middle of august. The fresh, chill air and the thick forest shades are a welcome added bonus. I am joining my parents there as we are visiting some family friends. Well… I don’t really care about meeting everybody there, to be honest. Mainly the daughters of the family friends – Emma and Anna. Actually, only Emma – the older one. She is just a year older than me. A beautiful red head with smooth light caramel skin and gorgeous deep brown eyes. Quite the combination, I know. Every time her family is over I cannot do anything else besides spending the night with her. Although I never had any further advancements besides sharing a blanket and cuddling with her while watching cat videos on YouTube one cold, late night.

A long while across some old village streets sprinkled with potholes, some nauseatingly swirly mountain roads and a ton of beautiful scenery and I finally pulled in the small parking in front of the house. As I was parking the car, I noticed the two families bringing some bags into my step-father’s car. I quickly killed the engine and stepped outside to be greeted by my mom. After a hug she explained that they were about to go to a mineral water pool in the neighboring village and asked me to join them. She knew I hated pools and being naked in public but I think she asked me mostly because all six of them had to be packed in the same car if I didn’t take someone with me.

“Sure. Just give me a few minutes to take my bags upstairs and give the car a breather, OK?” I told her and gave her another hug.

I, somehow, balanced all my bags so I wouldn’t have to go back a second time and I was escorted up the narrow and creaky wooden staircase leading up to my room. It looks like it used to be a living room with a big table in the middle and two single beds in one corner of the room covered with old woolen blankets. Looks comfy and “village” enough. I chose one of the beds to sleep on and throw all my bags on the other one. As I am changing I notice that the only window in the room is facing my bed and there is a street lamp post just outside of it. This means that the orange buzzing light will be illuminating my room all night and the best I could do to stop it would be to turn my back to it. Not sure if I am absolutely happy about that. As soon as I felt the room I was greeted by Emma and Anna. They were staying in the neighboring room.

“JAKE!” Emma shouted and hopped on my neck as excited as a puppy seeing his owner. “You are coming with us to the pool, right?”

“Err… I guess I have to. They asked me to drive half of the people” I replied as my arms supported her lower back because she was still hanging from my neck. A little bit unusual hug, but she has done that before so I don’t mind.

“YAAAY. I call dibs on the front seat” she stated, turning herself to Anna.

Her sister just rolled her eyes and took the beach bag leading the way downstairs. Emma followed suite and I was last down the steep and creaky staircase. All I could think about is the sweet scent of Emma’s perfume dragging its way into my lungs.

As always, what followed was unorganized shuffle and everyone waiting for one person. The sun was softening the blows of its hot rays as noon passed. Finally everyone got ready, packed the cars with the few beach bags and we were off. All the adults were in the white Honda that was now leading the way and only me, Anna and Emma were in my car. In a little bit we were out of the town and picked up a bit more speed on the better parts of the road. The girls were singing along with the radio and having fun. A few minutes on the curvy old roads and we reached another village – our destination. Somewhere in its outskirts we found the pool in question. Everyone took their bags and entered the building. I followed suite and the first thing I did was to find the nearest sunbed in the shade, lay down and possibly even nap on it.

It was actually quite a nice place. Three pools and a Jacuzzi all linked together and fed with hot mineral water… that still reeked of chlorine – a little less than other pools, but still did. I was lying next to the biggest pool that also had a bar on the water level. Pretty sure alcohol and pools don’t mix well but okay. That pool also had the most people in it – including Anna and Emma. I have never seen Emma in anything less than a t-shirt and shorts so this was all new to me. I couldn’t really see much of her though because she was either too far away, or in the water or some old guy was blocking my view.

The monotonous sounds of splashes, chatter and kid’s playful shouts and giggles mixed with the constant warmth and thick boredom made my eyelids heavy and eventually I dozed off. Some time later I get shaken awake. The shaking is accompanied by a soft voice, caressing me awake.

“Jake. Jaaaake. Wake up. Jake, wake up you are snoring and I can hear you all the way from the pool.”

“Wha.. What?” I regain awareness and I try to open my eyes, only to be met with the sharp stab of the afternoon summer sunrays only barely blocked by a thin female silhouette.

“Jake, wake up” she repeated again. This time I could recognize the voice – it was Emma.
I opened my eyes again to see her standing next to me, still wet and dripping from the pool. I took the chance to look at her top to bottom – her small feet firmly planted next to each other in the grass beside my sun bed, her smooth, thin legs glistening and dripping with the pool water. Next thing that caught my eye was the colorful swimsuit bottom that was tied on each side of her tanned wet hips. She was leaning in a way that most of her upper body was obscured but I was still able to steal a glance of her half naked body that continuously caught more and more of my attention. Her hair was still wet and dripping down on my arm as she kept staring at me.

“Was I asleep?” I drifted back to reality, asking with a groggy voice

“Yeah… Asleep and snoring. I could hear you all the way from the pool” Emma replied with a slight giggle. “Anna and I are going for lunch at the poolside restaurant. Want to come with us?” she added.

I nodded and quickly hopped off the sunbed. Without even letting me put my shoes on properly, Emma grabbed my hand and quickly started leading me to the small glass front, of the restaurant, with a few tables and chairs scattered around it. I couldn’t help but notice how seductive her butt looked, seeing it for the first time without relying on shorts or yoga pants to translate the beautiful shape of her skin.

When we reached the tables Anna wasn’t there so we went and picked a random table and we sat next to each other. Emma quickly grabbed the menu. Immediately my eyes drifted to the side, landing on her, taking in every detail. The afternoon sun was shining across Emma’s tan skin, glistening in every little water droplet, that escaped her hair, on her shoulders and chest. The pale blond hairs on her skin, usually unnoticeable, now glowed visibly in the afternoon sun, creating a beautiful pattern across her body.

Suddenly Emma turned around and faced me. My eyes quickly hiked back up to her face, trying to hide what I was interested in, just moments ago. We just stood there, looking at each other. The repetitive chatter of kids, the splashing sounds, the people talking – all of that faded away in the background as our gaze drifted us apart from reality. Her face was just a breath away from mine. I felt that somehow my hand had slipped into her hand, tying our fingers in a gentle grip. Slowly my eyes dared to move, only to fall in the captivating gentle trap of her lips. I felt hand slightly tug on mine as she leaned a little closer, closed her eyes and parted her lips.

The hazy dream was broken quickly as Anna called Emma’s name, looking for her. We shared of mixed grunt of disappointment and annoyance. Emma directed Anna to our table and we had a pretty uneventful lunch.

During the rest of the day Emma and I couldn’t get another moment without Anna.
Some time later we started packing and getting ready to head back. The carpools were the same and me and Emma headed together to my car as Anna went back to take something she forgot by the pool. I quickly dived in the driver seat hoping Emma will make use of the long awaited moment of solitude we were sharing. I placed my hand on her thigh and she looked at me with a playful smile saying:

“There is time for that”

I looked back in disbelief – this is a different side of Emma that I haven’t seen before. This stirred some motions inside of me but she didn’t let me know anything more, just left me with the image of her playful smile and my head filled with many questions.

The drive home and the dinner that followed were pretty straight forward as usual except that I started noticing Emma “accidentally” touching me, or bumping into me, pushing on me. I was thinking that either she started doing this now or I just started noticing it.

All of the dinner table was almost empty now and all the glasses and bottles were just about dry. The slow morning was growing closer as the clock looked back to the single digit numbers. Most of the older people were back to their rooms and it was basically me, Anna and Emma left.

“It’s kind of late. I think we should go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be fun too and we shouldn’t sleep through it, right?” Emma noted in a cheerful voice.

“I was waiting for you to say that for so long” Anna commented annoyed.

“Yup. You guys go, I will go too in a minute.” I said as Anna was already impatiently leaving the room.

I got up and pulled Emma in for a hug before she left too. As she broke away and walked upstairs all that was left of her was the sweet scent of her perfume contrasting the smell of sour smoke that filled her room all night.

I opened a window and headed upstairs as well, carefully feeling my way through the dark halls, looking for the way to my room. Once finally there I quickly stripped down to only a t-shirt and boxers and jumped in bed. My entertainment while waiting for sleep to come over me was just lying there and looking at the orange lit ceiling, letting the thoughts of today flood my mind. Thoughts that were mainly dominated by one name, Emma.

(TL;DR if you skipped: Jake is telling the story of him going to a mountain resort, staying over at the house of his family’s friends. He as a growing affection for Emma, the older of two sisters. She is a red head with smooth light caramel skin and gorgeous deep brown eyes.)


Not more than thirty minutes later, as I was laying in the silent darkness a buzz broke the silence. I got a message. Blue light flushed my face, fighting off the orange street light. It was a message form Emma. *“Hey”*. My fingers quickly tapped a *“Hey”* back. *“I guess you can’t fall asleep either, huh?”* she asked. To be honest I wouldn’t mind some sleep right now, but I was curious what bug got in her head now. Plus, I have been taught never to say “no” to a beautiful woman. *“Not at all”* I responded. A few minutes passed and I received the next grey bubble form her saying *“Mind if I come over?”*. With a wide smile and a stir in my stomach I shot back *“Of course not”*. A few seconds later the quiet 2AM air of the hallway was disturbed by the light pitter patter of her small bare feet on the cold wooden floor. Emma cracked the door just a tiny bit and peeked inside.

“Come in” I whispered “I was expecting you” I added in a deep movie villain voice
A little chuckle followed by her tiptoeing her way in and closing the door, sealing the leak of light from the hallway, leaving me with the familiar orange light. I reached and pushed some of my stuff aside to make place for her to sit on the opposite bed.

“Wow. Some very romantic lighting you’ve got going on in here” she noted.

The entire room feel silent. Only she had the courage to disturb the silence with every little sound she made. The slick unsticking of her bare feet from the hard wooden floor, as she was walking towards me with the grace of a cat carefully balancing its way across the top of a wired fence. The gentle caressing of the old oversized t-shirt that she wore as a pajama against her bare skin. Her breath – every exhale – like the gentle sea breeze on a lovely summer evening. My heart beating like a drum.
As if I was stunned, sitting with my legs crossed under me, only my eyes capable of following her movements. Her body, her grace, her eyes. They all screamed “sexy” without showing more than I have already seen. Her sexiness could drive anyone mad. Right now, she has the power to toy with any guy she wants. She is a red ember – not quite a fire, but hot enough to set anything you give it ablaze.

The orange streetlight outlined Emma as she stood tall in front of me. Nothing but the dark shape of her body, outlined by an orange glow. The jagged orange backlit outline of the t-shirt over her upper body flowed into a straight line down both of her legs, as her smooth bare skin shined in the gentle light.

She broke the confident pose, she was holding in front of me as suddenly her knee found its way next to mine. I watched how her pajama hiked up her bare hip, revealing a glimpse of her white lace panties that were almost entirely see-through. Soon her fingers locked onto my shoulders, finding support as her other knee found its place on the bed. She is now overhanging me, gazing deep in my eyes. A pearly white smile was the next thing my eyes couldn’t let go of as she rested back and sat on my legs. The touch of her smooth skin felt like electricity across my bare legs. I let the tips of my fingers hike up her silky smooth hips. The next courageous step of mine was sliding my hand in the small of her back and pulling her close to me, grinding her bare hips across mine, pressing her body into mine. A shallow breath of excitement and agreement escaped her lips.

In a play of power I inch closer to her red lips and stop myself a breath away, waiting for her move. A sharp inhale of surprise disturbed the air between us and a moment later I felt her lips locking with mine in a long awaited kiss. Her breath feels like cigarette smoke in my mouth – the same hot, burning feeling in the throat as I swallow it down in my lungs, holding it there, letting it linger for a minute as I enjoy the soft and almost creamy texture it leaves on the tongue, making my head dizzy and orgasmically relieving all the tense nerves, bringing calmness and peace, then finally quietly exiting my body after I exhale into the cold air, leaving me with the burning desire to have another drag.

I break away from her lips, with the same willpower it takes to break a bad habit, only to grab onto her neck. The sweet taste of her skin, with a hint of salt, floods my taste buds as I keep kissing her neck, slowly moving from the side down to the front. My lips crawl around the outlines of the pit where her collar bones meet. My curious exploration of her skin was now obstructed by a thick layer of cotton fabric. The contrast between feeling her warm and sweet skin on my lips and now the rough, dry and tasteless cotton brought me back to reality. My eyes walked back up the same path that my lips took and finally met her gaze. For a minute I was worried if she was agreeing to this, if she was consenting. But then I saw that look. A spark, in the dark brown dry forest in her eyes, had set off a destructive fire of lust and wanting, making her eyes glow in a special kind of way. An approving way. A wanting way. A needing way. An asking way. Tiny bit of lip has gotten stuck under her glowing white canine toot, depriving it of blood circulation and turning its flesh pale. There was an almost instinctively, primitively wild nature call in that lip bite. Her breath was becoming faster, shallower with every exhale. I didn’t need anything more – that was enough of an approval for me.

My fingers, still at her lower back, got tangled in the dry and uninteresting tail of the boring t-shirt that was standing between us. I slowly began pulling it up, watching the end of it first cling into her skin, draw the shape of each of her curves and then gently reveal them with all their beauty. Suddenly the black t-shirt is stuck under her breasts. The tense fabric is outlining the general shape of them and everything else, besides the two impatient nipples sticking out, is left to my imagination since I have never really seen anything more than her swimsuit today showed me. The damn cloth finally gave up and let go of her. Finally.

The orange streetlight, that still kept unapologetically making its way into the room through the window, bounced from the wall behind me and gently caressed the naked beauty that was standing in my lap. It flowed across her skin, gently contouring every line, painting every little detail, flowing into the shadowy valleys at every curve of her body, outlining every shape, casting shadows under every little bump. When our eyes met I saw a questioning look in her. As if her eyes were asking mine “Is it good enough? Is it what you expected? Do you like it? I want to know.” My lips gave her the best answer I could have thought of in that moment – another long, intoxicating kiss. As if it was a long awaited sign of approval, the kiss was met with a much more violent reaction on her part – her hands were scrambling around my back, trying to take my shirt off and pull me into a close hug at the same time with little to no coordination. Finally my grey t-shirt found it way next to hers on the ground. Our sloppy tongue fight grew more intense until I tackled her, laying her on her back, under me.
Being pulled down onto the bed by simple gravity, she broke our kiss. As she was now laying on her back, her eyes shot directly at mine with a thin fake look of confusion, as if she doesn’t know what she wants me to do to her. Meanwhile the bright glow of her lust, burning with the might of an entire forest fire, is still shining in the back of her eye. I slowly inched closer to her face. My breath was clashing against her lips as she inched up, trying to reach my lips and lock into a kiss, but I didn’t let her.

Instead my kiss enveloped the left side of her neck, causing her to exhale sharply into my ear. Another kiss and another inch down her neck, feeling her pulse getting faster, under my lips. Another one, drawing an invisible path down her body, another one on her collar bone and then another one past it. Each time her body answers my lips with a tremble of anticipation, a shake of pleasure, a sharp and quiet exhale of enjoyment. My hands are deliberately placed aside. I am careful to touch her only with my lips and to caress her only with my breath – to build up anticipation for the grand finale, for the sweetest and fullest touch out of them all, so she would enjoy it just as much as I would.

The trail continues down. Fifth kiss of the way. Fifth contact of my lip and her smooth skin – as tense as a guitar string. A guitar string that I play with just a single touch, sending a vibration across it, that dives deep within her, stirring up her insides with pleasure and anticipation, and surfacing back up, making her body tremble and letting a soft howl escape her lips. And it was nothing but a kiss between her breasts. Almost immediately I plant another up one of them. Then another one directly onto the brown and erect nipple. Again, almost immediately I take it between my teeth and give it a gentle squeeze, making Emma shiver. Next step is rolling it with my teeth, which brings out only a sharp exhale. Last is pulling it back until it yanks away from my loose “grip”. This results in a low and quiet moan escaping Emma’s lips.

After a bit I leave her nipple – glistening wet with my saliva – and I head for the other one, a fresh start. I spare no details in its treatment. She spares no breath – not one escaped her without being followed by an escalating primitive howl of excitement. I can feel Emma’s impatience growing as her body tenses and fights the urges to touch me, to claw my back and to force me inside her. I would lie if I say I am not impatient either. One last tug – like a hungry wolf stealing what bite he could from someone else’s pray before running away.

I quickly skip ahead to find my breath rolling down her flat belly – my favorite part. It’s the calm before the storm – each kiss is less exciting, it’s barely felt, it’s a moment of pause… before the actual goal of this trip across her body. My lips are falling in a pit, then raising on a flat hill with each deep breath caused by those same very lips.

Cunningly, her smooth skin is suddenly obscured by the soft and tasteless fabric of her lace panties. My instinct was to tear them off with my teeth but first I had to lay a kiss atop of her pronounced hip bone, rising up proudly and stretching the white fabric tense from one end to another, allowing for a glance down her skin. Without wasting any more time I dug my teeth into one end and started pulling it down slowly, watching the light slowly drip down the slope of her inner thigh. I shoot back to her other side, biting down and pulling off the white fabric with even less resistance this time. The last step of what we both wanted badly was in front of me. I leaned in and bit the middle of the tasteless fabric, pulling it down to see a part of her, new to me.

I stood back up to my knees pulling her panties off with the tips of my fingers, while also gently caressing them. As soon as the white fabric lost contact with her body she put her knees together and stretched her legs up in the air. My breath is gently rolling on the underside of her feet. I reached forward and paced my fingertips between her ankles, causing her to tremble. I let them slowly trace the inner side of her legs, down to her knees. I pushed them apart as if I was opening her gates for a long awaited visit. I leaned forward with each inch of distance between her knees, as if to put my foot in the door before she changed her mind. Her warm inner thighs welcomed my touch with gleeful twitching that echoed and repeated through her entire body. My gaze kept shifting between her pretty deep eyes and her newly discovered glistening shapes. Down another inch and my elbows are back on the bed, my lips are back onto the skin of her thigh, and her heels land with anticipation and lust onto my bare back.

My hands have found their way around the sides of her hips, palms glued to them and holding her close in place as I gently introduce my tongue to her moist and awaiting lips. My mouth is flooded with her specifically sweet taste with a tender hint of salt as her juices overflow mine. My tongue explores more of her, taking more time, touching every inch, every fold form the bottom up, stopping just before her sweet spot. This touch runs like electricity through her body, making every bit of her tremble in excitement, leading to a sharp inhale, similar to a drowning person who finally gets a breath of air, filling their lung with enjoyment of life itself.

I give her another deep “kiss” as my tongue finds new routes and explores more of her warm folds, my palms holding her hips in place as her body trembles again. Finally my fingertips navigate their way around the slick and slippery folds. I lay one of them on her sweet spot and pull the skin to gently reveal its tender pink beauty. It felt as if even the exposure to the slight touch of the cold air was already making her body tense, stretching each muscle in her limbs and holding her breath. I let go of it with my finger but immediately after, greet it with my tongue – making slow circles, spiraling inwards, until I reach it and then quickly, yet gently flick it around, picking up the speed and pressure. Each touch of it sent another wave through her, each touch caused her to exhale, each exhale with a higher pitch. One of her hands found its way onto the back of my head, her fingers digging into my hair as she gives everything she can to pull me into her.

Her short breaths and high-pitched squeals, muffled by her hand, chant for me to give her more. I let my hand slide down between her legs, slowly introducing two of my fingers to her lips, then letting them inside her, working their magic. This makes her tremble once again and even the slightest idea of me pulling away is stopped by the strong hug that her thin crossed legs have me in. It’s funny how such a small girl can have such a strong grip on a guy, leaving him no way to escape, holding him with just a hand, two legs and a few drips of her love on his tongue.

Suddenly, her grip around my fingers got tighter, her fingers dug into my neck, trying to pull my face in deeper than possible. I heard a deep inhale of pleasure, accompanied by a little moan. Her legs tightened the hug behind my back, making sure I won’t escape and break her pleasure. I felt all of her muscles tense up, every single bit of her preparing. Her back arched, her knees tried pressing together, squeezing my head in place. She turned her head and buried it into the pillow moment before a deep moan of pleasure escaped her lungs. Her hand was gripping the bed as if that was the only thing holding her onto the ground as the peak of her orgasm shot her up in the clouds. She trembled and twisted and turned as her ride in the clouds reached its highest point. With the last remaining working brain cells and muscles she managed to push me away from her, now very sensitive, folds. I pulled back and enjoyed the sight of her bliss.

Her climax left her out of breath and she was panting with a wide smile, enjoying the slow fall back to earth. I laid a gentle kiss on her lips which made her entire body tremble a little, as if electricity ran through her. She giggled and her eyes looked just as lustful and horny as happy and loving. I kissed her again, longer, trying to steal some of that happy lightheaded feeling, only to be greeted by a giggle and a playful lip bite.

Finally I lay next to her, gently caressing her body, enjoying its beauty in the flooding orange street light. I study closely her curves, the pits and falls, her little blond hairs contrasting against her dark skin. I gently drag my fingertip across her skin, enjoying the sight of the goosebumps they cause to shoot across it.

“That.. was amazing.” Her breathy whisper broke the monotonous silence

“I am glad you…” I started saying but she cut me off with a deep kiss. Emma’s offense was much more active than just the kiss and tongue wrestle. Her hands started roaming my body, first my chest then slowly inching lower and lower. Finally she broke the kiss.

Her face was still so close to mine, her hot breath fighting with mine like the strong summer winds clash in an open field, her eyes, glowing bright with the fire of her lust, looking deep into mine. Emma’s sweet whisper broke the thick silence again:

“But it’s not fair –“ a smile crawled across her lips “you still have clothes on.”

I felt the soft warmth of her naked skin, pressed against mine, shift as her hand started curiously tugging on the waistband of my boxers until the fabric stopped resisting and slid down my legs, revealing the last bits of skin that she hasn’t seen. Emma’s body quickly slithered further down and her fingers started exploring my body, gently running up my legs and finally wrapping one hand around my warm pulsating stiffness, giving it a gentle tug up and down a few times.

Her soft touch brought a wave of excitement through my body, making every muscle tense, straining every fiber of me with impatience. The curved line of Emma’s smile blurred into a playful lip bite at one end. Her eyes were roaming my body and she was shifting her weight impatiently from one side to another.

Finally I felt her silky smooth thighs grazed against mine as she saddled my legs. The orange street light illuminated half of her face, exposing the playful smile that colored her lips. Her wetness was pressed against my hard pulsating skin as she shifted, leaning forward, both of her hands studying my body as they slid across further up, finally settling on either side of my face. I was hypnotized by the way her hair slowly slid off her shoulders, falling on either side of her face, burying it in the mysterious darkness until she was so close that her breath was rolling down my lips. My lips that were, just a moment later, enveloped by the warmth of her own soft lips.

A cold spot on my neck took my attention away as her hand escaped its place to make a small adjustment – I felt her most intense warmth at my tip, I felt all her muscles willingly bring her body down, I felt her wet folds stretch and adjust to me, I felt her first deep moan drown in my lips, I felt her body shiver in my hands with the sparks of excitement glowing in her eyes.

She slowly pushed herself further once again, bonding our bodies together, deeper until her hips laid on mine. A sigh, relieving the built up tension inside her, escaped her lips and got lost into mine. She broke the kiss to take a deep, loving, look into my eyes before arching her back, dragging me out of her, almost breaking our bond. Her lips quickly locked with mine again, releasing a gasp of anticipation as her body lowered itself down again… and pulled away again, each time her breath grew more shallow and quicker as it drowned into my lips. Gradually her movements started picking up speed. Each motion, each touch providing the ever so desired friction, scratching the burning itch in our groins and bringing the hunger for more in return.

My hands, beyond my control, started roaming Emma’s body. I felt as if I was about to be set loose in a jungle and her naked body was my map back to safety – every sting of hair hanging over my face, each eyelash, each bump and curve of her lips, each pore of her body, each little hair standing up proudly in the waves of goosebumps flowing across her, each curve of her figure, each way her body spammed when her hips it mine – all of her, a map that my hands have to learn by heart.
By now her lips had escaped mine, being too busy trying to quiet her moans and shallow exhales. Slowly her breath turned from excited to having a hint of tiredness, breaking her rhythm and slowing down. I stopped her and rolled both of us sideways in the bed. Now she was under me and I was balancing myself on my knees and hands above her panting bare chest.

I panted my lips on hers to catch any unexpected noises as I gently took control, bringing our hips closer together, feeling every inch of her warmth still adjusting to me. Her legs crawled up on either side of me and locked themselves in a tight grip behind me. Slowly, I pick the pace back up. Every contact of our hips grows into a louder slap that grows on its own into a wetter clap. Every thrust against her body slid her up and dragged her back down on the bedsheets, causing the bed to creek in tune with our rocking movements. The only other sound adding a tune to the symphony filling the room was Emma herself – each of her breaths with a higher pitch than before, each one trying to mask a deeper moan.

The orange light revealed her facial expressions – previously hidden by her hair. I loved watching them, and I quickly earned their language – I knew what to do to cause her eyebrows to curl together, make her mouth draw a perfect circle, make her lungs hold onto a breath, and make her entire body strain under my push, curling her back bone, digging her nails into my back. Then I knew when to release the tension and leave her looking back at me with a hazy look in her eyes accompanied by a lip bite.

Slowly my hands dug their way under her bare back, sliding along the smooth skin and getting a grip of her shoulders. Her hands were also on my back, roaming it and occasionally landing on my lower back and together with her legs pulling my touch deeper inside her.

Gradually I felt the warm grip of her lips growing tighter and tighter around me – with each motion she was trying to hold onto me, trying not to let me go, trying to prolonging the pleasure. With each grip her breaths became quicker and, shallower. With each breath her moans became higher and higher. Then her breaths grew more irregular. Her nails dug into my back. I felt my own body staring to tense up, my own movements starting to get irregular, breaking my rhythm. A flood of red blush formed in her chest and quickly flushed her entire face red as well. Her head shot back into the bed, her back arched up pressing her body into me, every muscle in her body tensed up, her eyes rolled back and her lips formed a circle.

And that’s when it all went quiet. Everything.

A short moment of bliss prolonged into an eternity between our intertwined bodies – her legs locked behind me, pulling me in, her nails – drawing straight red lines in blood colored ink across my back, her pulsating warm lips – wrapping tightly around me, soaking up each movement, twitch or pulse, then sending it, like a note though a guitar string, across her tense muscles, reaching every fiber of her body, seeking to escape through every pore but doing so only through her mouth as an amplified high pitched moan. Her grip brought me to the edge, tensing every fiber in my body, causing me to flood her lips with my warmth. This was our peak. Each other’s broken rhythm brought each other – her legs puling me closer, my hands puling her closer – into the blissful, careless, weightless symphony of tension and relief. Every single fiber feels free, brains filled with dopamine and love, breaths – vital only when shared, eyes – hazy but happily closed, limbs – active enough only to hold each other close so we could share this moment for at least another eternity as we freefell from the high altitude clouds of pleasure that we managed to climb.

As we slowly came back down to earth we shared a half sober look and a gentle kiss. I thumped down on my back next to her, reminding myself of the stinging nail marks. Emma turned to me, enveloping my body in her warmth as she threw her leg over mine pulling herself closer to me, wrapping my side with the warmth of her panting naked body and then laid her head on my chest using her hand as a pillow. The cold tickle of her breath sliding across my sweaty chest show a wave of goosebumps across my skin. I laid my hand on the smooth warm skin of her back, getting a slight purr out of her. Before my eyelids got too heavy I leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, filling breathing in the sweet scent of her skin. I laid back down and lingered in this beautiful feeling for a few more moments as I watched the room get flushed with the first morning rays.

The noon sunrays shined directly on my closed eyes, waking me up from my blissful sleep. My head is still a haze as I am just lying there, waiting for my brain to kick in. I feel that I am scotched to the side of the bed while the other side is empty. Why is it empty? Where is Emma? Why did she leave? Was she even here? Was it all a very realistic dream? I still couldn’t think straight, yet so many questions flooded my mind. I turned to my side, trying to remember if all of last night actually happened of it was just a dream. Then the answer flooded my nostrils. Her smell. The same sweet scent of her skin was all over the bedsheets, the pillow, the cover… and all over me.

I got up, painfully fighting the soreness as I took my towel and clothes and headed for the shower on our floor. In the hallway Emma was just about to enter her room. She was dressed in one of my t-shirts that sat freely and looked enormous on her small frame. Her smooth bare legs glistened in the sunlight shining through the window in the end of the hall. She smiled playfully at me.

“Going for a shower?” she asked

“Yup.” Her wet hair was glistening and dripping over the stolen t-shirt “I see you already did shower. And helped yourself to my wardrobe” I added.

She looked down and spun around, letting the tail of the t-shirt to rise up, giving me a glimpse of her bare skin underneath it.

“I think it looks better on me.” Emma giggled as I nodded agreeing. “So, how was your night?” she asked playfully.

“Unforgettable” I replied and pulled her in for a kiss, as memories of her form last night flooded my brain.

“Great. Because I hope this…” her hand rubbed my bare chest “… won’t be the last time.” She looked back at me waiting for an answer to the question she set.

“Can’t even think about letting this end.” I replied and kissed her deeply, pressing her body closer against mine.

We broke the kiss and her lips quickly took the familiar shape of her playful smile as her eyes lit up again with a playful glow.


*Once again, I hope you enjoyed reading this. Upvote if you did and share any criticism you have in the comments.*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/802027/mf_tender_sensuallong


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