[M]y [F]irst sexual experience. Good innocent times. [Friend]

Hi there, I’ve been reading a lot of stories here for a long time and I finally decided to post my own. It is going to be my first time posting anything here so give me any kind of construtive critisism, I will appreciate it. Also sorry for all mistakes, I may make some since I’m not a native english speaker.

About me.
Back in the day (7 years ago) I was 18 years old, had muscular type of body, decent face and sort/medium brown hair. Shy, introverted guy.

A little of backstory first.
Before the third grade of high school I had no sexual experience at all. Never kissed a girl or even dated. I was the type of badboy in public but extremely weak and vulnerable in private. Because of the fear of rejection I never tried anything with any girl.

Everything started with my first day in high school. Before starting the actual year, our school organised a little celebration/invitation day for all new students. Durning the speach of our headmaster I noticed one girl who was supposed to be my classmate for next 3 years and… and then it hit me. The blunt, strange, weird and at the same time kind of pleasant force. I didn’t know what was happening and why I feel this way, never before did I believe in the love from first sight (always thought of it as of the fairy tails concept). So there I am, new to highschool, surrounded by new people I have never met, loving the girl I don’t even know. It was going to be a strange period of my life I thought.

So after days and weeks I got to know her closer but because I was always shy, introverted guy with low self-esteem (I was decent looking, some say even handsome – 188 cm high, brown hair, muscular type of body – but my confidence was non-existent)I was just strange, random guy from the classroom. Months kept passing by and we eventualy became friends – and as you probably already figured out – I got friendzoned. I was basicly the “lovely male friend” that could hear her out, hug her, give advices about her boyfriends and be basicly someone who was always there for her. I was so in love that I prefered to suffer near her than to be happy elsewhere.

Two years passed by and nothing changed at all. Obviously we became really close but never the way I wanted us to be. Because of that I eventualy started having problems with alcohol, started smoking a lot of cigarettes and gathered all negative emotions deep inside. I even had to go to therapy because of depression I suffered from. She obviously didn’t know about any of it, I made sure she didn’t.

The therapy actualy worked and I realized that “us” is not going to happen. When I turned 18 I decided that I have to change something in my life. Thanks to opening my mind I started noticing other girls all around me, classmates, girls from other classes or even girls at town. Eventualy I decided to “experience” with girls, how stupid it doesn’t sound, for me, back then it was completly new concept.

I decided to “start” with one of my classmates – Emily -, quite good looking (decent face – she never used makeup and quite frankly she didn’t need it at all – long, curly brown hair, really nice butt, fit, with I would say large C/small D breatcups) always kind of bold and interesting. I actualy didn’t like her for the first two years but it was caused by the fact that I didn’t know her at all. The reason I decided to start with her was the fact that she always was kind of alienated by our class – I never knew why.

So I already chose a girl, but how should I talk to her? I never tried to get a girl or as some people call it – hit on her. I decided that planning everything is pointless so let’s just start somewhere and then we wil see. I chose one of the dumbest way to approach a girl – but back in a day it looked like a good plan.

The plan was simple. I wanted to message Emily on facebook, use lessons/notes as an excuse and then maintain the conversation. Our first talks are not even worth mentioning but slowly they became more natural and interesting. To my surprise we got along pretty well and we kept talking about more and more topics. Eventualy I started giving her a ride to her house after lessons – to be honest? I stopped carring about dating or anything, I was just enjoying having a friend.

Because I stopped trying anything I could ease and act naturaly. We hanged out after school everyday. Emily kept inviting me to her place to study together (what we actualy did) doing anything else would be impossible due to her strict mother living with her. Her room had no doors at all so… You know, it was obvious that she meant what she said. But who cares? I didnt need anything else at the moment.

One friday she told me to come and bring some beers since her mother was away and we passed exams so we have to celebrate. I went to store and took 6 beers of our favourite brand (we drank a lot of it in pubs/parks/my place). Then I crashed at her place just as usual. Being in her room always meant talking, learning or just chilling since she had no TV or computer.

So we sat at her bed and opened beers, talked about the week that passed just as usual. (at this time I still was hanging out with my crush and other friends – the pack). Suddenly my friend called:

– [Bro] Yo what’s up, we’re going bowling and then Green’s – our favourite pub – we will pick u up in 20 minutes (that was completly usual, they always picked me up, or I picked up them, no questions if any of us wanted to go, it was a must)

– [Me] Yo, sorry bro but I can’t, I’m sick and I don’t feel well. Maybe next time.

– [B] You sure? Need anything?

– [M] No, thanks. Enjoy your evening.

– [B] Feel better! See you!

He hangs up

– [Emily] You are sick, huh? – she looked at me like at an idiot.

– [M] You know them. If I tell them I’m here first of all they are going to criticise everything I do, you, me and then Elisabeth is going to find out. You know how jelous and toxic she is about me.

– [E] Maybe you’re right. It doesn’t matter tho. We have reasons to celebrate!

She didn’t seem to care and I didn’t want my crush to fight with Emily over me. Elisabeth was extremely jelous about me (you know this kind of friendzone, she won’t be with you, but she won’t let you be with anyone else).

The time passed, beers kept going, she took 4 additional from fridge. At this point we already drunk 4 beers each, not enough to be drunk but enough to be in state of pleasure. I tilted my head back and lied on her bed enjoying myself.

– You know Daniel (my name)… I really like you. I just like the way we can hang out and chill together. Someone that is here for me. I never had anyone like that in this school. I’m really glad you messaged me and asked about those stupid lessons back in a day.

She actualy surprised me because she never said anything alike. Additionaly the pitch of her voice changed a little. It sounded like she was nervous.I lifted my relaxed body from her bed, sat straight and looked her in the eyes. There was a strange but pleasant atmosphere in the air, full of tension that I could see in her eyes. I opened my mouth to answer somehow to what she said but that was the exact moment when she catapulted herself towards me and kissed me. She took me off guard so hard that I didn’t even know how to react. That’s my first kiss, what am I supposed to do? All those thoughts went through my head in like 5 seconds. I didn’t answer with a kiss or didn’t even move. I was so shocked that I literaly had no idea what to do and froze in one position trying to get my shit together. Then she broke the kiss.

– [E] I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t. I jumped on you, I’m sorry. Forgive me.

– [M] Don’t be sorry. I just… Didn’t know how to react. You surprised me.

– [E] I shouldn’t do that, I’m sorry…

The entire situation was overwhelming. I didn’t know what to do and I noticed that she became very sad. She put down her head and started twisting her fingers nervously. We were both silent.When the first shock left my body it all kicked in. I felt so good. It… felt so good… So right, so natural and pure. I extended my arm, gently lifted her face, looked in her eyes. They were beautiful, they never looked more genuine. Her eyes were slightly wet. That was the moment when I lost it. Some force pushed me towards her, I kissed her but she didn’t respond with anything. I realized it was a mistake and that I crossed the line… and then. She returned the kiss, put her delicate hands on my face and started kissing me passionately. It was magical, hands all over our bodies, I followed her “lead” since I had no idea what a good kiss looks like. After making out for seemed like 5 minutes she pulled me and I ended on top of her. I didn’t know what to do so I just followed the instinct. Emily got more curious with her hands while I started kissing her neck. Her breath became more heavy and she let out a little gasp. I kept going down, put my hand under her shirt and lifted it exposing fit flat stomach. Suddenly she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and with one swift move took it off. There she was, lying in front of me with completly ordinary bra, it was clear she didn’t plan it at all and that made it even more magical and pure. Without hesitation I started kissing soft skin on her belly. She put her hands on my had and started going through my hair. I lifted her bra and two beautiful breasts with hard nipples greeted me. My lips and tongue kept crawling up her body to finaly taste her nipples. When I put one in my mouth and started licking it she moaned pretty loud (I knew she was sensitive since she mentioned it couple of times). It was at this point when I lost control, primal lust took over control and I became more aggresive. I started unbuttoning her jeans and when I wanted to take them off she suddenly grabbed my hand and stopped me.

– I’m on period

I could hear dissapointment and frustration in her voice.

– You want me to stop?

– Yes, for now. Lie down on your stomach.

I lifted my body and then she unbuttoned my shirt, then took it off. I lied on her bed like I was told.
She gently started kissing my neck and shoulders, I felt her warm breath on my back and it drove me crazy since that’s my extremely sensitive spot. Emily massaged my back, her delicate hands felt amazing and mesmerizing. After what felt like 5 minutes she slapped my ass and told me to turn around. Without hesitation she started kissing my chest, licking and pinching my nipples slowly going down with her wonderfull lips. I was in heaven. Her hands started unbuckling the belt, slid off my boxers releasing inprisoned member. She started kissing and stroking it slowly and gently. I melted. Then I felt something warm and wet embracing my cock. I opened eyes, looked down and saw her looking directly in my eyes slowly swallowing every inch of my dick. That was the hottest, dirtiest and most mesmerising view I have ever seen. Em started going up and down, faster and faster simultaneously playing with my balls. I have never experienced anything remotly close to it but I had no doubts that she was skilled. The sound of her swallowing my member was insanely hot wich quickly pushed me close to the edge. Suddenly I started panicking. What am I supposed to do? Cum in her mouth? Should I tell her? I didn’t know how to prepare for qlimaxing so I just asked her to stop. She didn’t understand why I did so but she stopped. I thank her and because of my huge awkwardness I quite quickly left her place (on good terms, no running away in panic). Little did I knew back then that it was just the beginning of our “beneficial” part of friendship.

It’s my first time writing anything like this in foregin language so forgive me for any mistakes.
I will continue my story if you – dear Redditors – find it interesting.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7yww4l/my_first_sexual_experience_good_innocent_times


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