A Mormon missionary isn’t what he seems [MF]

Sometimes when I’m drunk I write these kind of short stories. An unfortunate incident of data loss recently destroyed all my work so I figure I should start posting them on Reddit from now on. Enjoy!


Amos and Jake stood in their pressed white shirts and ties waiting for someone to answer the doorbell, Bibles clutched under their arms. It was getting late in the morning and nobody that they had visited in the quiet suburban neighborhood had been receptive to their message. They were calling on one last house before packing it in for the day and heading back to the church.

A woman opened the door. Amos’s face fell- it was an Asian woman, and Asians almost never became Mormons. But a small smile appeared at the corner of Jake’s mouth. Jake was no Mormon. He came along on these visits “on loan” from a non-existent congregation, and he was a predator, a sleek, powerful Great White Shark, and he smelled blood in the water.

The woman was small, thin, and fairly pretty. She wore a blouse and conservative black slacks. Almost as soon as “may we come in?” came out of Jake’s mouth, she was nodding and bowing in nervous, almost comically-pained traditional respectfulness. “Yes, yes come in, yes, prease,” she said in passable but heavily-accented English.

“Who is it, honey?” a male voice boomed in excellent English from deeper in the the house. The woman answered him in Japanese and an Asian man, apparently her husband, appeared from a door at the end of the foyer. He sighed and said “well, you’d better come in.”

They made themselves comfortable in the living room and Amos launched into his standard sales pitch. Months of evangelizing had inured Jake to that crap and he didn’t roll his eyes, but just listened attentively, nodding along.

Amos pulled out his Bible and said “if we could all just turn to John 3…” He looked up and realized that the man and woman didn’t have a Bible with them. “Do you have a Holy Bible?” Amos asked?

The man frowned and was saying “no” when the woman’s eyes lit up and she said “Oh! Think we have one up the stairs. I’rl find it.” She launched up out of her chair and hurried toward the stairs.

“I’ll help her find it,” Jake said. “Amos, why don’t you stay here and tell this gentleman about the golden tablets?” The husband looked wary but said nothing. Amos started into the story and Jake climbed the stairs, admiring the woman’s behind on the way up.

She crossed to a room with a large shelf of books and started studying the spines. Jake entered the room and closed the door behind him. He put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed lightly. “Here, I’ll help.” She flinched but bobbed her head up and down in gratitude.

After scanning the books for a few moments and not immediately recognizing what she was looking for, she started examining each book in turn, running her finger from one to the next. Jake stared at her, his member growing engorged as the adrenaline began to pump through his veins. She started her search from the bottom, and by the time she reached the top she was standing on her toes, her small frame having difficulty reaching the higher shelves. “That one!” she exclaimed, and pointed.

“Which one?” Jake asked.

She stood on her toes again and put her finger on the spine of one of the books. “There.” Jake came up behind her, reaching up, and leaned over her, pressing himself against her back and buttocks as he reached. His hard cock pressed into her soft flesh as he too strained to reach. The woman yelped in surprise and tried pulling away but was trapped between him and the bookshelf.

Jake pulled down the book and backed away. The woman looked at the floor, diplomatically saying nothing. “I guess you felt that,” he whispered. She still said nothing. “I wonder if you can help me with it,” he breathed, barely audible now. She shook her head tightly over and over, backing away.

“Look, I’ll make you a deal,” he said reasonably, pulling down his pants a few inches, his dick flopping out. He continued speaking without a pause, as if nothing had happened. “Just touch it, that’s all.”

He saw that the woman, head still down, had her eyes fixed on his waist and her mouth was agape, her bashfulness apparently forgotten as she stared in shock at his size. He grinned.

He moved forward and took her hand in his. Her hand was trembling. He placed it around the base of his shaft. “There,” he said. “That wasn’t so hard.” She gulped and blushed furiously.

“Now… why don’t you try squeezing it a little?”

She pursed her lips. To his delight, she nodded almost imperceptably and squeezed, then moved her hand up a little and squeezed again.

“Go ahead, feel it,” Jake said encouragingly.

She brought her other hand up and felt around his penis, apparently marveling at the length and girth of it. The silky skin of her hands felt wonderful trailing up and down his member.

“So now it’s only fair that I feel something of yours, right?” he said. Her eyes widened and “No” was forming on her lips when he said simply “Quiet.” Her mouth snapped shut in reflexive acquiesence.

Jake took her shoulders and turned her around. He pressed up close to her and slid his hands up under her blouse and bra. He crushed his cock into her butt as his fingers traced circles around her bare nipples. Her whole body was trembling now. Her nipples grew erect under his touch. Jake suddenly pinched one and she yelped. He hoped that her husband didn’t hear.

His hands wandered down, exploring her warm, trim belly and found a tuft of coarse hair just below her panty line. His middle finger descended and teased her labia. The woman melted in his arms and a thin keening noise came from her throat.

“OK, take it off,” he commanded, and turned her around and started unbuttoning her blouse. She helped by unbuttoning and pulling down her pants and panties together and quickly unhooking her bra.

He guided them down to the floor, laying on top of her, and positioned his dick at her opening. They locked eyes for a long moment and he saw the need in her. She pulled him tighter. He teased her by putting the head of his penis into her and pulling out a few times. She squirmed and pushed down against him, anxious for him to enter her. Finally, in one long smooth motion he pushed deep into her wetness. It was fantastically tight, tighter than Jake had ever experienced in his life, and her eyes went wide open and her breath caught in her throat. They lay there like that for the moment, Jake enjoying the fierce heat and the wetness and pressure. He cradled her delicate head against his chest. Then he started thrusting. After five, six, seven thrusts, he exploded into her, pulling her hair hard. She screamed.

Several moments later her husband, puffing out of breath, threw the door open. Jake and the woman stood there, clothed, her holding the Bible. “Sorry, I fell trying to reach book,” the woman managed, her face bright red. The man’s eyes narrowed as he noticed that her blouse was misbuttoned.

“Well, I’m sorry but I’m afraid I just realized that we’re late for service back at the church. Must be going!” Jake exclaimed while bustling past the man. He hurried out onto the street and loped down the sidewalk away from the house. Amos dashed out the front door after him and stood on the porch watching him stride away.

“What was that about?” Amos wondered.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/7y9hfy/a_mormon_missionary_isnt_what_he_seems_mf