[FF] Me (25/F) and my sister (33/F) have been partners and lovers for years. Want to talk about it?

My sister and I have lived as partners and lovers for a long time. She’s out tonight and I thought it would be interesting to talk with someone curious to learn about us. I’m DEFINITELY happy to talk about sexy stuff, but I’m looking for more than just that. I’m hoping to find someone intelligent and empathetic who wants to learn about us on a deeper level — our dynamic, our day to day lives, the silly stuff, the romantic stuff, and yes, the sexy stuff. So if you’re up for it and you know how to spell (NO NETSPEAK!), send me a PM. We can start here and maybe move to a different platform. I only ask that you be quick to respond…it’s lame to try to have a conversation with someone who takes forever to reply to messages. Oh, and in case it’s helpful, I made a kinkslist:

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Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7xfnsy/ff_me_25f_and_my_sister_33f_have_been_partners