Unknown Society (Chapter One) [Rape Fantasy Content][Slavery][M/F]

**5:45am, May 17th, 2021:**

The early morning sun stung my eyes as they flickered open. I found my hand unconsciously rubbing the small square scar on the back of my elbow as I did every time my nightmares jolted me out of sleep. Shouldn’t I have less of them now? It’s been nearly two years since my escape. Something I will bring up with my therapist-turned-boyfriend in the morning.

**May 28th, 2019:**

My slender fingers and feminine palms were damp with sweat when the dark SUV pulled up in front of my studio apartment. This was the moment I would give into my biggest fantasy and finally be used by man sporting a wickedly huge cock. I was excited and nervous.

A guy named Jack had responded to my Craigslist ad saying “I think I’ve got what you want” with a photo attached. One huge veiny member, with a bottle cap sized birthmark above it, stared back at me from my tablet. I hit the reply button and we chatted a little. Truth be told, I wanted to know almost nothing. This was supposed to be a random hook up. My first of this sort of thing.

Walking out to the van, I added extra hip sway to my step and let my one-sleeved black dress slide freely up my pale thigh. Underneath, I could feel my wetness collecting and threatening to drip down my leg. Maybe I should have worn panties. Jack got out of the driver’s side, and walked around the front of the SUV. He looks thinner than I imagined and I’m struggling to see any sign of a bulge, but then again, aren’t most men are growers? Jack is good looking man, too. Dark hair swept just out of his equally dark blue eyes and paired perfectly with his well-trimmed beard. He opened the back passenger side door and stuck out a friendly hand towards me.

“Hi,” I said, my game clearly needs some work. “Um, why am I getting in the back seat?” He shook my hand and locked eyes with me briefly.

“Nice to meet you, Roxy. As you have your own fantasy, I have mine. May I pretend to be your chauffeur today? And excuse my directness, but you’re completely stunning.” I caught his eyes wander quickly over my petite frame and wiggled my hips with joy. His request is an odd one, but who am I to judge?

“Sir, may you please take me somewhere I can have a great time?” I said, coyly playing along with his fantasy. Climbing in the back seat, I bent just enough to give him a peek at my ass cheeks. Jack closed the door with a ‘yes, ma’am’ and strolls back to the driver’s seat.

Before he starts the engine he tells me that there happens to be an unopened cider for me in the arm rest, in case I want to relax a little. Opening the armrest beside me, I grab the cider, a brand I didn’t recognize, and enjoy the satisfying ‘pop’ noise as it cracks open. Suddenly, I’m glad I told him my favourite drink while we chatted online.

The drink is going down faster than I would normally gulp booze, maybe it’s the nerves. We’re driving out of town. Where are we going? The side of the road starts looking hazy. I can’t keep my eyes open. I hear Jack’s voice. “It’s okay gorgeous, just have a nap. We’ll be there soon.” I don’t want to sleep. Why am I slee…

We’re passing gigantic trees now. My eyes won’t stay open long. Seconds of forest past and they close again. Dizziness makes my stomach queasy. Fuck. I know I’m in trouble, but I can’t fight the urge to sleep.

The motion of the SUV coming to a halt wakes me. I rub my eyes and rage fills me. When my side door opens I try to kick and scream, but my feet are bound. Only muffled sounds escape my mouth. What the fuck is happening?

“It’s okay, girl,” he coos while helping me out of the vehicle. Holding me in his stable strong hands, “I am simply making your desires come true.”

Without another word, Jack pulls me forward. My eyes catch the shine of a brass gate. It must be 20 feet tall and it’s covered in leafy green vines. Where are we going? I’ve never seen anything like this before. He opens the gate and guides me through, my feet shuffling as fast as they can while bound together.

Inside the impressive gate, Jack leads me 20 or maybe 30 yards. He takes my gag out and caresses my face before turning around and casually striding back to his car.

“Where are you going, Jack?!” my voice strains, yelling his way, “please don’t leave me here. I’ll do anything!!” He keeps his back to me until he is out of sight. I keep hollering.

Screaming until my voice cracks and my horse throat clogs with petrified sobs. Eventually, my knees hit the dirt hard, unable to hold up my exhausted body. Zip ties holding my wrists together are digging into my skin, it hurts. The pain becomes worse when I lay in the fetal position, but I can’t sit any other way. Hours pass that feel like days. It’s so dark. I’m alone, shivering, and whispering under my breath for help.

I must have fallen asleep again, but what woke me up? It’s silent and pitch black now. Even the moon has run for shelter behind the clouds, or the trees are too thick to see it.

A noise fills my ear once again. Footsteps. Loud footsteps. Instinctively I close my eyes. If this is my death maker, I don’t want to see it. My eyes are still squeezing shut as I’m hauled to my feet by two seemingly enormous hands. I’m released.

I open my eyes slightly. Standing in front of me is a man. A very tall man. He must be over 8 feet standing. I’m normal height for a woman, 5’7. His wide, muscular chest is in front of me dressed in a light grey v neck t-shirt. Looking up, I see his angular face. His features are larger than mine, his head is even bigger too, but every part of him just seems to be to scale. His furrowed eyebrow stare is giving me goosebumps.

“I… I don’t think I am supposed to be here,” I stammer, “Can you help me get to the gate?”

Giant man nodded his head no. A grin spreading his lips apart. The large hands I felt on my hips come back. This time he touches my waist, grasps my neck, and glides his thick thumbs over my lips gently pushing the flesh to one side.

“Those luscious lips will do you well here, girl.” His voice echoes off the trees as he throws me over his back. Adrenaline fills my body and I go stiff, pounding fists against his chiselled back. Kicking my feet until he grabs my thighs and squeezes shrill screams out of me. I won’t give up, I tell myself as I flail and scream.

“Oh you’ve got a new one, eh?” the new voice comes out of nowhere and makes me jump.

Am I the ‘new one’? I can’t see anything but this second man’s brown leather shoes and his faded denim jeans. From what I can make out, he is the same size as whoever the fuck is carrying me. What is this place?

“Oh hey, Max. Yeah, new blood for our boys. You know how I do. This one is feisty though. May take a while to break her in” they both laugh and he smacks my ass before walking on, leaving *Max* in our wake.

“Put me down! Who are you? Where am I?” I hate being carried like a child who’s thrown the world’s worst tantrum.

“Hmmm. No. Short answer, you are ours. Long answer, you’ll find out soon enough.”

“Fuck you.” I seethe through my clenched teeth. The giant man puts me down firmly on the ground. He forces my gaze up at him with his fat finger and thumb on my chin. His hand leaves my chin while he frowns at me. Out of the corner of my eye I see him lift it in the air. WHACK…

Long blinks became shorter, an eventually I can keep my eyes open. I’m on an oversized couch. Flopped there. Neck hurts. Head hurts. Where am I?

“Lesson one: don’t talk back. Now that you’ve had your first punishment, do not let it happen again.”

He’s behind me. I remember now. The giant man. He hit me. Fuck. I wiggle and try to get up, but he walks around the couch. His hand clenches my skinny neck, surely breakable between his mammoth fingers. Those fingers start to squeeze my throat as his free hand feels up my body. I’m naked. When did he remove my clothes?

That’s when I see it, he is naked too. His junk hanging in front of me, hardening at the sight of my struggling body on display for him. My eyes widen as I realize it’s the very same cock from the Craigslist photo. It’s veiny and larger in person, but the unmistakable birthmark to the top right of his pubic bone is there. His hand leaves my body and goes to his own genitals. He strokes himself rock hard as he watches me barely able to breath.

“No. No. Please no.” my begging isn’t audible and he ignores my pleading eyes. I inhale sharply as he thrusts his way deep into my sex, the only wet readiness in me was my excited leaking from earlier the hookup anticipation. Not nearly enough to handle his enormous cock. He thrusts into me slow and hard, his skin slapping mine harshly, sending the connective sound vibrating off the walls.

“Finally getting your big cock now, aren’t you?” He laughed, “You will get plenty of it here. Once you learn your role as a village slut.” His words time perfectly with the thrusts, anger behind every one. “But first… You will learn to obey me. I am your master, your owner, your everything, until you’re ready.” His thrusts get harder. My eyes water as his cock bounces painfully off my cervix. “Do you understand?”

I nod yes. His hand lifts from my throat and he asks me again. “Yes,” I cough. “I… I understand.” He is staring at me. I’m unsure of what I missed.

“It’s yes, Master. You filthy slut.”

I spit out the words “Yes, Master. I understand” quickly as I could see his hand rise, ready to hit me again. He didn’t speak anymore and moments later he pulled out his swollen cock and rubbed it until my sex was covered in his warm, gooey cum.

He pointed to a dog bed on the floor of the living room. “There’s your bed. Go there now, and don’t move until I tell you to. Get some sleep. Oh, and if you think about running off, remember that outside these gates we have eyes and inside you somewhere, is a tracking device.”

I climbed down from the couch and curled in a ball on the rust coloured dog bed. As soon as he left the room I let go. Hot tears flooding my face, streaming down and collecting on the soft fabric below. I’m naked, and suddenly freezing again, shivers cause my body to convulse. What have I gotten myself into? What did I have to be so daring online? Who the fuck are these people? And why is my pussy dripping wet now?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/7wai45/unknown_society_chapter_one_rape_fantasy

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