The Alien Who Fucked Me Into Infinity

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It was midnight when the windows in her bedroom, black, darkness, silent, suddenly crashed with a large window of light against the wall ahead of her. Sonia first opened her eyes and saw the light across all the familiar things in the room that she carried with her over time, from home to home, apartment to apartment. A small brick home in the suburbs of Indianapolis. Corn stalks in rows were like the ocean here, and wheat too. Long solitary roads cut through them over the hills like the reverse of the yellow brick road. Sonia began to panic. It was a profound fear, something that gripped her so tightly she could feel her heart beating like it was her whole being. She was already naked under the silk dark purple sheets, no bra, no panties. And she was wet. One thing about her was that she was always wet. That was how her pussy was, wet and juicy, stick your lips in it smacking good pussy. Even now her pussy perspired like an Arnold Palmer under an umbrella on the beach.

Her skin was the metal green in the glow of the light. Was that a sound? It was a low vibration. Sonia had already lifted up in her bed where her ass was out like she was ready to take it doggy-style. Her pussy underlined it in between. She looked out the window. The vibrations…….the light became blinding:
Sonia was like a wave. For an instant it lasted…or perhaps forever. When she came to she had the sensation she was in a spacecraft; the basis for everything was light, and there was little shape, but it was an interior nonetheless of a ship. A screen along the ship was a window into space, where Earth had become very small. There was a gravity there that was different. She still had solid, almost normal movement. But she was heavier, like mercury. She felt stronger. She felt soft but firm. The lavender silk bedsheet was spread over her naked body. She was hotter than ever – body heat. Her entire body felt like her pussy. She felt the wet pre-cum coming out of every pore.

There was one only other person in the ship, opposite her, as Earth, in the distance, became even farther away. As it became smaller the beauty of space became greater and greater until even thought was destroyed. In an instant in the vastness it went away. The person came across the deck of the ship to her, pulled the bedsheet down. The being couldn’t speak, but he looked human, with dark black hair, rich deep brown skin like her own. When he came close to her she saw in focus his nakedness. He opened his mouth but no sound came out. His penis was erect and without warning he came against her and with no resistance he penetrated her. She wanted it. She let him. She gasped, lips wet, but it was in pleasure. The being had an enormous penis that became even bigger inside her. Sonia’s head became more listless and she gasped and breathed in pleasure. She made a goo-goo ga-ga sound, like a baby. The man grabbed her by the face and kissed her. She grabbed him back and squeezed. She closed her eyes completely. Her whole body was being fucked – it was the universe as a pussy, slip-slopping wet!

Back and forth, back and forth. When her eyes opened she realized the man was gone. He was a giant slug form, green textile skin, wet and damp. A giant slug dick was inside her. Her eyes gasped – but she couldn’t say no, because the pleasure was increasing and exponentially, faster, faster, a piquing heat, rising vertically. Sonia dug her hands into the slug’s slimy skin. The being changed again. It was an angel now, white with blond hair and blue eyes, gold eyebrows, a gold beard with silver whiskers beginning. His wings were enormous and ivory white and wrapped around Sonia. She felt the pleasure in less intensity but extending outward like endless ocean. The light became greater and greater insider her. She was cumming, a cosmic cum that was as infinite as the universe. She was a grain of sand. She disappeared into that light.

…When Sonia woke in the morning the bliss she felt was still there. But she was in her bed and it was the morning. The sun was shining in the windows. She could hear birds chirping in a small cloud to her right. But the bliss was still there and it felt great. It was resonant inside and around her.

Was it real? The bliss she felt in everything stayed with her for months. It was in her second month that Sonia realized she was pregnant. She took a pregnancy test from a CVS Pharmacy that cost 7.99. When it was positive she went to a doctor. She knew who the father was. Or was this being even a sex like male or female? She had not had sex or anything close to almost a year since before that night. She had been by herself. Her name is Sonia. When she gave birth, it was to light.


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