[M]y [f]irst kiss with Marie

The problem was that Marie and I had been part of a tight group of friends, including my girlfriend, who was now my ex. So after my breakup, even though we were both single, Marie’s friendship with my ex kept us from dating. We said we’d just hang out more, which we did increasingly often. Pretty soon we were spending more and more time at her dorm room, a double that she had to herself because her roommate lived with her boyfriend off campus.

You can probably see where this is going, and you’re right.

The thing is, we respected the boundary we’d set for ourselves not to mess around. Or was it that we wouldn’t actually have sex? We weren’t too precise with our wording, or maybe we just let the boundary drift as our desires dictated. The point is, though, we put some limits on ourselves. And god damn, did that make the whole experience more intense. I was twenty years old and had no idea holding back could add so much, and neither did she. But we learned.

I don’t remember the first kiss on the cheek, not on the lips, or the first caress that we pretended was friendly. All of those little rubs and nibbles eventually blended together over the hours and hours we would spend making each other shake without ever actually, you know, fucking. We literally did not even kiss for weeks.

And it was amazing. I had no idea that the back of my neck and the top of my shoulders were so sensitive, could feel so sexual. She hadn’t begun to imagine that my running my fingers lightly over the outside of her thighs could leave her unable to speak. I swear there was one night where we’d curled around ourselves, both still mostly clothed, each rubbing the other one’s back under their shirt in the same motion at the same time, and I had this, like, spiritual moment – the kind you have so easily on acid, though I didn’t know that at the time – where I couldn’t tell where my body ended and hers began, and everything seemed connected in bliss.

We’d joke about how she had the advantage after I would leave, so late at night it was early, because she could get right down to getting herself off immediately, whereas I had a ten minute walk to my place off campus before I could take care of myself. We’d always talked openly about that stuff – it was part of what was fun about our group of friends. Marie had grown up catholic and stifled, hadn’t even known quite what masturbation was until her freshman roommate explained. But she learned fast and usually liked to cum twice a day. Except when I was over. Then it was usually more. After all that build up, she could sometimes just have a solid orgasm for a good half-hour. I was costing her a lot of sleep, she said. Her grades were suffering, and it surprised us both that she could be OK with that. I said I hadn’t managed to come more than three times after one of our sessions, and that only once, but I did manage to hit the bed post by my head one time. Could have put my eye out.

We managed to tell ourselves that we were going to keep to our boundary, whatever it was now. We’d been all over each other, like I’ve never quite been with anyone else to this day, and we still had yet to actually meet each other’s lips. But you could feel the line giving way, from the way we looked at each other the moment we saw each other, bleary eyed from the previous night’s session, and just as hungry for each other’s skin nonetheless. I’d never actually seen a woman bite her lip because she needed me, but now I knew what it looked like. And I wanted those lips in mine.

One day we hadn’t gotten to see each other except in passing for nearly three days. And this was before cell phones, so we had almost no contact. When I came over that night, the candles were already lit, the music was playing low, and she was wearing a robe. She said, “Come here” with a huge grin as soon as I shut the door, and I think I would have done anything she told me to do in that tone of voice. I came over, crawled onto the bed as she lay down with me, stroked her cheek and looked right into her eyes. She shivered a little just from the stroke of my hand and then unbuttoned my shirt enough that she could lightly rub my chest with her hands. Usually we didn’t say much or even anything for long stretches, but this time she kept giving me directions, having me run my hands down her face, down her back, up and down her legs. I might have responded in kind, but I was mesmerized, taking every bit of every second in, every change in her face as she concentrated on how I was touching her, every look right into me when she opened her eyes. After I have no idea how long, she shuddered a little and then gave an intense look I’ll never forget. She wrapped her hands around my head and came so close to me to say, “What do you want?” I said, “I want you” without even thinking whether that made sense, and I guess it was the right thing to say. She pulled me in for a kiss, our first.

And then the floodgates openned. We still went slowly, incredibly, delightfully slowly. But that line had been crossed, and somehow we both knew that meant every boundary had been dissolved. We ran our hands over each other like before, but now with our lips locked together. And then my buttons started getting unbuttoned, and I reached under that soft robe. And we giggled and gasped at feeling touched in all the places we had managed not to touch each other all these weeks.

Damn was she gorgeous. She lay on her back and let her full, firm breasts fall slightly toward her sides, and I helped them back up and began to lick and nibble at her nipples. I kept rubbing her breasts while teasing those perfect pink bumps, as she laid there with her eyes closed and her mouth hanging half open, not moving even slightly. Then I started sucking on her right nipple, and after a few seconds, this sound rang out. I honestly thought it might be an alarm of some kind, it was so surprising and sounded so strange at first. But I kept sucking on that nipple, which was the right decision, because it wasn’t alarm, it was the sound of Marie cumming. I looked up at her face just in time to see her head snap forward and her face crunch up in what looked like pain and then maybe confusion, as the sound I realized was coming from her now wide open mouth was her growl that turned into a semi-screamed, “JESUS!”

Her head fell back down to the pillow and it was a few seconds before she looked at me. Half because I was stunned, having never remotely had this kind of effect on a woman before, half because I instinctively had the sense this could be a nice comic moment, I stayed frozen where I was, looking up at her with my lips still wrapped around her nipple. When she did meet my eyes, I took another second before opening my mouth to say, “Not Jesus.” It wasn’t comedy gold, I know, but man we both laughed and laughed. And I think she cried just a little.

Then I leaned over to her left nipple.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7wc3nq/my_first_kiss_with_marie


  1. Foreplay with the person you are emotionally attached to is incredible. Foreplay begins at the end of love make and continues until the next time you make love.

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