Saria, The Alien’s Incubator (Part 1)

Saria’s Age: 13 (NOT a mistake)

Saria’s Gender: Female

Saria’s Skin Color: White with somewhat Asian tan.

Saria’s Vagina: Only recognizable by a small line. However her womb and bladder size is big.

Saria’s Breasts: Early puberty before capture led her to lactate a bit.

Saria woke up inside a caccoon, she saw the caccoon open once she was awake. Saria looked down at herself, she saw her small breasts, a full bladder, and her small vagina. Two aliens came up, and began to restrain her, she was tied to a soft bedding made of Alien Worm Silk. They first examined her breasts, a small examination alien attached to one of her nipples, the skin of the creature suddenly turned white from her milk being sucked out. The aliens began speaking to her.

Alien 1: Your… milking orifices… shall please… our queeen……

Alien 2: Examine… her…… reproductive system…. and…. her… bladder….

A small creature flew into the room, it seemed like a manta ray, except it flew, and was very fast. It zapped to her vagina area, and began forcing inside small tentacles, she felt another tentacle enter her urethra, and sucked out her urine.

*an hour later*

She was presented to the Queen, the queen was a massive-like creature, that used other aliens to reproduce her own.

Queen Xllah: I see my servants have told me of the size of your womb and bladder, I shall use your womb to reproduce my servants and store sperm to reproduce other types of servants, like the ones that examined your breasts and vagina, inside the conditions of your bladder.

Saria was forced to lay down with legs spread as the queen began moving a tentacle towards her privates. The first tentacle touched her vagina, and went inside, saria could see through the tentacle, that tiny eggs were rolling inside of her. She felt herself becoming fuller and fuller, until the queen stopped. The queen then injected a moderate amount of sperm inside her womb. The next tentacle looked for her urethra, upon entering, she felt a cold stream of watery sperm run into her bladder. Now that she was completely filled and pregnant, she was to be restrained on the queen’s throne, as a breeder.

*9 days later*

Saria was released from her restraints, and laid down on the silk floor in front of the queen. Suddenly, thousands of small worms came out of her vagina, and went into the catacombs. The queen instructed Saria, to walk over the eggs inside a room, and urinate the sperm she injected into her bladder. Saria began walking over the eggs, and peeing out white slimy liquid to fertilize the rest of the eggs.
