A confusing encounter with g/f’s mother [MF]

*Warning: Long story before I get to the good stuff, As odd as it is, it definitely happened as accurate as I can recall.

Around 1997 I dropped out of college because I had a lot of transportation issues and was out of state and decided to go straight to work. I made a lot of friends there that I was still hanging out with for a couple years after I dropped out. at that age (22 I think) I was somewhat quiet and obedient type of person, not shy just not a talkative person. I met a girl at the dorms there and she just started that year and was living at home. I’ll call her Laura in the story to not reveal her real name as she may read this for all I know.

The first time I went to her house, Laura introduced me to her mom with the “this is my mom” type introduction but after saying hi, she kinda did the glance thing as she walked by and her mom would never say anything, not hi…nothing. She was hanging around of course just never said anything. Felt awkward but I always felt awkward around older adults anyway, probably from a life experience of adults telling me what to do or yelling at me as I never had an older friend growing up.

At some point, I vaguely recall Laura kind of half assed explained her mom but I just remember her telling me she was strict and crazy about Laura’s grades…like 4.0+ or else type of woman I guess. I think her parents were divorced but not 100% on that. Now despite Laura being an adult now, her mom had this “you live in my house, my rules” kind of person. So I was seeing Laura for maybe 3 weeks now, if that. We had sex once and she would have to lie to her mom about where she was at just to avoid a conflict. One mid winters day, there was a foot of snow, we were with another couple in the same car, just sitting inside with the car completely covered in snow, can’t see out. She’s on my lap in the back seat, other couple up front. Suddenly her mom opens the front door, slams it shut then opens the back door. Angry look on her face, she pulls Laura out and drags her off….apparently she found out Laura lied about where she was at.

Next day, phone call. Laura says her mom wants to have a talk with me. I’m like f***, wtf is this bs? I worked nights so I go over next day, Laura’s in class I guess and I’m quite nervous even though I shouldn’t be cause I’m thinking we’re damn adults for crying out loud. Her mom lets me in…I don’t remember if she even said anything. I just remember asking ” you wanted to see me?”

Sits me down, with a very stern look says “I don’t mind you seeing my daughter but…” and proceeds to tell me that her daughters focus on education is foremost and she didn’t want her daughter getting pregnant and she’s a virgin (*so she thinks) and wanted for her to wait until marriage. She asked to confirm that we had not had sex and I lied saying no. She goes on this rant about how she knows men tend to not be able to resist their urges unless they and I quote “release their sexual tensions before hand”. I was quite uncomfortable as I assumed she meant masturbation. She asked when our date was, which was the next day. Now here’s where I realize she’s not all there in the head. She said she wanted me to “release those tensions before we went on our date” just so I won’t try to persuade Laura into sex or something like that and then says “If you need to, you can have sex with me but I don’t want my daughter to get in over her head and she needs to wait until marriage.”

I was like ..what? I mean she had this stern, bitch face the whole time. All I could do is nod. Did I hear this right? Then she stands up and says, again sternly “the bedroom is this way” and I awkwardly follow her. She closes the door. The curtains are drawn, dim yet well lit and immediately takes her sweater off then looks at me and says “go ahead, get undressed and lay down”. All I felt at this moment was shock and awkwardness, like a zombie I just did as she said. She takes it all off, I follow suit. It’s quiet, she says nothing.

Now suddenly I’m excited, I’m thinking “I can’t believe this, why is this happening? She’s maybe in mid 30’s+, short hair, average face…nothing a young guy would think much about but I realized then that she did have nice farm girl type of body, thick, curvy and solid. I remember thinking I was surprised by her body just because both times I saw her, she wore large, loose fitting sweaters as if she was in middle age spread. I’m not into short hair but sits down, leans into me and proceeds to kiss me, playing with my cock to get it hard, kind of fast and aggressive like she’s in a hurry and suddenly the short hair and age lines didn’t bother me at all. The awkward feeling fades.

The second that I’m hard, she gets on top, positions my dick and tried to force it in too fast, it hurt at first, like my dick was about to bend too far then it finally slams in. Thank god because if it didn’t, it would have been quite painful. She just starts going to town with fast, hard thrusts right off the bat. She says nothing during all of this. Aside from some heavier breathing, I couldn’t tell if she was enjoying it or not but she acted like she was doing a chore that had to get done or something. Still had that bitch face, looking more so by her age lines and tightly closed lips.
Naturally I start playing with her breasts, larger than hand size and much larger than her daughters. She’s looking straight ahead with occasional glances at me. I look down, I noticed she shaves but her daughter doesn’t which I thought was odd and her daughter is so petite and doesn’t move like her mom does that’s for sure. Her stomach had just a slight pudge under her belly button, still sexy to look at. She rides very hard, keeping me all the way in her as she thrusts back n forth more than she does the up and down thing. I start to feel her up, her body is firm with those thick farm girl hips and ass as if it was solid muscle even if the rest of her looks way too old for me. She keeps up that fast, hard thrust pace. My chest is going numb from her grip but didn’t bother me. All I hear is her breathing and the bed movement…she’s still acting like it’s a chore as if she’s scrubbing the floor in a hurry or something.

She moved her hands from my chest to my shoulders ( the only position change she’s does at this point) pinning me, forcing my arms down from her breasts to just holding her hips, she’s rigid as hell like every muscle is tightened up. Now I was used to pulling out so I tell her “I’m gonna cum”…no change in response. I said again “I’m gonna blow” and I try to push her up off of me but she’s so rigid I can’t budge her and then I blew in her…she then changes her pace and slows down then finally stops for a second. I instantly felt every muscle relax and then to my horror, she starts up again. Not as fast and this time she rides up and down but still, it’s rather uncomfortable and my dick soon goes numb. I literally get to where I can’t feel it anymore but still felt uncomfortable and she’s still riding and I’m thinking “she’s trying to kill me”.

Suddenly she stops. Finally. Sits straight up, then looks at me and says “well…. that should hold you off for a few days” then gets off of me and starts to put her cloths on. I gradually muster into sitting position and get dressed. She waits for me and walks me to the front door. “So you picking her up around 9 tomorrow?” “yes ma’am” I responded. She opens the door and out I go…she said nothing further.

My dick was kinda sore as I got into my car, like a bruised sort of feeling likely from her still going after I finished. A bit later I realized it. It hit me that I just had an sexual encounter with my g/f’s mom…that thought was kinda hot, it was fun but I don’t think she did it for fun. She’s better in bed than her daughter despite her bitchy attitude and maybe I’ll get to do this every time we go out???. But yet I didn’t understand it at all. I didn’t understand anything.

I didn’t see her mom when I picked Laura up for our date as Laura was waiting for me, ready to go when I got there. The next few times we saw each other, she came to my house..still lying to her mom about where she was at. So I never got to see her mom again. Laura broke up with me shortly there after.

To this day for me, it’s a lesson in psychology. What is the psychology of her mom? Did she literally have sex with me just because she thought that if I had sex recently that I wouldn’t try to entice her daughter into sex?….that’s so weird. But looking back it was damn fun and I want to repeat that again. I even fantasize about that moment on occasion despite every time I think about it, I’m a bit baffled by that woman’s behaviors.

I’m curious what you think was going through this woman’s head? Why would she force me to blow in her? Why did she keep riding for a bit after she knew I blew in her? She didn’t act like she enjoyed it at all and she seemed as if she’d prefer that her daughter didn’t date and just focus on school but best I can come up with is that she was super serious about her daughters virginity.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7w0ko3/a_confusing_encounter_with_gfs_mother_mf


  1. She was probably testing to see if you were sexually active and to prove that her daughter is lying.


    She did that on purpose and recorded the event to show her daughter that you cheated and that’s what caused the break up, maybe, idk.

  2. Sounds too bizarre to be real but let’s assume it is.

    I can’t figure out why you would even consider having sex with your gf’s Mother. Cheating on your GF with her Mother?

  3. You know I never wrote that story down before but doing so did finally help me make more sense of it..maybe. She was a strict, controlling person who had a set goal and morals for her daughter (ironically so) and an extremist. I remember Laura mentioned her mom used to chaperone her dates when she was in HS. So as an adult she could no longer do that. Her mom considered Laura an impressionable or maybe gullible person and through irrational fear or distrust, likely thought that I would not only pressure her into sex because I’m a guy but it might cause her to lose focus on her studies or cause her to risk getting pregnant and dropping out. She may have known I was a dropout or considered me a bad influence.

    Her fault was not fully understanding guys. I think she really thought that if my sexual needs were pacified that I would not pressure her daughter into performing sex. She didn’t know her daughter wasn’t a virgin (long before me I’m sure) and maybe she thought a relationship would cause her to lose focus on her studies (to become a dentist)…basically I was in the way. I was a potential threat to the goals she had set for her daughter.

    So actually I don’t think she wanted to have sex with me at all, she’s an extremist. She probably wanted me to masterbate before we went out (which I felt she was eluding to at first) but couldn’t trust that I would or if it would be enough so she thought she would sacrifice herself thinking that so long as I was having sex with anyone but her daughter that I wouldn’t try to pressure Laura or maybe she hoped I wouldn’t date her anymore so she could stay focused on education.

    That would explain why the sex was so rough, she was trying to make it so that I would either be too sore to perform the next night or at least be pacified enough to not go that far…so when she rammed my dick in her, she intended to hurt me and again when she kept going after I ejaculated. She was trying to physically cause discomfort during sex in hopes that I would not be able to physically perform the next night and she obviously had some kind of issues with men imo and how could a mother have sex with a guy her daughter’s date? I’m not sure if she even viewed sex in the same way most do…she seemed to treat it like it was just an act, something people have to do mores than out of love or intimacy…dunno.

    she obviously didn’t trust her daughter and she obviously didn’t understand that just because a guy has sex one night doesn’t mean he’s pacified or can’t easily want to have sex with another soon after. She was in her own world I think.

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