Teased and Dominated [MF]

I secretly have a crush on my best friend. I won’t go into that much here, but I will tell you that she is hot. She’s a funny, caring, geeky, beautiful, blonde with a great personality. We’ve been friends since we were eleven and I just haven’t been able to confess to her at any point in the last decade or so how I feel. She’s been with the same guy for at least six years now and as far as I know is completely straight so to avoid ruining the friendship, I keep my mouth shut. At least, when I’m around her…

One night, I confessed to my boyfriend how attracted I was to her. He was interested, asking if I’d ever do anything sexual with her given the chance. Being a bit shy about the topic, I clammed up. It became pretty obvious that I would leap at the chance to get into bed with her. Greatly amused, and I think slightly turned on, my boyfriend has used this bit of information to get me worked up a couple times. Had I known I was going to start hanging out with this friend a few times a week as opposed to once a month (busy schedules cleared up a bit), I would **never** have told him about it.

Yesterday, I was grumpy on and off all day. I eventually got frustrated and went back to bed. My boyfriend decided to give me some space and I spent the next hour lying in bed brooding on how sucky my life was and kicking myself for stupid past mistakes. Fun right? Eventually, I came back out and my boyfriend pulled me over to him on the couch. I didn’t understand why since I was clearly not in a great mood, but I went with it. What I didn’t do was cuddle back or give him any kind of openings for more than putting his arm around my shoulders as I scowled at whatever was on tv.

Before I knew it, it was time for me to get dressed for work. I grumpily plodded off to my room to get changed. Just as I pulled off the sweats I’d been wearing, my boyfriend happened to round the corner. I didn’t think a lot of it. We live together. We’ve seen each other naked in non-sexual situations plenty of times. Then, as I bent over to grab my work pants from the floor where I’d tossed them the night before, he came up and put his hand on my ass. I glared at him, telling him to cut it out, and continued. He moved closer as I straightened up. The pants I had been reaching for weren’t my work pants so I had tossed them back down and was irritably scanning the floor with my eyes. My boyfriend pressed against my back, wrapping his arms around my waist. His hands slowly, but steadily, moved down to my thighs, then back up towards the bend of my legs. They were warm, and by this point, my legs were pretty cold. His skin against mine felt good and I suddenly had goosebumps everywhere. Still, I ignored him. He had a habit of getting me interested and not following through. It was then I remembered where my pants were. They were in the laundry basket outside of our bedroom door. I turned around to leave the room, expecting him to move, but he didn’t. He was right in the doorway; no way around. “Please move,” I sighed. He pressed against me again, this time wrapping his hands around to squeeze my ass. “Don’t,” I half grumbled and half begged, “Please don’t do this to me right now.” He smirked a little, “Do what?” I glared at him, “You know what. You’re always mean to me and never follow through.” One hand began to wander a bit, slipping up the back of my tight tank top before making its way to my chest. I bit my lip. He was definitely hard to resist, especially with me having been so horny from spending so much time with my friend. “I follow through sometimes,” he defended himself, “How do you know I wasn’t already horny?” I scoffed, trying not to play into game. I pushed my hand up my shirt to remove his, but he caught me by the wrist.

Not realizing what he was doing, I didn’t really resist. His hand was out of my shirt and that was all that mattered. At least, that was all that mattered until my hand was on a firm bulge in his jeans. I pressed my hand into it, grabbing a little. I felt his cock throb. He was so hard I could easily distinguish the head from the shaft as I felt my way back and forth. “Why’d you do this to me,” I whined, “I need to get ready for work, but now I don’t want to.” He chuckled softly, then kissed me, locking in my desire for more. His hand slid down and played with the waist of my panties. Instinctively, I pushed myself towards him, lightly grinding against his bulge for a moment. Pushing me back a little, I felt his fingers rubbing me through my underwear. He leaned close and nipped at my ear, then followed up with light kisses on the side of my neck.

Suddenly, he stopped everything and pulled away. “Well, go get dressed,” he smirked at me, “You’re gonna be late.” I didn’t care. He knew I didn’t care. I reach out to pull him to me, simultaneously stepping forward. He sidestepped me and pushed me towards the door. I caught myself on the door frame, planning to turn around and do what I could to get him to go further. Before I could, he was behind me again, this time moving my panties so that he could tease my opening. I gripped the door frame, having not been prepared for him to actually touch me. He slipped a finger inside and started fingering me. I reached back to grab his head so I could kiss him over my shoulder. He sped up and I could feel myself getting close. I stopped kissing him, more focused on the waves of pleasure that were slowly building and not buckling my knees. Just when I was about to finish, he slowed back down. I bit my lip, extremely turned on, slightly frustrated, and still enjoying my boyfriend’s strong, nimble fingers. Two more times he built me up and didn’t let me finish. I desperately plead with him as he slowly slid his finger out of my now soaking wet pussy. “Now you can think about that all day at work,” he said into my ear in his sexiest voice, “And you can think about your friend and how bad you want her.” “This isn’t fair,” I began, “Why are you so cruel? What am I supposed to do?” He smirked, “I already told you. Think about her.”

Frustrated, damp, and extremely horny, I dressed myself and got in the car. Work was slow so I had plenty of time to let my mind wander. Every time I started to be okay, images of her or how his dick felt through his jeans flashed into my mind. I had secretly had a dream earlier in the week of having a threesome with both of them involved. Needless to say, the combination of the days events with that kept me from being able to think of much else. I felt dirty as I walked through the store, panties soaked, with thoughts as kinky as I was having. No one would expect the nerdy, oddball brunette they had come to know and love to be such a closet pervert. I couldn’t imagine if they found out.

That night, I brought food home from work. We ate, watched tv, and decided to go to bed. Nothing suggestive at all was brought up and it was secretly killing me. We laid down, he curled up behind me, joked around a bit, and then rolled over to go to sleep. I rolled to face him and saw he was laying belly down. I let my hands take the lead, first lightly brushing across his back, then resting my arm across his waist as my fingers tickled his waistband. He growled, “Don’t. My stomach is upset.” Irritated, and definitely unable to sleep, I decided to get back up for a while to distract myself. When that didn’t work, I gave up and went back to bed. He was on his back now and let me cuddle up next to him, resting my head on his chest. I was shirtless, wearing only pajama pants, and his warmth felt good against me. My mind relaxed, and I started to get to a point where I could sleep.

Not long after I calmed down, I felt him start rubbing my back. It felt good and was surprisingly soothing. His hand made it’s way up to my side, then higher, to my chest. He didn’t grab or stay long, just brushed against my breast and went back to rubbing my back. Again, his hand gently moved upward, this time gently tickling the side of my face, a finger trailing across my lips as he moved towards my neck. I realized this was something he only did when he was thinking about other things and was suddenly a little more awake. I didn’t move and I kept my eyes close, but I was paying very close attention now. He stopped. *Frick.* Then somewhat suddenly, his fingers were at my lips again. I contemplated how to react and as I slightly parted my lips, he pushed his finger into my mouth. He had done this before, but never quite so aggressively. *Was that because I mentioned liking when he takes charge? Maybe it’s because I showed interest in him being more dominant..?* Regardless of the reason, I played along, sucking and licking his finger as he slowly moved it in and out of my mouth. I moaned a little, making sure he knew I was interested in more. His other hand found my neck as it had a few times before. He had lightly pressed against my throat, but always pulled away as if he were holding back. This time was the same at first, then he squeezed harder. As he gradually increased the pressure, it became harder and harder to breath. I stayed calm at first, but when he didn’t let up started to panic internally. I kept treating the finger in my mouth as if it were his dick. I knew that’s what he wanted and I felt like I wasn’t allowed to stop. He let up and I could breath again. “You like that?” I moaned in response, too focused on needing something in my mouth to stop to reply. Suddenly I was extremely horny. It was like him choking me gave me some kind of rush. I needed him and wanted him to really dominate me. It was all new territory for me and somehow that made it sexier for the both of us. He took his finger from my mouth and moved that hand into my pants, playing with my clit just enough to make me moan. The other hand covered my mouth, pressing over it and my nose so that I again couldn’t breath. I felt the same rush as before. He pushed his finger into my opening, still covering my face with the other hand. I wondered if I was supposed to fight back or take it obediently. I decided to stay calm until I couldn’t hold my breath any longer. I pulled away from his hand, but he didn’t let go. Instead he made me hold on just a second longer before releasing me. To my surprise, I liked it.

Moments later, he grabbed the back of my head, taking my hair in his hand, and pushed my face towards his cock, removing his underwear with the other hand. Normally he would have helped guide his dick into my mouth, but not tonight. Instead he pushed my face against it, then pulled me back just enough so that I could lick and suck at the shaft. He moved my head towards the tip and pushed it against my lips. I took him in as deep as I could and began to work up and down with my mouth. A fistful of my hair still in his hands, he pushed up and down, deciding the speed and how deeply he went himself. He never hurt me, but the sheer command of his movements made me almost helpless. After he had choked me a couple times by purposely going a little too deep, he released me and let me continue on my own. He pulled my leg to the other side of his head and had me straddle his face as I sucked and licked him.

At first, he teased a bit, licking and biting the inside of my thighs. Then, after waiting all day and being his puppet as he forced me to give him a blowjob, I finally got what I had been waiting for. His tongue played with my clit, teasing me further while it sent pleasure across my body. Finally, he penetrated me with his tongue. It felt so good that as I opened my mouth to moan I let his dick slip out. I realized I needed to breath for a moment. It’d been too long since I had come up for air. I slowly worked his shaft with my hand, thoroughly enjoying his mouth on my pussy. He didn’t like how long I decided to stop and I felt his hand find it’s way to the back of my head again. He pushed my head back down, thrusting into my mouth while he continued to eat me out. God was it sexy. I felt an orgasm building quickly. I came, but he didn’t slow down. Another quickly built and again I came. I was moaning loudly and doing as much to his cock as I could think of, swirling my tongue around, tickling the base of the head, sucking, everything I could manage while he thrust back and forth. A third orgasm began to build. I felt his movements stiffen and the pace of his thrusting slowed. His cock somehow hardening even more. I knew he was close and that he knew I was close to cumming again. With even more intensity, I began bobbing my head up and down quickly, like I was some kind of pro now. His hand worked the base of his cock below my mouth. I tensed. I was about to orgasm again, but I wanted to wait. He thrust his tongue deep into my pussy and I couldn’t hold back anymore. I almost let up. Instead I moaned loudly, keeping his cock tight between my lips. He went rigid for just a second and then everything relaxed. I tasted his cum and knew getting to cum in my mouth was a huge turn on for him. As I pulled away, he did just enough to make me gasp, letting some of the cum slip down him. I swallowed, the leaned over to lick the rest off his dick obediently. The small sound he let out told me he definitely got a kick out of that.

Tired and satisfied, I found my pants and pulled them back on. Things had went well enough that we didn’t need to discuss the changes. It was clear we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We curled up and quickly fell asleep. Now I find myself wondering what he’ll do the next time and just how far this new dominance will go. I can’t wait to see what happens.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7vrcrc/teased_and_dominated_mf


  1. I can’t wait to hear about him dominating and then pounding you hard. Making you moan/whimper xxx

  2. Your Story and your Pictures made me so frikkin horny, its about time that my Girlfriend got Home.

    She recently opend Up to the whole getting dominated Stuff too and you inspired me to play with her :D

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