My first time [MF]

Somebody was asking for stories of first times, and I was feeling like writing something up… And then I figured I’d post on here. (Edits for formatting reasons)

I was nineteen and home from my first year of college, working as a coach for the team I rowed for in high school. Every year there’s a huge regatta up in St. Catherines (Ontario) which more or less serves as the North American championship. We took a small group of athletes up to compete.

There were two options for lodging, hotel or camping out at the course. Most of the athletes wound up staying at the course, but I opted to camp out. The race ran from Wednesday-Sunday, with the elimination heats finishing up midday Saturday. We (myself included as I was also racing) were eliminated by the end of the day on Friday.
The athletes all went home since there was no reason to stick around, but I had heard that things devolved into a crazy party once the weekend hit so I decided to stay. Besides, the finals on Sunday would have some of the fastest rowers on the continent competing and I wanted to watch.

I wound up at a bar (since the drinking age up there is 19) and was able to sit and have a beer or two while talking with athletes and coaches of all backgrounds. That was when I met her, we’ll call her Alyssa for this.
We hit it off- she was with her team from California and they too had mostly been eliminated, but since they had flown out they were staying in the area till their return flight Monday evening.
After a while we left the bar, walking the two miles back to the campsite and continuing to talk. The night was warm and clear, and I felt that tingle of connection that only comes when two people are attracted to each other.

That night we sat on the bleachers next to the race course and kissed. Our hands roamed over each other’s bodies, exploring as our tongues probed each other’s mouths. I kissed her neck, working my way down, and she giggled, looking around for any sign of somebody approaching.

I was nervous, the churning in my stomach and the desire building. I’d had plenty of experience with everything but full on sex, but never quite gotten the whole way there. At long last, we pulled a part. It was getting late, and I didn’t want to push things. We parted ways and returned to our tents. I lay awake for a long while thinking about her, wish I’d had the courage to invite her back with me.

The next day we texted back and forth, had lunch together, made out some more, and then agreed to meet back at the bleachers. The day had been rainy, and it started up again shortly after we met. Then it began to pour. I’ve never been more thankful for a rainstorm. I suggested we go back to my tent to get out of the wet. She agreed, and so we sprinted towards the campsite.

Once inside, I turned to zip up the tent. The damp made it stick, and so it took more time than it should have. By the time we were safely sealed inside and I looked back, she had taken her shirt off and begun getting her pants off. The wet caused her jeans to stick to her legs, and so she was only halfway down and… Struggling a little bit. I couldn’t help but laugh, and she started laughing as well, only to fall over.

Up until this point, I hadn’t seen anything beneath the jeans or the baggy sweatshirt she’d been wearing. In the dim light of the lamps hung from trees outside, I beheld a bronze skinned goddess. Every inch– and I mean every inch– was tanned. She’d worn neither bra nor panties beneath her clothes that night, and she was the same height as me– almost as broad as well. I should correct myself. Not just a goddess. An Amazonian goddess. Toned, strong, and smiling with a Cheshire Cat grin. She turned her fall into an alluring pose and slid her jeans down off her ankles. I was stunned, speechless. She laughed again and purred. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask me back here.”

I pulled off my own shirt and shucked off my jeans, and we crashed together in a deep passionate kiss. I let her push me to the ground, and she kissed her way down my body till she reached my boxers, and with another grin she pulled them down. I’ve never claimed to be huge, but at the very least my girth has caused problems. Not for her. She swallowed it down with ease.

I was in heaven, and after a few minutes had to pry her lips from cock, finally having found my voice. “My turn,” I told her, and pushed her up and onto her back, returning the favor. Even in the damp, I’ll always remember her skin being warm to my lips, almost as though it still held the warmth of the day’s sun.
My tongue trailed from her breasts down her taut stomach, and then I slipped between her legs. I found her clit and gently kissed it, earning myself an appreciative moan. I slipped my fingers inside her and curled them up while licking her clit. Her hand tangled in my hair and mashed my face into her pussy.

After a few minutes, she sat up and whispered the words I’d been dying to hear. “I need you to fuck me,” Though
I’d never had sex before, I was ever the optimist and had thrown a condom into my bag before leaving. Now, with this blonde and tanned goddess naked before me I realized I should have brought more.
I fished around and pulled out the lone condom, opening it and eagerly rolling it down. I went to climb atop her, only to find her legs shut tight. “You need to earn it,” She whispered, and then she pushed me off her and hooked my leg with hers, knocking me onto my back.

I looked up at her, her chest heaving as she pinned my arms over my head. I struggled, but she was strong. Very strong. Her muscular legs rested on either side of me, holding her pussy a mere inch above my cock. I needed her. Wanted her. I stared up at her wickedly grinning face.
With a grunt, I managed to pull my arms from her grip and roll, pinning her beneath me. In that moment, I’d like to say I slid easily inside her. I would like to say I lost my virginity with a single thrust. However, I cannot. I missed, and my condom encased cock brushed against her clit instead. She cried out, spreading her legs wider as I grabbed her wrists and pinned her down, pressing my lips against her.

My second attempt was more successful, and my mind was on fire as I slipped inside her. She moaned, hips bucking in time with my thrusting. It was everything I’d ever hoped it would be, and pure bliss surged through my body. I kissed her again, stifling moans. There were other tents near us, after all.
She broke the kiss long enough to whisper “Harder,” and I hastily complied. I released her hands and slipped mine down her body, brushing along her breasts before curving underneath to grab her ass. I hoisted her up and had to press my mouth to hers once again to stifle another cry of pleasure from her.

I was so lost in what I was doing that I almost lost control then and there. I think she sensed that, and before I realized what was happening Alyssa had pushed me off of her and flipped me onto my back. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her hips, and then slowly… With agonizing slowness, lowered herself down onto me.
Her hips writhed in a sinuous motion, slipping herself up my cock only to slam back down. She covered her mouth with her hand to stifle another cry before grinning down at me. “That was three,” she whispered. She continued to tease me, slowly grinding her pussy on my cock. I growled, and an almost primal need surged through me. She was strong, but I was stronger. I tightened my grip and rolled, getting on top of her again.
From there it was only a matter of a few thrusts, my control gone. My desire exploding inside me. My cock felt white hot in her pussy, and then my whole body spasmed. I came inside her while she pressed her lips to mine, cooing with pleasure. I sagged, rolling off her and pulling the condom from my shaft. We both lay there a moment, panting. I rolled onto my side and kissed her once more.
“Again?” she whispered.
“I don’t have another condom,” I replied
“We’ll just need to be careful then,” she said with another laugh and tangled her hand in my hair, guiding my face down towards her pussy once again…

Hope you enjoyed it, and I’m sorry if the details are a bit hazy. This was almost a decade ago at this point!
