Kathy [FFM]

We lived a mostly vanilla life for the two years after we left Norfolk. Our house was leased by the Commanding Officer of a Cruiser for the next three years and during the next decade after that several other officers rented the place thanks to Renee’s contacts she made in her last job. 

I left my ship with a heavy heart, I was going to miss that gal and would never be on a Kidd Class Destroyer again. I couldn’t even look back as I hopped on my bike with my seabag tied down behind me and headed south to get back with Reneé. We hadn’t seen each other in three months.

She found us a nice three bedroom cottage across the street from the ocean in Fernandina Beach. It was almost halfway between our bases, we had a half hour drive each. I had to take the Mayport Ferry every day to work, it was all four lane highway for her.

She gave me the lowdown on what was going on at the Sub Base. It seemed there was a huge swinger scene both on and off the base. We didn’t get involved for a few reasons, mainly because some people talked openly about what went on. It wasn’t really a secret. 

Reneé loved her ship. Personally, I thought it looked like a piece of shit but she wasn’t mine. She more or less ran the Personnel and Administration Departments, her Chief was closing in on retirement and handed the reins over to her. The Captain liked her, everybody did. She was Reneé.

We fucked a lot. Reneé had found a small pond on a back road at the sprawling base. It was tucked away out of sight. We rode my bike out there a few times and got naked, even skinny-dipped in the pond. Until we went there one day and saw a six foot alligator sunning beside the water. And that was the end of that.

Then we met Kathy. Jogging up the beach a mile from the cottage one day we saw her and two young girls standing at the waters edge. One was crying, apparently a toy had gotten away from the girl and floated too far out for them to retrieve. 

“Ok, Captain America. Time for you to be a hero”, Reneé told me then began to comfort and reassure the girl that I would go get it for her. 

It was only 100 yards out at most so I took my shoes and shirt off and swam out to get it then body surfed the waves most of the way back. I got a nice smile from the girl as I handed it to her then sat down to put my shoes back on. They walked on up the beach to their spot beside a large umbrella stuck in the sand. I sat there a bit and looked at the ocean, I always did on shore duty, then walked up to join them.

After receiving their grateful thanks we were soon on our way. “You made their day”, Reneé told me as we started jogging again. “So much that Kathy wants to buy us a beer at the crab house tonight”.

As we jogged on Reneé saying told me Kathy was the girls live in nanny and my heroic actions saved the day. The toy I had retrieved was much loved by the girl. She would have been upset for weeks if it had been lost.

“Five minutes. It took you five minutes to meet then get us a date tonight. She is kinda cute”.

“This is about you, bub. I’m not the one who risked his life to save the day”.

“Yeah, right”.

“She is cute isn’t she? 23 years old. You missed it but she kissed me on the lips as she said goodbye”, she giggled and said.

“Any tongue?”

“No, but I know what a kiss like that means. It’s been a long time since anyone kissed me like that”, she laughed and said, “Except you. Catch me if you can” then she sprinted up the beach.

I didn’t catch her. 

That night we walked into the bar area of the restaurant at 7:00, Kathy was watching the door and waved us on over.

“I’m so glad you could make it, I thought you may not”.

“How could we turn you down?” Renee told her as she sat beside her at the bar, I took the open seat beside Reneé “It was such a nice offer”, she added.

“It was finally nice to meet you two. I’ve seen you running on the beach for months. You came along at the right time today, I really do owe you”.

“No. It was no big deal. I enjoy a swim out there”, I said. “Plus I got to make a little girl happy”.

“You did make her happy. She told her parents about the big man with muscles who swam 5 miles out to get her toy”, Kathy laughed and said. 

“He just wanted to show off”, Reneé said. “I do like it when he pulls his shirt off and jumps in the water though”.

“I didn’t mind watching either”, Kathy told Reneé.

“That’s why I keep him around, he’s easy on the eyes”.

“You both are”.

Reneé, never one to be shy or hesitate said to Kathy, “You know, I would much rather have a drink on our porch than sit here. James makes a good margarita”.

“I did get a taste for tequila in college”.

“Oh, my kind of girl”, Reneé said. “Did you drive?”

“No, I walked”.

“So did we, it’s only a quarter mile to our place”.

30 minutes later we were on the front porch of our cottage with drinks in our hands. 

“These are very good, best I’ve ever had. I cannot taste any liquor”, Kathy told us as she downed her first one.

“Be careful with those, James makes them strong. He has a secret ingredient that hides the taste”, Renee said as she poured her another after finishing her drink too and refilling her glass as well.

We talked and got to know each other for two more drinks each. Kathy was from Iowa but went to school in Ohio. After graduation she took the job here as the children’s nanny after a bad break up with someone. Psychology was her major. She was quite adorable. Long straight blonde hair half way down her back. A nice toned and tanned body, not muscular but you could tell she worked out. A little shorter than Reneé, maybe an inch. 

“So Kathy”, Renee said to her as she finished her fourth drink and poured another. “About that kiss earlier?”

“I’m sorry, I probably shouldn’t have been so forward”.

“Oh, dear. I’m glad you were”, Renee told her then giggled and said, “I wouldn’t mind another. It’s been a while”.

“I don’t mind at all”, Kathy said as she leaned towards Reneé. She met her halfway and they shared a quick but intimate kiss.

You couldn’t see our porch unless you stood out front or caught a very quick glimpse as you drove by. The cottage set back 65′ from the road. On one side were several trees and bushes between us and one house. The house on the other side was a vacation second home for a couple and their family, they were only here four months at most the last two years so we were quite secluded.

It was dark when Reneé stood then pulled her shirt over her head. She was braless, rarely wearing one unless she was in uniform and even then it was only half the time. Sliding her shorts off she stood there fully nude in front of Kathy.

“I showed you mine, now show me your’s”, she told her as she sat in my lap.

Kathy looked at us as she stood then began unbuttoning her shirt and let it fall to the floor. She pushed her jeans down and over her hips then stepped out of them. Beneath her clothes she wore a matching red bra and panties. Reaching behind her she undid her bra then slid her panties off. Her breasts were smaller than Renee’s, she was a B cup I thought but was over 32″ inches. She had a small wisp of pubic hair above her clit, I could just make out her clean shaven pussy lips from the light of the rising moon.

Reneé turned around in my lap and spread her legs as she layed back against me. Without a word Kathy got down on her knees between Renee’s legs. Placing her hands on Renee’s legs she ran them up her thighs as she leaned in and kissed her abs softly. My hands moved to Renee’s breasts as Kathy’s tongue reached her clit. 

Reneé gasped as Kathy used her fingers to open her slit then ran her tongue up and down her opening. Silently Kathy began working her mouth on Reneé, I could see her tongue making slow circles around her clit as Reneé started making soft moans. Kathy ran her hands up Renee’s body until her hands met mine. We both caressed her breasts and nipples while Kathy constantly kept up her unhurried pace on Renee’s pussy.

For over 20 minutes Kathy only used her mouth and tongue to inch Reneé towards an orgasm. None of us had spoken, the only sounds came from Renee’s moans which were almost continuous by this point. As our hands roamed her body, mine and Kathy’s hands once again met at her breasts. 

Reneé let out a loud gasp as Kathy moved to her clit where she began to suddenly and furiously suck and lick Renee’s button, pushing her over the edge almost instantly. Renee’s body shook as the orgasm hit her. Her head rolled back and forth across my chest as she loudly moaned. Bringing her hands to ours we all intertwined fingers as we squeezed Reneé’s breasts.

Kathy didn’t stop while making a series of orgasms course through Reneé. I could feel her quiver as each one hit. Once again Kathy slowed down as Reneé came down from the pleasure she just received. Rising up from Renee’s pussy, Kathy layed her head on her abs as we both held her.

“Wow”, Reneé finally said. Reaching up and tapping me on the shoulder she told me, “You have competition”. She put her hands on Kathy’s arms pulling her up to her face. First they softly kissed each other for a moment before opening their mouths and kissing passionately. I held them both, running my hands down Kathy’s back and across her buttocks. Her hips swayed a little as I caressed her.

“We should move this inside”, Reneé said. “It would be much more comfortable. We may me crushing James”.

“I’m fine, two beautiful women in my arms? I can suffer through this”.

Kathy set up as if on queue and Reneé did the same. They both collected their clothes as I picked up the drinks and glasses and they followed me into the cottage. As I set the tray on the table Reneé put her arms around me and kissed me passionately. After a moment I felt Kathy behind me as she began pulling my shirt up and over my head. 

Reneé turned me to face Kathy as her hands reached around and found the button on my shorts. I put my hands on Kathy’s hips and looked into her pleading eyes as she brought her hands up to my chest and I kissed her. Her tongue explored my mouth as we passionately shared the kiss. Reneé had my shorts off and her hand was quickly found my cock. She slowly stroked me and fondled my balls as I began to get hard. 

“Suck his cock”, Reneé almost ordered Kathy.

She immediately dropped to her knees in front of me taking half of my semi hard dick in her mouth and gently sucked on me with a slight pressure as her tongue slowly teased me.

Moving behind Kathy, Reneé looked at her as she was on her knees with her arms clasped behind her back. Looking at me, Reneé told Kathy with much more authority this time, “Stand up and turn around. Face me”.

Kathy quickly jumped to her feet and faced Reneé with her hands still behind her back and head bowed.

Putting her hand on Kathy’s chin and raising her head to make eye contact with her, she softly kissed her lips as she brought Kathy’s hands to her own hips. “Are you a submissive?” She asked Kathy.

“Yes”, she meekly said. “I was in my last relationship, my only relationship since high school”.

“An older man?”

“Yes, he was 32”.

“Bondage, the whole works. Right?”

“I did whatever he wanted”.

“What do you want tonight?”

“To please you. To please you both”.

“Honey, you pleased us when we saw you sitting in the bar. You please me just being in my arms”.

“I get pleasure giving pleasure”, Kathy said.

Reneé laughed and told her, “So do I. But do you cum while giving that pleasure?”


“We do all the time here. Starting right now”, Reneé said taking us both by the hand and leading us into the spare bedroom. The three of us crawled up on to the bed with Kathy in the middle. Reneé sat up on her elbow, hand behind her head and traced her other hand between Kathy’s breasts down to her soft mound of hair twirling her fingers in it. 

“I think we can accommodate everyone’s desires tonight. We’ll save the kinky stuff for another night. If there is one”, Reneé playfully said. “We may scare you off”.

Sitting up Reneé moved between Kathy’s legs and spread them apart then began running her hands up her calfs to her thighs and bent over burying her face in Kathy’s pussy. 

“It’s been too long”, Reneé said raising her head up then back down to Kathy’s muff. Renee’s mouth and tongue were having the effect she wanted. Kathy’s back began to arch as she raised her hips to grind against Renee’s face.

I kissed down Kathy’s neck softly to her shoulder then took her nipple in my mouth and felt it harden. Looking at Reneé, she was feasting on Kathy’s pussy as she furiously worked her tongue and mouth. Kathy began letting out soft moans as her hands went to Renee’s head pulling her face into her slit.

“Cum for me”, Reneé told Kathy. “Cum on my tongue”.

“I’m so close already”, Kathy said as her breathing quickened. Raising her hips again, Reneé put her hands underneath Kathy and held her there as she furiously worked to bring Kathy an orgasm. She didn’t tease or keep her on the brink, Reneé sent Kathy over the edge.

Letting out a long, “Ohhhhhhhh!” Kathy let go of Renee’s head and held me as her body started to tremble. “Ohhhhhhhhh! I’m cumming!” She moaned as Reneé was eagerly tonguing, sucking, and nibbling on her pussy lips and clit.

“Oh my God they won’t stop”, Kathy groaned as she started thrashing on the bed still clinging tightly to me. Reneé held Kathy’s legs in place as she devoured her pussy keeping her orgasm going on and on.

Reneé was moaning as her tongue lapped at Kathy’s pussy as her orgasms hit. For the next ten minutes Kathy’s body shook and quivered as Reneé was relentless bringing orgasm after orgasm out of her.

Kathy was almost sobbing as Reneé eased her to the bed then crawled up and layed across us both. She gently stroked Kathy’s hair as she kissed me letting me taste the juices on her face. I sat up and Reneé moved to Kathy’s side and she planted soft kisses on her small breasts then up her neck to her face. 

My cock was rock hard as I moved between Kathy’s legs then sat back on my knees. Pulling her hips up to mine I placed the tip of my dick and ran it up and down her slit. Reneé was passionately kissing her as I gently pushed in. Kathy’s pussy was tight but her wetness let me easily slide in taking half my length. 

Kate moaned as Reneé moved to her nipples taking first one then the other in her mouth as I began to slowly work my cock in and out while not going any deeper. Kathy wrapped her arms around Reneé and held her as her hips started rising with my thrusts. She moaned as I inched in her further then began giving her long slow strokes. 

Reneé looked up at me and smiled as she placed her teeth on Kathy’s nipples. She bit and sucked her as I pushed my last two inches into her.

“Oh, fuck yes”, she gasped as I buried my cock into her. After just a few strokes she moaned and said, “oh god fuck me. I’m going to cum again”.

I still kept slowly fucking her using all my length as I went in and out. I could feel her pussy clinch my cock when I was deep in her. I held myself there as she rotated her hips grinding herself on to her most pleasurable spots inside her pussy. She clinched my cock tightly as her body quivered. 

“Oh fuck” she gasped as Renee’s fingers touched her clit and I began fucking her harder. “Oh god I’m cumming again. Fuuuuuck!” She groaned as Kathy wrapped her legs around me pulling me deep inside her. She shook as the orgasm hit her. 

After a few moments I pulled out and she wimpered as I moved behind Reneé. Lining my cock against her hole I plunged into her dripping pussy in one stroke. Pulling back I slammed into her again and again as she moaned. Both girls held each other as a fucked Renee hard. 

“Get up, let him fuck us both”, Renee told Kathy. She sat up and watched a few seconds running her hand up Renee’s back before she got on her hands and knees beside her. I caressed them both as I pulled out of Reneé and slowly entered Kathy. 

I went back and forth between the two until I felt my balls began to tighten. Reneé knew I was close and as I was fucking Kathy she turned and slid off the bed on to her knees. She wrapped her arms around my leg as she watched my cock plunge in and out of Kathy’s pussy.

“I want your cum”, she looked up at me and said. 

“I’m so close”, I told her as I gave Kathy several more strokes before pulling out of her. Reneé moaned as she took me in her mouth and gently sucked me taking me deep into her throat several times before again teasing my cock head. Kathy moved down beside her and caressed my balls then watched as Reneé used her mouth on me. 

“Oh baby, here it comes”, I said seconds before I exploded. I filled Reneé as she kept just the head in her mouth. My heavy load began leaking from her lips as she swallowed. Kathy moved her head in and began running her tongue up Renee’s chin sucking up what she missed. 

After I finished both girls shared a kiss as they caressed each other’s breasts. I stepped back and watched as they tenderly kissed and touched each other.

“That was wonderful”, Kathy said. “This was the first time in a very long time that I was the center of attention”.

“I think we all were at some point”, I laughed and said.

“Pretty sure we all got off, I did”, Reneé said. “Got exactly what I needed”.

“Yes, but before……when he……”, Kathy said letting the words fall off. “When he brought a woman home. I liked it, don’t get me wrong. It was just about them though too many times”.

“What happened? If you don’t mind me asking”, I asked.

“It’s ok”, she laughed and said, “he found a younger woman. I was 19 when we met, he found another, an 18 year old. I didn’t mind at first, she was beautiful. But in a month she was pregnant and I left”.

“What happened with them?”

“I don’t know. Walked out and and never looked back”

“Good for you. His loss”, Reneé told her. “Let’s you and I freshen up. James should be ready to go again in 15-20 minutes, we’ll take our time”.

After a quick shower I had another pitcher of margaritas made when they came downstairs 45 minutes later. I was finishing my second one when they came down giggling.

“Enjoy yourselves?”

“We sure did”, they both laughed and said.

“Now, about round two,” Reneé said.


Kathy was part of our lives for the next year. Not our girlfriend nor were we in a triad. Just three people who enjoyed each other’s company in bed and out. We dabbled in many kinky dalliances together. Reneé found out she sometimes enjoyed being completely restrained while we had our way with her. She would beg and plead for us to stop but never using her safe word.

Once in Miami after a night of dancing we joined a couple in their hotel room. He passed out and missed his wife’s first bisexual experience. When we left she was laying in bed covered in our cum.

Kathy was with us for both our 30th birthdays, she made them quite memorable. 

She had to go home due to a illness in her family where she finished her Master’s and became a psychologist. Kathy met her husband at school and now they have their own practice in South Florida along with three kids. We’re still in touch, she called to check on Reneé after she started this last treatment.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7ve95k/kathy_ffm