Girl’s Night [FF]

I don’t normally care to write erotic *fiction,* but I had this incredibly vivid dream that I just can’t get out of my head. I remember this cute, petite blonde sitting cross-legged next to me on my old futon, which was folded into a couch. It seemed like we were having a great evening because the two of us were cackling over whatever funny thing must have happened on tv. Honestly, I didn’t realize any of this was a dream until I woke up. It was so real to me that I could feel the good vibes and excited energy that swirled around the room and I genuinely felt I knew this Stephanie person. I turned, starting to say something, and her bright smile caught my eye. Before I realized it, my eyes were wandering. First to her pale neck, scanning over her collar bone, and then down towards her slightly revealed cleavage. She was wearing a thin powder-blue tank top and tight denim shorts. I hadn’t noticed before, but it showed off her tiny figure well. My eyes started to work their way back up to her face, noting how soft and shiny her light-blonde braid of hair looked. She looked over as my eyes met hers. I quickly looked away, refocusing on the television across the room and tried to deflect the awkwardness with a joke about our show. It worked.

It was starting to get late and we both had things to do the next day. As our show ended, I knew it was almost time for her to go, but I still wasn’t ready to settle in for the night. “What time is it,” I asked her even though I already knew. As much as I wanted her to stay, I didn’t want her to push herself and end up oversleeping tomorrow. Plus my roommate was due home any time now and I’m sure he’d appreciate not having company in the middle of the night. She checked her phone and frowned at the numbers it displayed. “It’s already past nine,” Steph said in a pouty voice. “Bluh. Stupid responsibilities interrupting our fun,” I responded in a joking tone. She giggled and agreed that adulting was lame. Begrudgingly, we accepted our fate. She headed off to the bathroom as I deleted the recorded shows we had already watched that night. Once I was done with that, I stood, folded down the futon, started to clean up the trash from our earlier food run. I thought to myself how it was one of the best ideas I had ever had to put a trashcan just inside my bedroom door. Steph rounded the corner to my room right as I was tossing the crumpled paper sack of food wrappers and stopped suddenly to avoid crashing into me. “Oops sorry,” I said, taking half a step out of the way. She smiled at me, almost slyly it seemed, as she said, “You’re fine. I don’t mind.” Something about the way she was looking at me and the fact that she hadn’t made a move to restore our personal space made me freeze for just a moment. It was as if all of my ability to process and react to information was being used at once, trying to figure out if I was crazy or something really was different about the way she had smiled at me. There was no way. I didn’t know her *that* well and was definitely just imagining things. “It’s too bad you have to go,” I said with genuine disappointment, “I’m not ready yet.” She laughed and said, “I know.” There was a brief pause before she admitted, “I saw you looking earlier.”

My face immediately felt like it was on fire. I know it had to be red. This must have either turned her on or made her feel more confident because she stepped towards me, wrapping her arms behind my neck and giggling. I tensed up, becoming rigid and awkward as she laid her head on my shoulder. Her breath on my neck gave me goosebumps. *What is she doing?? What do I do??* Steph interrupted my thoughts. She straightened herself and locked eyes with me. “You’re shoulders area so stiff,” she said with a fake pout on her lips. Her hands were already starting to massage the muscles at the base of my neck. I’ve always had trouble not moaning when I’m being massaged and it felt so good. I was doing everything in my power to hold in the sounds trying to escape me. “Girl relax!” Her tone was half joking, half commanding. “It’s just a massage and it feels good doesn’t it?” I mumbled out some sort of agreement with her and she laughed at my shyness. Steph was more outgoing than I was and was good at pushing my boundaries.

Suddenly she was lightly pushing me away from the door and towards the futon. I felt the bed hit the back of my legs and sat to avoid falling. Steph quickly placed herself next to me, leaning over to place a light kiss on my cheek. Her lips felt cool against my flushed face. Her hand was on my thigh and her mouth was leaving tiny kisses along my neck. She whispered, “Don’t be so shy,” as she grabbed my hand, pulled it around her, and put it on her waist with a seductive chuckle. She was so soft and warm. I had never been with another girl before. Internally I was both panicking and extremely turned on. She had her legs pulled up onto the bed and was almost fully supporting herself by leaning against me. I was drawn to touch the bare skin that was just barely peeking out between her shorts and top. As soon as I made skin contact it was like the nerves I had been dealing with dispersed. I wasn’t thinking as I pushed my body towards hers. I just wanted to feel more of her. She cupped the side of my face and turned it towards hers, surprising me with a pretty passionate kiss. That pushed me over the edge and my reaction seemed to do the same for her. She pulled back and let herself fall back onto the bed, causing me to fall towards her. I caught myself; hands on the bed on either side of her while I sat side-saddle-esque on the edge of the bed and took in what I was seeing. For the first time there was a girl staring up at me, waiting, hoping. Her blue eyes were almost hypnotic.

“Don’t just stare at me,” she teased, “Touch me.”

Steph wrapped her arms behind my neck just like she had before. She pulled me down into another kiss. We started making out, her hands running up and down my back as I clambered to my knees. Meanwhile I had taken the opportunity to reach under her thin tank top and tease her chest. She flashed me a cheeky look as her hand paused at the clasp of my bra and easily undid the hooks. I sat up, threw my shirt and bra onto the floor, and she followed suit. It was only after she was topless that I could see she had left her tight little shorts undone for me. Her trip to the bathroom had a purpose. She had been planning this. The realization turned me on that much more. I pushed her down against the bed and moved to straddle her. Pressing against her now, I found my mouth immediately drawn to her neck. I could feel her trying to grind against me and repositioned to make it easier. Her quiet gasps as I lightly bit the base of her neck encouraged me to go further. I moved a hand down her side, propped up on the opposite elbow now, and slipped it in between us so that the tip of my fingers were just inside the waistband of her panties. She started slowly kissing up along the side of my neck. I moved my hand down further, matching her speed as I went. She lightly nibbled my earlobe, letting out the tiniest giggle under her breath. My fingers were teasingly close to her clit. I could tell she was getting impatient. I’ll never forget the way Steph’s body tensed as I touched her for the first time. Her hot breath rushing past my ear, tickling my neck, as she exhaled in pleasure. I was making small, gentle circles, watching her reactions when I could sneak a peek at her face. Steph’s hands found my chest. She seemed to be enjoying massaging my breasts and teasing my nipples. It felt good, but I was determined to make her climax. Nothing else was important to me now.

Without stopping my hand, I moved over so that I was next to Steph now. I pushed her top up and began licking and sucking her nipples. She was moaning now, but just a little. Even the tiniest sounds were a huge turn on for me. My pussy was dripping. Honestly, I think I was more wet than she was at this point. I needed more. I needed to go further. Without warning I pushed my hand further down her pants and easily slid a finger into her. Her back arched in surprise and pleasure. Her breathing became shallow and quick. More. I still needed more. I was thoughtlessly acting now. I found myself pulling down her shorts and panties, my finger pushing in and out of her tight pussy. I glanced up at her, making sure I wasn’t going too far too fast. Her face was flush and her eyes seemed to be pleading for what her gasping mouth couldn’t vocalize. I added a second finger, pushing them both as deep inside her as I could, and started moving them back and forth looking for just the right spot. Her body writhed in pleasure. A sudden and loud moan let me know I was in the right place. I picked up the pace and repositioned myself so that I was on my knees on the floor at the side of the bed. She had managed to squirm herself to the edge already. I leaned down and pressed my tongue to her clit. Another loud moan. I continued to finger her as I went down on her for a few more minutes. She was starting to get noisy and I liked it.

I almost didn’t hear the front door opening and even then it took me another second to consider that my bedroom door was still open. I jumped up. “My roommate,” I half whispered to Steph in a panic. I kicked my bra under the bed as I scooped up my shirt and threw it over my head. Steph jumped up, zipping her shorts and adjusting her top. My roommate rounded the corner to the hallway. Steph was grabbing her purse and slipping into her shoes. “Well I’ll see you later I guess,” she said awkwardly as she rushed towards the door. I watched as the two almost collided in the doorway just as Steph and I had earlier. Steph’s face turned red as she sidestepped to push past my roommate. “Oh,” they said, “Sorry. Just thought I heard something weird.” I assured them everything was fine and they left. I closed my bedroom door, sighed, and flopped down onto the bed. It was still warm. I groaned in frustration as I rolled over and pushed my face into my pillow. ** *bzzt bzzt* ** A text from Steph?

“Next time let’s hang out at my place~”



  1. This was awesome! It seriously got me arroused, I had to go to the RR at work and jerk off after reading it. AWESOME JOB!

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