[TM] I Was Fucked on a Porsche Outside Someone’s Driveway

Ever since I moved to Texas, I’ve been quite a good girl. Go to work, maybe a couple of classes and go home like a totally normal, responsible person would. I wasn’t like that before I moved here. Every couple of nights, it was drinking, dancing and hooking up with guys. It was what I lived for! It totally was the crowd and city I lived in. If you were a decent looking girl with a flirty personality, you had access to a lot of special things, like clubs, VIP backstage shows and stuff like that.

So when I moved to a new state I didn’t have any friends or bouncer admirers and things like that. After settling down a couple of months I finally started to go out a little more and went back to using Reddit and dating sites like Okcupid and Grindr. The other night this guy asked me out for drinks nearby and I said sure why not. I had been wanting to try that bar anyway.

So I threw on a little blue and black clubbing mini-dress that just slightly ended on my upper thighs and put on some black heels for a night of dancing and drinking. I kept it simple with a strapless black laced bra and a black and pink thong underneath just in case anything else happened later that night (probably would). With my hair tied up in a ponytail and putting a little extra makeup on I totally was slaying it (I’m a diva ok, I sexy little bitch and I know it!)

The guy’s name was Mike and he was this 6 ft white Texan guy who played football in high school and was pretty big physically. He wasn’t like buff, but he was the wide type of fit without being muscular. I think he was decent looking. Nothing special. He wasn’t really that great of a date either. I hate when a guy expects a girl to be impressed when they repeat the same thing 900 other guys have said prior.

“Hey girl, looking sexy tonight.”

“So what are you into?”

“What kind of guys do you like?”

Crap like that. Like seriously? If you gave me a bullshit story and told me after it was all made up, I would totally remember you and think you at least tried to stand out. That’s so much more interesting than a generic guy getting the formality out of the way so he can get in my pants.

But ya whatever. I wasn’t really that good of a date too lol. I totally phoned it in giving him one word answers while I sipped on my cocktails. (At least I had free drinks from guys yay! :D)

I drank A LOT. We both were drinking and he said lets go dance a bit so we got up and hit the dance floor. We touched each other’s bodies, exploring a little bit with the music before we both got cut off by other people. I ended up dancing with these two other men pretty soon after. I don’t remember how long I was there dancing, but I ended up at the bar counter flirting and grinding with this one guy while drinking a few more cocktails with him.

My back was turned to him, head on his chest as my body moved against his. Something must have excited him because I felt his little friend poking up against by swaying booty and waist. I blinked a few times and next thing I knew, his hand was under my dress fondling my clitty and balls. I don’t remember doing it, but I totally must have told him that I was Transgender or else how would he know directly to go there.

Doesn’t matter. I was getting turned on now by some dude at a bar. He asked if I wanted to go to his place and I nodded. I took off my heels and held them in one hand, let down my hair, while holding his hand with my other and headed out of the club. I was totally fumbling around so he ended up carrying me to a car in a parking garage and dropped me in the drivers seat for some reason. I don’t remember what he said but he went back in to do something.

Here I was sitting in this stranger’s car that I’ve never been in, drunker than I’ve been in years. I think it was a Porsche. So what do I do? Ofc I Snapchat my fans and take a [selfie] (https://www.reddit.com/r/traps/comments/7u3o4l/dont_trap_and_drive_boys/)! Duh! (seriously I did that lol)

The guy comes back. I see his face now although its a little dark. He was a tall white guy, not too bad looking… he’ll do for tonight. (Hey I haven’t had sex for a while ok, don’t judge!)

“You’re in my seat sexy.” The mystery guy said

“Make me move then.” I responded sexily. Actually idk how it came out. I know I wanted to make it sound sexy, but at this point all of this may or may not have been what actually happened lol.

He said something and lifted me up and sat me on his lap after seating himself in the driver seat.

“Woah. That was kinda hot.” I told him now seated on his rather spacious lap for such a small car. Before he could say anything I slid my mouth onto his, our tongues quickly wrestling with each other to gain dominance in the other’s mouth, in what I think was my first kiss of the night. I could be wrong. Wow this is turning more into a did this happen or did it not happen story isn’t it? lol.

“Hold on!” He told me after a couple minutes of kissing. The crazy bastard starting driving with me on his lap. Holy shit! What did I get myself into. We exited the parking garage and were now in the street. I held onto him for dear life! After a minute or two though I was getting a little excited and my little clitty began to swell, leaving an imprint against my tight body fitting dress. This was pretty wild tbh.

He was talking to me about something but I don’t usually listen to guys during this stage of hookups anyway so I have no idea wtf he said. But I decided to crawl to the passenger seat and turned around, now with my ass pointed up onto the window on all fours (the windows are low on this car!), as I began to unbuckle his pants.

He was pretty surprised, but not un-expecting as he helped me pull his cock out from his zipper. Out came a pretty decent looking cut penis. Probably 6-7 inches, mid thickness. My dress had rolled up so that my thong and my ass was exposed in this position. That’s the problem with this dress, it has some elastic at the end to wrap around your legs, but when you go against gravity, it loses the battle.

I can never refuse a good cock waving in front of me, so as if it was inviting me, I placed my lips gently over the swollen head and kissed it ever so softly before working my way down the shaft with my tongue. Honestly it didn’t taste too good. Either it was all those mixed drinks I had or his dick was sweaty and dirty, it tasted kind of bitter. But I never leave a job undone so I proceeded to wrap my mouth around his cock and sucked it as if I was a starving little whore who hadn’t had cock in a year. Ok! Ok! It was only a couple of months, but technically the last time I had a cock was in 2017 so it is a different year!

He seemed to enjoy it but my heart skipped a beat because he began to floor it. My body recoiled a little and I almost slipped off the seat. We suddenly stopped and I looked up and we were at this like town home somewhere.

“I can’t wait. I want to fuck you now.” He told me while he got up and out of his car. I was totally confused at this point. I think we were at his house now. I guess we were going in. My door opens while I’m still on my knees looking out his door and the next thing I know, he grabs my waist and drags me halfway out the door. My stomach laying on the seat with my ass and legs dangling out of the car. How embarrassing! I’m 5’1 without heels and even with such a low car, my feet weren’t hitting the ground! I feel my panties roll off my butt cheeks and his cock rub around searching for my hole. Without warning, I feel him entering me forcefully and I let out a rather loud yelp.

My asshole clenches as he thrusts deeper in me and pulls back out. With each thrust, my own little cock brushes against the leather car seat. It was cold too. I bet it was like 2-3 AM by now and its the winter. After a few minutes I could hear my fluids begin to swish as his cock shapes my insides.

Thrust *splurt* Thrust, Moan *splurt*

I was being fucked by a man on his car in someone’s driveway that might not even be his own. At the time I didn’t realize it, but now that I look back and think about it, this was pretty steamy and a first for me, but also super duper dangerous. My moans were getting louder and he told me to keep it down. I forgot we were outside. I guess I was being fucked mindless! He put his finger in my mouth and as most girls have been trained to do when being fucked by a man, it means to suck it to keep you from making loud noise.

It wasn’t more than 10 minutes when I felt cum spray all over my ass and back. It was a nice warm feeling in the winter air to have a load of hot semen on your cold skin. It quickly hardened onto my skin and dress though.

I don’t think I came and by this point I was exhausted. I don’t remember much after the sex but I woke up the next morning hearing my phone alarm buzzing. I was in a bed with no one next to me inside a house. Shit whose house was I in? I was so fucked. Not only was I at a strangers house, I barely remembered what happened the night before. I usually hookup with a guy at a bar or club but never play sleepover. This time around I had to go to work and I didn’t have anything but my mini-dress which was cum stained. I panicked for a second before I said fuck it and jumped into whoever’s shower this was and threw my dress on. I hopped into an uber (I don’t remember if it was the driveway I was fucked on or not) and hit the nearest Target where I bought some clothes and went to work.

Wow that was one fucked up day. Total hangover headache too. I spent a few hours sitting in the coffee shop I work at praying no one would come in so I didn’t have to get up too much. Around 1 PM I got an Okcupid message from the guy I went out with saying:

“Was fun last night. *winky emoji* lets do it again soon.”

Oh god. I hope he’s talking about fucking me on the driveway and not just hanging out at the bar, because if he wasn’t the guy I went home with then I have no clue who fucked me the night before. Needless to say, when my shift was over, I skipped going to class and went straight home and slept off the rest of the day.

I’m way too rusty for this clubbing stuff now D:

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7uh1vn/tm_i_was_fucked_on_a_porsche_outside_someones

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