[MF] How I went from Submissive Co-Worker to trained Slave Husband? Part 2

For those that are reading for first time I had always thought of myself as the dominant one but After flirting with a Co-Worker for a few weeks she somehow found a crack in me and was now exploiting it. Story picks up about 3 weeks into my new role. My underwear drawer is depleting rapidly (part 1) and for the first time in my life I am being told that I have to wear her panties.

My instructions were given to me on Friday, and once again as I did often in the first few months I seriously considered backing out. As I said before I’m about to get married to a beautiful blonde, exetremely cool, great body, she is even bi-sexual. To be honest she was almost perfect. Yet here I was 2 days later going into the bathroom to put my pants on because I had to squeeze (seriously squeeze) into a XS pink g string. Trust me it was tight and while it may have been irrational to think about I couldn’t help the paranoid feeling that my fiancé most know something is up. Anyway, I slipped into my Mistresses panties and although they were tight I’m embarrassed (looking back on it at least) that my bigger problem was how good they felt on my balls. I got in my car and drove to work unashamed. I was even feeling pretty lucky about the fact that she gave me a G String, as I was pretty sure nobody could tell. Regular panties would have bothered me more.

So I got to work and I waited. I knew any minute she was going to ask for visual proof. Sometime after 10am my IM finally dinged. “hey R U there?, Need Coffee.” I thought to myself …..here we go….off to get coffee so I can show her that I did what I was told. Even at that early stage I craved her approval. After about 20 minutes of waiting for her to swing by or to get a follow up IM it was silence. Until 11am……….This time she told me to meet her in the lobby in 5 minutes. I was excited, she had other plans.

The first thing she said to me was “what the fuck happened, where is my coffee?. I replied “I was waiting for you.” And then she did something that at the time I thought was demeaning (rookie mistake). She said, excuse me, “Did I tell you to speak?, when I’m finished you can ask permission to speak to me”. After a lifetime of telling girls where to stick it I said “fuck this” and I started to walk away. I just wasn’t ready to ask permission to speak. At that point my mistress surprised me again. She walked up behind me and said “No problem, when we get back upstairs please take my panties off and give them back to me. You’re replaceable, I on the other hand am not”. Inside I said to myself “whatever, bitch” but as I went up the elevator I felt a bit sick in the stomach. She was right. I couldn’t get was she offering me anywhere else. Not unless I was willing to pay for it. Plus I got to see her, and smell her everyday and most importantly she gave me attention. All of sudden I got scared not only because I thought it was over, but because for the first time she threatened to end it.
I thought back to past relationships from High School and College, nothing made you realize you liked somebody more than getting dumped. It was then that I realized that this was not just about being her submissive/bitch boy, at least not to me………I was beginning to fall for her.
So instead of taking off the panties I went to buy her a coffee. When I went back to deliver it I walked into her cube put her coffee on her desk, I got on my knees, put my head down, and asked if I could speak to her. And btw I didn’t say Mistress because I thought somebody might hear me. It was bad enough that somebody might walk by and see me kneeling, but at least that would be partially explainable. I simply said “I’m sorry. You were right”. She said, “about what.” “All of it, everything. I am replaceable. I should have gotten your coffee, and I should have asked before being allowed to speak”, I replied (softly). She said stone-faced “Good boy. Now let’s see them”. I knew what she meant, so I unzipped my pants and gave her a quick look, and then asked if I could leave.

At this point I had 2 thoughts. The first was how easy it was to just say “I’m sorry”. And the second was how quickly I was falling in line with her demands. And although it was unconventional I was really starting to trust her. She knew what she was talking about. And I was about to be rewarded for my new found respect.

My First Big Reward
Later that week she asked me (which she did from time to time back then because she knew I was engaged, and was cool with it) if I could make myself available on Friday night. And although it wasn’t easy I lied my way around it by explaining that one of my buddies had to move his bachelor party up a week. The problem of course was that now I would miss the actual party the following weekend. But, At that point I didn’t care.
So Friday rolls around and I as told to pick her up at 10pm. I arrived at 9:30 hoping she would invite me in. (She didn’t) instead I walked her to my car opened the door and got “the look”. That look of what the fuck are you doing. I said “I’m opening the door for you Mistress.” She said “wrong door” and pointed to the rear door of my 300M (at the time). Looking back on it now this was just another form of establishing her control and setting boundaries. At a later date I’ll fill in some holes about the evening but most of the night I just sat in my car while she went to a friends party. But at about 1:15 am my mistress came out of the party and did the most insane thing that had ever happened to me up until that point in my life. On the way home she had me pull into a lot behind a motel. She told me to back the car into a spot and leave about 3 feet behind the car. I was intrigue and excited. She told me to exit the car, open the trunk and wait. After about 10 minutes she opened the door and told me to close the trunk and put my hands on the trunk of the car. She walked up behind me asked for my hands behind my back and she handcuffed me. I felt like I was going to pass out I was that excited and scared. She said in a deadly serious tone. “Do not scream” I said “yes mistress” ….Good boy. I’m almost embarrassed to tell you the first part of what she did but it’s the truth………..I had been told once again to wear a g-string (this time from my fiancé drawer). She slid my panties over grabbed my waste and began fucking me from behind with a strap on. I couldn’t believe what this girl was doing to me, she was literally stealing my dignity, and fucking my soul. A few times she said “I was easy” and “a good boy” and said something in her native language but I’d always been too embarrassed to ask her about it, or that I remember her saying it. It was the first time she had done anything to me or even physically touch me in a sexual way and I was speechless. I honestly felt like I had been raped a little bit, and I felt guilty about liking it. And on the drive home I thought about going to the police but I had too much to lose and I can’t lie I secretly loved it. She did tell me to jerk off to thoughts of being violated by her when I got home. But I could not wait, my ass was killing me and my balls were throbbing. I jerked off, drove home and waited until about 330am to enter my house because I was afraid my fiancé might be awake. I didn’t feel guilty but I was starting to question who I was?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7ukk0g/mf_how_i_went_from_submissive_coworker_to_trained