The Secrets of a Secretary [MF]

She wasn’t bent over long before my eyes caught a bit of cheek peeking out from underneath her very tight skirt. Every little movement she made left her reaching down to tug at the hem of the skirt. Otherwise, she would be exposed very quickly.

The black tights did a decent job of hiding the ink’d legs behind a moderately sheer fabric, but it was obvious she was someone who would enjoy showing off, certainly with several thousand invested into each leg alone.

She spun around with the file in her right hand while the left continued tugging at the hem.
“Here’s your file you request….ed…” Catching my eyes mid-eye-fucking, I had no way to dodge what potentially would be coming next. “I’ll jot my number down in case you have any…questions you might want to ask me at a later…date.” Punching the last word as her pen made quick work, she attached the blue sticky note to the file and handed it over.

Shocked, to say little else, I smiled and headed back to my office where I sat for the next twenty minutes before my meeting deciding if I should call to ask a question with my desk phone, or my cell phone. Glancing at my clock, I had to stop mulling over the choices and get to the meeting. Slapping the sticky to the back of my cell case, I headed to conference room where my mind filled my eyes with visions of that skirt being pulled up, in my private office. That deliciously petite girl, Laleh, bent over my desk, tits swinging in the button down, cupping her left breast and me sunk in. Without further thought, I pealed the note off my phone and punched the number into a fresh text. Not more than 5 seconds passed and I had an address to a bar six blocks from the front door of the office. Perfect, after this meeting I will be sipping a Bourbon Manhattan with the hope of sipping on something else soon after.

It was most likely apparent to those in the meeting with me that I was counting the minutes till the end. Bouncing my knee, constantly glancing at the black screen of my phone with the urge to chat further but not sure what else I should say.

After the meeting was over, I swung by my office to grab my overcoat and toss my tie -be more casual and look less like business never hurts- I headed out of the building in a flash. Almost jogging the full six blocks, I stopped outside the entrance of Bar General. A pseudo-upscale establishment, where I took a few deep breaths to calm down and pushed my hair back in place. Checking my reflection in the window quick, with a satisfied silent nod, I grabbed the heavy wooden handle on the over-sized door and went in.

I saw her already up at the bar getting a drink, one in each hand, laughing about something the bar tender said, she made her way to a table which was a bit secluded behind a pillar. She was fit and lovely. I could see each cheek slide back and forth under the pressure of the pencil-skirt. Taking in the view since she hadn’t noticed me, I felt my heart begin to pump a little harder with the hope that I would be enjoying an after-bar drink elsewhere.

Slipping around the nearby table from behind her, I was greeted with an almost all-too-casual woman. “Hey Laleh! Happy you could make it.” Laying my overcoat across the back of the nearby chair, she looks up over her perfectly painted lips, parted in pause at the rim of the Martini, and in a soft, barely audible tone, says the line that punched a hole through life itself. “I would never pass-up a chance to…come…and have a drink.”

The smile which crawled slowly from ear to ear was all the communication she needed from me. Not entirely sure if it was a joke, or the pause was truly just to sip her drink, but the night was just starting and I was ready to take it where ever it ends.

“If you are curious, no, these are both mine.” Her smile, infectious, was just as potent as the drinks she was holding. No doubt this was going to get interesting quicker than I thought.
Making my way over to the bar, casual, as best I could manage to maintain with my excitement building and the fact my cock was already pressing against my suit pants, I picked up my own drink to only find out that it was, HH-241. Or, Happy Hour Two for One, which took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to catch on. Ordering two mixed drinks for a very affordable price, I was presented with two drinks where only surface tension kept the contents from pouring all over. Leaning over, I sipped at the rim on both the Bourbon Manhattan and my Gin Martini. Carefully walking back to the table while managing not to spill any, Laleh had already downed her first drink. It had been less than five minutes…I could see that this girl knew what she liked.

“Better hurry, you don’t want to be out paced by someone who weighs almost half your weight, do you?”
“Feisty, are we?” Without hesitation, I knocked the entire Martini down, then rounded it out with slowly eating both olives. Her smile was back, and looking dirtier than ever. We chatted and bitched about work despite the fact we didn’t really know each other beyond the hello or short questions that had always been work related.

My eyes were drawn to her neckline and chest where she had popped two buttons, allowing for a lovely view of the top of her laced bra. She wasn’t large breasted, but she has amazing skin lightly flushed. The thought of kissing from the nape of her neck to those soft nipples made my face flush. I quickly sipped at my next drink to try and pull focus away from my pants.

I knew things were headed in the right direction when she slid off the stool and rubbed my hand with her left as she went to order another round for both of us. Always with that smile, infectious.
Once she was at the bar, I rubbed my nose and that’s when I caught a whiff that is unmistakably, female. The minx rubbed my hand as she slid off the stool before heading to the bar. What was her left hand up to under the table?

Taking a deeper investigation to the smell on the back of my hand had me looking her way up at the bar where she was waiting. Turning around she watched with a smug smile as I smelled my hand again. The response, a wiggle of her ass.

Back at the table, we waited as the bartender swung by and dropped off doubles for both of us, a repeat performance. Before the bartender was able to walk away, Laleh clicked my fresh Martini glass with hers, “Cheers, bitch.” She said and hid the smile with the rim. She slammed the drink and placed it back on the server tray. Smiling, the bartender patted me on the back and walked off.
I wasn’t ready for this sort of challenge and I sipped on my second drink for a minute or two until it was paraded out in full view.

“This, was the panties that I wore all day. They are now wet.” Opening her hand, there was a ball of pale blue lace left on the table near my second set of drinks. “Now. You have a choice. You can finish those two drinks back to back and come to my apartment, which is just upstairs, and be one of the dozens of men who have fucked me in past few months, or you can sip your drinks like a queen and instead of you fucking me, I will have the bartenders cock in my mouth before the evening rush hits. Your call.”

“Well, I guess I can’t pass up an offer like this…” Looking down at both glasses full of at least three shots of alcohol, I figured it would be worth to bed this girl. “Here’s to a slut like you.” Tipping back, I knocked the first drink down and took a breath before I knocked back the second. I felt the burn taking hold of my body, along with the boldness. Without hesitation, I pushed my hand between her thighs.

“Damn, you are soaked!” I wiggled my fingers back and forth as Laleh spread her thighs to allow me better access. Right in the bar, I am a knuckle deep on two fingers in this girl I just actually met for the first time.
“That’s a good boy. Follow me now. Most men like to fuck me from behind…how will you take this?” Sliding off the stool, she grabbed my hand and sucked both fingers with an evil smile. As we made our way passed the bar, she tossed a farewell to the bar tender, “Ring me after work and come get this roady-glass.”

“Sure thing doll. See you tonight.” The familiarity between the two was telling that what she had said was entirely true.
Tugging my hand, this bold woman walked me out the bar’s back door which led to the elevator. The moment we entered the elevator, she unzipped me and was stuffing her hand into my suit pants.
“Mmm, even though it’s only been three hours, it feels like a lifetime since I last held cock.” She pulled my cock through the fly and began to suck me.

“You fucked over lunch?” Holding a handful of hair, I pushed her down a few more times before giving her the chance to speak.
“Duh. Your boss. I’m his secretary, what do you think I do in his office? I suck his cock…daily. Sometimes he’ll finger me, or take my panties and keep them all day till he leaves.” Going back down me, Laleh moaned deeply as she cupped my sack.

“Fuck, this is too good.” I rubbed her from the neck down to the skirt-wrapped ass. I barely tugged on the hem and it popped up exposing her bare cheeks. Running my hand down her closest cheek, I followed the contour until it led to what it was I wanted. My fingers felt how wet she was still. With her size it wasn’t difficult for me to easily sliding back inside her, feeling her folds roll over my index finger.
Standing up, she turned around and pulled me by the cock, leading me towards her butt, hinting what she wanted. She lifted her leg up for me to hold, but I couldn’t reach because of her height. I’d have to crouch really low in order to just touch my tip to her entrance. Right then the elevator stopped and the doors opened. There in the doorway was two women staring at us. Laleh, with her skirt up around her hips, showing her cheek and her well-trimmed bush, right hand holding my erect cock between her thighs. They stared at us as the doors slowly closed with us frozen like placed mannequins.

“Don’t worry. This happens at least twice a week. That’s not the first time they’ve seen me…in this state.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. This girl was making me crazy with her blatant lack of modesty.
The elevator halted again and she tugged at my cock and led me, fully exposed, down the hall. Soon we were standing outside her door, she pulled the keys from her purse and we were in. It wasn’t long before I was back in her mouth.

“Couch? Bed? Table? Where do you want to fuck me?” Cock back in her mouth, she unzipper her skirt and pulled her blouse off. All the while never letting my cock go.

“Couch.” She led me around the corner and pointed to the couch with a very affirmative and practiced presence. Laleh knew what, and how, she wanted it.
I sat down on the sofa and she went back to work. It’s apparent how many cocks this woman had sucked. She was amazingly skilled. Opening her throat she pushed down as far as she could and licked the base while pulling up. A light, yet firm enough to feel, grip on my balls as she went up and down with methodical strokes. Every time she dropped down, she would pull upwards on my sack, just enough to show her control, and ease back on the way out. It was almost too much to handle. Laying back a little, I gestured by tapping her inner-thigh that I wanted at her.

“You want this on your face?” Almost in shock, she gave me her little ass wiggle and smile as she mounted my mouth. “Uuuuugggg yes! This is good. Mmmmm.” Sucking with a renewed vigor, it was everything I could do not to finish in her mouth. Her musk pushed me harder against the concentration wall. It was becoming ever more difficult to not finish.

“Fuck yes Laleh. Get on my cock before I come.” I punctuated the point with a firm smack on her ass as she spun around quickly. Holding my cock with her right hand, her left-hand stabilized her on my chest as she lowered herself down in one long motion.

“This is what I needed.” She rocked back and forth on my cock, but that wasn’t all, she sucked on her fingers and dropped them between her thighs. “Hope you don’t mind, but I am going to get myself off. You can finish whenever you want to.” She closed her eyes and looked up and masturbated on my cock. It was readily apparent that I was just a prop in the, Laleh show. It wasn’t long before she began to shake and shriek, collapsing forwards, I caught her as she shivered. Kicking the last effects of her orgasm off, she sat back up and renewed her bounce.

“You finish?” She slowed for a second waiting for me to answer. I had, but I wasn’t ready to let this girl off my cock just yet.

“I want more.” Pushing her backwards onto the sofa, I began to drive my cock into her harder than she was expecting. I pushed her legs up next to her ears and began bouncing my balls off her ass.
“Finish up or else you will be sharing me.” Huffing the words between thrusts, eyes scanning my face for a reaction.

“What? You already have another John lined up?” I slowed my thrusts just a bit so I could focus.
“Duh. You think a girl who fucks this much is easily fulfilled? He’ll be here in less than ten minutes.”
“That’s fine. That means I get another ten minutes in you.”

I picked up my pace again without another thought of the other guy coming over to take my place.
