First time skinny dipping with two guys – 2/2 [FM]

— Click [here]( for Part 1.

After a few minutes, Chris brought everyone a beer and asked us to take a walk down to the river to see whether we want to go there next. Once I turned around, he was standing naked beside me. His cock now at my eyesight and I couldn’t help but to take a look.

His was completely different than Matt’s. He was flaccid but even so, he was bigger than Matt was semi hard. He had a really, really long cock. He was completely unshaven though so it looked a bit messy.

I took the beer and agreed to go to the river. Once I stood up, I wrapped myself in a towel and grabbed the beer. Chris decided to go completely nude.

When Matt stood up, Chris told him to stay there and stand guard. In case the owners came back, we had to knew to quickly get out, atleast that’s what he told Matt so that he’d stay. I knew Matt didn’t want me naked around another guy but still he stayed there.

As we were walking I couldn’t help but to get more aroused than I already was. I was only wrapped with a towel and next to me was a completely naked guy I just met maybe an hour ago. His cock was bouncing off his balls as he walked and I just kept peeking because I never saw cock that big flaccid.

I almost forgot that I completely showed him my front when I took the beer. I mean, he must’ve seen my tits, my pussy may have been atleast somewhat covered by the hair. I then started wondering whether Matt saw it all. After all, we were friends for years and he always wanted to hook up with me. But now as I was walking with Chris, I couldn’t help but get hornier and hornier.

And somehow, in a weird way, what got me so horny was the fact that he was completely flaccid. Even though that there might’ve been a possibility that he did not find me remotely sexy and that was the reason, I felt all the more sexy thinking how he is completely naked and does not react to my most private parts.

That’s when it hit me. I realized then and there that I wanted to have him. Even though I knew Matt for years, that could only ruin the friendship. I knew I wanted this guy, the guy who already had all the girls and the guy who would soon have me. Even though I didn’t know how to make that happen.

Once we reached the river, he started looking at places where we might go in or some rocks that we could jump from. During that time I stood still and gathered courage to make the move. If he turned me down, I knew that he would tell Matt who would then think I was a slut. But I was too horny at that point.

As he was looking at the water, I unwrapped my towel and dropped it on the ground. I looked at his small ass and couldn’t help but to get turned on, even though he was the exact opposite of guys I usually like. As my towel dropped, I felt a slight breeze on my wet pussy. I looked down and saw the hairs move in the wind and then saw how hard my nipples were by that point.

He finally turned around and I barely managed to get those few words out of my mouth.

– “Do you want me?” – I asked, silently and scared.

There was a huge grin on his face before he said ‘fuck yes’. He came towards me and his cock was now starting to point up. When he came closer, he grabbed both of my boobs and started groping them. He didn’t kiss me, he just grabbed my tits. It really felt like he only wanted me to fuck me.

I grabbed his cock which was almost fully hard by that time, pulled the foreskin back and got on my knees. It honestly wasn’t that much bigger, it’s just that it was stiff and pointing straight up. I got closer and placed my tongue on the tip of his cock and started swirling around. It started bobbing up and down with each of my lick and soon enough I felt a hand on the back of my head that pulled my head closer so his dick was now in my mouth. I knew what I had to do, so I started jerking it and moving my head up and down.

It wasn’t long before he told me to turn around and I obliged. Even though he was younger than me and looked way younger, I felt like he was in complete control.

*slap* – “You like being a little slut?” – he said as he slapped my ass and pressed his cock against my pussy. I was so wet that his cock just slid in and we both let out a big moan. He went halfway in the first time, went out, then put it back in and went balls deep.

He firmly grabbed my hips and started pulling me towards him faster and faster. Every now and then he’d slap my ass or call me ‘his little slut’ or ‘his little whore’. The sex didn’t last all that long, and before long he told me to quickly turn around.

I barely had a chance before his cum started flying out. The first time it kind of oozed out on my hip as I was turning around, but the next time it made a nice long line from my right tit to my right cheek. After that it kind of started landing on my stomach. After he had came, he took a moment, stood up and just told me he was going to wash himself and that I should too.

No reciprocation, no nothing. I was used and I loved it. I went to wash up by the river and made sure I was nicely bent over so he could have a good view. I thought about tasting the cum that was on my face but I was too scared of what he’d think.

After we were both done, I took the towel and we started walking back, although this time I was naked as well. His cock was a bit red from the fucking, and my ass might’ve been too. I saw Matt when we got back and his cock was now way harder. He saw me walking naked with his friend and I’m sure his imagination went wild of what the girl of his dream and his friend were doing naked just minutes ago.

— There it is. I’m sorry if there are any mistakes, this is my first story so far. If you like this one, I have plenty more to share.



  1. I loved the story! The details were perfect and very well done. Can’t wait to hear more!

  2. Awesome story but I identify with Matt too much so I kind of just feel bad for him. And I feel like chris is such a piece of shit for obviously taking advantage of this situation when he knows his friend is into you.

  3. As a dude who never had luck with the ladies until about being 22-24 years old I kinda don’t feel bad at all because if you’re used to rejection and not being noticed for 20+ years of your life… I like to think I’ve gotten used to the whole idea of creating absolutely no expectations in my mind.

    Plus, when you rub one out? Damn does it cure a lot of that pent up one ended sexual tension lol.

    I’m sure Matt will be fine.

  4. Commenter who said “story as old as time” really is right. This story which, by the way, was incredibly well done, is almost a fable outlining key principles underlying unconscious behavior between the sexes. It would be interesting to know if Matt learned anything from this experience or it went completely over his head. The take aways for him could have been: 1. Women don’t do well being put on a pedestal because fact of the matter is they like to get down and dirty and fuck as much as the next guy. 2. In fact, you can sense the narrator’s slight contempt for Matt for pedestalizing her. 3. Looks, when it comes right down to it, only count for about 10 percent of attraction, with things like confidence, social dominance, excitement counting for the rest. 4. “Nice Guys” do finish last with women due to the fact that women instinctively like “bad boys” with big cocks and bad attitudes, they are more exciting, mysterious and women admire their “don’t give-a-fuck ” attitude and the fact that they will just take something they want if there are no repurcussions. Fact of the matter is Matt was sitting around waiting and not making a move because as the narrator alluded to he was too afraid to do so, i.e. afraid he would fuck it up and women don’t admire and aren’t attracted to men who are afraid to act and are fearful and anxious generally. They are perfectly fine to have relationships with these guys but they are strictly platonic and it is known as being put n the friend-zone. If truth be told Matt was the Beta- man and Skank (i forgot his name ) was the Alpha. I call him Skank because I too respond negatively to him even though he did nothing wrong here. The reason I respond negatively to him is because I too lived most of my life as a Beta because I thought that’s how you were supposed to act and consequently, for most of my life, had people like the Skank running circles around me as far as chicks were concerned even though I was voted best-looking boy in my H.S. class and was a highly visible scholar-athlete. I also had my head up my ass and had zero game with “chicks.” Identifying with Matt as a “nice guy” therefore causes an aspect of my nice-guyness to emerge, namely “Captain Save-A-Hoe,” and cast aspersions on the skank for “taking advantage” of the young lady and not respecting her “honor.” Fact of the matter is in relations between the sexes “honor” doesn’t count for much but “attraction” does and Skank managed to get the young lady “aroused ” which is something Matt never did. Hopefully, Matt understood the dynamics of what was happening here and realized Skank was not actually a bad guy….he gave the lady exactly what she was pining for and Matt hadn’t! Chances are Matt either didn’t notice shit or convinced himself he didn’t notice anything and learned nothing from the experience. I too can identify with poor Matt because people like us never learn and shit like this keeps happening to us throughout our lives and we can’t figure out why women don’t want to fuck honorable, nice guys like us and would rather fuck Skank. Matt has to realize Love and Arousal are two different systems and the qualities that create Love like the ones Matt is tryjng to emulate are not the ones that cause arousal and the wetness between the young lady’s legs that she was alluding too. Eventually guys like Matt and me and most of the commentarists who felt sorry Matt, get hurt bad, devastatingly bad, by a woman because they have their head up there ass so far and don’t see the real nature of things …. its just a matter of time…..which then shatters all illusions. iF they are lucky they will find, like I did, the teachings of the “Red Pill” and learn the hard truths about themselves and the world around them. Unfortunately for me, my awakening didn’t occur until much later in life for it too do me much good. In fact, this story illustrates so many of the concepts that are fundamental to the Red Pill view of the world I may copy this with the young ladies permission, and reprint it in the r/The Red Pill (or is it r/TRP). A story like this would be red meat for the guys there and would garner hundred’s of comments. Finally, nearly everybody who commented feels badly for Matt which probably makes the young lady feel like she did something wrong….HELL NO! Matt unfortunately was a chump for not acting according to his nature much earlier on and given the young lady what they both wanted. The young lady would have been way more delighted to have had sex with Matt versus the Skank but Matt’s nature at the time just wasn’t up to the task! Ths was a fantasticly well done fable-for-our-times and I would like to compliment the author on a job incredibly well done…. not only was the content very instructional (I don’t think that was your objective necessarily) but it was hot and got me feeling horny in the way I did at that age….its always a guilty pleasure hearing the dirty details of how a women will get all slutty if the right buttons are pushed…. again no judgement or slut-shaming here, slutty behavior makes the world go around and you were acting true to your nature ….you needed it bad and Matt wasn;t giving it to you so you acted accordingly. Hopefully for Matt he found out about what actually happened , was dealt a crushing blow EARLY ON in life that he could learn from and make his life go better, unlike a lot of us who didn’t find out the true nature of things until it is way too late and usually a result of some crushing blow dealt upon us by a woman that isn’t as easy to recover from when you are older because the stakes are higher.

    I hope you write more sexy stories , and don’t hold back any of the gory, slutty details because you do the poor Betas of the world a service if they can learn the true nature of women and relationships . Because fact of the matter is the only time people don’t like a slut is when their slutty behaviors are directed at someone else and not them!

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