After the Office Christmas Party [MF]

Our team Christmas party was this past Friday, and let’s just say that the night turned out differently than I thought it would.

It wasn’t really a party, more like a Kris Kindle gift thing in the conference room, and then drinks out in town. We’re a big group – just over 30 people – and it’s hard to know everyone’s taste. Last year some of the gifts got a bit out of line, and one girl got offended by the “overt sexual nature” of the gift she was given, so it was decided that this year everyone would give each other Christmas decorations, nothing that could be misinterpreted or send some worked up girl running to HR.

I spent the majority of the gift exchange eyeing Siobhan, hands down the hottest girl in our office. She is two, maybe three years out of university, a sort of natural blonde, and she was always flirting with me, so I thought that maybe the Christmas drinks would be a good opportunity to take it to the next level. On Friday she had chosen black leather pants and stilettos, with a tight red sparkly V-neck jumper showing off her ample assets, and a little red Santa hat to top it off. She was the self-declared Master of Ceremonies for the Kris Kindle, and based on her outfit and enthusiasm, this year’s Christmas festivities appeared promising.

Eventually it was my turn to receive a gift. A girl named Mar, someone I barely knew, had drawn my name, and handed me a carefully wrapped up a box of vintage Christmas lights, the kind that have little fluted flowers around the bulb. Up until that moment I had been ignorant of the fact that there were different kinds of Christmas lights, but I tried to feign interest as she explained that she’d found them in the bottom of a box of other stuff in some charity shop in town, and that they were a real find, something that you might spend close to 50 euros on, if you were to look for them on Etsy, and that the old-fashioned colours were much nicer than the LED ones you get at Ikea…

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. You clearly put way more effort into this Kris Kindle thing than a normal person would, I said in a slightly cutting tone. Her face crumpled a bit, then she shrugged. I thought you would enjoy them, she said, you seemed like someone with good taste. I let this subtle dig pass, and we both stood there awkwardly until Siobhan reappeared and we headed out the door to a bar in the centre of town.

A couple of hours – and a couple of Old-fashioneds – later, I was feeling very festive, and a bit reflective. It had mostly been a good year for our team, and I clinked glasses with Ronan as I surveyed the group enjoying themselves around us. The open tab at the bar had definitely loosened everybody up. I scanned the crowd looking for Siobhan, but she was cosied up in a corner booth with the new guy on our team, and I knew my chance had passed. Then Ronan started waving his hand, and I saw that Mar was carefully making her way across the crowded bar.

Mar was somewhat of an enigma, though not so intriguing that I had spent too much time thinking about her. She’d been in our office less than a year, and in that time, I think she’d only come out with us on two or three occasions, and had been the first to go home. We are a pretty hard-drinking crowd, and she seemed, I don’t know, rather healthy. She was friendly enough, but mostly kept to herself and dressed really plainly. There was no chance we’d see her wearing tight leather pants.

With no other prospects on the horizon, I decided to make peace with her, turning on my breezy charm. She laughed brightly at my jokes, and Ronan winked at me above her head and then excused himself. She told me a few stories too, mostly about living abroad and how she loved the pool and the gym, and it gave me some time to check her out. She was different from what I was used to – more natural, less makeup, less cleavage, somehow softer looking. I could see that underneath her pale pink cardigan and knee-length dark-coloured skirt that she had a nice shape, and that seemed promising. And then, at that moment, in the warm light of the bar and the haze of bourbon, I realised that she was pretty. Not Siobhan-hot, but a cute girl nonetheless. Shoulder-length wavy light brown hair, sort of halfway pulled back, with little ginger highlights when the light caught it just right. Blue-grey eyes, freckles on her nose. I had sort of stopped listening to what she was saying, just watching her eyes crinkle up as she laughed, and noticing how she was standing closer to me, and how good she smelled.

She was a slow drinker, and I could see that she was pacing herself, nursing her cocktail and then switching to a pint glass of water. I realised that maybe I should stop drinking too, and as the evening wore on, the people surrounding us started to make less and less sense, and I felt like maybe she would appreciate a change of venue.

I leaned down and whispered to her, I never thought I’d say this, but I think I’ve had enough of the open bar at the Exchequer. Want to go somewhere else?

I was understandably surprised when she leaned up towards me and said, Why don’t we go to your place and put up the lights? because it was fairly early in the night to be going home already. She cocked her head to one side and looked up at me in an innocent way, which made me unsure of her true intentions, but I wasn’t about to dissuade her.

As we walked out into the cold night air, bundled up in scarves and heavy coats, and each carrying our respective Kris Kindle gifts, I ventured an apology. I didn’t mean to sound dismissive of you earlier, I said. Actually, it was a thoughtful gift, I don’t know why I said what I said. And beautifully wrapped too, I threw in, for good measure.

She looked up at me very sweetly and smiled. That’s OK. I shouldn’t have revealed how nerdy I am about things like that. I just love finding what I think are the perfect gifts for people.

Just out of curiosity, I said, how did you know that it was the quote unquote perfect gift for me? You don’t know me very well. In fact, I think I think we’ve talked more tonight than all year long.

She turned to me, and said, I didn’t know. It just seemed like a good excuse to make this happen, and that is something I imagined you would like. Then she grabbed my hand, and we started off down the road.

The walk home took about 25 minutes, and although it was cold, it was a clear, dry night with very little wind. Good for sobering up. We picked our way through the brightly-lit city centre, avoiding drunk people in Christmas jumpers as they spilled out of pubs and piled into taxis. I put my arm around her tightly, breathing in her smell, and we kept walking.

As I unlocked the door to my apartment, I said: We have a rule. No shoes in the house, sock feet only, and she carefully took off her leather boots and lined them up next to the door. I helped her out of her coat as we walked into the living room, and tossed it on the sofa, and went and got us two bottles of water.

As she stood there in her stocking-feet, drinking her water, looking up at me, I took the bottle out of her hand, put it on the table, and pulled her close to ne. I started kissing her very softly, and when I felt her respond, with more urgency. Switching off the lights, I gently pushed her up against the wall, and slid my hand under her jumper, feeling how smooth her skin was, and how flat her abs were. I cupped her face and kissed her really deeply this time and felt her kind of melt against me, then I took her hand and led her to my room, where we tumbled on the bed.

Listen, she whispered. Do you mind if I take a shower? I sighed, and then pointed to the door to the ensuite and she kissed me softly and said she’d be right back.

Only then did my eyes adjust to the darkness and I realised my room was a wreck. I pushed some things into a pile in the corner and tossed some other things on the chair, and then looked around for a lighter to light a candle, but couldn’t find one. That’s when I remembered the shopping bag with the Christmas lights in the hallway. I pulled them out of the box and trailed the small string around the clean area of the room. They were soft pastel colours, pinks and oranges and blues and greens, and there was a kind of ethereal glow in the room. Now I realised why she had bought them. They were special. Satisfied, I lay back on the bed, waiting for her to appear.

I was fully sober now and became aware of what was happening. Here I was with this girl I knew nothing about, who seemed every inch a “good girl”, who was in my room, showering in my bathroom, who I worked with, who I barely fucking knew. It could end in all sorts of bad ways. I went over and cracked open the bathroom door.

She had pulled her hair back so as not to get it wet, and she was just standing under the stream of water, with her eyes closed. She was slim, with small cute tits and a nice round ass, which I could imagine cupping with my hands, just as I had her face. She was toned all over, with freckles on her shoulders and arms. I was amazed that I had ignored this girl for so long. Carefully closing the door, I sneaked back over to the bed and my mind shifted gears, imagining all the good ways it could end it.

The water was shut off and in a few minutes, she opened the door, letting a cloud of steam into the room, fully dressed again in the cardigan, skirts and stockings she’d been in earlier. She could tell I was confused, and said, I thought you’d like to undress me. You know, like a Christmas present.

Come here, I said, and I moved to the edge of the bed and sat up, with my feet on the floor. She stood in front of me. I don’t want to undress you, I said, but I’d like to watch you undress.

OK, she said and carefully started unbuttoning her cardigan. She took it off and laid it on the chair, then unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it.

I wasn’t prepared for what she had on underneath. A delicate nude silk bra, basically see-through, but super classy, matching low cut panties, and suspenders holding up sheer stockings. She walked towards me and stood in front of me, tousling my hair while I started touching her again.

I like your choice of lighting, she said playfully and leaned down as if she was going to push me back on the bed, but I said, stay there. My fingers explored her chest first, playing with her taut nipples, and then found her soft pussy. I started stroking it, on top of the silk, while she put her head back and let out a soft sigh. She was already wet, and when I felt her getting even wetter, I pushed the silk aside and leaned over and found her smooth wet slit with my tongue, very softly working up and down until I found her hard little clit and settled on a rhythm she liked.

We stayed like that for a while, with her fingers gently touching my head and her moaning and me working my tongue over that sweet little pussy. When I felt her breathing quicken, I stopped and pulled her down to me and whispered in her ear: I forgot to tell you about the second rule.

What’s that, she said softly, and I said, you have to ask my permission to come. I grabbed her chin and locked eyes with her. Do you understand? She nodded, wide eyed, and I let her straighten back up, and moved my tongue back to her wet pussy, taking her clit softly and working it gently between my lips, finding the rhythm she liked, until she whimpered. Can I come now? she asked softly and I said yes, come for me, and kept softly flicking my tongue over her clit until she shuddered, grabbing onto my shoulders to steady herself, as she came hard.

We both stayed there for a few seconds, me seated at the edge of the bed, her standing above me, looking so amazing in that little outfit, in the soft glow of the lights.

She looked down at me and moved to kiss me deeply, tasting herself on my lips. When she opened her eyes, I looked at her and said: My turn.

Obediently she went down on her knees, unbuttoned my shirt and then unbuckled my trousers. I stood up to help her to slide them down and then she took them off, and then my briefs. Watching her down in front of me on her knees, so sweet and docile, had made me rock hard, and when she took my cock in her little hand, it felt amazing. I put my hand over hers to show her exactly how I liked my cock to be worked, and while we did that, I kissed her deeply before gently pushing her head to my cock so she would take me in her mouth.

Most of the girls I have been with always give head as a prelude to something else, and a lot treat it like a necessary chore to get out of the way. This girl was different. She spent what felt like forever licking and caressing my cock, and there were times when I felt like she had forgotten about me, and was just intent on playing with it with her tongue and lips. That’s so good, baby, I said, keep going just like that, and I gathered her hair at the back of her head, guiding her up and down. She settled into a nice gentle rhythm, looking up at me shyly from time to time, trying to take me in a little bit deeper.

Will you be a good girl and let me try something? I asked. She nodded, and I took her hand and pulled her up and then moved her over with her back to the wall, before gently pushing her back down on knees. Open your mouth and look up at me, I said. I promise I’ll be gentle, and then with her back against the wall, I held her head and slid my cock in and out of her mouth as deep as I could, hitting the back of her throat each time, while she looked up at me. At first I went slow, but then I started going faster and harder until tears came to her eyes, and I could tell she couldn’t take it anymore. Then I released her and stroked the top of her head and let her go back to gently sucking my cock, making love to it with her lips and warm wet tongue.

With all the drinks early in the evening, I knew I only had one load in me, so I pulled her up and kissed her deeply and tenderly, trying to make up for treating her so roughly. Breaking the kiss, I said, that was amazing. But now I need to know what your little pussy feels like.

She lay down on the bed and I lay down next to her, playing with her nipples through the sheer fabric, pulling one out and sucking on it. Were you ok with that? I asked her, with what we just did? She nodded solemnly, but I couldn’t really tell what she was thinking. I was a little rough with you, I’m sorry. But it just felt so right at the moment.

She leaned towards me and kissed me softly, so I knew she was okay with it. Then she moved on top of me and started softly grinding her pussy on my cock, with her eyes closed. She still had on her silky little panties, but I could feel the outline of her smooth pussy lips under the thin fabric. I love your little outfit, I told her, and she opened her eyes. Really? she said, smiling. Yeah really, but these really need to come off, and I tugged at her panties. She moved to the edge of the bed and stood up, then pulled them down and stepped out of them, just as she had done with her skirt. She started to take off her bra, but I said, no don’t. Leave everything else on – let me enjoy my Christmas present.

She just stood there in her sheer bra and the suspenders and stockings, and her glistening pussy, looking directly at me, and I realised that she had planned all of this, that this girl had liked me from afar, maybe for a while, and that there was an ocean of depth behind those eyes, something that perhaps I wasn’t ready for. For a split second I kind of freaked out, but then she asked if had any condoms, and I pointed towards the top drawer of the dresser. She found them and tossed one over to me.

When she came back, instead of kissing me, she kneeled over me on all fours and took my dick in her mouth again. I had gone a little soft in that moment when I got too deep inside my head, but it didn’t take long for me to get rock hard again. Do you like that? she asked as she swirled her tongue around the head, and I could only nod.

Eventually I sat up and without saying anything to her, positioned her so that she was near the edge of the bed, still on her hands and knees. I ripped open the condom and rolled it on, and then took a moment to admire her smooth pussy, nicely framed by her ass and the straps from the suspenders. I gently pushed her ass cheeks apart, and then trailed a finger from the cleft of her ass, softly circling her little puckered asshole a few times, to her clit. She was just so wet. With one knee on the bed, I put one hand on the small of her back, and with my other hand, guided the head of my cock over her pussy lips. There was only the slightest resistance, and then I just slid right in. She let out a low moan as I filled her up, and looked back at me as I started drawing my cock in and out of her with slow, strokes, fucking her tenderly and deliberately.

Your pussy feels so good, so perfectly tight, I whispered to her, and she smiled. I pushed her down on the bed more and started to fuck her harder, watching myself going in and out of her and enjoying what I saw. I fucked her like that for a while, and then I pulled out of her, and lay down. Get on top of me, I said, and she straddled me again, sliding my cock up and down her pussy a few times before guiding it in.

I’m pretty sure my eyes rolled back in my head at the moment, and when I opened them, I could see that she was in absolute ecstasy riding my cock. Her rhythm was amazing, and I reached up to play with her nipples while she moved up and down, but also kind of back and forth, her eyes closed. Your cock feels so good, you’re the perfect size for my pussy, she moaned softly, and I slid my hands under her and gently lifted and spread her cheeks, guiding her movements deeper and looking up at her.

She started breathing harder and opened her eyes and looked at me, and then asked, Can I come for you? By now I had completely forgotten my second rule, but she hadn’t, and I loved that. Yeah baby, come with my cock deep inside you, I said. And then I felt her move faster and tremble, and let out a soft little cry, and I pulled her towards me and held her briefly, before rolled her over on her back and starting to slowly fuck her again.

I leaned in to kiss her and she closed her eyes. Keep them open, I said. I want you to look at me. I loved being so close to her like that, so connected, looking right into her, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to come that way, so I said, I want you back on your hands and knees so I can finish from behind. I pulled out and she turned over, subtly arching her back. We’d migrated across the bed by this point in time, and I had to kick some shit out of the way that was on the floor, but once I found my footing, I was right back inside her. This time I held her with both hands of either side of her waist and just pounded her, her little body helpless against me, soft little sounds escaping from her mouth. I’m gonna come, I told her, I’m gonna come, and then I came really hard, gripping her waist tighter with each spasm, and pulled her up so her face was next to mine and wrapped my arms around her. I carefully pulled my cock out, and let her collapse back down the bed while I went to go and deal with the condom. When I came back, she was exactly as I had left her, and I slid in bed next to her, gathering her up in my arms to cuddle up next to me. Her nipples were still hard, and I took one between my middle and index finger and just played with it for a while. Happy Christmas, baby, I said, kissing her again. She looked up at me and smiled and said, Happy Christmas.



  1. I’mma be a party pooper and ask if OP’s company named their Christmas party “Kris Kindle” or it should really be Kris Kringle???

  2. Where I live it’s called that. It’s called different things in different countries

  3. Hey my hats off to you for having a happy merry or whatever the hell kind of Christmas. Getting a present like that you can’t go wrong

  4. A few thoughts:

    1. Good writing!

    2. Gotta love the small hints of the city you live in… (Baile Atha Cliath?)

    3. Twenty five minute walk?! That’s a lot at this chilly time of the year. Good on yee for bearing with the cold.

  5. She sounds amazing (in more ways than you would expect coming from this sub). That’s the type of girl that 10 years from now you’ll be sorry you ever gave up on – don’t!

  6. You sound like a fucking asshole… you show your appreciation for a gift by being a dick and then while she’s blowing you(which doesn’t sound like you deserve) you start face fucking her??? You sound like a fucking tool! Who fucking does that?! I’m all for whatever the mood calls for but this doesn’t sound like she was trying to get her mouth raped that night. So I would actually love to know how in your warped sense of reality you thought that it “felt right”? That made me uncomfortable and I was just reading it… I could only imagine what was going on in that poor girls mind.

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