Liberation of a sadist

For a long time I was the best prison guardian of my lust, my true self of my BDSM soul.
Trapped in the moral notions of my upbringing and society, I believed for a long time that this greedy lust and fun and joy to humiliate, enslave, punish, bind, endlessly tempt someone to him what he desires refuse or beat him is pathological, something that I have to suppress and hide.
Today I know that I am not sick or mentally unstable, no, on the contrary I am vital full of life, full of intensity. Because without dark, intense and over-the-border lust, there can be no gentle loving and caring care. Yes, that’s what makes a dominant sadist. After an intense, all-consuming session, she catches the slave and shows him that she is proud of him and that he is safe and secure with her.

It was a long way to realize all this, many inner struggles and doubts accompanied this path. How can I have the desire to own a slave? To deprive him of his freedoms, to make him docile, to beg him and to whimper, to bring him beyond the bounds of his lust, to refuse him his orgasm, in brief terminus, to be the mistress
about his desire and his satisfaction. I? a gentle and caring woman in everyday life, who works for others and their rights and freedoms.
Today I am grateful for this longing in me to have this absolute desire to rule, possess and torture, until my slave craves for more.


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