True Stories #1: First Love (Village Life) [MF]

*The following account has been translated and edited (with some creative liberty) into English, and although written in first person, is in no way my own first hand experience, but the story of a friend / acquaintance*

**Chapter 1**

My name is Nizam, and I was born in Borneo, Sarawak, to one of the many [Iban Tribes]( in the region.

Contrary to popular perception of blood thirsty head-hunters, the modernization of Sarawak in the 1980s turned this sleepy village into a timber production region, and most of the men in this village (which looked more like a shanty town on stilts) were employed by the local *Tungku* (Baron, Landowner) to work in his timber factory about 2 hours drive away. Sometimes the men were away from the village for weeks at a time during the high season, leaving the women and the children in the village to their own devices.

Once they turned 18, most parents (thanks to money from the timber factories) would send their kids off to the city to pursue a higher education – with the hope that they would find a job in the city and never come back; and most never did.

But there was one of the rare instances where a girl, Haslina, 26 years old, had come back for reasons unknown.

Rumor had that she aced her university exams and was on her way to a prestigious government job. But an unfortunate premarital pregnancy and irresponsible father forced her to relinquish the opportunity, go for an abortion, and leave the city as her reputation had been ruined (Sarawak and Malaysia were predominantly Muslim, and naturally, more conservative when it came to matters of sex and marriage).

Regardless, the 12 year old me was fascinated by her. She was beautiful by village standards, and was the talk of all the boys in the village. When she came back as an older woman, her beauty seemed to grow on me. She lost some of her youthfulness and became more cynical, but somehow the mystery and curiosity of what happened to her drew me in even more. She vaguely resembled the Indonesian singer [Sherina Munaf](

I myself, began to obsess over her more and more. I would observe her as she helped out at her mother’s food stall. Sometimes, I would catch her going braless under an over-sized T-shirt – it would be a bonus when the weather was hot and business was good, because then her shirt would ever so slightly be more translucent from her beautiful sweaty tanned skin. She would occasionally lean back to tie up her hair in a frizzled ponytail, and it was those moments that seared themselves into my mind like a photograph. I can still remember the beads of sweat on her skin as I walked past, trying my best not to be noticed.

I didn’t have much of a social life back then, and so I started going to the market every afternoon after school, just to catch a glimpse of her. I began to fantasize about smelling her natural feminine scent and just feeling her sweaty tanned skin against mine; that alone was enough to get me off; no other porno mag nor secret stash of erotic novels would surpass that image burned into my mind. If I had a camera, I would have taken as many pictures as I can, being the scrawny and filthy 12 year old pervert that I was.

Sometimes, some of the older 17 year old boys would tease and flirt with her. When the day was slow and rainy, she would entertain them. But when it gets hot and busy, she would so much as snap at one of their advances.

I love it when she’s hot, sweaty, and moody (strangely). Those days always ended with me jerking off in the toilet back home.

On one of those sweltering hot and busy days, I went about admiring my queen, when the older boys came up to push me around.

“Don’t think we don’t know what you’re up to!”

They obviously knew.

“She’s too old for you! Go fantasize about someone your age!”

I was in shock that they saw through it so easily. If there was one talent that I was born with, it was the ability to go unnoticed.

“Leave him alone! He’s just a kid!”

She snapped at them.

“C’mon he’s obviously perving over you… he comes here everyday!” said one of the boys

“I know.”

Yet another shocker!

“He minds his own business. If anything YOU guys are the real pervs!”

Before it went any further, Haslina’s mother returns to the stall and the boys shuffle away. I was at a loss for words – and left without saying anything. That night, for the first time in my life, I jerked off and came so many times simply because she noticed me, and protected me.

She wasn’t just beautiful, she was strong.

**Chapter 2**

I continued visiting the market daily; but this time with Haslina and her mother acknowledging my presence.

Her mother was friendly toward me; and made conversation. I told her about how my father was seldom home, and that my mother sometimes made trips to the factories to supply them with packed food, so on some nights, I would be all alone at home.

Haslina’s mother invited me to stay with them at the stall whenever my mother was out of town so they could keep me company. I was hesitant at first, but even Haslina herself insisted.

Of course I had to agree right?

So that afternoon, I remained at the stall, and pretended to be a well behaved kid by doing my homework; with the occasional bonus of having Haslina come by to help me with my math revision. I relished the moments when I could finally sit so close to her and smell her sweet, sweet odor, and cherished it when I could so closely look down her blouse, or through her sometimes sweaty shirt. But clearly, she treated me like a younger brother. But that made me want to have her all to myself; I was sick and perverted that way. Perhaps it was knowing that I could never truly have her that made me want to have her even more.

This went on for several months, and it became the norm for me to spend my afternoons at the stall and around Haslina. I grew closer to her and her mother, and sometimes, I felt safer with them than with my own family. I was happy just doing my homework and studying with Haslina by my side.

Life was simple, but it was good.

By chance, on one of those days, I realized that my mother had forgotten to save food for my dinner, and Haslina’s mother gladly offered to have me join them for dinner – at their house.

Their house wasn’t so different from mine. Zinc roofs and wooden frames on stilts that separated the house from the filth and garbage below.

Haslina’s mother cooked a simple but satisfying meal while we made small talk about our daily lives, and basically how I should study hard and get a good job. Haslina went silent when the topic came up, and she reverted back to her usual moody self – perhaps the rumors were true… and she really was disgraced by an unplanned pregnancy?

I felt empathy, but mostly anger that a man who had her all to himself, would be so foolish as to abandon this sexy, beautiful, intelligent, and most of all, strong woman.

After dinner, Haslina’s mother told me to make myself at home while they washed the dishes.

Being left to my own devices, I could not take the pent up sexual frustration and decided to “explore” and head to the back of the house where I would be unnoticed. I proceeded to jerk myself off… To make things even better, there was a basket of unwashed clothes – Haslina’s clothes!

I made sure there was no one looking before I grabbed one of her used panties, and sniffed – it was heaven. I put my hand in my pants and began to stroke myself…

Then the back door opened!

I immediately lost my erection and threw the panty back into basket. Thankfully Haslina didn’t notice me as I was on the other side of the stilts. I held my breath, and watched as she went into the toilet…

She closed the door behind her.

Dirty thoughts raced through my mind as I hesitated. What if I got caught? I slowly crept up to the back of the toilet, stepped up onto the ledge, and looked in…

There she stood, in all her glory, as she removed her clothes, threw them onto the floor, and in the same fashion as always – leaned back to tie up her hair into a frazzled ponytail, as if displaying for all the world to see, her beautiful breasts; the largest, most natural, and most perfect pair that I have ever seen, and will ever see in the flesh. They were tear shaped, sinking slightly, accentuating her curvy figure. Not to mention her areolas were dark and round, and were in proportion to the size of her bosom.

She wasn’t tall or slim, in fact she had love handles, and her thighs and calves were thick and muscular. Her hips were at a perfect ratio to her waist; childbearing hips as our mothers would call them.

She began to use the bucket to scoop up the cool, clear water from the cauldron and dashed it onto her breasts as it flowed onto the rest of her buxom body. She did this several times as she closed her eyes and sighed at the cool relief from the hot weather.

Before I knew it, I was standing on the ledge peeping down at her in the toilet with my pants down. I stroked my swollen, throbbing member as I admired this goddess bathing in all her nakedness, and it didn’t take long before euphoria got the better of me.

I came so hard that I let out an uncontrollable gasp; she caught it! I was already coming so hard my seed was strewn all over the ledge and the wall! I tried to look away but I couldn’t!

She stared into my eyes as came.

As soon as I regained my senses I immediately pulled up my shorts and ran back into the living room, red faced and light headed.

Haslina’s mother said I should head back since it was late, and to my horror, she asked Haslina to give me a ride back on her motorcycle!

I thought for certain that that was the end of my days with her…

Then Haslina came from out the back door (dressed of course) and acknowledged, as if nothing happened.

Was that all just a dream?

**Chapter 3**

The motorcycle ride home was awkward.

I took the chance to hug onto her tightly – at the waist. I was hard throughout the whole ride home, and fought with all my might not to move my hands up toward her breasts.

She didn’t seem to notice my erection, and instead seemed rather nonchalant, chirpy even. She wasn’t in her usual sexually charged moody demeanor.

I stayed awake that night thinking if I should have confronted her, then proceeded to fantasize about how she would reciprocate as we made out and made hot, sweet, love right there and then in the middle of the road.

But at the back of my mind, I resigned to the fact that she probably didn’t want to make things awkward, and decided to just pretend like nothing happened. After all, I was like a brother to her right?

I was relieved, but I was disappointed.

The next day, I continued my daily ritual of going to the market after school. Trying my best to act normal, I proceeded to do my homework. Haslina and her mother spoke to me, and went about their usual business.

Why? Doesn’t she remember what happened the night before?

Life went on as usual, and the occasional dinners at their place formed some nice (non-sexual) childhood memories of mine. I never went to the back of the house to peep for fear of getting caught. I only went back once to see if there were any stains on the wall – there were none.

I continued my blissful existence, never to speak about the toilet incident. Every day I relished being close to her, seeing her tying up that frizzled ponytail, while every night vividly recalling her naked form.

I was in love with every part of her physical, mental, and emotional self. I wondered if ever I grew up to become rich and handsome in the city, I would come back home to marry her.

Haslina was my first true love.

Then almost as soon as it came, my hopes were dashed. I overheard several conversations at the market, and realized the the real reason that Haslina came back here.

She was betrothed to the Tungku.

As we all suspected, she was disgraced by an unplanned pregnancy. With nowhere else to go and no future career, her father betrothed her to the local Tungku as his fourth wife.

Life in the Borneo jungle was tough, and to be the fourth wife of an aging but wealthy timber baron was more than any village girl could ask for.

My heart was broken, and I cried that night. As far back in my life as I can remember, that was the first time that I was truly devastated.

Her wedding was less than a week away, and after that, I would probably never see her again. The thought of this intelligent, strong and beautiful woman just basically being “sold” to an old man disgusted me. The Tungku was so old he probably would never even touch her or remember her, much less appreciate this goddess for who she really is. All he needed was a young fourth wife as a glorified “status symbol”.

I stopped focusing on my grades. I started skipping school. From acing my exams, I now flunked every subject in school. What’s the use? It’s not like I could ever marry her anyway?

I was broken, and Haslina could tell.

“What’s wrong Nizam? What happened?” She asked as she tended to the food stall.

I just shook my head and dismissed it.

“You’re a smart boy. Don’t let it go to waste.” She said as she patted my head.

“Kakak (Sister) is here for you. You can tell me anything okay? ”


I struggled with the thought, and paused for a while as she looked at me expectantly for an answer.

“Are you… going away forever?” I stammered.

It was as if she immediately understood what I meant. She saw through it so easily. What an idiot I was.

She looked at me for a moment, not saying a word. She laughed to herself as if I told her a bad joke.

She turned to her mother:

“Mak (Mother) will you need me at the stall later this afternoon?”

“Nope but don’t forget we have to collect your wedding garb tonight! Don’t be late!”

“Thanks Mak! Nizam and I are going on a date!” Haslina giggles playfully as she pinched me in the nose.

I wasn’t the most attractive or the most sociable kid in school to say the least, and never in a million years did I ever think I would get a date with a girl – much less the woman of my dreams.

I held onto her tightly as we rode her bike toward the river trail. I clasp her hand tightly as we trekked over the rocks with fishing rods slung over our backs. She was much stronger and much more athletic that the scrawny and nerdy 12 year old me, and at one point, as the water reached our knees, she carried me on her back.

I took the chance to smell her hair and the nape of her neck – a sweaty and sweet musky scent. No perfume, no soap, just pure unadulterated sweat and odor.

While ever so slightly, my hands held tightly onto her just below her neck, inches shy of her breasts. I could finally feel how soft and delicate her skin was. I’m sure she felt my erection swell, but somehow, she didn’t seem to mind.

We reached a secluded spot where we placed our stuff down by the rocks and readied our fishing rods. At this point we were both essentially drenched by the surprisingly cool and clear river water amidst the afternoon heat. Her nipples stood clearly through the wetness of her shirt, probably from how cold the water was, while my own erection stood through my now damp and dirty school shorts. If it wasn’t before, it was obvious now how I really felt about her.

The beauty of it all? She didn’t care. And soon enough, I started not to care as well. I just let my erection be. I just stared at every part of her the way I wanted to. Her face, her chest, her muscular legs. All while we had our usual conversation about life in the village.

It was bittersweet as at the back of my mind, I always knew that in the end, she would be leaving for good. I knew that this sweet moment with just the both of us and the whole river and rainforest to ourselves, would never last. But I cherished it. I cherished what might be my final moments with her.

“Whenever I’m sad, this is where I’ll always come back to. This place never fails to cheer me up, ever since I was a little girl.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because over here, I can be myself. I can be who I want to be. But back there,” she pointed in the direction of the village, “… back there I can only be what everyone else wants me to be.”

I smiled at the thought. I smiled at how relieved I felt.

“Promise me Nizam.
Don’t make the same mistake that I did. Be who you want to be, feel what you want to feel. Promise?”

She raised her pinky at me.

I accepted.

For the rest of my life, that became my mantra. I resolved never to allow myself to be shackled by the perceptions of others. To be who I want to be, and to feel what I want to feel. There was no better time to start, than now.

“Kakak (Sister)… if the Tungku doesn’t want you, I promise I will come back and marry you. I promise to love you forever.”

She smiled playfully, as if I was joking.

“I love you Haslina. I think about you everyday.”

Her expression turned from pure happiness, to one of mixed emotions. She teared ever so slightly, and that just broke my heart.

“I love you too Nizam”

She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. She pressed them onto mine, lingering for a second, before pulling back. Her hand moved from my back and onto the nape of my neck, caressing me as I stared stupidly into her eyes.

My first kiss.

“Look at you,” She chuckled as she wiped off the soil and dirt on my sweaty face. “You look just like jungle boy!”


She stood up.

“Let me give you a bath.”

I just stared at her stupidly as she began to pull her shorts down.

“Come On! The water’s really nice and cold!”

She threw her shorts and panties by the side. My eyes drifted toward her muscular thighs, just barely hiding her thick and unkempt bush.

She threw off her shirt onto the same spot and let her hair loose, with nothing left on her except her her hair band on her wrist. She took a few steps and bent down into the shallow water, soaking herself up to her gorgeously untamed hair as it stuck to parts of her back, her face, her neck, and her bosom.

I was petrified. There I was in front of this beautiful goddess and I had nothing to show for except my ribs and a prepubescent penis, hopelessly swollen and erect.


She turned back slowly to face me – a full view of her nakedness above the water.

“You are safe here. Feel what you want to feel.”

Slowly but surely, My hands trembled as I unbuttoned my school uniform. That was the easy part.

Then I slowly unzipped my shorts, pulling it away from my swollen member, careful not to aggravate it further lest I embarrass myself in front of the goddess.

Just like her, my entire body was laid bare for all the jungle to see.

I approached gingerly, careful not to lose my footing on the rocks as I stepped into the water.

The cold water felt good, but did nothing to ease my swell. Instead, my heart raced faster and I became even harder as I approached her.

She raised out her hand and I took it. Two naked bodies so close to each other, but yet so stiff and so hesitant. I could see the fine blemishes on her skin, the reflection of the sun on the water projected onto her face. Her musky scent was overwhelming at this distance; I could smell her sex and it was addictive. Her strong and buxom frame towered over me – I was intimidated and excited all at once. I was at her mercy.

I tried my hardest to keep it together. Haslina bent down to scoop up handfuls of water with her hands and onto my head and my body. My eyes wandered as her precious bosoms swayed and jiggled from her movements, while the stray droplets of water trickled down her nipples, dripping back into the river from whence it came.

I flinched as her soft, smooth, palms ran across the skin of my back and my chest.

I was losing control.

At this point, my swollen member was throbbing itself into climax!

I let out a loud gasp and moan as my white hot seed was strewn all over her breasts, her tummy, and her muscular thighs. I came again and again as wave after wave of euphoria overwhelmed my ability to react. We looked into each other’s eyes as I lost myself in her gaze. For a moment, I let myself go.

“Sorry!” I managed to catch a breath.

She didn’t even bother to wash my seed off her body as she focused all her attention on mine.

“It’s okay. It feels nice.” She smiled as she reached down to gently clasp my tiny member in her soft, smooth, hands. She tilted her head to the side and looked down, admiring it longingly, as if it was her own little play thing.

I began to get hard again as she gently caressed and toyed with my member.

“You can touch me if you want to.” She said, in a matter of fact way.

I was in a daze. My eyes followed the trail of my seed; her neck, her breasts, her tummy, her unshaven bush.

I reached out with my right hand and clasped a bunch of hair on her crotch. I wasn’t even as hairy as she was. I realize I might have been a tad too rough but she didn’t flinch. I sniffed the precious few strands that got caught on my fingers.

The smell of her sex – it was like a drug.

Before I knew it, my hands were on her bosom – that pair of soft, smooth, fleshy breasts I so longed for. They were so soft and comforting. My little fingers sank into them as I squeezed. Instinctually, I went in closer and buried my face in them, taking in more of her musky scent and tasting her for the first time.

This whole time, she continued to touch all the parts of my body, as if this vile act was of no consequence. Two wet bodies slithering and sliding, savouring each other in the middle of the Borneo jungle. To her, she was merely showing her younger brother the love he craved, while her younger brother merely showing his older sister, the love she deserved.

She gently pulled back and looked down into my dazed eyes for a second, before leaning back in to lock lips with me.

My second kiss.

This time, she let loose inside my mouth, swirling her tongue around, provoking mine to reciprocate to hers.

Before I had my fill, her mouth went down to tease my nipples. Then, my belly. Then she knelt before me, with her breasts just above the water, and her face just inches away from my swell. For the first time, the tables were turned. There she was, now looking up to me, eyes as dazed and as vulnerable as I ever was to her since the day I met her. She was offering her entire being to my undeserving manhood.

She licked just under the tip – I shuddered. Her tongue was a warm respite from the cool water that drenched our bodies. She licked again – I moaned, involuntarily.

Her finger tips tickled their way across my thighs and buttocks, while her warm breath caressed my swell.

Slowly but surely, her warm lips met the tip and made their way down into the base of my member – she has swallowed me whole.

I was now hers, and she was now mine.

Her tongue swirled as her wet lips retraced their way back to the tip, then back down again onto the base. She drooled so much that it was impossible to tell what was hers, and what was from the river. My member relished the warm slathering of her tongue – and it began to swell even more. It swelled so much that it hurt, but I relished it.

I lost all control of myself as I grabbed her wet hair tightly with both my hands. I became an animal. I grunted and moaned, and found myself swaying in and out of her orifice. I lost all sense of surrounding except the water swooshing and her sound of her sucking my member. I swayed harder and faster, I forced myself deeper and deeper into her orifice, defiling her beautiful face. She gagged – but she kept pace. Her finger tickles turned into scratches – she gaged again – and then I lost it!

I let out a long and loud moan as my eyes rolled back and my face contorted, I came and I came as wave after wave of euphoria overwhelmed! Spurt after spurt of my seed was welcomed by the sucking of her warm lips and the swallowing of her willing throat.

**Just like how I wasted none of her, she wasted none of me**

I nearly collapsed as she stood back up, but she drew me close just in time as we embraced each other in our physical and spiritual nakedness – wet skin on wet skin, broken heart to broken heart.

We stayed like this for a while, with no words exchanged. The sun began to set and we knew that this was it. Our freedom was over.

We both got dressed, and made our way back to the village. I hugged her as tightly and as closely as I could on the bike ride back home – making sure to remember the musky scent of her hair and her skin.

She dropped me off, gave me a kiss on the forehead and one last moment for me to look at each other. We spoke no words, but we both cried. We both understood.

Then she rode off.

That was the last time I ever saw her in the flesh. In the years before my university education, I would occasionally return to the river to fish and bask in the afternoon sun. I kept in touch with her mother, although soon after I went to the city to study, she passed, and that was the last time I heard from them.

I would not see or hear from her again for another 15 years until I got married and returned back home to Borneo.

But that’s another story, for another day.



  1. Wow, this was *great* writing, seriously. Especially for erotic content like this. You have a gift in writing, no doubt about your skill my friend!

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