[FM] About the time I gave my colleague at school a blowjob

Hi, I’m Cindy, and this is a true story about something that happened to me last week. I apologize if it is a bit long…

Before I begin, some of you might remember me from one of my earlier posts– I’ve basically written a little story about each and every one of my sexual experiences so far (not that there’s many!), and I’ve posted the best (i.e. least embarassing!) ones on this sub. I had to delete my account though due to reasons, but here I am, back at it again. (quick aside: if I wanted to re-post some of my old stories on this sub, just to have them up again, is that something people would get mad at?)

Anyway, a tiny bit about myself. I’m Cindy :) I just turned 24. I’m a newly minted grad student at a big Canadian university, but I am a Chinese-born American. I’m 5 foot 2 and I weigh about 110 pounds, I’m athletic and I swim and play badminton competitively. I think I’m okay, I used to be a really awkward geek when I was a teenager and it’s been tough to shake that off even as an adult. It’s hard to imagine it now, but there was a time when I was actually tall for my age, tall and awkward with braces, glasses, and no social skills. My early teens especially were an awkward, horrible time for me (I’d say embarrassing too, but the truth is nobody even noticed me except my two best friends, who nobody noticed either.) But anyway, the braces eventually came off, glasses became cool, and I’m not skinny like a twig anymore. I started to pay more attention to how I look right around when I first went to college, and I guess moving away from home helped a lot. Now, when I go home to visit, all my old friends think I’m so different. I’m still very, very shy, but I’m also more confident (if that even makes sense.) I admit I have started to enjoy all the new attention I get from men. It’s still very new for me, and I like it. I love it, actually.

I’m not very experienced though. I had one boyfriend throughout most of my high school (another Chinese kid whose family is close to mine) and “just a few” little relationships here and there (I originally wrote “a small handful” but that wouldn’t be accurate in certain cases…)

Anyway, sorry for all the background, I’ll get to the point now :)

So this is my first semester of graduate school and that means I have a teaching assistant job. What that also means is I have to lead a small discussion group once a week, grade some essays and tests, and sit for two short lectures a week. There’s another T.A. for the same section, I won’t say his name but let’s call him Steve. He is kind of smaller-than-average guy, about 5’9″ and he isn’t athletic or buff at all, though he still has a nice, slim body. He is probably in his late 20s but looks even older… he wears nice tweed sport coats and colorful ties to class (a bit cliché but he pulls it off) which is a nice change of pace compared to how even some of the professors dress. He is soft spoken and even somewhat effete, but he isn’t a wimp: when he speaks, he commands so much authority and gravitas… He just seems so cool and confident. I don’t think he even realizes how impressive he sounds. The fact that he puts it all together with humility and grace just… well… I just find him so, so attractive.

I’ve never been in a seminar with Steve (he is several years ahead of me) but I’d love to go to a conference one day and listen to him speak. There’s a student conference coming up in March that I think he is going to, and it’s all I can think about now… being away in a nearby city, staying at the same hotel… it’s just so exciting.

Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself. After a few weeks of class, Sean and I had developed a bit of a rapport and we could do the small talk thing quite nicely before and after lectures. I sit across from him on the right wing of the front row, where there are about 105 pairs of eyes staring down in our direction, and it takes everything for me to not look longingly at him whenever he has an occasion to speak. I try not to bite my lip whenever he glances at me.
He never really seemed super interested in me until about two weeks ago when after the lecture we were both walking out the doors when he asked me if I wanted to get a drink at the campus bar. I was a little surprised, but I said yes immediately and we changed our path in mid stride and started walking toward the bar together. It was almost 10pm but the bar was relatively quiet given that it was a Wednesday.

We sat at the bar and shared a bottle of red wine, talking mainly about stuff related to our program (Foucault, specifically) and having a really easy and comfortable conversation. I was so into it. I know it sounds silly, but sitting there talking with him made me feel so much smarter– he made connections to other theorists I had never even considered before, and he spoke about these complex ideas in such a down-to-earth way that made everything seem so much more accessible and real. Don’t get me wrong, he didn’t dominate the conversation or try to impress me. We just talked. He will make a great teacher one day if we wants to. Yes, I know how it sounds, but it’s so rare to have such great conversations in my life, especially about things I’m passionate about. So I’m sure I was sparkly-eyed and smiling the whole time.

I should mention that after a bottle of wine we were both quite relaxed, and I noticed his eyes slipped to my legs more than once. I was wearing blue denim leggings and cream blouse under a trim tan blazer, my hair was down, long and straight; I wore a cute pair of ankle boots, my make-up was subtle, but perfect… I always made an effort when I go to class, but I guess especially so for Steve. I have long legs for a girl my height and I know now that Steve considers himself a “leg man”, which was just a little obvious given the object of his gaze. Every time he stole a glance, a felt a spark. I wanted so badly for him to touch me, but he didn’t.

After we left, Steve walked me to my apartment (not far) and he kissed me right by the door just like in the movies. It was very romantic, actually. I went back inside feeling giddy, and all night long I thought about him and wondered whether he was thinking about me too. We saw each other over the course of the next week or so, usually lunch or coffee, and we held hands when we walked one time. It felt so wonderful.

We kissed a few more times, but nothing serious happened. I invited him up one time, but he declined because he had stuff to do (he really did), and we text back and forth but it’s never sexual or even suggestive. We have these long, sleepy, beautiful late-night conversations on the phone that sometimes last until sunrise. In class we never flirt or give any impression that we are even seeing each other, which is the right thing to do I guess, but I’d like more please! I still have the feeling that he thinks I am really nervous about all of this, wanting to take it slow and do things right, but if we’re being honest at this point all I really want him to do is take me and fuck me.

So anyway last Saturday, he emailed me asking if I’d like to come over so we could do some grading together. We had an assignment to grade that weekend so we both knew that’s what we’d be busy doing. Of course I agreed. I wore a cute floral jumper and cream leggings. I brought along a bursting backpack full of books and essays, but I wondered if something more interesting might happen.

When I got there Steve made us tea and we chatted for a while before we got to work. He was dressed impeccably, as always, even while lounging at home. He had just the most subtle scent of cologne, and sitting there alone with him in his tiny little apartment, not even a television to distract us… it was very exciting.

After about an hour we took a break and Steve went over to the kitchenette to make us more tea. When he returned, he sat next to me on the couch where I had set up shop (he had a large, over-crowded desk in the corner). It was so strange, we just sat there sipping tea in silence, watching each other without watching each other. It became kind of intense. My legs were crossed beneath me and I sat perched against the sofa while he was turned toward me. At one point, his finger brushed against the fabric on my knee and I pretended not to notice the first time, but when he did it again I sighed. We locked eyes for a moment, then I just decided enough was enough. I placed my mug on the table next to a stack of essays, then carefully took Steve’s mug from him and placed it next to my own. He sat there, like a Sphinx, just watching me, as I boldly straddled his lap and leaned in for a kiss.

Everything felt right. I was excited, but calm at the same time. While we kissed, Steve’s hands explored my body slowly and carefully, first sampling my thighs, then easing my skirt up as his palms curled around my butt, and then eventually up to my breasts, which he pawed through the heavy material of my jumper. All the while, I grinded circles on his lap, feeling him harden against me, allowing the sheer material of my tights to glide along the growing bulge in his slacks. He felt so hard under me, so incredibly sexy, just knowing he was so turned on by me gave me even more confidence. I leaned in and nibbled on his neck, licking his earlobe, and letting his hands explore my body. When his hands finally reached under me, I settled into his palm as he cupped my pussy through the fabric of my tights and my cotton panties. I pushed into him and he resisted, holding me like that, and we smiled at each other.

“You’re so sexy” he sighed as I ground harder into his palm. I was already soaked and felt myself opening up to his touch.

“So are you,” was the best I could manage. I took his hand away from me and brought it to my lips. I sucked the tips of his fingers, watching him, feeling his cock reaching for me through his slacks, his hips rising to find me again. I ran my hand across his lap, then with a strange nod I eased myself down onto my knees in front of him and unbuckled his trousers.

His cock wrapped in my fist was so hard, I knew he wouldn’t last long with me, so I made the most of it and did what I could to show how much I loved being on my knees for him. I sucked him slowly, but with a steady rhythm that made it clear I wasn’t going to stop until he has ready to stop. I’d only pause so I could come up for air, then clean his cock with my tongue before I would go back to blowing him. I was focused on his pleasure, I wanted so badly for this man to enjoy me. It was wonderful.

Finally, he grunted my name and I popped up for air, sucking slowly on the head while I gazed up at him.

“Do you have any condoms in your bag?”

I shook my head. I didn’t.

“I really want to cum, but I won’t last long if you keep doing that”

There was a very distant part of my mind that was disappointed in him for not anticipating this… how could he not have condoms? I quickly imagined all that I was missing… I could have been sitting on him, letting him ease into me slowly, letting him feel how wet he makes me, and I could have been riding him hard like that until I’d shake with an orgasm I would work hard to earn. He could have bent me over the couch and had his way with me. I would have done anything he wanted. I just wanted so badly to have sex with him right there, but I decided long ago never again without either a condom or a wedding band. So in the end all that was left was frustration and loss.
But anyway, all of those negative thoughts quickly evaporated with my fingers wrapped tight around Steve’s throbbing dick. So I gave him another lick.

“You’re dumb” I said with a smile.

“I know” he replied, obviously frustrated too.

I massaged his balls with my other hand while I ran my thumb around the head, smearing his pre-cum. He was so hard, it was obvious he would cum if I gave him just the right amount of extra attention.

“You could be inside me right now” I mumbled as I pressed little kisses along his shaft.

“Don’t say that” he moaned, tortured to near bursting.

“Oh Steve,” I whispered, “you can fuck me anytime you want, don’t you know that?” I stroked his cock faster now, his head right on my wet lips.

Steve grunted. He finally ran out of words. So I just said:

“It’s okay, baby, I’ll make you cum…”

I opened my mouth and rested his cock on my tongue for those very last strokes, inviting him to me. I gazed up at him, ready, and it didn’t take him long. Sean came hard, all over my face, covering my tongue and roping all across my cheeks. I clamped my lips around his spasming head and sucked the rest of his orgasm out of him. When he finally gave his body over to me like that, I almost came myself just from the sheer excitement of it. After I swallowed his thick cum, I cleaned him with my tongue before wiping my own face with a paper towel.

I left shortly afterwards… it was a little awkward I guess, but not really awkward for me. I think Steve was just a little surprised by how into it I was– like I said, my impression is that he thought I would be too scared to initiate anything. Well, he was wrong!

We haven’t been “together” since then, but this Friday we are going out on a dinner date and I am just beside myself with excitement. We aren’t really a couple yet, not really anyway, so for now it’s still under the pretense of getting to know each other. That’s fine I guess, but no matter how we want to frame this whole thing I do know that I will bring him back to my place this time. I have it all planned out. I can’t wait to wear something sexy, and for the whole routine where I prepare myself for him before the date. But I won’t have any condoms this time either– let’s see if that Master’s degree and four years of PhD have taught Steve anything about being prepared!

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! This was fun to write and get off my chest, since I can’t really talk about this stuff with anyone else around here! Maybe I’ll post the follow up (if it’s worth posting… I haven’t had that experience just yet, but if it’s anything like my imagination it will be wonderful!)

Have a great day!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7gebgc/fm_about_the_time_i_gave_my_colleague_at_school_a


  1. so well written, these dont often give me the urge to cum myself, but this one has!

  2. Would love to read more. It was an exciting read. I’m rooting for him to have a condom next time for both his and your sake!

  3. Excellent. Probably just how I would have been, i.e. trying to further the relationship but not expecting that you’d be ready to go as far as you did. And it would have turned out better than I could have hoped for!

    Which makes me wonder, did his “unpreparedness” make him less desirable in your eyes, or did he gain points by respecting you (by not trying to take advantage of you) and letting you take the lead?

  4. Beautifully written, and a wonderful reflection of what sounds like an amazing experience.

    Keep us posted on how it develops!

  5. Loved the narration. It was so well written. Always hot when a girl initiates the action. Hope you’ll share the joy with us in a follow up story. :)

    On another note, if I were Steve, I would have asked you to wait after the bj while I run to grab condoms from local supermarket..lol.. curious if you would have waited or left? My guess is you would have ;)

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