When The Stranger Things Cum (compiled from a DDP prompt. Non Con, monsters, mind break, double penetration, corruption, insane amounts of cum)


As a young woman, approximately 24 years old Tessa grew up in Hawkins, but the ink was hardly dry on her High School diploma before she was gone, having enlisted in the Army as a way to get out.
She got out alright but her time in Afghanistan taught her very plainly that there are far worse things in life than being bored in a small town. Tessa’s time in service taught her a lot about the darker side of human nature, not only that of the enemy, but sometimes her allies as well and worse yet, sometimes her own.
Her tour was cut short by 3 months when she received word that her mother had died unexpectedly. Returning home, Tessa had decided not to re-enlist, she had a younger brother, only 14 who needed her to take over as his legal guardian. My time in the military landed her a job as a deputy for the local Sheriff’s office, a position that she determined to excel at.

The time away had made everything Tessa thought she knew about Hawkins become cast in strange new light. Where once there was a boring sort of peace, now she felt menace in the shadows. She was sure it’s just her… her own experiences coloring her perceptions… it has to be… right? Yet somehow, in the darkest hours of the night, Tessa was no longer quite so sure.

There’s something dark here… something corrupt… something wrong… she could feel it.

Chapter 1 – Halloween In Hawkins

It is that time of year again and like every year the sleepy little town of Hawkins is alive with little monsters. Kids running the streets and covering peoples gardens with toilet paper till an angry adult chases them off. Prank calls and minor incidents are the bane of your life this time of year. It’s not helped by the fact that, that old barstard Hopper wasn’t happy with Tessa’s questions and had given her speed gun duty.

For the rest of the day she were ordered to sit out by the interstate and make sure the roads are safe in a town where no one speeds, in a state no one visits, at a time of year when there is literally anything anyone could be doing that would be a better use of their time.

Hopper also made sure there was no partner to keep Tessa company and just to stop the constant questions he gave her the squad car with the busted radio. So no one to talk to, nothing to listen to and a bizarrely hot October afternoon just to rub it in.

Tessa ran slim fingers through her short blond hair. Since returning back to the states she’d kept it short, but at least it was a lot more stylish these days. Bright blue eyes sparkled with indignation though as she silently fume, randomly cursing out Hopper, though there’s no one to hear her, and fretting over what Jeffrey, her little brother, was going to get up to tonight.

Knowing the shifts she had to work Tessa had arranged for him to spend the night with one of his friends, but she didn’t entirely trust the other kid’s parents to keep them from doing something stupid. The parents both had that sallow look of being who spent way too much time in the bottle, though they hadn’t seemed to slip over the edge into complete alcoholism yet.

Sighing and shaking the thoughts from her head and checking the phone. No messages… not that she really expected any. Jeffrey was still in school and there was no social life to speak of. It wasn’t that there weren’t offers but… she just wasn’t ready.

Tessa wasn’t used to this much sitting around so she stepped out of the patrol car to stretch. While short, at only 5’2″ tall, she was strong and wiry. Her army training had put on some real muscle to add to the already athletic figure garnered through her obsession with running and rock-climbing. Generous, C cup breasts that looked larger on her little frame and a firm, tight ass that was secretly considered to be one of her best features, appreciated the chance of a stretch and fresh air.

God this was going to be a long day. “Fuck you, Hopper.” Tessa muttered to no one in particular.
The humid air stifled the surroundings and the area would be beautiful if it wasn’t for the shitty shift she had been lumbered with. The road stretched off into the distance in both directions, one long black line cutting through the fields. The large sign welcoming travelers to Hawkins towered above her and blocked the squad car from view. If you looked at the sign and the old stained graffiti covering the welcome message you could read “We were born here, what’s your excuse?” scrawled over it like a joke. Tessa couldn’t help but think how true that must be, why the fuck would anyone ever want to come here?

A large clump of trees and bushes hide the squad car from view on way, in the other direction although this “camouflage” is basically pointless. Everyone and their dog in town knew this is where the patrol car sits. It does provide some much needed shade from the sun though and is always a good place to take a pee as the nearest part of town is a few miles away.

As she stretched a thought itched at the back of her mind, it is almost totally silent. No animals at all, no birds nothing. If it wasn’t for the bugs anyone would swear they were the only thing for miles around. The feeling grew from an itch to a tugging at her attention like an alarm going off in the distance on the very edge of your hearing.
An eerie silence mixed with the midday humidity created an oppressive feeling.

Tessa froze as the realization of the eerie silence crept over her awareness. That’s damn strange…, she thought to herself, head cocking to one side to listen intently. Almost instinctively her slender fingers caressing the butt of the service gun as she moved, though she didn’t unsnap the holster. It’s almost more of a comforting gesture, its rough grip having a steadying effect in the eerie silence.

The buzzing sound of the small insects filling the air is the only thing that can be heard. Listening intently to the sound of nothing Tessa’s straining for any sound at all. Seconds seem drawn out into minutes as you strain to hear till you finally relax a little.

Then you hear it, a rustle, something behind her in the bushes and trees. Something was definitely there. The noise almost startling her if it weren’t for years of army training. But there was definitely something or someone there.

With a barely audible ‘snap’ Tessa freed the clip on the weapon in its holster, though she didn’t draw it. She would feel damned stupid drawing on a bunch of kids trying to play a Halloween prank, even if the little shits did deserve it she reminded herself. Her eyes narrowing as she stared into the space trying to see and sign of movement.
“Who’s there? Show yourself!” Tessa demand, using a commanding tone she had worked hard to cultivate. It helped to offset her diminutive stature and too ‘cute’, almost pixie-like, features.

Silence greets her commanding tones from the large clump of bushes and trees. The lack of breeze in the humid stale air meant it wasn’t the wind but the hair on her neck stood up as she knew she was being watched. Most people dismiss those feelings but vets learned to listen to their guts out on patrol and hers was doing everything it could to tell her that something was horribly wrong here. It felt like if it could her stomach would have packed up and run off as fast as it could. Another snapping twig punctuates the silence like a gun shot. The source hidden by the thick foliage.

Tessa shook her head and cleared her throat. “Last warning… come out right the hell now, before you wind up shot.” edging a little closer to the undergrowth. Fingers tightening on the butt of the gun as she advances but not drawing it wholly from the holster even now.

Then a sound of something behind her. A loud thump comes from behind as something large jumps onto the car. Its huge frame a mass of wiry muscle and sinew like something skinned a dog from hell. Its claws grip into the roof of the squad car as what passes for its head looks at Tessa with an eyeless stare. Thin lines split from what is the tip of its elongated face drool as the cracks widen. Peeling back like a nightmarish banana it opens revealing row after row of razor sharp teeth. Thick strands of saliva drip from its open maw as it roars loudly and terrifyingly. At the same time the bushes explode into movement as another hell beast leaps towards rushes from the undergrowth.

Tessa could do nothing but stare, frozen for a split second in stunned disbelief, unable to credit what her senses are telling her. That instants hesitation costs her the chance to get a shot off, but trained reflexes don’t abandon her entirely. With a frightened whimper she would never admit to having uttered and reacting purely on instinct, she lunged to one side and dropped into a roll as the… the… things miss her by a hair’s breadth coming up with the weapon drawn…

crack! crack! crack! Three shots fly and one of the monsters lets out a sound like nothing anyone ever heard before. Tessa tried to re-aim but the second one had not hesitated at all and it’s weight crashed into her tiny frame, barreling her over and sending the gun flying from her hand as she sprawled, the wind half knocked from her heaving lungs. Tessa struggled helplessly to her hands and knees, trying to spot where the gun had flown all the time hearing the things moving behind her, knowing it’s too late, that she was as good as dead…
Tessa spotted the gun five foot away in a patch of grass. It may as well be five miles now though as the hellish beast from on top of the car lands between her prone form and the gun, low to the ground ready to strike. Thick black blood oozes from the fresh bullet holes but seem to have little other effect on it. The lips peel back as it snarls a warning at her.

The second lands heavily on top of her biting down on her shoulder. The bullet proof vest is all that is stopping its fangs from shredding Tessa’s soft tissue to ribbons as it shakes back and forth her tiny frame like a rag drool. Its large paws land either side of her as it slams Tessa down, pinned into the muddy floor. The smell of corruption and death fills ever breath senses as this beast mounts her.

She gasps, terror unlike anything she’d ever known before making her tremble and whimper. This can’t be real… I’m hallucinating… it can’t be real…, but she knew it is… she could smell it, feel it as it shakes her beneath it, it’s strange ‘jaws’ clamped around her shoulder and it’s weight pinning her helplessly beneath it.
Tessa tried everything she could think of to squirm free, twisting and writhing with terror fueled strength, but she may as well be a child trying to fight off a body-builder… she simply didn’t have the mass, or the leverage, to move the thing.

Sharp pains dug into her back as the beast raked with its hind claws tearing through the deputy uniform as if it were tissue paper. The creature slams her into the floor again and again dazing her and leaving a breathless and dazed body like a rag doll in its mouth.

The dim ringing and high pitched whine in Tessa’s ears drowned out almost all the feral savage noises as she struggled to regain what was left of her senses. Then something even more horrifying snapped her back to reality like whiplash. Something thick and slimy pushing against her exposed behind. Like a huge snake it was writhing back and forth looking for some kind of entrance as the beasts claws shred what was left of her clothes as it paws ferociously at her backside.

Tessa could barely focus but when she could her eyes fixated on the one in front of her unable to shift the gaze from its underside and what she could only assume is the thing probing her ass cheeks. A thick tentacle, long as an arm and as thick as one too was waving beneath the horrifying thing. Snaking backwards and forwards in the air like it has a mind of its own, searching for a victim as the beast snarls again.

Then she felt it. The beast on top hunched over and thrust hard, driving his huge member deep inside her pussy, raping Tessa and filling her tight hole to bursting as it threatens to rip her in half. Her tight stomach bulging and distend as it continues to drive forward deeper and deeper inside. Its warm thick member with a life of its own worms around inside trying to find any space that it can to fill and fuck.

The tiny deputy’s mouth opens in a soundless scream as pain blossoms inside like an inferno, tight flesh stretched impossibly wide around the thick, slimy thing that is invading. “I haven’t the breath to do more than whimper as my body spasms, my mind reeling under the impossibility of everything that has happened… IS happening to me.” She thought to herself as if in a dream

And then, just when she thought it could get no worse, the pain fades and begins to be replaced by a sick pleasure even more horrifying than the pain itself. She felt… euphoric, her resistance, pitiful though it may have been, crumbling as the sensation swept through every inch. Dimly Tessa realized She’d been drugged or… something… the slimy substance coating it’s strange hick phallus perhaps.

“Nooo…”, she moaned, tears streaking my cheeks as she begin to pant, feeling her body betray her, hips beginning to undulate in soft, eager little circles while pushing back, impaling herself on the thing, urging it deeper, harder… it’s writhing tentacle cock already filling her unnaturally full, reaching into her very womb it felt like, and yet she ached for more.

Looking up just as the other one looms over the pair its own slick member is pushed into Tessa’s gasping mouth. Groaning, her soft cries vibrating around its shaft as it slithers slickly down the throat, swelling and yet somehow still allowing her to breathe as both ends were stuffed with monstrous shafts.

“God help me, I’ve never known such pleasure, such raw, aching need…”

Impaled at both ends on the two huge thrusting slime coated tentacle dicks her body fights the different feelings. The repulsive feeling being lost to a bare memory as the orgasmic wave’s crash through her mind and quivering body, as if the slime were a drug having a disturbing effect on her very soul.

An ache she had never felt before, deep within her in the darkest recesses of her mind breaks free and rampages to the front of Tessa’s brain. The raw animal lust to be breed and to fuck smashing all other thoughts to nothing as the chemical rapes her very brain to a mush of incoherent needs to be fucked.

She could feel the tentacle cock push past her gag reflex and writhes deeper inside. The one on top pushing deeper still forcing its way into her womb like a battering ram breaking a castle door thanks to the unnatural relaxing effects of the slime on her body. Again and again Tessa finds herself thrusting backwards and forwards on these massive appendages as she is lifted off the floor like a Chinese finger trap.

Sloppy wet noises fill the air as her body betrays her further with yet another drug induced orgasm as twitching convulsions force thick warm streams of liquid from her ruined pussy to pool around her knees. The smell of this monstrous dick making her head spin, feeling like she was in heaven with every sense screaming in ecstasy like no one has ever imagined possible, as if every possible high from every drug in the world was pumped directly into her brain.

With a howl the creature let’s go of its bite on her shoulder and throws its head back with a deafening roar, pumping faster and harder as it continues to brutally rape Tessa’s womb. But now she felt it as it began to cum inside like a fire hose, a constant blast of hot slime fills her up. It felt akin to burning hot lava pumped directly into the womb. The added sensitivity caused Tessa’s eyes to roll back in her head as what was left of the mind was unable to comprehend what was happening and how something so awful could be this mind blowing. The creature was still cumming inside as the wet fucking noises intensified and the streams of fluids running down her thighs were now a flood. Each thrust driving its seed deeper inside its fuck meat and creating a loud sucking squelch as the excess ass forced out. The floor beneath them now a pool of slime and Tessa’s own cum as the endless torrent of liquid inflated the tiny deputy’s body making it look 4 months pregnant.

As if to answer his companion the other joins in the long howl as its dick swelled up in her throat. Such was her state that it was like time slowing to a crawl as the flood of cum rushed down his thick thrusting tentacle, swelling as it pushed down the shaft till it explodes right into her stomach.

Moaning and gurgling incoherently as they fill her tiny body with a seemingly endless torrent of thick sticky slimy cum, Tessa’s belly was now looking like a 9 months pregnant woman with triplets. The back wash of slime pushing back up around the beasts dick wedged in her throat, it bursts from your nose. The two streams of thick intoxicating yet foul smelling cum jetting from her nostrils like two taps on full as she gave in again to the violations. Ever cell in her body exploding with a supernova of pleasure as she uncontrollably quivered and writhed on their dicks and still they continued to cum. The waves of ecstasy destroying what little of Tessa’s mind that remained. It was too much for her as her brain simply shuts down from all the stimulation and mercifully blacks out.
Coughing and spluttering Tessa awoke in a haze as her mind scrambled to figure out who she was let alone where she was. Groggy and confused Tessa’s senses slowly start to come back. Led on your back in what’s left of your uniform but every inch of her felt sticky and wet. Thick strands of some kind of goo hung from her hand as you brought it up into her gaze, starring aimlessly into the afternoon sky. The foggy memory slowly begins to come back.

Coated in this thick slime and the evidence of the attack leave no doubt that it wasn’t a dream as the aches and pains start banging on the door of her senses like unwanted people turning up early the morning after a heavy night of partying. Tessa wasn’t sure what disturbed her more though. The thought of what happened or more alarmingly without even realizing it she were pushing her slime covered fingers into your stretched and abused hole while she led in the intoxicating pool of cum and slime.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/7fje3l/when_the_stranger_things_cum_compiled_from_a_ddp

1 comment

  1. Hot story, but it needs some proofreading. There are a number of very distracting grammatical errors (switching between 3rd and 2nd person for example)

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