Downing Abbey – Chapter 11 [MF]

Chapter 1:


He asked if I would, and I didn’t say no.

This dress was supposed to say casual colorful, but all it felt like now was an accident waiting to happen. It felt too short and my antsy hands were preemptively predicting an errant gust lifting it up and giving everyone on this sidewalk a view of my private valley.

I couldn’t remember the last time I went commando. I always did my laundry, and stayed away from the woods where such a shortage might occur, but I would be lying if I said this didn’t feel . . . naughty. Forbidden. Some freakishly hot deviancy that made my breaths a little deeper and my thoughts a little shallower.

We were late, and I spent the entire ride over here trying to formulate a passable excuse. The traffic was bad – on a Saturday morning? I forgot her present and had to double back – made me sound like an awful friend. The alarm didn’t wake us up – what are we, in high school? I hoped she wouldn’t notice the hurried make-up or the indulgent frizz of my hair, because the real reason was fucking embarrassing. That is, the reason was “fucking” and it was embarrassing.

Something about hotel rooms.

We were a nightmare for the help in the last twenty-four hours. Two stewardesses caught us leaving the airplane bathroom together and the cleaning lady couldn’t look away fast enough in the hotel hallway this morning. Between hush-hush sex in the back of a Boeing and lung-popping sex on silky sheets, I preferred the latter, but both went right back onto the “to do” list.

But as far as acceptable addictions went, morning sex was near the top of the list. Partly because it shaved off a few calories, meaning that reaching for the full-fat cream at Starbucks was guilt-free, but also because there wasn’t anything as satisfying as watching Luke’s face as he emptied inside of me.

*Did I really just think that?*

The old Abigail May can’t come to the phone right now.

The boy’s caliber was only outmatched by his capacity, and the warmness felt *amazing* in my body. It was deep – *really* deep – and I wouldn’t be surprised if the latest blast knocked me up through the birth control. And what better way to celebrate the upcoming arrival of a baby than possibly making another one?

Fuck, what is going on with me? Adding on a lump of crying flesh wasn’t going to help things, and the ring needed to come *before* the crib.

*Marriage? Babies?* No, that’s far enough down the rabbit hole.

Julia looked cute as always, with her red glasses and long sleeve plaid maternity blouse locking shit down. Her face lit up as she saw me, and offered me the warmest of hugs.

‘You actually made it! I was beginning to think your head was getting too big up there in that city and you forgot about me,’ she teased with a lopsided grin.

‘It’s hard to forget you Jules, not with my Facebook feed lighting up every two minutes with baby names or photos of tiny socks,’ I laughed. ‘How are you doing at this point?’

Closing her eyes, she shook her head. ‘My feet are so swollen I haven’t worn anything but flip-flops in a month, and this –’ she pointed to her stomach ‘ – this big bulge makes me walk around like a damn duck. And do you know just how hard it is to find decent maternity clothes? It’s like the world forgot that pregnant ladies like to dress up too!’

‘Oh, don’t scare her Jules, I just got a look at her new man, and he would be such a hot dad,’ Stacey said as she walked into our conversation with two drinks in her hand.

‘Stace!’ I exclaimed, hugging her before relieving one of the glasses, and I could smell at least two drinks too many on her breath.

‘Don’t mind me, I’m absolutely loving my pomegranate juice,’ Julia pouted with a frown.

‘Jules, look at *that*,’ Stacey murmured as Luke entered the room, flashing us that Brimstone handsomeness and I could see Julia give Stacey a conniving look from the corner of my eye. He sided up to me and held two glasses between the long fingers of one hand to free his other, wrapping it around my waist.

‘Hi ladies, Lucas Brimstone,’ he said smoothly before locking eyes with me. ‘I grabbed a drink for you cupcake, but it looks like you’re all set. Would either of you two – oops, I’m sorry, wouldn’t want to tempt the soon-to-be mother – could I interest you – ’ he smiled at Stacey, who subsequently tucked her hair behind her ear ‘ – in another glass?’

‘Yeah, I’ll take whatever you have,’ Stacey giggled with a smitten look. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Stacey’s outreached hand, stopping the transaction.

‘Stace, by the smell of it, you’ve already had more than enough,’ I warned. ‘Luke, why don’t you offer that to one of the other guys,’ I pointed to a low-energy crowd of guys nursing beers, and waved to Todd and Mathew. ‘Make friends,’ I ushered.

‘Congratulations Julia,’ he smiled with a lift of both glasses, which she returned with a raise of her plastic green cup. ‘See you later cupcake.’ He kissed me for a little longer and a little harder than appropriate for the situation before heading for the man corner, and the clench of my lower muscles only reminded me how exposed I was down there.

‘I never looked him up, but holy tits is that a Calvin Klein model dressed in a sports coat,’ Julia laughed.

‘Where have you been hiding that Greek god?’ Stacey swooned.

I swallowed, and took a second to find my bearings. ‘So, have you finalized on a name yet?’ I asked Julia with a forced smile.

The looked at each other before smirking simultaneously. ‘Oh, no, we’re not glazing over that little act,’ Julia said, blowing out a deep breath. ‘Goodness Abbs, that was something out of a Shakespeare. I can’t remember if Mathew *ever* kissed me like that.’

‘Okay, yeah he can kiss, big whoop. Todd can smooch with the best of them,’ Stacey grinned, eliciting sideways glances out of both Julia and I. ‘But what I want to know is if he knows how to use his tools.’

‘Of course he does, look at her hair. That’s crazy sex hair,’ Julia giggled.

‘I do *not* have crazy sex hair!’ I complained sharply, smoothing my head self-consciously.

‘Oh yeah you do,’ Stacey nodded, giving me a playful elbow. ‘And judging by how he hasn’t let you out of his sight for the past five minutes, I’d say you’re in trouble.’

‘Is it serious Abbs?’ Julia pried. ‘Especially if he’s your lawyer. That’s a fine line.’

‘No! No, we’re just . . . no it’s just casual,’ I said plainly, and part of me wanted it to be true. Being undefined was working for us. It was easier. But the other part of me, the deep, complicated part knew that it was a lie.

That part of me knew that I liked it. All of it. The way he made me laugh during traffic jams. The bottle of Listerine we kept on his bedside table so we could get down without worrying about morning breath. Even the sex hair – yes, I’ve grown to like the look of my hair after it’s spent hours in his fist, a welcome reminder. And for a brief second, I wanted it, this, whatever *this* was, to last forever, and I wanted to know if he felt the same way.

*He wants to meet your family.*


I’m just overreacting because of Julia’s wacky pheromones, right? Her baby bump was triggering some trap in my biology that told my brain to shack up and settle down with whomever I was with at the moment.

These thoughts didn’t mean anything, and I shouldn’t lose my shit over the illusion that I was *falling* for him. And if my track record was any indication, boys didn’t catch you on the way down. The same must be true for Luke.


I didn’t realize it, but my heart was beating hard. Hard enough where the pounding was all I could hear, pulsating thumps bouncing between my ears. My chest rose and fell noticeably with each breath, and there wasn’t enough oxygen in the room right now. An overwhelming mixture of fear and joy collapsed onto me, but instead of fighting it off, I allowed it to wash over me.


It hit me in one, profound wave that was scary and paralyzing and staggering and unnerving all at the same time. It was raw, and so fucking real.

And I didn’t want it to stop.


‘So what did you do?’ Stacey asked on behalf of everyone, and Luke held a dramatic beat before answering.

‘I went with the unsigned affidavit anyways and I told him it was! The bastard was so sure his partner was going to rat him out, he confessed to it all.’

‘And the affidavit?’ Mathew inquired.

‘He never even opened it,’ Luke smiled to a table of laughs and table-slapping.

He was being his usual charming self. Even the waitress wasn’t immune, throwing him some boob action every time she passed by, to my irritation. If I wasn’t happily buzzed she’d need to watch her skinny ass, and to my overwhelming relief, Luke never did once.

And the night continued like this. They were a curious swarm, and Luke didn’t mind being the object of their curiosity. He dazzled them with stories that they lapped up like it was some sweet, lawyer nectar that only he produced. And after I got him going on that pineapple juice smoothie, I can attest that was true.

I hadn’t heard of these stories, and I myself was also part of the captive audience. He told us of the time when he stayed up all night finding proof of foul play and coming to court late to a crying client and a fed up judge before winning. He told us when he landed a billion-dollar client by playing wingman to the CEO for two weeks before finding him his current wife. He told us of when he guilt-tripped a business elite to testify against his partner by showing him a collage video of all the victims and their ruined lives.

As the night went on, Julia’s wary expression softened. She was sharpening those knives of maternal instincts and I was worried she wouldn’t be able that go, but it seemed like a tablespoon of Lucas Brimstone charm was what that recipe called for.

He was animated when he spoke, though it didn’t prevent his hand from finding my upper thigh every time someone else asked a question or he took a breath. And it might have been my inebriated state, but I’d say it’s been inching towards my center with every grab. As he smiled at Todd’s question about something called “Habeus Corpus”, his hand grazed the crease where my pelvis met my thigh, and I was reminded that I was bare. I looked over and his damn green green green eyes locked me in.

Stacey slapped Todd on the shoulder, pointing out how asking about technical lawyer terms was such a typical Todd move, and as everyone else sniggered at Todd’s expense, Luke turned to me and whispered in my ear, ‘Once we get back to the hotel, I’m fucking your brains out.’

I choked on the craft beer as his smirk caught my eye. That statement held so much power over me as deviant thoughts raced through my mind, and I was glad the dim ambience cloaked the flush on my neck. I could barely speak from that point onwards, giving minimum social input as my lady bits were begging for mercy and I couldn’t keep my legs still, wiggling around in anticipation. His curious fingers didn’t help the situation either, and I spent a considerable amount of effort preventing him from realizing his little message turned me into a wet mess. But I needed catharsis soon. If we weren’t leaving in the next five minutes, I was going to explode right there.

I caught Luke’s gaze, and I hoped he could see the urgency I was feeling. The table’s candle danced in his eyes, and a hungry smile spread across his lips.

‘Well, everyone, it’s been such a pleasure meeting you all,’ he started, and the relief washed over me. ‘We should probably get some rest though, our flight leaves in about six hours, but let’s do this again sometime.’

‘Yes I want to hold that little guy myself,’ I managed with an innocent smile as I pointed to Julia’s bump.

After a round of hugs and a tearjerker goodbye with Stacey and Julia, we found ourselves in the back of a taxi playing Hindi music.

‘Where to?’ the driver asked in a gruff tone.

‘290 Macon Avenue,’ Luke nodded. ‘The Omni Grove.’

I added, ‘And please hurry, we’re in a rush.’


I hoped we didn’t step in any muddy puddles because our shoes didn’t come off until we were wrapped up on the bed. His hands skimmed lightly downwards, unlacing each heel with military precision. He squeezed my calf and dragged my legs apart.

‘There she is,’ he breathed, and for some reason I was embarrassed. He’s seen every inch of me and he knew I was bare underneath, but exposing that truth had me bending my thighs together.

I sat up and gave him a wet kiss while unfastening his belt, fingers moving quickly. ‘You won everyone over tonight Lucas,’ I purred while removing his pants from view. I pinned him down onto the bed and gingerly bit his cock through his boxers. ‘And you made damn sure you won me over as well.’

‘Jesus Abbey, what the fuck do you have in mind for me?’ He groaned. ‘I was planning to taste you for about an hour and by the time my cock thrust inside, you’d be working your way to your fourth orgasm.’

‘Yeah, that kind of generosity doesn’t need to stop,’ I giggled as I pulled his boxers down and kneeled between his legs, exposing the most well-shaped cock I’d ever come across. ‘But I like being generous too,’ I said, licking away the moisture developing at the tip.

‘Oh really?’ He asked, amused. ‘Like how?’

‘Like this,’ I whispered before taking him inside of my mouth in one whole swallow.

‘Oh my god’ he murmured hoarsely. His legs tightened in response as I worked up and down his shaft, and it was a challenge every time I went down. I could barely fit my lips around his girth, and it wasn’t long before his pumping down my throat brought tears to my eyes, but I didn’t stop. I liked him this way, wild and uncontrolled and a little frantic.

Removing my hand on the bottom of his shaft that was acting as a guard, I took in all of him, feeling the stiff pressure down my throat, and had to fight back vomit. I wasn’t going to lie, he was enormous.

‘Fuuuck,’ he moaned, bunching his fingers in my hair. ‘You better let me have you right now because I can’t take five more seconds of this,’ he grumbled as I sat back, coughing. I nodded. As much as filling my mouth turned me on, I was ready to give my gag reflex a breather.

Dashing behind me, he slid the straps off my shoulders and shimmied me out of my dress. With the panties already accounted for, I was fully naked with one adept motion of his hand, my bra finding his trousers.

Without warning, he jutted two fingers into me, and I gasped, the sharpness borderlining between pleasure and pain before he whispered an apology into my ear. Moving his digits slowly, I relaxed as his other hand cupped underneath my breasts, and my nipples were begging for attention. He interrupted our kiss to wet both his thumb and middle finger with a drop of saliva before circling both tips simultaneously, and between that and the party downstairs, I was an inch away from release, muscles tensing and relaxing in tandem.

I could sense his smile above me as I shivered into his chest. ‘Come for me baby. Right now,’ he urged as all participating fingers moved with increased vigor, and I wanted to hold back and not be the selfish bitch who always came first, but damn it if he didn’t know exactly how to take me there every time. I bit back my scream into his shoulder as I released around his fingers and leaned into him, recovering.

‘I hope you’ve got some more gas in the tank baby,’ he cooed softly into my ear, biting the soft flesh of the lobe, sending a crackle down my spine. I could only nod, words escaping me.

He didn’t make me wait, as one moment he was lifting my leg onto the soft linens, and the next he was inside of me, plunging to the depths where only he has reached with one guttural grunt. ‘Yesss!’ I cried as bent my neck down in desire.

We exchanged breathy exhales and pitchy moans as we stood at the foot of the bed, and this was quickly becoming my favorite angle, hitting that special spot with every stroke. I couldn’t control my muscles from tensing as I felt a release building again. His hands felt strong on my waist, and I reached back to stabilize myself on his forearms, not trusting my single leg to hold myself through the incessant pounding.

I sensed his orgasm the second before it happened, his fingers digging into my sides. He always left prints on my body this way, and I was happy to be his canvas every time. ‘Oh my god,’ he snarled as he finished inside, slowing down. That warmth was enough to get me there, as I tightened around him, releasing everything I had and tears wet my eyes.

Maybe it was seeing my friends for the first time in months, maybe it was the fucking baby pheromones I was inhaling all day, or maybe it was just because of the mind-rearranging orgasm, but I’ve never cried during sex before today.

He wrapped his arms around me as I shed my tears, tucking his chin into my neck. I spun around and pressed my lips to his with a newfound level of passion, and he fisted one hand in my hair while his other reached around my waist, pulling me into him with an intensity of a thousand suns.

And there it was. What I was thinking earlier today as I met his eyes in that living room. The three words that I knew were true. The three words that were eating away at me, digging a void in my soul that had been expanding every time I missed an opportunity to tell him.

*I love you.*

He released me, and when I looked up into his eyes through the veil of tears, it was like he knew exactly what I was thinking, what I wanted to say.

‘I know Abbey, I do too,’ he whispered. ‘I love you too.’

I froze, dizzy. My mouth opened slightly, and I ate my breath. ‘How – How did you know?’

He stroked my cheek with two fingers, breaking an easy smile.

Shrugging, he said, ‘I just read what your eyes were saying Abbey.’

Wrecked. I was fucking wrecked.
