One of the greats [MFF]

*You gotta do what your heart tells you to do. Let me tell you somethin’ right now. You’re only allowed three great women in your lifetime. They come along like the great fighters, every ten years. – A Bronx Tale*

Times have significantly changed since 1960. People are more promiscuous. While there still is a stigma against sleeping around that exists in our culture, it is thankfully becoming increasingly accepted to have a lot of sex. Maybe not as much as I have, I’m positive that I’ve had partners that never would have even breathed the same air as me had they known how much fucking I’ve done, but a lot. However Sonny’s quote rings true to me when I think about blow jobs.

I had fucked Joan a few hours before. That story will come later. Joan was a friend of Sarah, my girlfriend at the time, and in town for the weekend. And for the record, Sarah was present when I fucked Joan, it was that kind of relationship.

We didn’t really have any plans for when Joan was in town, which ended up being a good thing, as we ended up having copious amounts of sex. And while the sex was memorable and fantastic, Joan’s blow job ranks as one of the greats.

One of my better qualities is that I have a very short refractory period. And when I was younger, it was even less. So despite the fact that we were all basically in bed for the previous fifteen hours, I was still ready to go. Not that I had an erection for that long, the thought alone makes me cringe, but it was a sex-fueled weekend.

Sarah and Joan were talking about blow jobs. Sarah’s was rather unimpressive, and she could rarely get me off from one. I’ll admit to not being the best teacher, but I’m of the opinion that a lot of a good blow job needs to be practiced. And in our world of instant gratification, her practice was scarce. But I digress…

Sarah and Joan were talking about blow jobs, and Joan was giving her some tips and advice. Joan was not outspoken, but extremely comfortable with her sexuality, and happy to help a friend. They discussed confidence, rhythm, technique, wetness, fingers, and just about every aspect of a blow job under the sun. Naturally, this kind of in depth conversation got us all in a highly aroused state, not that it was difficult to get there.

“Let me just show you. Jake, can I give you a blow job?”


I’m sure the look on my face was a combination of shock, lust and relief. All the talking about blow jobs made me want one. And Joan clearly had the confidence down, and I was eager to see if she walked the walk. My boxers quickly came off (none of us had bothered dressing in anything more than comfortable indoor clothing) and Joan was immediately in my lap.

Her head descended down on me, about three quarters of the way down my cock. Wow. That I wasn’t expecting. Not only was the visual fucking hot, but Joan didn’t have a particularly big mouth, but she took me very well. Her head then went up to the tip, her lips just touching the tip of my cock, and then back down three quarters of the way towards the base.

That was her basic technique. Up and down. Breathe through your nose. No teeth. As much saliva as possible, when you give a good blow job you are a porn star. Don’t break rhythm to use your hands, or fuss around licking after the blow job has started. Up and down. About three quarters of a second per stroke to start.

Joan had explained that when you’re giving a proper blow job, the conclusion is the guy cumming, and you shouldn’t expect sex afterwards. A proper blow job should incapacitate him, and leave his mind flailing. They are for times like this, four o’clock on a Saturday afternoon. Sure it’s great to suck his cock a bit as part of foreplay before sex, and he sure as hell better reciprocate, but that’s not a blow job.

It reminded me of cooking a nice meal. The beauty is in the details. Anybody can go to Whole Foods, buy an expensive piece of fish and serve it. No challenge there. And a lot of people are fine with that.

Many guys will tell you that blow jobs (or sex) is like pizza. Even when it’s bad it’s good. There’s some wisdom there, but it’s incomplete. Yes it feels nice to have your hard penis go in an out of a warm, wet place. But there is so very much more if you get it from the right place.

And I was getting it from the right place. Joan’s pace increased ever so slightly. Her head was still incredibly steady. Up and down. Wet. Make sure that the insides of your cheeks and tongue provide friction on his cock. Stay on the same rhythm. Wetter. Don’t look up. Remember to breathe.

It amazed me how little time it took me to cum. Five or six minutes, and I was on the edge. I had even tried to do all those stupid mental games to prolong the experience, but they were no match for Joan. Had she even known I was attempting to stave off orgasm, she probably would have quietly laughed. Resistance is futile.

She didn’t even need to speed up to bring me over the edge. The same steady technique did the trick. As I finally exploded, a half-moan/half-grunt escaped my mouth. Sarah looked at me, almost wild-eyed. She was probably in more shock than me that it happened so quickly.

But Joan knew. Hell, she was probably expecting it. She probably knew when my orgasm was going to happen before I did, which I find to be incredibly erotic.

After I finished, Joan raised her head, finished swallowing and smiled her ridiculously cute smile.

“And that’s how you do it.”



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