They had only been on the road for one hour…

They had only been on the road for one hour when Amanda had to pee. This isn’t rare for her. Even though Jack had told her to pee before they left, she got distracted, or felt like she didn’t have to go, or whatever. Bottom line – she didn’t pee before and now she had to. And pretty bad, judging by the way she was squirming in the seat. The only problem, Jack pointed out, is that a mile ago they passed a sign that said “next services, 75 miles”. Amanda was undeterred. “I’ll pee by the side of the road”, she said, “it’s not even light yet, and we haven’t seen another car for 10 minutes.” This was true; they had left the house at 4:30 am, hoping to make it to the coast by noon, and an hour into their trip the first signs of dawn were just barely starting to show but the road was still practically deserted.

“OK”, Jack said, “but under one condition. You have to pee naked.” He was always playing these games with her, and most of the time she didn’t really mind. This one was pretty extreme though, even for him and she realized that he must have sensed her desperation and was attempting to capitalize on it.

Amanda only had to think about it for a moment, and then she started removing her clothes. Soon she was completely naked, and he pulled off onto the shoulder as she jumped out and immediately started peeing into the bushes on the side of the road. Jack was so distracted by her beauty – he had turned off his headlights so he could see her better – that he didn’t notice the car pull up until it was already slowing down on the shoulder behind him. She noticed, though, and ran back to the car squealing, attempting to cover herself in the brightness of the car’s lights. An additional spotlight shined into their car, and Jack knew that it was a police officer that had pulled up. Before she could even start putting on her clothes, the officer was at her window knocking sharply. Amid her protests, Jack rolled it down from his controls in the driver’s seat, and the officer shined a flashlight at the beautiful naked woman in the passenger seat.

“Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to step outside the vehicle,” the officer said, making no real attempt to respect her privacy. Dazed, she did as she was asked. Jack tried to get out also, but the officer told him to wait in the car. She stepped out of the car looking extremely exposed and vulnerable in the bright lights from the police car, attempting to cover herself but not really succeeding. The officer, apparently concerned for her safety, asked her who she was, what she was doing on the side of the road, why she was naked, and whether she was here against her will. By this time she was near tears, but managed to convey to the officer that she was, indeed, ok and that the man in the car was, indeed, her fiance, though for not much longer, if her current state of mind continued. She was embarrassed, humiliated, and most of all furious at him for getting her into this predicament. The officer, deciding that she was not in trouble, apparently became intent on humiliating her further and led her to the back of the car and had her assume the position against the trunk, ass out for any passing car to see, while he went and talked to Jack. The officer asked him to step out of the car and brought him around to the back of the car so he could see his fiance in all her glory, spread out against the trunk.

The officer started telling the couple (without letting Amanda move) about how much trouble they were in, and how he was going to take both of them to jail, and how they would have to register as sex offenders, the whole works. “Unless,” he said to Amanda, “you would be willing to help me change my mind”.

“No!” yelled James, “this is extortion and bribery!”

He was about to continue when a voice came from Amanda, so quietly it was almost inaudible. “I’ll do it.” Unbeknownst to her fiance, Amanda had been secretly getting slightly aroused by her predicament, these two clothed men being so close to her naked form. This, combined with her continuing anger towards James, pushed her over the edge. She turned around, facing the officer. “If I fuck you right here, right now, do you give me your word that you will let us both go with no further issues or complications?” She then turned to James and said “if you know what’s good for you, you will keep your damn mouth shut!” She looked back to the officer, who could just nod his head, not believing his luck. She reached over and started undoing his belt, his erection clearly visible in his tight khakis. She opened his pants and pushed them down his legs, revealing the largest penis she had ever seen. She licked down the front as she pushed down his pants, then raised back to the head and put it in her mouth, eliciting a moan from its owner. Jessica then stood up, grasped the half-dressed cop gently by his penis, and led him to the hood of the cop car, floodlights still on and blue and reds still flashing. She laid down on her back on the hood, with her feet resting against the front fender, and spread her legs wide open. The officer then proceeded to fuck her, hard, on the hood of his police car, with her fiance watching on and morning commuter traffic starting to accumulate on the highway. She was obviously enjoying it, with her eyes closed and her lips pursed. They went on in relative silence for a few moments and all that was heard were the sounds of sex in nature. She opened her eyes for a second to see what her fiance was doing and saw that he had his own penis out and was rubbing it in pleasure. She beckoned him over and he stood up on the front right tire so his penis was by her turned head. She took his whole length in her mouth and proceeded to suck him off, as she laid on the hood of the police car getting her brains fucked out. She came first, and her moans of ecstasy quickly brought the two men to climax, both cumming inside her. When all was done, and they had had a minute to catch their breaths, the police officer stood up and pulled up his pants, as Jack did the same. Amanda, whose clothes were still in the car, silently went and climbed in through the passenger door. Jack looked at the officer, who just nodded, so he went and got in and they drove away.

Neither Jack nor Amanda would look at the other one, both afraid of what was coming. Finally it was Amanda who spoke, very softly. “Let’s never speak of this again.” They didn’t, but their lovemaking was a notch better from that point on.
