Loving Female Authority

To me, the full corporal discipline regimen that comes from a powerful woman’s Loving Female Authority, should she choose to express and develop it, is a true artform indeed. When she has a steady boy under her control, and wishes to bring that relationship forward, her discipline may be continuously and effectively administered, and the result can be life-changing as he will come to crave her attentions for sure. It will take a special focus on her part to condition her male to be the willing recipient of her attentions and desires. But if that is her disposition, the rewards can be powerful indeed.
“It is instructive to think of his bare bottom as a blank canvas and the implements of discipline as your paint and brushes.
“Over time, you can create the most wonderful tapestry out of your mastery of the discipline of Loving Female Authority. From the first time he feels the sting of your will and authority upon his fanny and, from that moment forward, with each subsequent application of your brushstrokes, administered always on the bare, the blank canvas of his tender, fully-exposed fanny will be the recipient of the repeated creative application of your will through he expression of your artistic talents — you will simply add to an artistic work already in progress by adding a new detail in the painting.

And over time, whether via a simple OTK spanking or by a more severe and formal caning, or anything in between, this tapestry of your will and dominant control over him will be cumulatively etched both upon his psyche and his flesh and, in time, you will have created a lasting, unforgettable work and impression of your presence in his life.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/7ekrpz/loving_female_authority